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This might sound a little bit like typical stupid hippie newfig bullshit, but I've been reading a lot of different occult and scientific literature, as well as reflecting on my experiences, and it's gotten me thinking about the concept of everything being a thoughtform in the mind of god, we are all made of thought/energy/etc., all is one, everything is interconnected, etc.

1. Is everything directly connected on some level or another? Is the separation purely illusory, and things are attracted by like vibrations on the level of manifestation, as in the theory or morphic fields? Or is there some kind of a necessary metaphysical connection, like radio waves, between two communicating entities?

2. Can you access any information that has ever existed simply by more or less hitting its resonant frequency, like how a sound can trigger a previously implanted hypnotic state?

3. Is information ever really destroyed, or is it all retained? I know there are information fields contained in timelines, and I've read some about theoretically "destroying" them, but.

4. How intelligent is the All? Is is slow-witted, dull, and stupid? Or is it intelligent enough to know how to direct your requests and retrieve information?

5. How important are things like DNA, scalar waves, tesseracts, etc, when it comes to magick?

6. What role does desire serve, exactly? They say it attracts information, or experiences, but.

7. How do tesseracts work?

8. What importance does mitochondria serve in magick, other than generation of scalar waves, and doesn't the rest of your DNA also generate scalar waves when it supercoils?

Please comment on any of these questions you have ideas about.


Sounds like you've got the right place so no fretting.

1. There are synchronisities everywhere. Just like how if you hit the right pitch, a doorknob will vibrate. This can be on any wavelength. Everything that exists, vibrates at different levels.

2. I believe that sound, although even though it seems simple, it also makes it one of the strongest electromagnetic wavelengths. Just thinking and concentrating on something in a meditative/hypnotic state can link you with it. If you want to access information, you can try to access to akashic records. Look it up

3. Einsteins theory of energy conservation states that energy never dies, it only changes shape or form. So in a sense, no information is destroyed, but perhaps manipulated. We are all unique beings in the sense of our perspective. Because of this we all interpret things differently, whether it be slight, or dramatic.

4. The all represents the Source to me. I have come to believe that the Source/Creator had to go through trial and error to figure out this existence it created. Because of our freedom of choice, it does not "know" what we will do, but through it's experience can see all paths that can develop from our choices, and can usually predict what path we will take from our previous choices.

5. Again, everything operates at different frequencies, so some may be more adept to magic then others, when it comes to DNA. Scalar waves and tesseracts have more to do with higher densities or dimensions. There are not only parallel dimensions, but higher and lower vibrating dimensions, or frequencies that exist all around us, but most can not sense them.

6. Desire can attune us to a certain frequency, but we must be careful because this can throw off the natural course of things for us and others. "Be careful what you wish for".

7. To my understanding, tesseracts are higher dimensional objects. It can be a bit of a mind-fuck to think about them. I believe that is our purpose here, to graduate to the next level, so we can see those tesseracts as we would any other object in this density/dimension.

8. This I don't know

Again all this is from my perspective. I hope it some of it synchronizes with you and helps you gain some perspective.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This might sound a little bit like typical stupid hippie newfig bullshit

What you're describing is actually a theory held by a jesuit priest, so if it's "hippie new-age shit" so too then is catholic mysticism.

But wait, this is also what they describe in Hinduism as well.

If you go by that theory and by extension the concept held in Hinduism that all conscious forms of existence are basically "a mask worn by god". That is very much what they're talking about.

It's much more literal than what you're describing though, you're projecting a lot of human level understanding into how it works when it really is much simpler.

The "masks of god" concept means that there is a singular "god intelligence" that we are essentially part of. Our consciousness is a small individual fragment of that god consciousness having a self-referential experience for the purpose of building itself in both the physical and more importantly quantum sense.

Both Hinduism and the concept of infinite return/omega point, is that "god" is only a singular being once everything that is comprised of god comes together. This is the concept of the alpha and omega. The omega being the "end" or when all things including you and I merge into the singular, perfect god consciousness.

Our purpose is to live in and create the physical and metaphysical mind and memory of "god" until all physical and metaphysical potentials are realized, upon which all various dimensions of "reality" collapse into one another, including time as each memetic/quantum potential is achieved.

I hope your question about information is answered by that, which is essentially no, in fact what you did five minutes ago technically "exists" as a slice of time in a metaphysical sense. We are creating the "mind" and "memory" of "god". So all information, all physical things we do, all ideas we think never stop existing. We are given time as a framework to move through this system and give pause for memetic and quantum novelty which is absolutely necessary for this purpose.

Desire is a function no different than time, it serves as the impetus as all emotions do to produce novelty in all of its forms.

The video linked describes in essence the nature and division of the levels of reality as it is necessary for existence and novelty in its present form to be generated.

What the guy in the video finally describes is a vision of what it is to be "god". Timeless, utterly complete and perfect after the omega point is reached. All things in a present state of perfectly arranged "being". He was given an understanding of what it is we are heading toward, and what our ultimate purpose is.



1. Yes. In an infinite system, eventually all things must become unified. While it is not possible comment on the nature of things outside of our physical perception, things become separated and "heavy" as they precipitate down. In terms of physical attributes, you can imagine the hierarchy as energy. At the top, you have pure and undifferentiated energy. As you step down in vibration, you begin to see separation and assignment of more physical attributes. In terms of communication, the general rule is that you connect with that which you resonate, but that is an entire discussion unto itself.

2. Yes in the concept of novel to the physical sphere that is Earth. The information has always existed and will always exist, but it may not have been present in physicality on the Earth.

3. Nothing is created or destroyed, as all must exist for a system to be infinite. Physical perception, being an intentionally finite cross section of reality, can have the illusory appearance of creation or destruction of information.

4. The matter of intellect in the human sense doesn't apply to infinity. You work with the all as a part of the all. You are a spark of the infinite experiencing itself.

5. As important or unimportant as you perceive them to be. There is always a path and all paths teach. Some objects accelerate learning, some slow.

6. Desire is the motivating force of consciousness in the physical perception; it is the conduit for manifestation. When in balance, the desire provides a pull towards growth and learning. When out of balance, you see a slide into lower, slower layers of physicality and thus stagnation.

7. I cannot provide this information undistorted.

8. The physical body we perceive is but the lowest precipitated form of a complex set of energetic bodies. Each lower is a representation and manifestation of an aspect of the preceding higher body. Each component of the lower represents a piece of the higher. Thus, applying the allegory of a mechanical vessel, each gear and pin serve a purpose to the greater system.


I can shed some light on 4D hypercubes, or tesseracts. There was a lovely video on youtube explaining it, but I can't find it right now, so words will have to do.

Basically, to move up in a spacial dimension, one can create another object of the same dimension, and connect the 2 with lines. For example, to move from 0 dimensions (a point) to 1 dimension (a line), draw 2 points and join them. To go up another level, connect the ends of 2 lines together into a square.

Now, draw a square inside another square, and connect the points together. As 3D beings, we understand that the inside square isn't actually smaller, just farther away in the 3rd dimension. We also understand that the sides of the cube are all parallel and of equal length, but appear as trapezoids because they are being distorted by the 3rd dimension. These concepts would be very difficult for a 2D being to understand.

A tesseract is very similar, a cube inside of a cube with the points connected. But the smaller cube isn't smaller, just further away. Likewise, the cubes connecting the "inside" and "outside" cubes are all parallel and equal, but look distorted by the 4th dimension.

Hope this helps.



>What you're describing is actually a theory held by a jesuit priest,


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