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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I've been studying the principles of The Kybalion, which is as anyone who understands the text would say, a short list of generalizations about the nature of the universe. I also have very briefly analyzed Summum, a contemporary rehashing of The Kybalion and I intuitively agree with its main principle of creation stating that the universe came from nothing and possibility. However, The Kybalion's 7th principle of gender, is meanwhile not holding up to well in my eyes.

Throughout The Kybalion's chapter on the feminine and masculine in its Principle of Gender, it insists they permeate all of nature, yet the only analogies which seems to appear are the differences between positive and negative energy in atoms and the chromosomal difference between a woman and a man. That to me sounds like a rehashing of the principle of polarity (aka principle of opposition) thinly guised as something new. Femininity and masculinity are treated as two polar opposite forces which across all realms of existence (aka dimensions) play roles in creation where the masculinity directs the creation and the femininity does the actual creating.

I believe the 7th principle from The Kybalion, The Principle of Gender, is in fact a mistakenly separated section and in fact is simply a subsection of the 4th section on the Principle of Polarity.

Think about it like this: if you were to shorten the information for the Principle of Gender and categorize it under a different principle, which one would you choose? The principle of mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, or cause and effect? Of those, the one that fits the best would be the Principle of Polarity, since all the others at best would only relate if you were talking about the sex that happens between genders, not the genders themselves. Alternatively if you were using the Summum text you might categorize the Principle of Gender under the Principle of Creation.

At the same time, if the whole point of the Principle of Gender was the fact the genders copulate, which is the only thing which seems to permeate all 7 principles in the Kybalion, why are the genders focused on more than the copulation? Genders are already taken care of under the principle of polarity anyway, while copulation is an entirely new principle that is not focused on nearly enough within the Principle of Gender. Why not just call it the Principle of Copulation and focus on the copulation between genders, which would actually make more sense and be a far more legitimate focus for the principle?

Further, if the whole point of the Principle of Gender was the copulation, wouldn't that mean the exact same thing as the Principle of Creation from the new contemporary Summum text since that also focuses on creation? In which case, that would mean the Principle of Creation from Summum arose from the simple semantic misstep of The Kybalion focusing on the genders, which are just another form of polarity, instead of on the copulation itself, which actually serves as a legitimately new principle compared to other previously explored principles in The Kybalion.


That's a pretty long post just to point out the obvious, Atkinson was a hack and book salesman and shit.


Are you reading from the copy that is circulating around the internet? Because it's different from the original version:



Also, I don't think the masculine and feminine principles are polar opposites. You can be on one side of polarity or rhythm and take steps to stay in one place, whereas the collaboration between the masculine and feminine (in it's purest forms) is something inescapable and must be understood.

This is just speculation on my part. I don't know either. I understand what you're saying, but I think the principle of gender is something that is universal and all around us. Infinite Creation itself could be seen as a product of the masculine and feminine principles coming together, so maybe it deserves to be in a place of it's own as opposed to polarity, etc.


Women are monkeys.


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Gender is basically Polarity at a more obvious scale. That's why it's under Polarity.

Now that you mention it, it is weird how it's there. I guess it's important enough to mention separately.



but she THICC DO



How is this different from the other ones online? I just checked random chapters and they were the same as the one you posted. The only difference I noticed is how the pages are numbered differently since the book version can't hold all the words per page that the online versions can.


This is my least favorite meme



>left brain

>right brain

There you go. Faggot. Not all polarity is gender, but all gender is polar.



The word gender was re-purposed as a pseudo-science term invented by a degenerate named John Money. Instead of using the term sex as it was supposed to, gender is now used so that there can be more than one "genders." Conversely, there can not be more than one sex, therein lies the re-purposing of the word gender. That in essence may be why Atkinson and his Kybalion is invalid in that respect.



Come on, don't tell me people belive this crap…. of course they do.

Also listen to that sexy xeno OP >>86953


Have you read The Seven Laws of the Cosmos? …or whatever Atkinson called his very last book before he died?


Gender is just polarity.

Wimminz construe it into some muh DIVINE FEMININE lol man I hate the new age scene but it's alright I guess compared to SJW Satanism and shit.

Gender on our planet is fucked because the Annuanaki genes became prominent in one gender and the other basically has a monkey brain.



>being so buttmad that you have to spend all your time shittalking a dead author and never answering questions about why he sucks on a Mongolian sewing forum


You're trying to dissect the principle of gender from the perspective of your gender.

After reading the above sentence you'll think "oh, so I just have to detach from the genders and look at it objectively. that's easy".

And here is the problem. You can't look at it objectively. Even if you managed to be as neutral as possible, you'd be still looking at the principle of gender from the feminine, passive perspective.

The Principle of Gender is true, but you can't ever "get it" from the position you're standing in. If you could, you wouldn't be here.

The proof for the fact it is true is the existence of life. This very paradox makes it so that the feminine and the masculine are forever being drawn to each other, yet they can't ever be complete. If you could become complete, that would be the perfect union, the philosopher's stone, which would invalidate the whole system of species reproducing. You would finally be able to scratch yourself.

This reality is the most probable one. It exists. Such situation of existence requires you to be trapped in delusions, or else you'd be god.


I've always considered the principle of Gender as equivalent to the dichotomy of Yin and Yang.



Such an argument could be made for a lot of things but that would not justify them. You could be dissecting the hypothetical Principle of Humanity from the perspective of a human, but that would not thus mean the principle is suddenly real.

The difference between masculinity and femininity is not universal in nature and is simply another form of the Principle of Polarity but mistaken as its own separate principle by the Kybalion's creator(s).

That being said, there is something you have just made me realize. SUMMUM teaches of the Principle of Creation, a principle which supposedly reigns over all other principles within the Kybalion. However, the Principle of Creation is built upon the concept that reality is born from the combination of possibiliy and nothingness. This combination however is a form of polarity. To that end, that thus disproves the notion the Principle of Creation is what all other principles come from because it in itself is a form of polarity, meaning it had to come from polarity not the other way around.

Also, the concept of gender is what I believe to be but a form of the universal polarity between nothingness and possibility, since that duality can literally embody itself as anything in existence including genders.



I perceived it to be more about nothing can be made in a void, to create anything material or otherwise you must manipulate something, giving and taking on all aspects throughout the universe to make the world as we know it.



I wondered the same thing myself but I thought of it as polarity being like forward and backward, and gender being like the left or right paths, forward or backward. Or like polarity along another axis.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Words fail me.

Internalize both, become the spark that they chase with their union.


Perhaps it is the freemasons who have put forth the notion that "sexuality" or "gender" in it's existential definition is not a polarity of two opposite forces but rather one single force of different spectrums, of which the spectrums might be called "gender" or "sexuality"…



I must confess I have not yet read the Kybalion.

I will save this thread and respond after reading if it is still up.


Tradicional magick is shit, stop reading Kybalion (pseudophilosophy), read Schopenhauer, David Humes, Kant or even Principia Discordia. What allows magick to be true is relativism, not some random rules.




You know what I've advocated for all my life?

Exposing yourself to every side of the story, to every paradigm, to at least be aware of and fully understand each concept.

That's how I became a wizard. I didn't limit myself to just one path. I tread them all. I read the fedora shit. I learned all the different religions. I learned the psychological model. The cybernetic one. The traditional and the spiritist and the animist. Everything. I know and understand them all and compare each one in my mind.

…and it just so happens that hermetics is the truth; but you must learn hermetics alongside everything else, so you can know that for sure.



Why is it that Hermeticism is not a powerful force in the world like Christianity?


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Since the Kybalion seems to draw inferences from contemporary scientific thought around the time of its writing, it would make sense that these principles would be 'updated' over time to align itself with 'new or modern scientific information'.

It may be possible that they are insinuating upon 'subjective' spiritual or 'existential' revelation concerning gender as a way to organize existential or spiritual phenomena, independent of scientific perception.



When a man does mathematics, he writes down the same answers as a woman, vice versa.


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Sound words, imo. If one cannot internalize both genders, like perhaps because of some sort of existential restriction, at least one can say that they've tried.


>"That being said, there is something you have just made me realize. SUMMUM teaches of the Principle of Creation, a principle which supposedly reigns over all other principles within the Kybalion. However, the Principle of Creation is built upon the concept that reality is born from the combination of possibiliy and nothingness. This combination however is a form of polarity. To that end, that thus disproves the notion the Principle of Creation is what all other principles come from because it in itself is a form of polarity, meaning it had to come from polarity not the other way around.

Anon, you say:

>"This combination however is a form of polarity."

Could you not also have a 'polarity' of 'nothingness' and 'existence'? Rather than 'nothingness' and 'possibility'?

>"To that end, that thus disproves the notion the Principle of Creation is what all other principles come from because it in itself is a form of polarity, meaning it had to come from polarity not the other way around."

Why is this? Could you explain this further?

>"Also, the concept of gender is what I believe to be but a form of the universal polarity between nothingness and possibility, since that duality can literally embody itself as anything in existence including genders."

How would the feminine or masculine gender fit the definition of "nothingness"?


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Glad to see you are thinking critically Epic Wynn.

You say it is a rehash of the principle of polarity but I think in actual fact it is an extension of it. Like you say yourself Hermeticism has a fairly dualistic nature, Positive and Negative (polarities), but also relative and absolute, masculine and feminine, cause and effect, it is just an adaption further from the one unifying principle. Masculine and feminine then are just another way of seeing positive and negative, it is just another interpretive point on the 2 sided nature of the universe inside a coherent body of one. So yes I guess you could categorise it as a subsection but I think that perspective is a little limited and not really seeing the bigger picture being presented.


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gender as stated on the kybilion only exist on this plane, other planes of existence experience none or more genders (forces) of creation and destruction…

no different om how other planes doesn't experience time or distance in the same way that we do


No, the principle of gender is the very first step on "making" magick, it is more like alchemy. Meditate more.


Nah referring to the masculine and feminine as polar opposites is faulty. If that were the case, then the union of the opposites would result in destruction instead of creation. The masculine is the active and the feminine is the passive. The artist (masculine) works on the canvas (feminine). Motion requires space to make sense. To put it simply, the masculine principle refers to the act of doing something while the feminine refers to the ability to do it. If you have masculine by itself then there is no way for it to express itself. If you have the feminine by itself then there is no way for it to realize its potential. Good shit happens when both are strong. This is why there's a general feeling of discomfort in the world regarding homosexuals, for they refuse this law and thus appear unnatural.


Principle of polarity refers to pairs of opposites like light-darkness. Principle of gender refers to complements like male-female. Learn the difference between opposites and complements because they are not the same.



>implying light and darkness dont complement each other in any way

>implying male and female are opposites in any way



meant to say

>implying male and female aren't opposite in any way

forgive my mistake for I have a migraine from taking on too much normie energy


Ok, you got the will. The will, "spirit" is masculine, the "motion", "matter" is the feminine. You have to mix will and motion to have a phenomenon right? Both together are not oneself but something else, it is a creation.

This is the easiest way I can think of to explain how important it is to understand completely the principle of gender. If you still didn't understand it means you are too unprepared to do so atm. Meditate and study more.



of course it is much more complex than that. For example There is a "feminine" energy and a "masculine" energy and you mix both to make higher energy…etc… It's too advanced and troublesome to explain since it is already much better explained on other places that you will know of when you are ready.


Think Mother Nature & Father Time.

Without Father Time, Mother Nature is static.

Without Mother Nature, Father Time has nothing to act upon.

Think the painter and the canvas.

Without the painter, the canvas is untapped potential.

Without the canvas, the painter has nothing to paint upon.

They need & compliment each other. Also the relationship between Masculine & Feminine is closer to that of yin & yang (two coexisting energies/principles), than that of hot and cold (two poles of a spectrum).


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I struggled with the exact same disconnect.

The genders complement each other. It's not two "equal" poles nor is it lesser/greater degrees of the same thing. The female molds itself to the form of the male. Unironically, contemplate your surroundings more and you will begin to see instances of this everywhere.

<It's not Romulus and Remus.

<It's not Right and Left.

<It's not Good and Evil.

<It's not Alpha and Omega.

<It's not Master and Slave.

>It's the hand and the clay which makes the vase.

>It's structure and buttress that make the cathedral.

>It's knife and fork which cut the food.

>It's husband and wife which create new humans (anything else is an abomination).

>It's the wick and the flame that makes the candle.

They are utterly different from one another in form and character, yet they are incomplete and unbalanced without the other. And when they are harmonized with one another, a greater whole and/or wondrous creation emerges. NOTE: all attempts to circumvent this result in abominable degeneracy (homosexuals, trannies, etc.).

Again, be patient and contemplate more and you'll begin to see.


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Pick one. Or both. But sometimes neither.

Male and female aren't "opposites" they are complementary fractions of a whole. They are not necessarily equal. An angle of 170 degrees is complemented by an angle of 10 degrees just as much as an angle of 91 degrees is complemented by an angle of 89 degrees. The male is often obtuse and the female is often acute, although this is not always the case. What is rarest of all is the genders being equal. No example of such a thing comes to mind.

>Light and Darkness as Genders

Light and Darkness are the closest thing to "equal genders" from a certain perspective. But only a fool would assert true knowledge of the nature of either. So a polar analogy is weak given our mortal understanding, however with faith one could assert that they were created as equal poles (Yin and Yang). Associating light and dark with the principle of degree seems equally faulty (from a non-faithful perspective), as there is a clear fault line between the two. Gender seems to work better if you believe that Light and Darkness are not equal. But again, nobody knows that for sure.


if you think that either is greater or lesser than the other in any way, then you are viewing Light and Dark as genders, not poles. This makes sense because darkness molds to the form of light. If you think that they are equal, then you are viewing them as poles. This also makes sense because both have always existed simultaneously, and it is unclear whether one has a greater extent than the other. Either way, nobody but God (that which created light and dark) knows.


Gender isn't a subsection of Polarity but it's the other way around.

In fact, all examples of polarity are representations of the contrast in gender.

Hint:masculine energy is logical and feminine energy is wisdom



>The word gender was re-purposed as a pseudo-science term invented by a degenerate named John Money.

The original meaning of "gender" had to do with generation of life.



tell more please


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Bullshit I can prove you're wrong far too easily.

By your logic you can argue literally any two polar opposites are represented by all other existing polar opposites. You see, masculinity and femininity are actually representations of the sacred Principle of Condiments, by virtue of representing the polarity between Ketchup and Mustard; WHICH ANY TRUE ENLIGHTENED WIZARD UNDERSTANDS YOU ABSOLUTE PLEBIC KETCHUP-FUCKER!

~Epyc Wynn


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Also your hint is bullshit.

In relation to the set of concepts you chose, masculinity would be logic but femininity should be emotion, as logos and pathos are inherent opposites, while ethos is supposed to be the middle-grounds between the two and would be associated with wisdom. Wisdom is typically used to represent balancing masculinity and femininity; not embody one. That being said it can of course represent one, but in a different context and with an opposite answer. The balancing force to wisdom would be charisma, and in the context of that specific duality, wisdom would actually be masculine while charisma would be feminine. The reasoning for that is femininity has clear bio/socio/psycho roots in beauty and attraction which are directly tied to charisma, whereas masculininty has clear bio/socio/psycho roots in leadership and management which is directly tied to wisdom.

Additionally, the reason I would choose charisma as being the polar opposite to wisdom is a few. One is a mundane one: both appear in dungeons and dragons and seem to be polar opposites in the game. Second is more elaborate, as while wisdom is associated with decision-making, charisma is associated with persuading the decision-making of others, thus making them ideal complementing contrasts that both rival and aid each other.

~Epyc Wynn



That's because 'The Kybalion' is new age horse shit, which steals from an existing spritual frame (Hermeticism) and adds a bunch of modern crazy gobbledegook bullshit.

If you want to read about ACTUAL Hermeticism then don't read books about it unless it is simply the real source material.



every book on 'magic' is horse shit because 'magic' is horse shit.



One redpill at a time.


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Shit don't tell the other /fringe/ users they might get angry and cast meme spells at your butthole. /s

~Epyc Wynn



Learn to read fucko.

All examples of polarity, are representations of the contrast in gender.

All polar phenomena is due to contrast in gender. All phenomena is NOT due to polarity. However all phenomena is due to the interplay of masculine and feminine energy (this is not always polarizing).

Masculinity and femininity are NOT representations. They are the absolute. All existence and all phenomena follows. It comes after the existence of masculinity and femininity. Without masculinity and femininity, there is no existence.


Ah at least you understand that any concept can be put on a spectrum. If wisdom is the balance of the extremes of masculinity and femininity then wisdom is the knowledge/understanding of that spectrum. As far as charisma goes, I'd imagine there's many many ways to look at it. If there is a tool, logic is how to use the tool, and wisdom is the motive, the momentum of the decision making. Tools, and logic itself, are a means to an end. Wisdom is required in determining that end. One can be aligned with good, or with evil, or with whatever they like. Wisdom helps them figure that out, and the flavor of wisdom if purified would catalyze their decisions. Colloquially we say a good man is a wise man, but that's because we all happen to agree on what is good and thus only what we think is good is wide. Let's not get into the objectivity of good and bad here, but I hope you understand now when I say that masculinity and femininity is the highest 'tier' of duality. The only thing higher is the collapse of duality into unity.


Oh just realized what's going on with 'charisma'


Charisma is not feminine, but nowadays, men have no idea what Charisma is (even if they have the skill, as many are naturally outgoing and have never realized it's a skill. These people literally never really came across the word charisma it seems, just knowing what the word means would be enough to use the skill).

Women tend to be more charismatic, which shows how everything is fucked up. Since Charisma is a masculine thing, women have too much masculine energy and not enough feminine energy. Being timid and shy is feminine, not masculine.

Wisdom always seems to be the feminine part. A wise individual uses their charisma to spread the good word of Logos. Or whatever, pick your poison.



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=I will now prove the inherent fallacy of the argument you just made by arguing the exact same thing with the exact same wording except with a different polar contrast.=

Learn to read fucko.

All examples of polarity, are representations of the contrast in condiments.

All polar phenomena is due to contrast in gender. All phenomena is NOT due to polarity. However all phenomena is due to the interplay of ketchup and mustard energy (this is not always polarizing).

Ketchup and mustard are NOT representations. They are the absolute. All existence and all phenomena follows. It comes after the existence of ketchup and mustard. Without ketchup and mustard, there is no existence.

~Epyc Wynn


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You are wrong because you view femininity as inherently weaker. A true polar opposite cannot be weaker or else it is not equally polarized. Submission is only equally powerful to Assertion if submission in itself is balanced with an empowering force, such as submitting but persuading via charisma the asserter to do something the submitting one wants. You can't give all the best powers to men and expect that to balance out mentally, let alone in real life.

~Epyc Wynn



being shy and timid is not inherently weaker, unless you judge it to be so. but then it is only weaker in your own little world. Thruth is it is just something different, no better or worse. he never implied that femininity is inherently weaker you raging cuckold.

besides, femininity is not a polar opposite to masculinity. There is first and foremost masculinity and then there is the smaller addon to it, which is femininity. femininity is a tool for masculinity. they are not equal and not polar opposites. There you go, now I have implied that femininity is inherntly weaker. Enjoy your triggering femicuck



circular logic and no substance, like true quackery.


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I think its a very good question, I have been thinking about this myself, and I am not exactly sure yet, but let me lay down some ideas.

I think gender refers to the specific 2 ingredients in the trinity, which is masculine, feminine and androgynous. Hence its something more than pure polarity.

I think they specifically refer to gender, because its not exactly polarity that is at play.

Polarity would seem to be two forces tied to the same object, and being pulled to two different sides. Gender might refer more to the passive and active elements of every operations.

Also, it would be worth considering the effects of a gender union- a step towards realization, a child. This sequence is fundamental in creation.

I am not sure that simple polarity concept encompasses the birth element, and that might be the difference between gender and simple polarity.



I think good distinction from polarity.

But also too little credit for femininity. This comparison only makes sense if you separate genders, but if you are talking about the whole process of creation ,then separation does not work, its a perfect balance.

Masculine without feminine would just evaporate in to empty space. If its rocket components, than the actual valves that direct the energy somewhere are feminine, the energy itself is masculine. The engine would not work without energy, and without the engine, it would just evaporate in space.

Also, lets remember that the main cause is neither feminine nor masculine, but gets cycles through different things at different stages.




I'm not here to spoon feed you retard. If you have questions then ask. For you to even think that I view femininity as inherently weaker shows how much of a brainlet that you are. And for you to not understand that femininity and masculinity actually have absolutely nothing to do with men and women is just appalling.


Thank you. Being timid and shy is incredibly sexy (when done right)

Being charismatic is only sexy if you're effeminate and talk too much about feelings anyways, like this fucking soy boy over here. Stop shitposting epic wynn. the increased participation of this board is not worth your pseudointellect. I don't care if you're having a bad day or are just being retarded, nor do I care that you make sense sometimes. A clock is right twice a day after all. Until you actually achieve alignment (or rather the intent to even accept it as desirable), you are worthless. Also for some reason I suspect you are abused by women a lot (and don't realize it); not sure why, although it's obvious.

>There is first and foremost masculinity and then there is the smaller addon to it, which is femininity. femininity is a tool for masculinity. they are not equal and not polar opposites.

Very interesting. However to create something out of nothingness, and to cultivate that creation…

Is the creation no less deserving of praise and glory than the creator?

And sometimes I think too much about alignment. Is balance a fool's master? Although a question like that would simply fry a brainlet even worse. Good riddance.



Yes! It's all about creation, fundamentally.

>Masculine without feminine would just evaporate in to empty space.

>If its rocket components, than the actual valves that direct the energy somewhere are feminine, the energy itself is masculine. The engine would not work without energy, and without the engine, it would just evaporate in space.

Masculinity is nothing without femininity. Not a metaphor. Quite literally, it will collapse back into nothingness.

>Also, lets remember that the main cause is neither feminine nor masculine, but gets cycles through different things at different stages.

Before there was something, there was nothing. The moment there was something, there was a creator and a creation.

If you're not a brainlet, you don't need me to say anything more :)


I spoke recently with the most qualified philosopher in Canada, he was my professor last semester. Helped me come to the term 'inclination of nothingness' though I wonder how much of what I said was beyond him as of yet.



you mean jordan peterson? :^)


No. He's the head editor of some journal actually.


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I believe the creator of the Kybalion would have explicitly stated this if that was the intended meaning of the Principle of Gender, but your response is probably the only response I've read so far that leads me to believe that principle can be at least partially salvaged.

~Epyc Wynn


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>implying any user on this board interacts with women who aren't imaginary

If you don't fuck tulpa pussy then you are a loser. Only us PROFESSIONAL wizards get to enjoy the sweet refined astral pussy of imaginary women.

#FastFacts #RealNews

I am joking. I also don't think you understand the origin of the concepts known as masculine and feminine; pretty sure they wouldn't have masc or fem in the words if they weren't directly related. The basis of masculinity is 'related to man' and femininity is 'related to women.' You can't just act like the basis of those words is suddenly something else because it's convenient and expect to make sense in the process.

But seriously, I can tell you view femininity as inferior it wreaks through what you're saying. Femininity must have equal POWER in some capacity or it is not polar opposite. It's fine for femininity to somewhat be related to timidity and shyness but those things in themselves must have power or femininity as a whole would not qualify as a balanced opposite. The swing to the left and right of the pendulum is inherently tied to the energy or power of the swing, and subsequently all polar opposites must be equal in power to be proper polar opposites.

Thank you for the free laughs and focus though please keep sending those name-drops and memes my way I'll suck that humorous energy up like a femcock on a loli.

That last part was also a joke.

~Epyc Wynn



Well obviously… What I meant is that women are not entirely feminine and men are not entirely masculine.

Somewhere between a 60-40 or 70-30 ratio seems to be right. I go 95-5 when I bezerk though with pulsations of wisdom if I calm down for a moment, but the reason I'm angry usually hasn't left yet. I'd say when a lady goes berserk it depends, but it's somewhere around 65 masculine 35 feminine.

>timidity and shyness but those things in themselves must have power

Yes, this is what I said earlier

>>Being timid and shy is incredibly sexy (when done right). Being charismatic is only sexy if you're effeminate and talk too much about feelings anyways

It's all relative, depends on the context.I don't even know what you mean by power. I don't know what the hell you're even talking about.

Depending on the situation, feminine energy is more useful than masculine energy. Wisdom is feminine and Logic is masculine. I don't know which term is more fundamental, but the energy is what it is and the term to be deemed appropriate may be different, but there really are two energies. One is emotive force, and the other is direction. Wait this might be irrelevant. This is too abstract for now

I know what you're thinking, and I know what fallacious implication you got that leads you to think that I view femininity as inferior.

But I'm tired of being the only one articulating this shit. So I won't mention it until someone else will, or asks a relevant question. Also I don't like to assume.


In physics there is magnitude and direction.

In the nonphysical realm, magnitude is emotion and direction is thought.

Okay that still sounds like wisdom and logic.

But to say an angry person has more masculine energy than feminine energy… But anger is the magnitude of emotion.

well fuck I'll figure this out later. No time for thought experiments.



>Gender might refer more to the passive and active elements of every operations.

>Also, it would be worth considering the effects of a gender union- a step towards realization, a child. This sequence is fundamental in creation.

>I am not sure that simple polarity concept encompasses the birth element, and that might be the difference between gender and simple polarity.

Dude you're a GENIUS

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