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File: 697ce77f5a8d8c2⋯.jpg (139.96 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, annunaki vs manlets.jpg)

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Mark Passio thinks the reason why women prefer tall men over manlets is because of Annunaki programming. According to Passio, the Annunaki stood on average nine feet tall, and women still associate height with the power and dominance the Annunaki had over humans. Is he right?

he explains it all in this video:



File: 90e9d19c63647ab⋯.jpg (68.71 KB, 325x386, 325:386, manlet passio.jpg)

keep in mind, passio himself is a manlet so this issue is very important to him


I am a perma virgin 5'4" manlet and I think Op is wrong, I think women simply hate/feel disgusted about manlets due to genetics, is obvious I could not kill someone taller than me in a one to one fight without weapons, that makes me inferior objetively.




Conquering king of England slayed a giant in unarmed combat, tossing him off a cliff.


File: f70511ae0ad7fb8⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 611x611, 1:1, 12002224_487191928117620_8….jpg)

apart from OPs agenda, can we get a technique for hieght improvement going on here? maybe a single command we all agree on to meme out for those who understand? Eating large amounts of nutrients needed to grow combined with the motion of the laws we could emerge as an elite mind due to our height



>Defeatist overload

Your lower center of gravity is a benefit in close range combat, learn to use your body as a lever and throw them aka, wrestling, judo, jui jitsu. Make sure you are stronger.. Which is easier if your shorter..


It might have some basis but given that "manlet" is a meme and a shit meme at that you should kys.


Honestly it's not that girls hate short guys because of our height, it's the personality that come with it.

I'm 5'4 and so many of them have told me that many short guys are angry and have traits that most women dislike. I just try to act like any other guy, literally not even caring about how tall I am, and while it is a hardship in some things, it's just what I have to roll with.

I think it might have some basis, but taller usually means better genes and wealth (or it did centuries ago). It does make sense that women find taller men more attractive, but so does driving an expensive car or flashing an iPhone 7.

Also, I laughed hard at the Manlet Fashion meme, it's so hard to find shirts that fit my torso. At least I avoid cuffing my jeans, the fuck my shit up hairstyle and wearing shoes that make me look taller.



manlet detected


Anyone know if there is a complete torrent of Passio's podcasts anywhere on the internet?

I fucking don't wish to individually download each episode along with associated docs off his website.



I second this request.


Mark Passio is a bullshit occultist.



I like this idea. Let's use meme magick to become big guys for us.


Manlets aren't manlets because of their height, they're manlets because of their insecurity of their height. I'm fucking 5'5 and nobody sees me as a manlet because I'm not an insecure little bitch who thinks it fucking matters.



I too have noticed that passio has insecurities about being a manlet. It hurt his ego so much that he has built a philosophy around it. "If women don't like me because I'm short, then they surely be brainwashed by Annunaki". In reality women are naturally more attracted to tall men, that's all there is to it.


If you want to get taller there's a medical technique that requires breaking your legs repeatedly over months.

In hindu mysticism there's a siddhi named "mahima siddhi" that allows you to expanding your body as much as you want.


When will they learn


The whole Alpha Male worship is a hedonist trap.




haha ok



Poor passio. He still believes in things like objective morality, life has an objective purpose, humans are special in the cosmos, and worst of all, he believes anarchism could ever actually work.



Anarchism could work if we somehow got rid of chaotic people. If everyone was a yogi then anarchism would be the shit.


File: c091c1883262e4b⋯.png (571.51 KB, 731x870, 731:870, c091c1883262e4b6cde60e7e7c….png)


>there is no such thing as objective morality



>Anarchism could work



Women want men who can protect, provide for them and give them healthy genes.

Height goes to the protection aspect, primarily because we live in a society where fighting between normal people, (say in a bar or street) will be unarmed. Taller people weigh more and can have more muscle mass (due to larger frame) and can protect the head more easily (keeping it out of range of opponent) giving them an advantage in unarmed combat. Such an advantage can be overcome, but generally not by an inexperienced/unskilled fighter. If you are a novice/amateur, it pays to be tall in a fight (usually).



Passio is a shill and its Annunaki bullshit goes to the trash.

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