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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hey /fringe/,

This is going to sound like a hell of a normie question, but hear me out.

About two months ago, my gf of 2 years and I broke up. It's been tough for me to focus on much of anything, since she meant the world to me. However, I want to nut up and move on. Only problem is I have an issue with lust and dependency as a person, so I wanted to ask if there were any magickal ways to rid myself of the desire for companionship and for sex, since I want to focus my attention on the magickal work ahead of me rather than dwelling in the past. Any suggestions?

>inb4 normie fuck off my board ree


Rub your lamp until it's shiny, and your lust will dissapear


You don't ask for things that you can do on your own, motivation is a personal issue, not one of magick.

You ask for things to happen around you, you don't ask for things of which you directly control.


ffs I wish I had so much lust that I felt like it was an actual independent force I had to fight against

I have to work hard to feel any lust



Castration seems to remove lust, try it out you can always just grow new balls.


File: 49fa4e9070b06db⋯.jpg (150.64 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 1480963005000.jpg)

Sage goes in all fields

>take it to the fucking question thread



how do you regenerate or crate new organs



Why you simply commit suicide and reincarnate as a baby boy.

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