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Hi, in response to q supposed CERN whistleblower on the other chann on August 21th, claiming to be one of the 23 scientists responsible for the Mandela Effect, I would like to share with you my story and what has actually come to pass.

Search youtube for "scientist blows the whistle on the mandela effect" if you missed those posts in August.

See the letter in response to the whistleblower and the video, which can be found there :

tt3j2x4k5ycaa5zt dot onion/uploads/12-07-2016/The%20Mandela%20Effect%20and%20how%20it%20came%20to%20pass%5B1%5D dot txt

danwin1210 dot tk/uploads/12-07-2016/The%20Mandela%20Effect%20and%20how%20it%20came%20to%20pass%5B1%5D dot txt

This is a one time appearance, and a one time letter.

After reading it you will understand why…

Stay vigilant, and remember who you are. Trust your own memories, and your own heart.

Trust in who I am, have been, and will always be.

With Love, …


Anybody want to post the text here or make a pastebin for those of us who can't/shouldn't into Tor?


I don't necessarily think the mandel effect is CERN. I think the mandela effect is the work of benevolent forces to wake people up.



Hitler, I almost brought up Hitler.

Remember when his eyes were brown? They're blue now.



post yfw realizing the mandela effect is an easteregg and we're inside of a simulation


The Mandala Effect is just the awakening soul's journey through the multiverse. Certain souls receive more glimpses through the lens, others can't handle it because of how awestruck they are.

I mean, we're always experiencing The Mandala Effect, we just don't notice from lack of awareness.

Fuck off with your CERN shilling, trying to put the focus on them for starting a phenomenon that has existed since the inception of reality.

Come back once you've figured out how to communicate with your brethren on the other side, ya shitsipper


File: 4a93683c34b2ae1⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1000x8998, 500:4499, torlink.png)


Pic related is the onion link.


Second link appears dead.



Thanks for the screenshot, anon. Much appreciated. Very interesting read.

I know this should probably go in the question thread, but it's related to this. How plausible do most of you other than OP find this kind of thing? I'm talking about the kinds of historic events like the flood that destroyed Atlantis etc. The reason I like /fringe/ so much is that most of this information is the kind of thing you can prove to yourself is real by learning and doing. Things like this, half of Fringe Knowledge for Beginners, etc, relies on trusting the source. I do keep an open mind to it all, and this one specifically seems pretty plausible. There are very obvious reasons to be sceptical, though, so I'm just curious about how others who have read about this kind of thing for longer than I have process this kind of information.



Fairly certain his eyes were never brown, the perception of him having brown eyes came from jewish meme trying to portray Hitler as part jewish. You could always see his eye's werent brown in the photos.





>secret societies in league with the aliens functioning as shadow government

Pretty plausible.

>29000-something year cycle at the end of which most of the world is wiped out and humanity starts over


>OP the Chosen One, Nobody yet Everyone, Unknown yet Known by All, Who Isn't Destroying the World but Merely Murdering Everyone Currently Alive, Who Will Make One Post and then Disappear Forever, Breaker of the Cycle, Lord of the Seven Timelines and Protector of the Matrix

Not likely.



I saw color photos of Hitler many times and his eyes were always brown before 2015.

Really it's not that odd. Individual reality bubbles and greater reality bubbles float in and out of each other, there are many truths but they are not all true.



I've seen them being blue like his mother's in 2006.



Why do you assume the consensual hallucination of the past is equally shared among individuals?

>tips fedora


Setting aside the Hitler's eye color issue, I think this whole Mandela effect can be written off as misremembering something and thinking it's actually true for a long time. For example recently I found out the makers of The Matrix movie were named Wachowski brothers, since I first saw the movie when it was made, I always thought they were named WachKowski brothers. I got spooked, remembered the Mandela effect thing, looked up the DVD and even in the credits it says "Wachowski". I guess my retarded teenage self couldn't read that well and remembered it wrong. Even if Mandela effect is real, there's no way anyone can prove it, so it's better either to ignore it or treat it as the "succubus summoning" meme.



german anon here confirming

he always had brown eyes

hitler was a running gag

>wants to create a blond blue eye yran master race

>having shit genetics and brown eyes



I read like 3/5ths of this, cause I need to sleep really bad, and found it really interesting, however I feel like the "one" thing is either BS or there are more than one "ones", creating more anomalies and whatnot.

I think that most of them are just people misremembering, but a few and actual important ones have happened.

The Heart vs Brain duality is cool though.



>interstellar flights

>extra terrestrial intelligences

problem is that Earth is flat and there is no space. This text is a confirmed hoax.


Meme Magic was discovered around the same time as The Mandela Effect and I don't think this is a coincidence.


File: 1dea290a2b0e3b3⋯.jpg (13.08 KB, 125x125, 1:1, implying you will scan me.jpg)


>he thinks meme magic was discovered in this generation

It had other names, but the principles were the same.




i am the one who broke reality, sorry.


The way I see it, you can't fuck with the memories of space itself, but since all humans influence and have access to that space it is possible to create a duplicate of a certain memory with slight or sometimes even drastic changes in the duplicate. And in this conditions it is really just a matter of how much energy humans invest into it in order to make it a viable option for the common memory of the species.

Just as a side note I have also experienced this as a lot of ppl who are around my age where I live, distinctly remember watching dragon ball z on open tv at the time the 9/11 attacks happened. My memory however is of some adam sanddler movie, and I have never met anyone who remember it like this. I decided to investigate and there was no way dragonball was on tv at the time of the attacks, the show aired around two hours after the attacks happened.





Hasn't his mustache also become bigger and more messy?



>timezones are a thing


The Mandela Effect has very little if anything to do with CERN. CERN is the elite's way of opening a portal(which they already have) into the fourth dimension. Which they actually just recently did, although it's only a few inches in diameter, so you don't need to worry about a 9 foot tall reptilian squeezing in through it. For now, they can just communicate. However, the reptilians basically told the human elites they're on their own, and they've pretty much fucked off. So the elites are going to attempt an NWO take over using false flag/ false flag alien invasion/ weather disasters/ all kinds of things but there is a very high probability that it will be averted and or completely backfire on the NWO. You don't need to worry, everything is fine, enjoy the ride.


By the way the periods of time in which they will attempt the take over is March-November 2017.



Fucking hell it has, how is this even possible?

Actually looking at "Hitler's" facial structure he isn't even the same man that he was like 5 years ago, subtle things about him have changed. Fuck I get it now…

People were affirming Trump as Hitler so much that Hitler actually morphed to look more like Trump.

"Trump is literally Hitler" ACTUALLY worked!


You're right except reptilians are disinfo and it's actually remnants of the Solar Race that decided to stay in the 4th dimension instead of putting their astral bodies into the ancestors of modern humans and creating whites. These entities that remained created the jewish race by pretending to be gods and angels and eventually controlled various aspects of human civilization until they peaked at the point the controlled freemasons and all the governments etc. But this past year they realized there's about to be a bigger fulcrum point in humanity's history than even the rise/fall of Rome and Atlantis before it. So they are biding their time and not interfering for now, playing it safe just in case. Now everyone in control who followed them is scared as fuck and panicking.



Jews descend from a tree. This is the biggest secret.






Now I wish I had printed pictures of Hitler to know whether this is mandela effect or jews have created AI and subtly changed every picture of Hitler…

I don't know which is scarier.


Some speculate Jews were created at the time of Atlantis. It is said they were once a nation of whites within Atlantis but sold a piece of their soul (their heart chakra) to some higher entity/s in exchange for (((something))) and were cursed to be soulless parasites destroying every empire from Atlantis onwards.


ah fuck mussolini looks different now too

what is happening



That's why I said "where I live" Im pretty much just talking about people who were born and live in the same city I do.

and yeahI did check the timezones to figure out what time it was in my town at the moment, that's how I know there's no way they were watching dbz





It could just be that we have come to associate the caricatures with his actual mustache but this is how I remember it.



File: 042c66aac6e7ca4⋯.jpg (41.23 KB, 496x529, 496:529, what.jpg)


>people calling Onigger Hitler

>Obabo is literally a kike by mother and obliged to an Israeli citizenship upon request

I'm getting tired of this kike shit.

But on-topic you can't tell me you remember Adolf looking like this. He always had a tight square-cut controlled stache, the signature "Hitler stache". It's can't be coincidence that after the whole "Trump is literally Hitler/Mussolini" campaign in the media Hitler and Mussolini went through Mandela Effect and changed appearance.


File: 49b027c1678eb10⋯.jpg (56.36 KB, 500x659, 500:659, 1432242473691-0.jpg)





He looks like Aleister Crowley.

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