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Is there a way to completely stop caring and never getting affected by bad things.


By understanding them.

Nothing is bad per se, we chose to make them afflict us in good or bad.

Read about the stoic thought, and of course hermetic science. It might help you.

Good luck !



Yes, but its not as simple as that. Even if I understand that there is no point in caring about things I still get affected by them.


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Then why does it affect you ?

And why it should affect you ?

Take a step back, and think. I know it not gonna fall on you on one day, but it'll happen.



I realise that it shouldn't and there is no point to, but it still happens.



We can't ignore this "imaginary" reality because we are still part of it.


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I didn't imply to ignore it.


Detach yourself from it. Control you thoughts and emotions. If you are far away enough to understand whatever happened, you should be far away enough to not get perturbed.

Hoping pic related might help you understand my reasoning, I'm not very good with english.


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Never hold more than you carry on your hands. Remeber that you're just one and instead try doing one or another thing steadly. If you get overwhelmed, try to think about the bigger picture and adapt. Caring too much about everything will give you more problems than solutions, and at the end of the day, the only real good you have is yourself and knowledge.

>having many interpersonal relationships will just get me entangled on people worthless lives

>having a big house will just give me too much dirt to clean and organize

>working too much, even if well paid, waste a time that never comes back

And so on. People surround themselves in too many masturbatory toys and get surprised when they fall over them. oooh, so sad… I say minimize whats a bother and then maximize what works, and just that.



>Control you thoughts and emotions

How do I do that? There are thoughts that are killing me and I can't do anything about them even if I completely solve them.

>then don't worry

The problem is that it has consequences.



The problem is that I can't sustain my basic existence and I don't want any vain stuff in the first place.



>Right Livliehood

>"living from begging, but not accepting everything and not possessing more than is strictly necessary"

The concept that all who would eat must work is talmudic in origin (the talmud is the basis of marxism) and a very semitic ideal.

Get woke and realize that society is just a game and you can play by whatever rules you want.



> whatever rules you want.

The problem is that it doesn't work like that.



You're paralised because you're stuck into a loop of attachment and negative feedback that throw you where you started, keeping you paralysed. Try getting small milestones to satisfy yourself and control the attachmet to older things tha kept you on the vicious cycle.

You might feel it's impossible, but that's just how you feel in the moment. Start by doing an hour or two of different habits on your day and see your life change. Big things are sustained by smaller ones. What your daily habits sustain?



Because you can't realize it does.



And how do I do that?



>stoic thought

What do you mean «fall over them»?

How do I escape the chaos I created? Im entangled in so many bullshit, I had no idea it would get to this point. I just got hit with a big ball of my own chaos, my mind was clear and sharp last week, today it's chaotic, worried and imbalanced. Can you help?



Can you explain to an infant how to walk?



Meditation work vvery well for that. Watch you thoughts, and you will see most of them are not yours. Once you are able to differentiate your own thought with the other you've done a big part of the work.

For the rest, I can only recommand you to read the enkheiridion.

And everything has consequence, that's how it work.

>>87614 is right. But it's no easy life. Thought I find it worth living. To minimise problems, learn the rules of the different games.


Anon, I know how you feel. I, a humble servant of Eris wish to implore you to examine the teachings of Discordianism.

http://principiadiscordia. com/book/1.php

here is a link to our holy book the Principia Discordia, read it, also pick up prometheus rising if you haven't. Good luck


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Bow Before the Demiurge



Yeah. It sounds silly, but I've found just reciting the Jedi Code from Star Wars turns me into a completely serene observer in almost every situation I've tried it.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.

Silly as fuck. It does work though, just like any affirmation or command to your subconscious. Every word is a spell, every thought is a prayer.

You can also just do the mind-blank thing from Step 1 of IIH. Nuking all thought = nuking all stress.



I would be careful about invoking and rejecting chaos anon, those who are most successful deny both the existence of chaos and harmony, viewing both as originating from the same place


read Lacan



that's a very powerful chart, anon


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Fundamentally, there is not intellectual quick fix that you can use.

You have to understand, your mind and body is a system that works in a specific way.

When you understand, but more importantly, when you start SEEING, how it works, you will then start understanding the true situation of your suffering.

Try this.

Observe what you deem as bad, as suffering. Now try to observe the glimer of joy that you have in you.

This might be some emotion that you have for your mother, father, it maybe a song that inspires you, ANYTHING that makes you feel joyful to life.

Now observe the pain again. The suffering, the rotting away, the fire.

Now look in to joy again, feel grateful for that specific memory that is dear to you.

Oscillate between the two. Slowly start tracking back your awareness. Try to gain distance.

You will start realizing an interesting thing…. Both of these feelings that you have, come from the same place.

In fact, its the same thing. Its just a different type of attachment to different things.

Technically, what you are experiencing is unconscious attachment to certain judgement about the world.

Lets put it this way, first there is the observer. Then the observer gets judgemental and starts playing the game that we are all playing.

"I am this, this is good for me, this is bad for me, because this is bad, I don't like this, because this is good, I like it, etc…."

This process… entangles you.

There is no easy quick fix six minute abs that you are looking for.

The process is one and the same for everyone.

Its learning to not have this massive attachment to random thoughts that you have.

The only way to attain that is by meditating, learning to silence your mind.

Another important thing is learning to observe, simply observe the painful thing.

Its painful because you are, in a way, constipated. Try observing the thing that hurts you(choose something simple first). JUST observe. Don't attach, don't "talk" about it for now, just look at it.

Emotions might come up, you might want to moan, or cry, or laugh, let it out.

By observing it this way, you, at least for the moment, learn to reduce the tension in that.

In time, this skill develops and you are able to shift around in your mind, reducing your chance of inflating those "bad feels".

Meditation, yoga, tai chi, healthy body, etc, all of these things play in to it.

Fundamentally, you have to make it a practice to learn this skillet, there is no other way.


Surrender and accept.



>piss your own and everyone elses bed



100% of words are being used to push somebodies agenda



what I am saying is, avoid all mainstream media. They actually use psychologists to plan out everything that gets put into the media. They want everybody to confused, scared, and helpless. This puts all power into their hands. Psychic warfare is real.

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