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Hello /fringe/. Not sure if this thread is apropriate, but I decided to give it a try.

Basically I have endless possibilities, financially speaking, and even socially. But I have desire for none.

I live in a state of perpetual non-desire, asides from basic things such as food, etc. All I do daily is so people (society) leaves me alone after duty done. Everyone is utterly clueless on what to reply after I tell them this.

Any /fringe/ opinions? I figure normal thinking isn't the solution to this. Or is this even a problem?


No desire? You mean your desire has died.

Maybe you should seek confrontation.


Yeah, me too.

Drinking urine liberated me from desire.

Now I just prepare for great catastrophe and Nibiru where there will be confrontation.

I shall emerge stronger than ever sustained on the raw juice of young sluts. AoC shall be banished into the history books once more. A brave new world… A NEW WORLD ORDER!


We could hook up bro and be Xian Transcendants (immortals) who go around and feast on virgins then emerge out of this mortal realm.



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If the bad times hit, crowd around this cunt.

In all seriousness, it could indeed be "normal thinking" - something as simple as being so overwhelmed with possibility, that it becomes difficult to focus on a single righteous cause at any one time.

If you would like to do some shit, it might be an idea to focus on what you seem to be drawn to. It might be fairly abstract (experiencing things, contemplating mysteries) or more tangible (creating art, physical labour), but it seems to be a good place to start when one is a little listless. That shit kind of works into the whole cosmic concept of gravitating towards what you desire most. How do you spend your time, and what on?

I'm in a similar situation to what you've described, and I know that being static doesn't help to make a person energized - conversely, people can find that constant work and exercise make a person more active even outside of their duties. Even if you don't start with your honest-to-god Dharma or whatever shit, the act of engaging your body and mind should at least start you off at a walking pace.

Pic related - being a freaky beatnik is the only truly righteous path



I really have no desire. I just do whatever is asked of me. Be it study, work, etc, I live just to fufill the orders needed to be left alone.

Many people say in my situation they would do X or Y, but I find it all pointless. I wonder if it's lack of desire of seeing that people are no more than peons when faced against the whole world (including metaphysical sense) so it all feels minimalist.



forgot to reply, sorry for doublepost

>In all seriousness, it could indeed be "normal thinking" - something as simple as being so overwhelmed with possibility, that it becomes difficult to focus on a single righteous cause at any one time.

Could also be this. Basically I am reactive, I just play along with whatever I'm faced with, rather than also creating my own path. To do the second, you need your own desires and goals, which I feel a total void that most people give me the "you're a total weirdo" look when I tell them about.

So I'm trying /fringe/, some solutions out of the box here do work from time to time.


I have persistently had this issue for a long time and the only thing that fixes it, is to obey the will of Eris. Trying to force anything doesn't work out so well, letting Chaos reign gets you better solutions and experiences than you could ever have thought up.


The desire to mindfuck the world can be your new driver. Consult your pineal gland.



I've been this way as long as I remember. Nothing quite gets me off like spirituallity and consciousness. All you have to do is hypnotize yourself with these concepts on mundane things. Learn to see the spiritual realm behind everything, it's all just a refraction of the Divine.



This seems a good one. Greenpill in a way. Even Aldous Huxley went this route and described it in detail in Doors of Perception…


>Consult your pineal gland

Any hints you would recommend? There are so many different guides to do this.



This is the gateway to finding your path once more, cross the threshold and find out where it takes you. You must reinvigorate your desire to fulfill your purpose in life.



It's not a clean problem. To have lost desire as a man, you likely glutted yourself in pornography, reading and video games and left behind your childhood hopes.

It means you were robbed of your desire to live when you were just a boy, by an industry plying people with saccharine dreams while destroying others. When you find your desire again it will be too late, and now they're laughing from above.



Well I'm ready for it. Many great figures had their story of delving into the occult and religion before being focused on the role that made them sucessful


Well I'm not very consumerist by nature despite having some wealth, so if they're laughing, half of the joke is on them.


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What you're describing isn't "freedom from desire" so much as it is something known as "acedia".


>a state of listlessness or torpor, of not caring or not being concerned with one's position or condition in the world. It can lead to a state of being unable to perform one's duties in life.



Wow, had no idea such traits had their own designation. Thanks for the post, mate.



Huxley please, your being strung up. Long or short drop is your only choice now.


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I prefer the term 'anhedonia', or not being able to get pleasure from anything, even things you usually enjoy. The opposite of hedonism. I usually smoke some ganja and remember how awesome and fun everything can be, even simple things like watching the looney tunes show


"When you find a desire again it will be too late."

Oh, ok! The prophAceez say that when anon finds his desires again the world will end. Got it.

Ever heard "End desire end suffering"?

If you are here you should understand there are stages of life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a year or even a lifetime to do nothing but wander. We have unlimited time here. Ever heard the word infinity, bullshit occultist?

Ask yourself right now - what is humanities quest today? What is everyone else doing?

Self preservation. Self improvement. Self examination.

That is your job as a human. Take care of yourself, and once you've felt some inner peace take every measure you need to to maintain it. This means killing your enemies and/or finding people with similar goals and working with them.

Every day a politician or businessman announces some big quest everyone need to go on. The reward usually benefits them the most. Why is there anything wrong with me flexing my freedom and saying "nah"? If you don't want your selfish pursuits to be put under scrutiny, don't fuck with mine, Donald.



You have to go back.


How can you read Huxley and not have any motivation? I barely read anything about him and that was enough to be the source for most of my motivation



Brave New World hits too close at home at how society is decaying.

Doors of Perception hits too close at home on how pursuit of Universal Truth takes away time and resources for you to survive on daily grind.


Try meditating. Maybe you have the capacity for terrible and interesting power or something.


I have a similar problem: everything seems pointless. In the end, we are akin to actors, living out memes over and over again. New things aren't created, just rediscovered or re-emerged. With all of infinity, why pick one path over another? With emotional alchemy, why prefer happiness to sadness? The best answer I've gotten is to just stop thinking about it and act anyway/imagine Sisyphus happy/there may be something more in the end. Mindlessness, delusion and hope are not particularly desirable even as I plod along to their song for want of an alternative.


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Sir trips, and other wailers, I suggest you are all literally drowning in misery. What you should do is drain the swamp. Go look up organ network, 5 elements, and control your water with some earth, feed the wood and boost the fire, constricting the metal. Use, "Dry, cracked earth. Endless desert. Scorching sunfire." as your motto… despite the irony.

Stop drinking liquids after 3PM, and start doing sleep fasts every 7 and 10 days, as the body, I hear, runs on 7 and 10 day cycles. You can drink if you sleep fast.

Going without sleep, being awake for about 38 hours, resets many rhythms and boosts your mood after you do in fact sleep. It is also akin to a psychological cleanse. Also, try therapeutic levels of coffee. Sure helps me, and will help the sleepless nights.

Just don't be a pussy about the stomach aches and eat something damn it. Regular meals are actually very helpful in these depressing times.

Focus on building routines, like programs that routinely run on an OS. Routines are what we fall back on when shit gets tough, and since shit is tough you need some better routines.

>>Exercise every 3 hours, with 3 different exercises (squats, push ups, pull ups for example). Work light to mid exertion.

>>Use therapeutic levels of vitamins. B1-12, C, D, Zinc and whatever else are important. Solid vitamins only absorb like 20%, so take 3, with food.

>>Eat every 3 hours, small - mid size. Cook a nice meal at least once a day.

>>Walk every 3 hours. 10 min is good.

>>Decide that negativity is shit, no matter how attractive.

>>Heavy exercise 2x a week. Sprinting, deadlifts, heavy squats, whatever.

>>Eat healthy ass shit.

>>Work on 3 different skills every 3 hours. Could be Math, Programming and Energy Work, but work on each 30 minutes every 3 hours, or, 3 x 10 each, interlaced with eachother (3 skills in 30 min, repeat).

>>Meditate for 30 min every 3 hours

>>Drink green tea…. every 3 hours. With butter and salt. Or salted butter. Salt and butter are important for your health, actually. Green tea is chemically potent in creating happiness and mental alertness. Have with your meditation.

Leave no time to dwell in negativity. Leave the premises of negativity if you see it at the grocery store. Do not make eye contact with negativity. Decline all of negativity's calls. Do not accept the collect call of negativity from Syria, or Africa, or anywhere. Let negativity know its place, that you have boundaries. Drain the swamp.

If you literally do these things… for 3 weeks straight, you will realize you should do it for 3 more months… to realize after 3 months you should do it for 3 more years… to realize you have created your own happiness, and that negativity can blow chunks and drown in it, cause that shit don't make you sweat no mo'.

Personally I put the most important things to do in 3 hours at the top of the list, then go down that list. I do not change the list. Exercise, walking, tea and meditation are at the top. That way, even if I mismanage my time and energy and do not get down the list, I have set myself up to at least have the most important (subjectively) habits form first, and most efficiently, so I will go on to get the others down soon enough. My list is a directive, beep boop, and I will complete my loop eventually, with precision and quality, every time, every day, and will then become the master of the universe, because I will have mastered the for{} loop, the greatest of skills for a prince of the universe to master, before going onto mastering the rest of the universe.

Such is the way.



Then you completely missed the point of the books.

At the very least he says in Revisited or in some intro some things about American Imperialism and how to stop it. He basically gives you some ideas/instructions for what to do against these kinds of societies (as if the books didn't imply it in the first place)

1984 is an amazing book too if you've read it. Should be very motivating, not depressing. I could talk about this one on end about stuff everyone else seemed to miss. It's not all about surveillance and invasion of privacy at all, there's some philosophical stuff it seems to signify



Falling into the trap of using substances

> not optimal

I believe this problem is that you have what is called learned helplessness, which is the case for many of us anons just consuming information (passive) but not acting with courage



Thank you, Anon.



Has to do with our current condition, in which all purpose is deprived from us.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z760XNy4VM (Mouse Utopia Experiment)

So either create your own purpose, or give in to your base desires.


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Those numbers though

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