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Esoteric Wizardry
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File: 21306f37549acb7⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Study Martial Arts.gif)


True magic is rejecting it and using your muscle to complete tasks and overcome barriers, physical and emotional.

The best esoteric study is found through practice of martial arts.


That's basically like saying the best way to win a debate is to hit everyone who disagrees with you in the head with a shovel


>I want to have an astral projection

>I know, I'll move around on the physical plane



I'm not going to convince you of anything or prove to you anything.

You have nothing of value.



go back to sleep then


>magic is bullshit just work out bro



Fringe is dead, these idiots killed it.

Still though, I think its hilarious for some to believe you can "get away" from magick, as if it's a voluntary experience. You either control it, or it controls you.



But true magic is using your muscle to complete tasks and rejecting magic. Are you saying you don't do martial arts in your sleep? How pathetic.

What do you expect to achieve from being an asshole like this >>87724 and providing no explanations about your ideas?



The real reason for the controlled second exodus of cuckchanners to 8chan was to funnel useful idiots into 8/fringe/ and this site. The shill posts against NIGGER MAGIC AND OCCULTISM are created by FBI agents as part of a dynamic attack against the perceived threat of the rise of esoteric thought.



Would you kill a fly with a magic spell? Of course not, you can't manipulate the higher planes using elements of the lower.



>you can't manipulate the higher planes using elements of the lower.

Only partially true.

Reality is like a tree, the lower you get the more energy is contained. The more base and dense energies are easier to use since they are by nature of a characteristic describing infinite potential, they exist in a non-extant state.



>existing in a non-extant state

what did he mean by this?

everything that exists, exists, nothing can appear or vanish in and out of no-thingness



They exist but their sum = 0



That only means there is a potential they might exist, not that they already exist, they won't start existing unless something comes around and creates them, e.g you conceptualizing them.



but the best way to win a debate isn't to debate, it's to inspire your opponent by being a good example for your side.

>arguing with people in 2016 year of our lord



>> 87744

> you can't manipulate the higher planes using elements of the lower.

This theory is called "non-overlapping magisteria" or "magic doesn't actually do anything". If that's what you believe, you're in the right thread on the wrong board.



I'm pretty sure it's mostly faggot fedora tipping goons, but I also suspect there are some people who legitimately want to dissuade individuals from realizing their own potential in that sense.



> The shill posts against NIGGER MAGIC

I created the nigger magic thread. And I didn't even get paid for it.



How do you tap into the higher planes then? To make a sculpture out of marble, different tools are needed than to make a sculpture out of wood

From what I know, the very highest planes are untouchable to humans because we don't have the body and mind of the degrees needed to reach them, for what reason would it be different for the immediate astral planes?



>You either control it, or it controls you.

I've seen so many different suckers say this kind of shit about so many different kinds of things over the years. And it never turned out to be anything but a racket.


File: 10afdd52c758d03⋯.jpg (251.31 KB, 880x550, 8:5, DEATH VALLEY.jpg)

You're all a bunch of weak idiots.

If you studied martial arts you would have a much better functioning temple.

Your mind is the seeker who sits in the temple of your human frame is it not?

What weak and timid temples you made.

How do I know that your temple is weak?

You responded to this thread negatively.



>You're all a bunch of weak idiots

Don't you know we're loco ese? No gringo that fuck wit won of us come out lightly you kno? Any mexican of experience tell you loco is stronger than any 'marital art', any knife, any bullet. Get the fuck outta here you pigant.



You're the biggest idiot to post yet.

You look in the mirror and you respond with hate.



where in any of what I posted disallowed impulse, and instinct? You god damned idiot.



>You responded to this thread negatively

Because you're being an asshole and not giving us any proper information, dumbass. Nice of you to ignore this >>87738

Either you're trying to farm us for loosh or you're just an idiot. Either way you should leave.



you should practice martial arts you noodle arm faggot



>Martial arts is great, you guys. Trust me, without me giving you any further explanation

>What do you mean higher planes? I don't have to prove anything to you

>Fuck you guys you're all a bunch of worthless wimpy nerd faggots

That's what you sound like. Seriously, what are you trying to achieve with this thread?



>implying puppets realize that they're on strings



That would be true if time was real and not just an abstract concept used by beings in lower states. All that exists must exist, that which exists cannot not exist, therefore that which appears to not yet exist and that which appears to have ceased existing must be obscured by waves of energy flowing in directions opposite to our own, this is what we call time.


The astral plane has no body or rigidity, it does not either exist on lower or higher dimensions either as it is an abstraction. Rather you can think of it as an ocean of still water, being that it has no form and is void, and it is the energy which has been transmuted into the active form by Will which imbues this ocean with energy and causes waves. Now it can be likened that this "ocean" surrounds the seven planes of existence which are comprised of energies in complex configurations (as are molecules made of atoms and atoms their components and so forth, and as the higher planes exhibit such behavior but their materials are more complex and of infinitely smaller individual components as to make of a single atom the breadth of what we would perceive to be a galaxy, or indeed our visible universe itself) of energies. Thus the Astral Plane can be said to be a canvas painted by the minds of the living. Though I would rather liken it to being a component of The All. As Man is said to be of three parts, the Physical, the Mental/Astral, and the Spirtual, so can The All said to be split into the seven Physical planes, the Mental/Astral plane which like our brain is both of the physical (in that our brain receives and transmits stimulus to our astral mind and insofor as our experiences shape it, as is seen in the cases of men who lose their memories and yet still behave very much like the person they would liken themselves to be) and apart from it, and the Spirit, which can be said to be the result of the other two's combination or the space between them.

Fuck I forgot what I was going to say.



This thread was an intentional troll-post, it was intended to be received negatively and you were obliged, intention gets results, voila, you just proved magick exists, albeit a very base form.



>the astral plane does not exist, yet is does exist, it just doesn't exist and is made of energy







>implying puppets realize that they're on strings

implying fringe isn't the lowest tier wizards. Real wizards are National Socialists



You really will say anything to make people try and conform with your bullshit views won't you OP?

In one thread you say magic is bullshit and TRUE NEETSOCKS hate it, in another you say you can only be a wizard by being a neet sock.

And yeah I can see your board IP.



Get some muscle before you reply to me again you



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Why the fuck would you bump this?



Because your arms are weak and flabby, tinyman. Your sage is meaningless, look at it fall before the might of a tree as a poorly connected leaf, drifting down and away to be buried into the dirt that it become the dirt.



But if you look down can you see your toes over the rolling hills of fat below?


Do more push ups you flabby armed fat fuck






I think op is kind of right. Most (Magical) moments in my life I didn't really will it just happened and if you want to accomplish something your gonna have to master your self first.



This is what I call "high magic", and it's pretty awesome. Some people call it aligning with your true will.



>high magic

seems more like discipline than magic but whateves


Magic is not the answer to all things.



"Suckers try to win arguments, nonsuckers try to win."

-Nassim Taleb



>You're all a bunch of weak idiots.

>What weak and timid temples you made.

>How do I know your temple is weak?

>You responded to this thread negatively.

>You're all a bunch of weak idiots.











>That's basically like saying the best way to win a debate is to hit everyone who disagrees with you in the head with a shovel

>X is Y therefore Y is X

>O yeah? *Hits you with a shovel to the head*

Tell me who is the real winner here? Hint not the guy who's nose is bleeding profusely and people call shovel face.


flabby arms kiss the floor and give me twenty.

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