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Hello all conscious and unconscious Discordians, as well as you few conscious Accordians who dwell on this board. I am vassal to the great Eris Esoteric and I'm here to flush the other discordians here out of the woodwork, as well as make new converts.




Just speaking for myself here, but groups that tend to attract people who talk all mystical and weird like this have always lost my attention immediately, however true the stuff in caps is.



ok, ok I admit. Any talk of Eris or things esoteric is simply a personification what we consider to be universal constants that affect our everyday lives


File: acab9b3a612c1f0⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3664x2748, 4:3, BlueBerryWizard 003.JPG)

Guys I started praying to death and identifying with death and believing myself to be death and because I am death I have power over life and now I have power over life and I am feeling more alive than ever so I forget that I am death and then I lose control so I remember again I am death and my power comes back even stronger and in this way I am ascending.

I am death and Eris is my waifu.




Are you an idiot to believe that there is such a thing as 'chaos'. Everything is and always will be Cause and Effect.


If you actually met the physical incarnation of Eris you wouldn't worship her. She's stressed out, anxious, and out of control; just as human as the rest of us.



I don't believe that chaos exists, at least I don't believe that it exists beyond the faculties of my own consciousness. Chaos and Order and simply just toys to be played with by our consciousness. What may be chaos to one is order to another.


I know! That's why Erisians keep a respectful distance from goddess, she needs her space



why are you on fringe if all you're going to do is make fun, friend?



I don't know what Discordians really mean by "Chaos", despite having read the Principia.

But mathematical "chaos" is a property of purely deterministic systems. It doesn't bypass causality. A purely causal system can exhibit chaotic behavior e.g. the three body problem.



Clearly you haven't read up on Chaos Theory. If you're implying Chaos is random; it's not. Chaos is simply highly complex and the result of a higher order. A chaotic system is one that mutates so much you can barely tell what the initial conditions were that set it off. Various fractals are "chaotic", and yet they are most certainly not random.

Chaos also refers to the void and the origins of creation.

Chaos has a lot to do with the spirit and with the generation of the universe.

Contemplating chaos reveals a great many things.



>Chaos is not random

Use a different word then, I'm sure there are plenty to pick from. But chaos by definition is: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion.

Your better off finding a different program, but that is pointless since "chaos" magicians are weak and can only find worth in worshiping some being. No better then christcucks or any other newage religion that proclaims that you need to join some "All".








>she needs her space

No, she's just a wreck who won't put in the effort to fix her life. Claiming she thrives off chaos, then turning around to complain about how she isn't in control. She can't even control herself.

Not someone I'd look up to or worship. Maybe someone I'd share a beer and a joint with though. Eris is fun, not practical.



You just sanctioned your own imprisonment. Oyyyyyveyy.



Chaos and Order are not opposites.

Chaos is a Order of High Complexity.

There is no actual opposite to Order that I am aware of, except Disorder.

Chaos is opposite of Disorder.

Chaos is a subset of Order.



>but that is pointless since "chaos" magicians are weak and can only find worth in worshiping some being.

More like teaming up with some other being to have a lot of fun.


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File: ab28dae0b1a12bb⋯.gif (77.3 KB, 554x584, 277:292, Eris.gif)




Discordians deserve to be bullied.




>not being chaosexual

It's like surfing a train on LSD and you're not sure if the train is moving or not but it turns out you're doing sick moves, even if you end up in the wrong city, or not, or both, and accept it as a welcome detour, throwing train parts at cows in the meadows next to the track, if the train is moving that is, which you're still not sure about mening the cows night not be cows and then it turns out it's not a train.

An life not interessting is not worth living.

Eris bless.



Eris bless you anon (:




:) there were some strong Anerisian forces at work when I posted this I guess!


Thanks for the infographic! I've never seen this one



anon, everyone is a discordian, even you! You just don't accept Eris' influence in your life


>meme religion



>thinking the significance of Discordianism lies in the aesthetic facade of its "religious" aspects

I feel sorry for your inability to read between the lines anon



You will be a foot note.



Hail, Eris! Hail, Discordia!

Greetings from the great ship Leif Erikson!


File: ff3dc6c428a6876⋯.png (9.68 KB, 178x178, 1:1, discordian.png)

Must… immanentize the eschaton…


Please die.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mars Uranus Eris Conjunct in Aries first time in thousands of years near end of February. HMMMMMMMMMM.

Video time 5:55




*dies uncontrollably*

*cheeks for pale and then red*



File: dd0fc4c94fcfd6a⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 500x415, 100:83, 1485860965706.jpg)


I don't get it. Don't all the mystic stuffs say the same general thing as OP?



Wizards who take their shenanigans too seriously are easily offended by those who approach magick lightheartedly.



You use my flag but at least you know your information theory.



>not seeing the fnords




Spectacles, testicles, weed, and whiskey, I pronounce everyone in this thread free and frisky!


File: 13221b4e231a44c⋯.png (224.29 KB, 500x334, 250:167, Gregory_Hill.png)



Even false things?


File: cea609e31c4b0e0⋯.jpg (288.16 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, truth.jpg)


As far as I see it, Order and Disorder are the same thing, chaos, on a spectrum, much like the color we see.

Chaos isn't necessarily 'randomness' as most refer to it as, but is a container for Order and Disorder to function within.

If you will, Chaos is the union of opposites between things that apparently seem connected, and those that apparently seem disconnected.

I could be wrong though, I may be.


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that is all


a d d hj sjhsj sj et ete hh he he jhb jyg jyh jhg jhga jh jahg jh ajh ajhg jhag jh jh jh jh kdj kjd kfj kf lgkogkhpolhpokojpljpoklkplkplopoploikuokuijyiyjtuthurhjysbshgavsghafcstfdacfrasxdwszewasewxstyfchgrcljtzxjgrfhxsdkhrsgweshgrbdvgrtegrhyhutg76h76tg76h78h7u8i989o98o09p0o-0p0p-0p90p-p9p0-9pl9p-0p9-0ppol-0900009900pp90p0p0909090uu0n00nb0b90v0vccc0cccictxyxtrxrexrxswesweswqws2qq23e3e3ew44drefrftrfggdtfhgfhgfyhgvjhgijhvovuococ;xx;x;x;x;;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;x;;x;x;x;x;xx;;x;x;x;x;xx;x;xxxxxu;xjxhxlhgxhgghgxhxhghgchxgxhhgcghhgxhxcghxhghxhgxhgzghhgzxzxxdcxzszxcszxszxzxszxszxszszxcsxzxscxzxZvcf


File: 7498f8fb5f3a678⋯.jpg (5.44 MB, 2952x1574, 1476:787, garden of earthly delights.jpg)

paste your fuck bag spider tit into the fuck helix mace emission piss hole mouth coins grate toothed smear pulp faction haste with that tongue cunt scorpion throat rattlesnake tapestry threads opening to encapsulate the torrent creases spilling over ropes of excretion pus sulphur bathing your honey dipped carnival asbestos charred spaces apart tonight I want to feed you to the needle projector mill machine running theater inscriptions revealing the red etches that collect your dreams like urine bleaches. Halex capra talu ofak tula ara avarahaha athalasa'a taelia a a'a veyoiulo tualoa veyarua atzatattl atlatahen mayen ra a a'a. Atzstrstlrynyrnynrynff shhh h vzzzzvvzvzvvvv vvvzvzvvzvzzz vv hvvvsvsvssrsrsrss. S vrsryrnsv vrsr avrsrvr rvrsr vrs. Zazaoz azazo. Zazala azavaza vasava asrava vasavaravas.


Has anybody else made it past the early initiation stage? I feel like the answers are always there but they become more and more evident the longer you practice them. Also reading helps a lot.

I think I can say with 100% un?certainty that I am a full fledged Erisian who has mastered the art of Discordianism. Many so called 'Discordians' have yet to even discover the ODD# system even though it is in the first few pages.

I know some Discordians that claim to be Masters of their art, yet they still eat hotdogs…


Man, life is great.



There is nothing in this world she can tease me with, what I want is her smile saying "Guess ill have to try better next time."

This is my magnus opus on duality.

And if you cant muster the strength to play her game, ask for her comfort.

Last night I was flirting with the Godess and I managed to coax a whole makeoutsession.

>running a finger down the edge, teasing her to cut you, knowing she wont

>putting your hand in the fire for just long enough for the hairs on your fingers to burn

>turning down two offers for sex while laughing internally as her smile, not being satisfied with nothing but the best because you know her true colors, teasing her to one upp you every time

>>There is nothing in this world she can tease me with, what I want is her smile saying "Guess ill have to try better next time."

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