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The other day I was talking with a friend about esoteric and spiritual stuff. He's the only IRL person I speak with about /fringe/ stuff.

He's also into kaballa and stuff too, he told me that during a regression session, he found out that he was a Jew during a rebellion against Romans and ended up getting killed (just wanted to tell you that anecdote). I don't know if to believe him or not, but he was dead serious when talking about it.

Well, long story short, we were having this discussion and he said that he felt that money was hindering his ability to progress spiritually, because he feels like he needs a master that can teach him the next steps he needs to take, however most people ask for a payment (he believes a lot in a reciprocal way of payment), so he can't take the classes he needs (he did Reiki and Tarot or some shit like that). I told him (as a joke obviously) that I could be his master and that there's plenty stuff out there on Internet. He declined and said that I lacked experience and I haven't lived enough of this life (I agree), and he used to think the same way I did, but it's not enough, there are things that only a master can teach.

So what do you think guys? Are masters always necessary or you can just teach yourself? I believe that the process is harder, but there must be a way to achieve the "enlightenment" by one's own means. However, even Siddharta Gautama himself was taught by masters when he started, hell, even Jesus is said to have traveled to India. I'm starting to believe I need to meet someone that can teach me how to progress spiritually.


There are no masters. Merely people with the acting and confidence required to make you believe they are masters. At best you can find these ascetic types that recommend training requiring years of repetition to discover any benefits. At that point, you gotta ask yourself is it worth risking the happiness of your entire life on the off-chance you might accomplish something that may not even be possible?

Anyone who says yes is pitiable in my eyes.



>regression session

>jew in a past life


Gas him, find an emergency oven and throw your "friend" of a kike rat jew in before turning it to the highest setting.

But to answer your question almost all "masters" are professional obullshitists and scam artists wanting to either get money (reiki, jew magic, etc) or get power and control (secret societies like freemasons and roscrucians), then you also have the obullshitist groups like Joy of Satan that were obviously created simply to spread disinfo and get you to sell your soul (reiki also sells your soul, part of the practice includes them attaching an energy parasite to you under the guise of giving you "power").

Anyone worth being called a Master isn't going to throw pearls before swine, and if you can't even find a willing Master through remote viewing you're not advanced enough to be worth the effort of trying to teach.


>namefaggot thinks his name hasn't been filtered by everyone with two braincells ever since he started shitposting wildly

>actually thinks anyone who isn't a shitposter can see his posts






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Nothing is ever withheld from you; if you ask a question, the universe (which is you) will find ways to answer. But your free will is always the prime directive: if you believe you need a master, then that's what you'll experience, and the availability of that master will be determined by your beliefs about your worthiness/limitation et cetera. According to your faith be it unto you.

But reality creation really isn't all that complicated (at least where your conscious part in it is concerned). People over-complicate magic because the notion that they are already masters and are responsible for everything in their lives is too overwhelming a responsibility for them to face. They look for the secret, find that it was always right in front of them, and return to searching because the answer was too simple and too overwhelming. And that's a valid choice; experiencing limitation is part of the game. Not everyone wants to play with god-mode on.

But magic is really as simple as deciding what you want and having enough faith that it's already done to feel the joy and gratitude of its accomplishment, and to remain in that state regardless of outside circumstance. Forgiving yourself and everyone who has ever wronged you (they're all part of you) is helpful as well. It's basically all in Mark 11; not a big secret.



I want you to be my master.


Well.. as they say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" so is a "master". you can look to anything to empower you and bring you a sense of wonder and energy. even a rock can be a master to you. I mean just look at that rock… sitting there with all of its might. I can feel the air vibrate so intensely around it that it instantly shatters any incoming vibrations trying to affect it. I must learn more about the ways of the rock! The key word here I believe is Enthusiasm. You must look to the natural world to teach you for that is where all knowledge comes from.



You doubt the regression or just his Jewishness?

We've spoke about his Judaism a lot (well, he isn't Jewish, he just feels connected to it), but he says that they represent him a lot, that his life is sort of like the Jews, because he never feels like he is connected to one place and he wanders a lot. Also, he says he is destined to commit the same mistakes over and over again.

I don't want to make him read Montalk, but he just gives excuses to not have responsibility over himself I think.


About the master stuff. I think that >>87813 is maybe the best answer. I should try to learn from nature itself rather than other men.


Having a human master is silly.

Bhakti yoga, as in Liber Astarte, as in devotion to an archetype/deity, interfaced with through the ethereal light, is the best way to learn anything.



Note: archetype

Deity is not properly understood without the notion of an archetype.

Archetype is the sulphur. Salt is the physical base. Mercury is the vital component, the enthusiasm mentioned by positiveman.

That beautiful rock is the salt. The All being in All, you can connect to the Sulphur you want to, through that rock.



>he believes a lot in a reciprocal way of payment)

Jew alright.


I think having a teacher can alleviate a lot of the speed bumps on the spiritual path. However, IME there is nothing more rewarding and more empowering than self-study. IMO learning the basics and then rigorously applying them can take you a long way in the field of esotericism.

If an individual does not have a teacher then they should look for one but at the same time harness all of the resources at their disposal and dive into the unknown and explore.

"There are many techniques for transmission and generation of chi but all require a master-student relationship unless you are inclined to intense self-study. Self-study is the source of unique gifts and often requires conquering your greatest fears. According to Sun Tzu, self-adventure also results in the greatest powers.

Only time will tell, but there are probably more accomplished people doing esoteric studies on their own right now than at any time in human history." Path Notes by Glenn Morris



Ops, not my worlds, but I completely agree with said poster from 2012…


Who taught the first master? Serious answer for a serious question:

Your friend is begging to be mislead. Troll him spiritually and you'll both grow from the experience.


The classic-prince-buddha did everything alone and completely with his own efforts and insights and so did other buddhas before him. And you can too. The buddha even emphasiced the importance of going your own way, creating your own things and doing the work alone.

Besides, you will not find a genuine master anyway in tbose degenerate times. Most masters, teachers and their philosophies are insult to intelligence. A real profanity.

You are on your own my friend. However you can use other teachings, books and even communication with spirits as reference points and ideas, but never believe any of those truely, always think for yourself.


Spirituality is not different to any other skill in the world. Some are born talented, some others have to work hard to develop their abilities.

Some think they know a lot, while in fact they are only walking on the shores of the magic ocean. Some have been swimming for years, some others are barely getting their feet wet.

So if you wanted to learn how to make music, would you read books about music theory? Would you find a good master to teach you, or would you try to learn on your own? I think there's no approach which works for everyone, you might be more of a leader so you learn alone , or you might be a team worker so you might benefit from other people teaching you.

In general in life it is always good to learn from other people that have had more time and experience, I don't see why it would be different when it comes to spirituality.

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