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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The Kybalion explicitly details that we do not know why THE ALL has created all. I do also not know, but I do propose a theory:

THE ALL constantly creates. According to the scientific string theory, the only perquisite for a new universe to be made is its nonexistence. Now, ignore that scientists do not know of THE ALL, for they do not know many things yet achieve the results we already know for they are researching within the same universe. It does often not change anything.

Anyways, as I was. I still do not know why THE ALL created this world, but this should give us some context that the all is creating all worlds possible. Does anyone have a higher comment on this?



Loneliness. Boredom. Cosmic Hide and Seek.


I have two possibilities for why THE ALL created existence.

>THE ALL is beyond everything including thought and did not consciously create existence, it simply did.

>THE ALL is conscious (by our definition) and it's reasons for creating existence are beyond our possible understanding.



How materialist of you to assume that.

Unless you're calling me lonely or something, in which case, dude.

Anyways, I forgot to actually include my idea, but it closely matches up >>88295 's first theory.



How is it materialist?



>metaphysical bullshit sissy wizard mumbo jumbo

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. The named is the mother of ten thousand things.




>Can we have a nice thread?


For fuck sakes.



The memes are real!

















i don't even think he comes here anymore tbh



Leave Smilology to the Smilologists. It is known.



You forgot that Smiley is a jewberry wizard of the semitic order of kikes.



>The ALL

>Creating something

The all is the all. It can't create or destroy. It's already ALL.

I think about the all as a giant something that includes all the possible somethings that can ever be. Who controls that? No one does. It just exists. What sort of consciousness does it have? All consciousness comes from the ALL, but the all may not have a consciousness on its own.

That… or the ALL is not the ALL and there's a programmer somewhere around there fucking with every existence there is and there will be.

That… or the one who controls the ALL is an insider and not omnipotent at first, but the ALL is and he taps the power of the ALL.

The concept of the ALL is interesting. All possible options on all possible universes on all possible ALLs.


Maybe God walks among us. Maybe God is just lonely. Maybe Separatist beings are just trying to con God into releasing his loosh so they can keep following their own agendas. Maybe God has know idea that they are God. Or maybe God does and it's only a matter of time before shit hits the fan.



If it IS a conscious "thing" of some description, then why wouldnt it create? Imagine you're "it" and you're all powerful, but there is nothing BUT you. What would you do with your power? Theres nothing to interact with, or destroy, or engage with in any way. YOU would have to create it first. But would you be happy with a single "thing?" You're all powerful after all, why not make lots of things, give them the power to create on their own, and see what happens. Maybe you already know, but what ELSE are you planning on doing with eternity? Hell who knows, maybe they'll surprise you and do something you didnt expect. But really, aside from creating other things, what is there for you to do? Create and then destroy? Who is to say that didnt happen countless times before us? Maybe we're just another "play through" of an old game "it" has dusted off the shelf to see again. Regardless, what else is there to do with all power and a void to fill with stuff?


I remember reading a theory once, based on something or other, that basically states that all consciousness comes from w/e "ultimate consciousness" or "sea of .." exists at the top, and in essence it simply breaks off small pieces of itself to experience existence, and the higher state of being you get to, other planes of existence based on thought or emotion (which would be easy to get stuck in for long periods of time until you master your own emotions/thoughts completely) and higher up towards the top, eventually you expand your awareness to the point you return to the source and become 'one' with it again. But naturally this would take a very LONG time for most fragments to make their way back, and many wouldnt make it back for damn near eternity if they get stuck on a certain level.

At least that was one theory I read back in the days of 4/x/ and way to many APing threads



I quite like that second description; I think it is, in my subjective experience, most accurate. I think often of the Ulysses quote which Terence McKenna often repeated, that is, "All history moves towards the manifestation of God". This was not the first time the idea has appeared but it is most succinct in such form. One must also understand that the inevitable goal of language is the physical manifestation of language; all language is metaphor, because no language can actually be the thing which it describes, and yet the perfect language would produce the things it described. This is the Logos and what is meant in its manifestation; language is a vehicle, the means by which consciousness sails the universe, and the animal body which language and consciousness (Logos and Nous) inhabit then must find the means by which to make such language manifest.



I think the best interpretation I've seen of that theory is that God is a porn addict wanting stimulus even though the result is obvious.


The all did not create the world as we think of creation, the all just became self aware, and that result in creation.


The prime universe became aware of it's status as a creator and created a parallel universe.

Each universe became aware of it's state as a creator, then created another universe ad infinitum.



also CHAOSVOID and other minor names like jizzard and wiztard



You forgot smileberg, smilesstein, smilewitz, smilevich. And of course the infamous Auchwitz Wizard.

6 million lied, hitler died

6 billion died, jews and niggers fried

gas the kikes race war now

t. Smilologist and nigger smasher



I agree the kikes and semites are cancer and need to be eradicated but genocide is not the answer.





These three posts are correct. God's infinite nature spilled forth, pouring over lesser realities, so that a multitude was created. God then knows Himself through us, the shadow-world of manifestation and relativity that emerged from His infinite being.

There is no "reason" that God made the world. The world is a byproduct of God's infinite nature.

You could say that God made the world and then became the world as part of His "divine play" (Lila).

You could also say, as Ibn Arabi did, that God was a hidden treasure and loved to be known, so He created.



W-what happens in the case that God know's they're god and shit hits the fan?




Don't confuse "THE ALL" with a mere demiurge.



You forgot to mention that God created reason. Whatever reasons for anything might exist, would have been created by God in the first place.



Why do you just take the Kybalions word for it? That is something that confuses me with people who take this book so conclusively, its just a set of loose edited axioms, nothing more, I wish I could be so satisfied with simply hearing "The Mind is All" when seeking for the answers. The Kybalion also says repeatedly that the nature of "The All" is unknowable but then writes short essays on what the nature of "The All" is throughout the entire book. It was blatant contradictions like this that also put me off it, that doesn't happen in the original works. If the nature of the All is unknowable, and you believe the axioms (nothing more) in the Kybalion then why even presume to know or even think that you could ever know?

I dunno, the Kybalion seemed like a dead end as soon as I read it, I don't like how the guy just took all the real teachings and poetry of Hermes then distilled them down to tiny one liners and renamed it all "The Kybalion" like it is some sacred text that has been around forever and passed down. The guy just took other peoples work, snipped it down, and sold it as something original. Yeah, its a good start to Hermeticism, but you would be done with it in like 30 minutes and the vast majority of Hermetic thought, art, and teachings are largely left out. Sometimes I wonder if he did this on purpose, to leave it all open so people could interpret it in their own way without really knowing what was actually said. Its also pretty boisterous to label it as philosophy, especially in the time it was written, its a biased and unbalanced book which presents everything it says as self-evidently true without giving any sort of argument on either side. This is why I think these works were originally poetical and artistic, in that format it works, but when you try to write it out like it is in the Kybalion I could totally understand how people could pick it up and just think it was new age bullshit.

Trying to base your Hermetic theory on the Kybalion is stupid, it leaves so much out that its like trying to understand the entirety of the bible by only having Timothy or something, if you really want to get to the truth you'll have to dig a lot deeper than "Three Initiates", actually distort the works of Hermes for a personal profit.



thanks, I'm saving that one

It sounds like you're describing a ferocious boil-down process that strips out the arguments in favor of stating the conclusions.

What do you think is the best argument ditched by the Kybalion's distillation?


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Hermetic works are artistic and poetic, trying to rationalise them inside of an ideological framework is contradictory to Hermeticism in itself which is an intuitive system whose symbols are intended to go beyond language. That is why poetry and symbolism are used so often, because it expresses these points, there are so many alchemical and Hermetic writers/practitioners which explicitly say you will not understand Hermeticism with mere semantics, that it goes deeper into the abstract beyond such wordy containment. Given that, The Kybalion and the "philosophy" that tries to rationalise Hermeticism into something logically coherent is contradictory to Hermeticism in itself since the earliest writing, not to mention the fact it hardly even justifies itself on its own grounds. Poetry and art need not present themselves with argument, the works speak and express for themselves, but when you do what The Kybalion has done and take all the poetry out and try to make it into a rhetorical piece it does look rather bad when nothing else is being presented to challenge axiomatic pressuppositions. In my opinion there is no point in even having the Kybalion or bringing it up if you have read things like The Hermetica, The Emerald Tablet, and the many Hermetic scriptures found in the Nag Hammadi, then also there is an abundance of art centered around Hermeticism which when studied reveals the hiddne langauge inside the occult symbols. The Kybalions a waste of time, a quick copy job with some pseudo-philosophy thrown in to make a quick buck at $9.99 a copy. Fuck that.

Praise Thoth



Which literature would you recommend then?



> that doesn't happen in the original works

Where are these original works?

Can you post a link?


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I am not trying to be condescending or anything but have you even tried looking for yourself and doing your own research instead of relying on others? It is fairly simple to find out what original Hermetic texts are just from simply looking at a wiki and there are an abundance of resources that you can use to find them. Have none of you ever heard of www.sacred-texts.com ? Even if you just search "Hermetic texts" in the most shitty of search engines you will find an organised online library entirely focused around Hermeticism: https://hermetic.com/texts/index - its not hidden knowledge lads. Then there are the multitude of books which are always being referenced even within this board such as The Corpus Hermeticum, The Hermetica, The Emerald Tablet, The Nag Hammadi Scriptures etc etc… Then on top of all that you also have 10,000s of pieces of Hermetic art easily accessible online or purchased in high quality printed books, even Tarot.

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