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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Seeing as this board is dead, lets gets a debunking New Agers / Wiccans / Retards thread here. If any of you have heard a really stupid claim or shoddy reasoning for something debunk the shit out of it in this thread.


( this board referring to /sci/ btw )

( and this thread referring to the thread you're reading right now, now the one I linked to )


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>Later Age at First Intercourse (Fitter Offspring)

kek, is that how /pol/ explains not being able to get laid?

back to your containment board



I hear some new agers believe that silicon transistor chips can be combined with resistors and other silicon and metal machinations to create intelligent beings one day.

Now that is bullshit.



This article is bullshit. Calories don't make you fat. A high calorie diet will keep you lean. Smoothies also will not necessarily make you fat, I know, because I used to consume insane amounts of them all the time and although I was very sickly I certainly never got fat.

All of the stuff it listed is stuff you should avoid; but it doesn't really make you fat.



That's a satire site whether the owner realizes it or not.

You know calories are hoodoo pseudo-science right, like all nutritional "science".

If you eat 3,000 calories of chicken eggs your body will process almost all of that into fat or muscle. If you eat 3,000 calories of complex carbs (starches and shiet) your body will convert a large amount into fat or muscle. If you eat 3,000 calories of corn syrup it'll get shunted immediately into your liver and kidneys, shit up your blood, some will turn into fat and the rest will get passed through your urine fucking your shit up.


Are binaural beats/listening to particular frequencies and having certain things happen to you new age bullshit? People like Robert Bruce and Robert Monroe seem to think they work, but I've only ever seen them mentioned in astral projection books and new age circles.



Sounds effect your brain, they are stimulus. So they work because they do something.

If you're asking whether they do what people claim they do, probably not it's a lot of psycho suggestion and placebo.



tbh I know a lot of people educated in nutritional science who'd have been better off if they didn't stuff any of that "science" into their mind and just stuck to eating like it's the 1900s



>Are binaural beats/listening to particular frequencies and having certain things happen to you new age bullshit?


>People like Robert Bruce and Robert Monroe seem to think they work,

They don't. I tried it myself with the right equipment and everything. Robert Bruce also thinks putting blue-ink pen markings around moles makes them fall off but it never worked for me either, he's just got some silly thoughtforms attached to him that receive his intentions and act on them, Robert Bruce is wrong about a lot of things.



Have you ever considered that Robert Bruce is just so fuckin' woke that it works just because he thinks it does and so only works for him?



>t works just because he thinks it does and so only works for him?

That's exactly what I was saying though.


Binaural beats aren't bullshit and Monroe is a hero, read his Journeys out of the body trilogy



robert bruce and robert monroe are two different people



And monroe is a professional bullshitting scam artist while Robert Bruce is a slightly retarded bald man who is partially woke but just not woke enough.



monroe invented the word "loosh", made astral projection popular and taught many people.




You realize that's a word niggers use for "SJW"?

For example

>Yeah I know that guy he's a SJW

>Yeah I know that guy he's woke

Same meaning



Why is pol so fixated on black people? You have even learned their slang!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So many people debunk people like this guy, Jordan from Spirit Science


I think you are referring to Wiccan, UFO, angel’s cults that are spreading, then yeah, a lot of people that read half of The Kybalion, the book of Enoch or supposedly know reiki, astral projection, aura reading, channeling then consider themselves connected to god, goddess or some angel with a face of an alien. This people are shitty as fuck; they take money from others only to fulfill their ego and pockets. Never see this guys as a way of progress, they are like babies and use knowledge to their favor, remember the “tantric” masters that have sex with their students, the wiccan “priestess” that tells you to use crystals and balance your “female” energy, the ufologist that claim being abducted by 4 dimensional aliens and has an advanced knowledge that ironically has to be about love and compassion bullshit, you name it.

Is easy to debunk this guys only attack their ego, watch it carefully, grab your popcorn to watch some passive-aggressive fun, not big deal.

Also, you must be careful with the shaman type charlatan, they always use psychedelic drug to use the mind of others at their favor even using sexual magick to fuck up chicks’ minds, here we have an issue with a fucker that claim being in connection with the cosmos spirit, and later discover that he was on goetic magick, also using a plant toxin to fuck his wife’s mind and giving psychedelic to their kids (that is illegal). This moron taught me the lesson that we don’t have to follow anyone. But it doesn’t matter.

Is better to practice by yourself, here on /fringe/ there are a lot of good books, don’t waste your time with new agers, wiccans, there are on their own beliefs and you are not going to change them.



Monroe is based and has some of the best stuff out there!




>calories don't make you fat

>calories are hoodoo

It depends on what you do with them. If you have a caloric excess in relation to how much you're taking in and burning off, you absolutely will gain weight. How much of this ends up as fat or muscle depends on your exercise habits, the macronutrients involved, your sleep schedule, etc. There was a professor some years ago who was obese and decided that he would change his diet to prove a point. He got all of the necessary vitamins each day, but beyond that made sure that something like 80% of his calories came from Twinkies. He kept a strong caloric deficit though, and lost a lot of weight. This won't be useful forever and only worked well for him because he was so fat to begin with, but the point he was trying to prove was that the calories mattered more than anything else.


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pla·ce·bo ef·fect

/pləˈsēbō əˈfekt,ēˈfekt/


noun: placebo effect; plural noun: placebo effects

a beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.

""""Boom, debunk that sciencefags…""""

>drops microphone

>walks off stage

>slaps latte out of random "muh science" strangers hand while walking out of building


>troll someone once that binaural beats give cancer and are bad

>people avoid it like the plague

They're good for you.


Aight later moving to the RPG world where crystals give you bonus stats



Now THATS What I Call Bullshit Occultism Volume 98


That the Mandela Effect exists and that the obvious answer seems to be that we jumped dimensions rather than that our memories are fallible and can't be used as objective evidence for massive reaches of claims.



This is very true. His material is absolutely vonderful.


I think we should debunk masturbating on sigils and alcohol soaked tampons being inserted into the rectum as a means to achieve enlightenment.


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Why does it bother you what other people think? If they're wrong and you're right, take the intellectual high ground and keep it to yourself. You don't need to come in and wave your dick around proving how much smarter you are than everyone else.



Ah, but couldn't the same be asked of you?



>he thinks nobody on /pol/ has a waifu

nice projection there faggot


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Is the concept of higher self inherently new age?

Maybe they're just trying to corrupt a truth





>reawakening a zombie thread with a totally unrelated image



New Age feels like controlled opposition to me. You take the things that are actually real, and you bury them in a mountain of nonsense and obnoxious behaviour, and then normal people want nothing to do with it.

New Age is the Alex Jones of spiritualism.


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Some of it IS ok. The only problem is there is no concrete platform of belief, everything is sampled from eastern and jewish practices and reworded for the common man in modern nu-speak. Either you're a pacfist sheep in the qabbalah matrix or your grinding spiritual exercises like the rest of us.



or a Divine, Free Sovereignity Claimant and Recoverer.



If you can make it there with New Age teachings I'd like to know your reading list



i mix a bit in from everything. My main influences are from my version of Gnosticism. Because it differs in key aspects from Gnosticism, it's not a religion or anything like that to me.

When i really want to complement myself, I go to bibliotecapleyades and montalk, always taking what resonates.

also, you can try with the first stages of the Level 1 of this website: http://ascensionhelp.com/: the first step is enough to contact and truly connect with your Higher Self, and that sets you on a great road.

this www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/08/23/why-i-am-no-longer-a-light-worker/ and this http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/11/21/tell-the-lords-of-karma-that-you-are-sovereign-no-longer-a-lightworker-part-2/ help you to see the delusions of most new agey teachings, for what they are: false light matrixes.

the other thing i can recommend is: inside introspection, practice and real exercising of the powers.

peace! :D


The problem with new agers is that their aesthetics tend to be a bit too strong, and last a bit too long. They're prone to magical obsession and the narrative is so saccharine that it's difficult to map the real world into it. Pretty much all full-on new agers I know act as if they have either bipolar disorder or BPD. Those aren't the worst things to have, not by a long shot, and it doesn't negate all their magic, but it does mean that there's a tendency toward extremes.

If the aliens are coming, then they're beautiful and wonderful and perfect and every word attributed to them must be utterly without flaw. If someone's been vaccinated, they're not even people any more, just automatons. If someone practices yoga or wicca or naturopathy or whatever the fuck system that's hot right now with new agers, they're either totally wonderful and enlightened. Unless, that is, they do those things but also disagree on some minor point with a new ager, then they're wicked charlatans who prey on the unsuspecting. If a new age is coming, then it's an age of pure and total harmony and peace and perfection and nothing bad will ever happen to anyone ever again.

That kind of severe myopia tends to only attract like-minded people, or else those with personality disorders.



that's why I ignore these "saccharinic" new cagey teachings.



No doubt



The concept of higher self is thousands of years old. Just another way of saying spirit or soul



That's literally everything.


I met a woman at community college who claimed to be the best tarot reader in her coven. While I was practicing with thoughtforms and sigils, she was talking about new disney movies with her friends. Her readings were also not very impressive. She definitely fell down the trap of "megalomania" I have seen in so many blessed but undisciplined people. It seemed like she had power but knew not how to focus it or what it could do.

Also i had a weird sort of relationship with a person who became a full voodoo priestess for her local tribe in the US. She was cool though, she even worked in a hospital/medical clinic the tribe ran.


In my humble opinion, a lot of it is pretty trash. What is the concept of something higher? Something that is you but better? What is better? Are you not perfect the way you are. I started a lot of my work in the fields of "light-work" and some new age spirituality. From there my concept of higher self evolved to being different spirit guides or versions of myself.

You should always view yourself as the highest most powerful entity you can come across. The idea of a "higher self" in contradictory to that. My view of it is more similar to an idealized version of yourself, so work with it would be like aogiedes.



From what I understand, higher self is you in the distant future sending messages back in time to you now



Spirit and soul are different things. Higher self is another way of saying spirit, but not soul (although some people swap these two terms, but they are still two different concepts).

You have one spirit and many souls (one per incarnation, at least).

Read Montalk.


>distant future

Rather from outside of time. From outside the matrix.



Montalk is bullshit. Getting info from a ouija board doesn't prove that it's true.



Higher self is like in between spirit and soul. The spirit is more timeless, at least in the sense it is more present than the higher self



I read my own post and go, wait did I mean that the spirit is between the higher self and the soul? Then I read it again and it makes complete sense once more.

Spirit is all encompassing; everywhere and nowhere all at once at the same time. It is the god-spark, the vibration energy that is the essence of your spirit. Some say that without ego we are all the same, as we all come from the one source and shall return as such. But even if it is God that is behind the essence of awareness, it is that unique perspective that your awareness has that results in the essence of your vibration energy that is your spirit.

Spirit comes from the highest, and possible lowest, dimensions.

The higher self is like an ego from like 5D or 6D or something, not a big deal compared to the very essence of awareness itself.

In fact I'd say there can be realignments if I didn't know better. People's personalities shift all the time. Ego death is a funny thing after all.

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