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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: a322a7c64e90454⋯.png (929.75 KB, 825x1200, 11:16, woke pone.png)


What is the wokest thing you've ever seen?

(Rule 3)


small acts of kindness.


house cat lying in the sun


Killed a police with my melanin powers. Whitey looked at me funny so I was all "AYO WHITEY DAS RITE" and concentrated the dark sun through my melanosis imbued third eye, turned that fucking cracker into ASHES man, like a third holocaust or some shit you know?



This picture woke my dick up tbQhwyf


Myself from the future.


bump tbh


i died and woke up with humanity collectively having a slightly different set of chompers


While on acid I watched the same series of events unfold twice, so I made a new decision and left the loop. Fuck groundhog day man.


File: bb56c7e9e9afd2e⋯.jpg (15.15 KB, 200x189, 200:189, Pepe getting heatenings.jpg)



I´ve also been there. Only I´m not even sure if ever left it, now that you reminded me.



Wtf I remember this to.


woman hate threads


I can't recall perfectly, can't recall if I felt like I died but I have a vague memory of something like it then bursting out of my bed disorientated like i had shifted or something, which woke me up and in a panic checking my mouth for missing or extra teeth, which I remember confirming, now not remembering if I was missing or had a surplus.


Who else? This was about a year and a half ago.



I question whether or not I get stuck in those loops on a daily basis and just scrub the memory from my databanks so I can function on this plane.

Just think about it, how often were your deja vu's just you living inside of a loop of events till you broke free? What if that is this entire existence on this planet?



>What if that is this entire existence on this planet?

This is exactly what i wonder time to time. Breaking out of wheels of karma sounds just right.


Is woke really a word anyone actually uses? The first time I ever heard the word being used like this was in that MTV white guilt video the other day, and suddenly people are using it here on /fringe/. I also don't live in the US, in case it's a US thing.



Its generally a black culture thing. When you see the bullshit youre "woke". I use it ironically to devalue the meaning of the word and create a new meaning.

None of these normies woke REEEEEEEE




Fucking newfigs

It's a meme that started during the early primaries. /pol/ started using the nigger slang "woke" ironically to describe Uncle Benzos. /pol/acks started using it instead of "redpilled", ie "trump woke as fuck on jews". Then it seeped into /fringe/ and /looshfront/ and is now used to either denote being redpilled or being greenpilled, ie "Nigga I woke as fuck just walked on water", "if you woke you know you gotta kill niggers fam, gas the kikes race war now". But it usually comes with ironic niggerspeak grammar. It's a meme you dips.



>the early primaries

>its a meme you dips

Keep dreamin pal


File: 3114efbc10c96bc⋯.png (712.07 KB, 638x603, 638:603, BfmxPCY.png)





It's totally mainstream guise.



what did human chompers used to look like



When did "cuck" become le epin maymay what the fuck kikes.

I was calling people cucks 20 years ago.




ayo witey enjoy gettin cucked


>implying rule 3

It's a perfectly reasonable thread in the context of the board. Retarded-ass mod.



No overbite



Mod ain't woke. He still sleepin


>rule 3 on this thread

>nigger thread is still up

Confirmed that this /fringe/ has become a freemason honeypot.

Abandon ship



Both threads are fucking retarded.

Since some idiots seem to disagree though, I have to mention, woke is just everyday slang and apparently a egyptian western cartoon character is the wokest thing OP has seen.



We don't take down threads if people are having active discussions in them. If these threads are to be taken down they need to be reported early before there's any replies.


This is the most cancerous thread I have ever seen






The Sun


File: 2cea666d6a7cbeb⋯.jpg (183.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 18549577902_181b3d71c1_b[1….jpg)

>3D scalar waves (fractal)


File: 015f3408d435307⋯.png (638.43 KB, 1452x750, 242:125, stop.png)



>reviving a degenerate thread



EHLP anti spam bump


During the election, hillshill was giving a speech that was right after either her 2 minute coughing fit or her 9/11 collapse, and she eventually read a line about how healthy she was. Being appalled at such a horridly blatant lie, I immediately put my hands together and prayed as hard as I could to whatever in the universe might be listening to make her cough. Sure enough, right after she said that she let out one tiny little cough, just enough for me to know my prayer was answered.

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