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File: d1cfcc4a5d2cfa4⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 800x800, 1:1, flat,800x800,075,f.u5.jpg)




Posting in a Hanz thread.


Sorry Hanz but Smiley is dead. He had a massive psychotic breakdown caused by medication given to him while in the psychiatric institution. He broke a sink and used a chunk of the porcelain to slash his jugular, by the time medical personnel arrived he was dead.

Rest in peace you curly haired semite.



if only



I will always remember his acne. :(



teh illuminati is gonna ghet youuu


File: 1a59e0e204b1bb1⋯.png (394.13 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, smileberg.png)


Hollywood messiah complex claims another one.



>the lower world can never satisfy me

>listening to the lowest most hypnotic and repetitive form of music




Don't make me fuk ur shit up.



I like your theatrics dude, keep it up.



Fuck off Hanz, you're mentally ill.



how bout i put my smelly fucking hairy ballsack in your fucking face loser huh HUH HUH?

shut ur fukin mouth before i shut it with my balls


File: dc9003799e4bf89⋯.jpg (100.85 KB, 800x533, 800:533, it was x tier.jpg)

>hanio solobachi


Hanz is back fuck


hey hanz can i add you on steam? will you not unfriend me because i made a joke about a steam message glitch?

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