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File: f09bc3c19ad6058⋯.png (468.93 KB, 720x720, 1:1, f09bc3c19ad6058e5b69d1c4b8….png)


guys, the scanners just recruited a new person.

i feel the only way to defeat these guys that possess godlike powers is involving YOU guys.


(pic related is one of their members)



>would bang


File: 6b72dc64703534a⋯.jpg (53.46 KB, 462x616, 3:4, 6b72dc64703534a96d8acfb406….jpg)


thats her before her assimilation




it looks like she just outgrew an emo phase

>would still bang



nope, she was found by the scanners and assimilated.


Never even heard of these "scanners" before though. Care to explain? Or maybe chat it up somewhere else if you want. Im actually interested, I just troll here when I first wake up for shits n giggles because lets face it, most people here couldn't find wizardry if it was hanging next to their left nut.


File: 3064df9948b0a16⋯.jpg (800.46 KB, 3264x1840, 204:115, 1472261749860.jpg)



scanners are an organization that works for people that control the world. they call themselves angels so i thought they must be the fallen angels.



control panel beings that keep the veil up and running?



possible. yes.


>aim to supress of spiritually awakened

>recruit women



>y erry1 but me get good stuff


Cuz ur a dumb niggerers. Cuz ur attitude of life is pepes so you attract shit down your throat and subconsciously accept it.

Hanz bullshit occultist.



i don't believe any of your schizo shit, but i wanna fuck that "scanner"





That's a MAN baby!


Enjoy the aids gayboi!



doubt it, she's got a tit here >>88169

and those lips hnnnng

i'd get aids for that


Hanz we're not a very fast moving board, keep all future posts in one thread, please. Our rules are simple and are meant to keep the board orderly and clean. Please read them: /fringe/rules.html


Hahahahaha these guys are autistic as fuck




Holy shit.

I thought that narrative was exclusive for third world countries.

It may sound insane, but it happens in other places too lad.



what did the thread contain? i didnt see it.




redpill me on the scanners please Hanz



You will never know. Until it is too late.

This is Agent Marloss out. Message End.

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