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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 8ed2f059e10791d⋯.png (295.78 KB, 590x606, 295:303, kaliyugacult.PNG)

File: 11e77fb0e2f5676⋯.png (314.84 KB, 536x588, 134:147, kaliyugafrase.PNG)


Well I found some female supremacy esoteric cults that workship different goddess to archive a "better" world controlled by women.

What is your opinion about this cults, what things are /fringe/ related to this, you have any more info about this cults or rituals.





File: 9b06d0a5f8e5e4f⋯.png (437.84 KB, 557x555, 557:555, femalecult1.PNG)

File: 3140cf790923934⋯.png (54.45 KB, 557x492, 557:492, femalecult2.PNG)

File: df32d5e076d8cd8⋯.png (12.06 KB, 775x137, 775:137, slave ritual.PNG)


File: ccdb16969d85551⋯.jpg (190.26 KB, 759x658, 759:658, 1454868990886.jpg)

What a fucking joke. Are you kidding me?

The entire world is already matriarchal because these deficient beings have been raising and manipulating all the children into dependent, psychologically scarred muppets that live to please a mommy figure. Any ideological cult or magic they attempt is a joke, as their real power is through deceitful subversion and control of lust-driven men. This has been detailed in works from The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar to Female Illuminati by Michael Tsarion. These cunts are lacking in Humanity and have caused a fall from grace.


The Buddha concludes that a bodhisattva of this type “has faculties that are all complete, and he is not deficient in any. He possesses the organs of a virile man, not those of unmanly men. He never uses spells, mantras, herbs, magical incantations, and so forth, which are the work of women.



masculine leads, feminine follows. ignore these worthless efforts, they are the desperate cries of a foolish ego


im eating bread

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