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Let's talk about dicks. Phallic worship. The obelisk.

Hol' up, no homo! Hear me out.

You'll notice that these ancient dick-worshippers weren't constructing floppin', sensually curved animu dicks bursting with cum as one might expect from orgiastic primitives, but proud and perfectly erect structures. I've begun to think there's a reason for this. That, while most philosophers consider this the basest form of worship, we know there's more to these cock-hungry heathens than most realize.

What if the hunt for an impressive erection is naturally the first tangible spiritual practice a primitive peoples might embark on. The first goal that might cause one to try their hand at something akin to energy work and, as more people do it, a steel rod acts as the most obvious proof that someone is advanced in such practices.

In experimenting with renouncing lust, there's something a few of us may have noticed. We were virtually impotent beforehand. One has their genitals fill with enough blood to make it stand up and thinks that's it. For years. Then, after a break from being a habitual masturbator, you achieve an erection so relentlessly steel-like that you question everything. It looks different, it feels different, it emits a different odor and it puts what you had going on before to shame. More importantly, it's so hard that ejaculation becomes temporarily impossible. The power is unreal, but fleeting as you chase it and descend mindlessly back into mediocrity.

If you've achieved such an erection, you'll know it's like you're tensing it with all your might, but without even trying. It can barely be bent out of it's position. For me, it looked like it belonged to someone else and put my old tool to shame. Now what I'm wondering is, what if we're supposed to have that power on call at all times?

The average man thinks his game's on point and any shortcomings are due to genetics. Meanwhile, the average person is always unsatisfied and constantly in a state of chasing fantasies. If I'm right, the current state of things would be no wonder. The average couple's sex life rests on an unstable foundation as the average man has a poor mastery of the most fundamental part of his role in a sexual union. He thinks he's fine just because he's not one of those guys that isn't 100% flaccid. It'd be no wonder that as many as 80% of women have trouble having vaginal orgasms. Perhaps a dong not brimming with enough energy is simply inadequate, regardless of size, shape or technique.

Now I notice this all the time in amateur porn. Before, I only noticed that most guys can't fuck for shit.

Do you remember, before you started masturbating regularly, being able to achieve a painfully hard erection by just willing it? Without a need to think about a fetish or helping yourself with a few strokes. What if that's how it's supposed to be your whole life? Why did the most spooky occultist of all time, Rasputin, also have mad dick powers? I'm sure many trying to renounce lust have noticed more morning wood and more vivid dreams. I've noticed them simultaneously. As if the rod is acting as an astral antenna.

On the other hand, I'm reminded of dear Apollo, prime archetype of our western civ, who demands discipline from his followers in order to become illuminated. He only allows us to ascend if we shed our baser selves. Cool dude, but his little pecker implies everything I just wrote is bullshit. If anyone has any insight, book recommendations, anecdotes, whatever, I'd appreciate it.

ITT: We discuss male virility and the optimal use of our energy.


Good post and a lot of good points made.

>If anyone has any insight, book recommendations, anecdotes, whatever, I'd appreciate it.




>The average man thinks his game's on point and any shortcomings are due to genetics.

Well that would be partly right. Some men are simply more virile than others, even when less healthy. Nonetheless, the poison in our water and food is just as important as genetic degeneration. I have more to say on this regarding specific health topics which I'll flesh out in a longer post this weekend.



I can buy it. Especially the part about obelisks not looking like dicks, like if they were dicks they'd look like dicks. I have a friend who loves to draw dicks and is really good at it and he's never built an obelisk.



>Some men are simply more virile than others

Yeah, of course. I should have been more clear. What I meant to compare was, let's say, a dude with a plain, floppy 5 incher and the dude who's rockin 5.5 inches of veiny, purple-headed fury. In this example, I'd theorize that the former, despite being inferior in his day to day, might have more potential than the latter with correct discipline, unbeknownst to him. I'm also wondering if Rockhard McGee is better able to make women burst with energy than an undisciplined man who's low-end potential is still and inch larger (let's say the woman has a huge vag). Popular opinion would say no, but I'm convinced people don't know shit anymore. Everything's a measuring contest. You'll never hear a woman talk about how so and so fits her dimensions perfectly and maintains an erection so high quality that it nearly touches his stomach when he's standing. The 5 foot tall woman will gush about how buddy's got an 8 incher despite her tiny, unaccommodating vag.

I'm also wondering if this isn't why ancient Germans encouraged partners to match by height, increasing the likelihood of the woman being able to accommodate the man's upward potential. If women only took one partner per lifetime, they damn well better be compatible and if it were all about breeding for height, why not just shame shorties like we do today?

Anyway, thanks for the reading material. Look forward to your post.


Hahahahah yeah I had a similar thought



> It'd be no wonder that as many as 80% of women have trouble having vaginal orgasms.


Never met a woman who had trouble with that



Statistically, yes, 80% need clit stimulation.



Does that statistic include subhumans and grandmas? What's the stats for healthy white women between the age of 15 and 40?



Fair point. I always assumed it was majority normal, college aged women getting surveyed. Still, female sexual dysfunction is such a major topic it's not an easily dismissed point. The sheer volume of bullshit I'm sifting through trying (and failing) to find a breakdown by age groups is ridiculous. Still, the idea that the majority of women have trouble cumming and even more trouble cumming from just vaginal goes back to the Kinsey studies and we've all been bombarded with enough elusive vagina shittalk to know something's not right.

But yeah, apparently women over 70 can't cum for shit and are likely inflating the numbers.


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I already discarded your opinion because you blurted no-homo. Fag.



Well all those johnsons are inside circles that symbolize vajins, apparently. Who knows, man.


And here I was trying to start with a self-aware joke so you wouldn't dismiss me and call me a fag.



>In experimenting with renouncing lust, there's something a few of us may have noticed.

How long does this take? I have been vegetarian and have only ejaculated once this year and don't plan on doing it again for the rest of the year but how do I get a crowbar.


You find the erect penis in all pre-semitic religions, because the man has ONE creative energy that can either create within or without. Expelling the energy outside of a vagina is simply a waste.

This is why in the high cultures, prior to corruption, you would never see the penis depicted ejaculating or engaging in "fiery" intercourse(non-conscious and without purpose).

Now the penis is depicted as ejaculating constantly, and people think the deformed penises in porn coughing up a measly drop of semen or two is normal, so it validates their self-destruction.

Keep in mind that the earth was healthier before. It is said that in the Kali Yuga, men will be like ants, and trees like little bushes. Spirituality will be at an all time low. Either, the ability to withhold ejaculation in those past spiritualized times was easier because of the environment, or they practiced Taoist principles like the microcosmic orbit, the transmutation of sexual energy as taught my Mantak Chia, or most likely, both.

Taoist teachings speak of Chi, a replenishable source of energy which can be absorbed through meditations and energy work, but also of Jing, a non-replenishable source of energy that each person is born with that is connected to the adrenals and depleted through excessive stress and over-ejaculation.

The extreme difficulty in keeping a healthy ejaculation frequency(minimum once every 14 days and maximum depending on age), likely has to do with the non-existence of ability to direct energy and "avert ones gaze". You better believe the pornography, which is basically on the TV now too albeit softer, over-works the mans prostate to make it swell and constantly make semen because the body thinks here is the chance to spread his seed to myriads of women, ON A DAILY BASIS.

Why are the prostate cancers virtually unheard of in the primitive or non-westernized parts of the world where there is still a practice of something resembling high-culture? Because over-working the prostate leads to over-ejaculation, which swells the prostate, which in time as it ages, the body can not keep up with.

The doctors tell people the OPPOSITE. Ejaculate every day to keep the prostate happy. Yet the prostate cancers are only increasing.



>(minimum once every 14 days and maximum depending on age)

If you know as much as you say you do then you would know that retention leads to immortality.


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Tbqfh (to be quiet fucking honest) with you OP I have done extensive experimentation along these lines ever since I started masturbating.

I have however stopped sharing notes or talking about it at all due to the all the humiliation and people just fucking around with me, acting as if I'm all so fucking weird, while they themselves fap to the weirdest shit and I am just trying to understand what's going on in subconscious arousal and energy work and so on.

Anyways I have found that this powerful erection stuff can be built up but you have to pool mental energy into it quite often for a long while. If you get too asexual, you won't build up this power.

So you've got to have sexual thoughts (I don't really have the natural inclination for it and have to make the effort) then you can sort of suppress them while at the same time having them. Suppression is not the same as purely not having them btw; if you just let the energy run off and let yourself run down you won't build up much. Rather, you have to actually make the effort to think of some sexual principle or a beautiful woman or whatever, and to let the energy build up. Yet you don't visualize any of, you don't let the energy go out, rather you just get all worked up and suppressed.

In this way you can build up a fuckload of energy.

Then you can use it later on to power up intense thoughtforms.


Three scenarios:

1. A beautiful woman walks by. You don't pay her any attention at all and keep thinking about something else. No energy builds up.

2. A beautiful woman walks by. Your attention is shifted and you think something like OMG SHE IS SO HOT but then try to suppress the thoughts. Energy builds up massively.

3. A beautiful woman walks by. You intentionally try to think the most sexual thoughts as vividly as you can and to force your feelings to intensify. It runs off out of you with no build-up and you probably also feel more lethargic or less vital afterwards.

e.g. "must not think about Ebola Chan, must not think about Ebola Chan… must think about other things… hnnngghh Ebola Chan… fuck got to stop thinking about her… god damn it I want to fap to her so bad… must not fap" is a kind of thought process that builds up the sexual energy.

e.g. *man is browsing through imageboard and sees Ebola Chan pic and it doesn't even register and he's too busy thinking about other stuff*

e.g. "I must fap to Ebola Chan, must get hard for Ebola Chan, need to give her sexual energy, going to fap as much as possible this month to Ebola Chan"

Another way to put this is try not to think about killing your enemy all the time. If you keep trying to not think about them, the urge becomes an all-consuming passion, that eventually achieves reality-warping power to find expression.

As long as the thought is centered around the basic idea long enough, revolving around it in some way, you build up energy towards it until it's able to properly release.


One more thing: you get instant feedback from erections. It's a perfect measure of the subconscious power. It's a process that is deeply linked to the levels of mind that are much more powerful than the ordinary. So experimentation along these lines with controlling the sex power is the easiest way to develop yourself.



>The power is unreal, but fleeting as you chase it and descend mindlessly back into mediocrity.

That's how you drain the energy. You start chasing it. The whole thing require this very fine mental finesse to not fuck up and lose the connection or drain the energy.



read the book cultivating male sexual energy by mantek chia. It will give a detailed breakdown on how to do what you are describing, such as flex your dick with your mind by moving your energy/awareness into it and flexing it or retracting it. A good read


My last streak of nofap lasted exactly 30 days, and when I finally broke, I noticed my erection was pitifully weak and I came in seconds.

Was this because I didn't give it enough time to flourish into these legendary steel boners you talk of?



Did you watch porn?



I never do, all my fap material is purely imagination



Yeh, same for me. I havent masturbated in a few months and my sexual desire has slightly increased (more confident with women and become more aroused when i see a woman i find attractive) but i basically only get erections in my sleep and don't train my penis muscles at all, resulting in that I leak urine much more frequently.

I've read the Mantak Chia book and understand that i need to exercise with my dick as to cultivate the sexual energy, but my lust has decreased so much that i simply don't feel like doing it (which is stupid).

I would like to meet a woman who suits me and my goals, with whom i could practice sex and ejaculatory retention.



>Hello I'm anon. I would like to meet a woman who suits me and my goals, with whom i could practice sex and ejaculatory retention.



Heureka! The perfect introductory pick-up line!

It's all so obvious now


Kundalini Yoga

Garlic cloves

I dare say 200mg of Viagra when you're feeling lazy too. The generic Sildenafil often given on prescription is shit though.


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I read the whole thread. Good shit, boys. I appreciate it. Will check out Mantak Chia next.



It's a delicate thing. I'm not a monk and don't want to be one, but I don't want to be mundane either. The idea is to walk the line, being highly vital and yet wielding it with discipline, being always brimming at my best. There's a zone you get into. If you're there or partway there, daily morning wood is a given as are random erections during the day and needing less sleep (in my experience). Buddies here are onto something: >>95266 >>95176

You're treading the line. You're not snuffing out your lust but you're somehow not giving in either. It's a fine line too. If you overindulge, soreness will force your hand, but if you neglect entirely you'll wither. Somewhere along the line you recapture the days of your youth when you could will an instant erection. Your prime self. Personally, I was so much more creative in those days. Funnier. Then comes the part where you either fap, or a woman comes along and pulls you down (and old habits creep back in). And if it's a good woman, that's OK but it usually isn't and your intuition will tell you as much while you're busting that nut.

Again, renouncing lust and being monk-like is fine, but I don't think it's my path (though honestly I'm clueless as to what the optimal road is). We have another thread for that.

Anyway, thanks for the input everyone.


You're not weird at all, bud. Thank you for sharing.


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You're just scratching the surface. Human sexuality has been at the epicenter of religious and political history since forever.

The key is realizing that there is a natural duality in this that most people don't realize. Sex can be good OR bad. It's kind of like magic itself. Magic use isn't inherently 'evil' like some people think but it certainly could be used for such.

many religions / spiritual traditions have long held arguments both for and against sexual freedom vs sexual ascetisism

Catholic church for example: supressing healthy sexuality and promoting debased sexuality or a-sexuality, deleting the sacred feminine (Father Mother Son trinity becomes Father Father's Ghost and Son), question of Jesus' family, Mary Magdeline…

the Skull and Bones, Masons, Templars and Cathars and Canaanites and Frankists and Illuminists, these groups all clearly use bizarre sexual religious practices I mean the list goes on…




in the no fap world this is known as flatlining https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/i-quit-porn-but-my-potency-and-libido-are-decreasing-help

basically your dick has to slowly reboot itself after years of overstimulation via porn

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