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Esoteric Wizardry
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File: e8ce2a8a15bea49⋯.png (488.25 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, scannerthreat.png)


apparently the scanners aim to target fringe since his dox was released.


He didn't try to kill you. He just made you change your plans. It just so happens that your new plan was a terrible one that almost killed you. That's entirely on you though.

Leave smiley alone. You know things are bad when even Hanz is joining in on the bullying.



he used my dox to make a thread saying hed kill himself in order to get me locked up.



also i didnt make that thread if you think that. its legit.



maybe the scanners know something i dont and fringe actually did try to kill me.



with magic - that is.



The archives of said thread suggest otherwise, Hanz.



Ever thought maybe the scanners are trying to turn you against anyone who'd ever be your friend so you remain isolated and so that you get yourself in even more trouble by making enemies of people who never had any intentions to disrupt, intrude upon, or harm you and your life in any way?

Ever thought that maybe, because of your stupidity, you're going to break someone's patience and experience real attacks on your life soon?




i have the proof right in my folder and i fucking witnissed it myself. he asked me where i live and said he wants to know because his cousin bikes through it soon. and then i found his thread and i saw him posting my dox saying "im gonna kill myself".



the result was he got visited by the police that asked to show his leg and they didnt find a wound. then they brought him to a ward and now hes under suicide watch according to him.




>im gonna kill myself

That's not what it said. Anyways if you don't bugger off soon you're going to experience a whole new Smiley, one that doesn't try to explain to you that he has no ill will towards you, and tries to be friendly. Instead you're going to get a Smiley who is truly out to get you killed and believe me he's competent enough to get the job done. Then you're going to realize only too late you've made an enemy of what was once a friend.



>i saw him posting my dox

That also never happened btw. He posted a picture of your burnt leg and claimed to be German but other than that he never claimed to be YOU specifically or posted any information about you.


>Hanz gets trolled hard the thread




smiley is that you?


How could smiley kill you if he lives in canada and you're in germany.




Read this: >>>/fringe/81982

Especially the most recent stuff.

Guy is clearly channeling some stuff from a higher level.

It has great relevance but the message is coming through so unclear.

Pretty sure he feels every bit of awareness that comes his way.

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