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File: ade8bc259852bab⋯.jpg (19.96 KB, 500x479, 500:479, razer-deathadder[1].jpg)


u guys ever look @ ur mouse and realize it's covered in occult pagan symbolism?

rly makes u think


File: a9d44af952db83f⋯.pdf (1.04 MB, Better Never to Have Been.pdf)

who /antinatalist/ here? u def should be one fams



So what? Lots of things have occult symbolism.






Does this exist in audiobook format yet? If not I want to narrate it.


File: 15d30002b1254fc⋯.png (59.14 KB, 522x702, 29:39, Screenshot from 2017-01-04….png)


>Jewish Saying



File: 1a3a2d7e6e1d546⋯.jpg (105.79 KB, 691x964, 691:964, Untitled.jpg)

What's so occult paganic about this one?


File: e2ec01d279276c5⋯.jpg (56.48 KB, 420x480, 7:8, e2ec01d279276c58a634d419a9….jpg)

File: 6678dfb6518696f⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, serveimage.png)



Anyway I'm going to hijack this stupid thread and ask about logos. Not the Logos, but company logos. Is it possible that a company logo can gain power from exposure and memetically embedding itself in people's minds? And can the company itself benefit from the power obtained by its logo?



That's a DeathAdder

t. guy who has his hand on that exact mouse atm



it sure is, budget version of Mamba. similar enough. good mouse.


You have schizophrenia



Yeah dude. "Logos" can get "Power". Every scientist knows about this. Only reasonable people know this. Did I mention I'm really smart????


Guys if I drink orange juice at exactly noon will it teleport me to the "astral" realm?

Yeah buddy. Do whatever you want in your schizophrenic head.



no, noon won't work at all, definitely try 4 pm or later


I still don't get how people think coming to a board about beliefs and telling people their beliefs are wrong is worth their time



I figure it's either loosh farming, or someone is really bored and upset with their life.



They're neurotic psychotic jews.

kill kikes inshallah


File: 718aa77c3b6c592⋯.png (98.31 KB, 600x500, 6:5, tmp_19166-1479744019641-91….png)

>>89001 vaGETa check'd

>How does he know?



Power from exposure?

Of course, you are describing how ads work. I've always thought of it like this. Say I see a really lame commercial and hate every second of it. I'm still gonna think of their product if I'm maybe considering other sellers. Once it's in, it's in.




Foky since when did you become an anti-natalist?


As >>88824 wrote nothing crazy here. Knowing the elite are deep into saturnian worship they put it in theyre logo (though it not limited to Saturn). Mundan marketer also use it because it's cool.

Of course there is also the possibilites of logo/brand being use the same way as a sigil.

Just be mindfull of what you see and what you think to not get influenced.



aplhanumerals a=1 z=26

watch for this too

in-N-out is the difference of= 33

and that funny little arrow is probably 33 degrees

hidden numerology you didn't think of makes sense cvs amc idk just ignore


File: aaa994c78f57fe3⋯.jpg (200.15 KB, 816x816, 1:1, 1348186257124.jpg)


That's a very good point that slipped my mind, and I thank you for reminding me this.



File: 4d60e71174eb69d⋯.png (15.37 KB, 183x232, 183:232, 4d6[1].png)



>Stop reproducing, goym. Life is terrible. Let (((us))) have it.


File: 6a49ff0b8185d88⋯.jpg (131.06 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, C_AKD84UAAAW90i[1].jpg)


humans need to go extinct tbh



I use the left handed version of this mouse. Been using it for years. Best mouse I am memoried possessing.


File: 110013a941473b0⋯.jpg (103.24 KB, 562x760, 281:380, vUF3oo4.jpg)



ahahahaha oh god the neetsoc insecurity in this pic


File: 4a3f3a7e638aa74⋯.jpg (466.47 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, ZpJUfUk.jpg)



It's time to grow up honestly.




*butthurt jew*


File: ba439cef0070fd7⋯.jpg (16.68 KB, 274x276, 137:138, dot.jpg)




>like, honestly


You can feel it, boys. The tumblr, right there, right in ye bones.



Of course in your delluded world anyone who opposes you is part of a cabal of jews planning to exterminate you. I honestly do not mind if you showcase your mental inadequacies further it only pushes everyone away from your bullshit.


Nobody said literally, are you really so far away from reality that you can't see the word "honestly" and not be able to link it to anything other than something to do with tumblr? The defence mechanisms you put around yourself so that you can't even read the English language without projecting your own shit is sad honestly.

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