Daily reminder 01/04/17 (Wed) 09:56:03 No. 88820
That if you "worship" a "God" You're worshiping an idol. Enlightenment only exists within oneself. It cannot be found externally through the worship of idols. No matter what you call it, "God", "Zeus", "Odin", etc… They're all forms of the demiurge.
01/04/17 (Wed) 10:01:34 No. 88821
I'm pretty sure /christian/ and /islam/ need to hear this infinitely more than /fringe/ does.
01/04/17 (Wed) 10:04:57 No. 88822
You're probably right. This post is more or less directed towards the pagan larpers and /pol/acks who worship the frog sigil.
01/04/17 (Wed) 10:10:51 No. 88823
the kek egregore is the most successful imageboard project ever
01/04/17 (Wed) 12:29:17 No. 88830
worship =/= Worship
01/04/17 (Wed) 17:34:13 No. 88845
ProTip for you faggot OP, worshipping deities is a way to connect with and understand various archetypal and natural forces in the world. Deity worship is every effective and powerful. You can also be a monotheist and believe in an impersonal The All while doing all this and not mistaking various deities as The All.
01/04/17 (Wed) 17:36:28 No. 88846
Also to merge with those forces and to embody the qualities of the deity. See Liber Astarte: http://www.sacred-texts.com/oto/lib175.htm
01/04/17 (Wed) 18:17:05 No. 88848
I've never understood this. What is wrong with idol worship and why is it that those who condemn it seem to be the worst offenders?
01/04/17 (Wed) 18:27:35 No. 88850
This. By choosing a particular deity of those worshipped by my ancestors I can be more accurate about what I aim to achieve.
01/04/17 (Wed) 19:34:35 No. 88852
Ever heard of assuming a godform? Fucking pleb.
01/04/17 (Wed) 19:42:44 No. 88853
"Idol worship" is condemned by semi test because here is real power in it.
The old temples and statues were first created in the astral.
The physical forms that were built up AFTER became the vessels for these astral creations.
There was a mergence of the astral and the physical, which gave these creations REAL power.
Why the fuck no one on /fringe/ knows this is can't say.
All I know is /fringe/ is in a sorry fucking state these days…
01/04/17 (Wed) 19:43:21 No. 88854
*Condemned by semites
01/04/17 (Wed) 19:45:04 No. 88855
I know all that.
They're a bunch of retards who misunderstood old arguments about conflating The All with various deities and since they have no actual concept of The All but rather worship Yahweh or some other deity which is in no way The All, they get mad when people don't worship their particular deity.
01/04/17 (Wed) 20:15:53 No. 88856
I was exaggerating. There are still a few legit /fringe/ wizards here. Seriously though, what the fuck happened to /fringe/?
01/04/17 (Wed) 20:51:19 No. 88858
>what happened to /fringe/?
the inevitable
01/04/17 (Wed) 21:12:48 No. 88859
01/04/17 (Wed) 21:13:04 No. 88860
8/fringe/ was always a 8/pol/ colony. Quality and quantity of 8/fringe/ posts has always been determined by 8/pol/. And 8cuck is dead, THANKS JIMBO!
01/05/17 (Thu) 08:03:24 No. 88905
What if that idol is jesus the meme wizard?
01/05/17 (Thu) 08:46:56 No. 88909
>what the fuck happened to /fringe/?
/pol/ happened.
01/05/17 (Thu) 22:37:19 No. 88941
Fringe was always /pol/, the founders of /pol/ were /new/smen, and this board was made by a group of /new/smen.
01/05/17 (Thu) 22:37:55 No. 88942
/pol/ and /fringe/ are off-shoots of /new/
01/05/17 (Thu) 22:47:24 No. 88943
I thought /fringe/ came from 4chon
01/06/17 (Fri) 00:52:44 No. 88964
That if you "worship" a "penis" You're worshiping an idol. Enlightenment only exists within oneself. It cannot be found externally through the worship of idols. No matter what you call it, "penis", "cock", "dick", etc… They're all forms of the demiurge.
01/06/17 (Fri) 03:12:33 No. 88971
So only women should worship "a penis" because it frequently exists within their body?
01/06/17 (Fri) 03:29:41 No. 88972
Women should worship a penis, since they are primitive superstitious beings by nature and it would make the world a more enjoyable place.
If you acknowledge silly nebulous terms like "demiurge" then you, too, are engaging in a form of idol worship. Wtf is the demiurge? Bet you can't tell me.
01/06/17 (Fri) 06:12:53 No. 88980
>this board was made by a group of /new/smen
now it makes sense that I got here from ylilauta instead of /x/
01/06/17 (Fri) 15:31:39 No. 88995
Wow a post on fringe that makes sense!!!!!!!!
01/06/17 (Fri) 15:34:04 No. 88996
Alright, assume a godform
Oh wait you cant because you are mentally ill
Fucking loser
01/06/17 (Fri) 15:36:02 No. 88997
*goes on to say fucking nonsense with no scientific basis whatsoever*
Come back to reality. I'm sick of my taxes paying for your schizophrenia meds.
SAGE! 01/06/17 (Fri) 16:13:53 No. 89007
>rile up the crazy people that are into magic
Great plan, hoss.
tipp 01/07/17 (Sat) 02:00:18 No. 89065
>Enlightenment only exists within oneself
>properly merging with an avatar, a focal point of ideas, a godform representing the collected universal forces
tipp 01/07/17 (Sat) 02:03:53 No. 89066
>>They're all forms of the demiurge.
01/22/17 (Sun) 01:54:48 No. 90138
Alright then, what should I worship for mutual benefit? Don't come at me with demons or there will be a exorcism.
01/22/17 (Sun) 02:12:21 No. 90140
All I see is suffering on this board. Time to leave you gossipers for good. Truly you are not worthy of Jesus, IDOL WORSHIPERS! CUNTS! BURN IN HELL!
01/23/17 (Mon) 23:48:51 No. 90260
Holy fuck face the truth pussy. I did it on my own. I bet you could't do it even with your billion imaginary friends there to tell you how special you are the whole time.
09/10/17 (Sun) 15:50:08 No. 108743
do you have scientific proofs? :^)
10/03/17 (Tue) 16:59:24 No. 110228
09/26/18 (Wed) 06:51:23 No. 125294
I don't know anyone with that kind of balance.
09/28/18 (Fri) 03:04:40 No. 125341
The Almighty
The Essence of Everything
The Allfather
09/28/18 (Fri) 03:20:46 No. 125342
I got a good old transcendental brainwashing.
09/28/18 (Fri) 03:36:20 No. 125343
>>Wtf is the demiurge?
What independent entities created when they prayed that god give them the imperfect reality we know.
Saintly people are sick of praying for you salvation, come back to reality and praise the lord.
Your going to go far in life, you better leave now.
10/03/18 (Wed) 11:55:38 No. 125427
Daily reminder that if your path ignores the ontologic distinction between the Absolute and the relative, God and your yourself, then you have made an idol of your self and you're literally falling into solipsism.
There is no enlightenment for those who forget God. Repent, Satan was the first to idolize himself.
10/03/18 (Wed) 11:56:46 No. 125428
you're doing it wrong
10/03/18 (Wed) 21:24:45 No. 125430
I think you don't understand what this thread is about, but I also disagree with it