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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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""When we say Krishna, the essence of who he is, he is an irrepressible child, a terrible prankster, an enchanting flute player, a graceful dancer, an irresistible lover, a truly valiant warrior, a ruthless vanquisher of his foes, a man who left a broken heart in every home, an astute statesman and kingmaker, a thorough gentleman, a yogi of the highest order, and the most colorful incarnation.

Krishna has been seen, perceived, understood and experienced in many different ways by different people. For example, in Duryodhana’s words, Krishna is a “smiling rogue if there ever was one. He can eat, he can drink, he can sing, he can dance. He can make love, he can fight, he can gossip with old women, and play with little children. Who says he’s God?” That was Duryodhana’s perception.

Explore the most profound and the most serious aspects of life, but playfully.

- Himanshu Joshi


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Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama

Rama Rama, Hare Hare



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Symbols Related to Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu

1) Conch(shankha) stands for the five elements and eternity. These elements are Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Aether. Lord Vishnu issued the Omkara or the primordial sound Aum through His conch.

2) Discus (Sudarshana Chakra) it means a wheel or force field.It is also the symbol of the mind. It was made by Lord Shiva and gifted to Lord Vishnu as a token of love. The story of Lord Vishnu's most excellent devotion to Lord Shiva is relayed in a story where Lord Vishnu offered a thousand lotuses to Lord Shiva every day. One day in order to test the sincerity of Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva hid one of the lotuses. When Lord Vishnu discovered that He was one lotus short, in order to complete his vrata he plucked one of his eyes out and offered it to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva became highly pleased and gifted Sudarshana Chakra to Lord Vishnu.

3) Mace (gada) symbolizes power.

4) Lotus () is the symbol of the cosmos. It is also the symbol of purity & transcendence. Lotus rests on water but it does not touch it.

5) Primal Serpent (Sheshanag) Lord Vishnu sits on the shesh-naag which represents the desire of consciousness in humankind.

6) Garuda is Lord Vishnu's Vehicle.

7) Flute (murali) symbolizes divine music. It is the call from the Lord, inviting every creature to His abode. Lord Krishna is the ideal of divine love, the God of love. The flute also sysmbolizes a human heart, which is made hollow (ie. free from wordly thoughts). Only such heart qualifies to become a flute for the God of love to play upon. When the heart is not empty, ie. it is occupied with thoughts pertaining to worldly pains and pleasures, there is no scope for divine love.

8) Peacock's feathers (Mor-pankh) are a symbol of beauty and knowledge.



What are some good reading materials that go over the relationship between Krishna and Vishnu (and other deities of that system) ?


Useless placebo effect / confirmation bias bullshit

Schizophrenics should be euthanized


oh look it's bullshit occultism




do you guys even have wings?






what is a placebo, krishna?


Where in Sweden is tipp?

I have a nuclear device allahu akbar destroy tipp.




Christ will smile, eyes alight, when you kneel before Him as He sits upon the throne of judgment. The fire will dance across the laugh lines on His face.



>t. bullshit occultist

Reminder that: If you take the bible anything literally you are retarded.


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Fuck off Kike! We know who you are! See pic!


Where should I start if I want to study this religion's esoteric symbolism as a Gnostic might study Christianity? Don't say "Wikipedia."


>all Vaishnavism is ISKCON

Are you retarded?


Is he greater than Shiva?



According to legends, once Brahma and Vishnu were overcome with the sense of self-importance. They began to argue as to who was the greater of the two. As the argument became heated, Lord Shiva had to intervene. Shiva took the form of a gigantic linga (the phallic symbol of Shiva). The lingam was made of fire and it extended from the heaven to the underworld. The lingam told both Brahma and Vishnu that if any of them could find the end of the lingam, He will be declared as the greater of the two. Both Brahma and Vishnu agreed to the deal and set out in opposite directions of the lingam to find its end. But as they kept searching for years, they realized that the lingam had no end. Vishnu realized the fact that Shiva was the greatest among the Trinity. But Brahma decided to trick Shiva. While he was on the search of the end, he passed the flower of Ketaki at the uppermost part of the lingam. He requested the Ketaki flower to testify before Shiva that Brahma had reached the uppermost part of the lingam and had seen the end. The Ketaki flower agreed. When brought before Shiva, the flower falsely testified that Brahma had seen the end. Lord Shiva became furious at this lie. He then cursed Brahma that He would never be worshipped by any human being. He also cursed the Ketaki flower that it would not be used in any Hindu ritual. Hence, Brahma was cursed not to be worshipped by anyone.

Shiva is the supreme deity. Vishnu, an avatar, of positive qualities, of Soul, Brahma is the physical, material, demiurge.

Vishnu is great but Vishnu bows to Shiva in adoration.


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Vishnu is p. cool but he's no Shiva


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Agreed Shiva is the best.



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The Hare krishnas are bad, Lord Shiva is the true and most amazing Lord, I have nothing against Lord Krishna, but the Hare krishna cult is a bad hippie cult.

Devotees of Lord Shiva are the real deal.


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I agree with you, Lord Shiva is the most high , However all the Gods are to be loved and respected, But Lord Shiva is the best.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Srila Prabhupada was based.



he says good stuff for sure, although his speech is not so clear.


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Worshipping Shiva is only a way to access male energy, he is an archetype of consciousness, male energy in the Shiva Shakti practice where Shakti is female energy with female avatars, divided into many different avatars to represent different aspects of female energy.

We are actually talking about different thoughtspheres here. Its like soups that rest on top of and through each other touching but not touching like static on on an old tv screen trying to touch each other but never really make it, all sitting in the giant soup that probably is what Indians call Vishvakarman, a unity vibration of male and female in total equilibrium resting as the omnipresent net holding together what we with our physical and mental senses perceive as reality.

When you pray to Hindu deities you assume archetypal thoughtforms, different energies, not yours, emotions or thoughts which make you question and look inwards and use the emotions you have evoked to accomplish things or make a change to yourself, anything from stop smoking to become a millionaire in ten years.


One can perfectly well instead imagine drawing energy from the sun and the earth if ones visualization is good enough to vividly do so but the Hindu deities are fed loosh daily.



It is said in the bagavatam that Siva is Krishna's devotee but it is allso said that Krishna is more pleased by the worship of his devotes than of himself.




>advocating egocult



what do you mean?



You can even go beyond that and tap directly into the source. Rituals and abstractions aren't bad, they're just for the weak and blind. Some people need them.


sure you can but for specific workings they're very useful, i wont say tools, guides.


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>t. someone who doesn't understand the sublime essence of Shaivism

>male energy in the Shiva Shakti practice where Shakti is female energy

Actually all energy is in the sphere of Shakti (for She is the divine energy of the Lord) while Shiva is pure, self-luminous, free and transcendental consciousness. Don't apply your notions of objectivity to a purely subjective, nondual principles. Every being (meaning basically - everything) is a limited soul - Jiva (which is Shiva, out of His own free volition, assuming a form bound by Maya tattvas) in Shakti body, as He is formless consciousness and She is consciousness in form (that is an oversimplification but it will do for the purpose of this post I guess). Females and males alike. Everything, matter and energy, thoughts, consciousness up to the most sublime states is Shakti. Of course, Shiva and Shakti are one, just as you can't separate fire from it's power to burn.

Moreover, I assume that your notions of what male/female represent are different from what Shiva/Shakti pair represents. Shiva is passive while Shakti is active.

Maybe what you meant by Shiva is Umaapatinaatha who is actually the Shiva of Puranas who, nevertheless, is not the Paramshiva, the Supreme Shiva whose divine consciousness constitutes all the space and time in all universes.

>We are actually talking about different thoughtspheres here. Its like soups that rest on top of and through each other touching but not touching like static on on an old tv screen trying to touch each other but never really make it

It's all just wild talk, study the 36 tattvas and find out for yourself.

>That probably is what Indians call Vishvakarman, a unity vibration of male and female in total equilibrium

But probably not.

>When you pray to Hindu deities you assume archetypal thoughtforms, different energies, not yours, emotions or thoughts which make you question and look inwards and use the emotions you have evoked to accomplish things or make a change to yourself, anything from stop smoking to become a millionaire in ten years.

That is quite true, as the supreme worship is always non-dual.

I strongly advice anyone interested in the most sublime and final revelation of Hindu Dharma to study Kashmir Shaivism, for it's a gateway to many supernatural powers and spiritual achievements. It is the most advanced system which is an effect of thousands of years of divine revelations and evolution, beginning right from Vedas.




You tell me

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