>t. someone who doesn't understand the sublime essence of Shaivism
>male energy in the Shiva Shakti practice where Shakti is female energy
Actually all energy is in the sphere of Shakti (for She is the divine energy of the Lord) while Shiva is pure, self-luminous, free and transcendental consciousness. Don't apply your notions of objectivity to a purely subjective, nondual principles. Every being (meaning basically - everything) is a limited soul - Jiva (which is Shiva, out of His own free volition, assuming a form bound by Maya tattvas) in Shakti body, as He is formless consciousness and She is consciousness in form (that is an oversimplification but it will do for the purpose of this post I guess). Females and males alike. Everything, matter and energy, thoughts, consciousness up to the most sublime states is Shakti. Of course, Shiva and Shakti are one, just as you can't separate fire from it's power to burn.
Moreover, I assume that your notions of what male/female represent are different from what Shiva/Shakti pair represents. Shiva is passive while Shakti is active.
Maybe what you meant by Shiva is Umaapatinaatha who is actually the Shiva of Puranas who, nevertheless, is not the Paramshiva, the Supreme Shiva whose divine consciousness constitutes all the space and time in all universes.
>We are actually talking about different thoughtspheres here. Its like soups that rest on top of and through each other touching but not touching like static on on an old tv screen trying to touch each other but never really make it
It's all just wild talk, study the 36 tattvas and find out for yourself.
>That probably is what Indians call Vishvakarman, a unity vibration of male and female in total equilibrium
But probably not.
>When you pray to Hindu deities you assume archetypal thoughtforms, different energies, not yours, emotions or thoughts which make you question and look inwards and use the emotions you have evoked to accomplish things or make a change to yourself, anything from stop smoking to become a millionaire in ten years.
That is quite true, as the supreme worship is always non-dual.
I strongly advice anyone interested in the most sublime and final revelation of Hindu Dharma to study Kashmir Shaivism, for it's a gateway to many supernatural powers and spiritual achievements. It is the most advanced system which is an effect of thousands of years of divine revelations and evolution, beginning right from Vedas.