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I've figured everything out and am going to offer you all a glimpse into the future.

I'm sure many have heard the term "control matrix" but can you really imagine it's extent?

Many years of learning and meeting key figures, people who have stepped outside this matrix, and my own quest for sovereignty in this whirrled have led me to this.

This material brings it all together in the big picture of what Humanity is and where we are going.

Such a recognition was triggered by me listening to the Al Beilek time travel tapes as a form of future prediction (another intense hobby of mine).

I can say for certain that this is an accurate portrayal of where things are going.

This tape is not for the ADD prone and contains a very annoying female interviewer, ye be warned. The interview took place in 1998.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here are the Bielek time travel tapes, which are recommended to listen to in sequence before the above interview.

I posted them in the off grid thread for giggles because the way people live is about to change drastically.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not much else for me to say…







>about to

when do you think?


i realise this is unrelated but does anyone in the Bay Area (NYC) require a trip sitter man on a regular basis? Salary negotiable (if you can provide discount weed or LSD) but hoping for at least $5 am hour to make it worth my while; seeing as people are often done in 1 hour and I may have travel costs.

i'm a hygenic, friendly hard working guy. I'm not a slob or a pervert. I won't take advantage or try to record you or make you laugh… I intend only to be there to reassure you and keep you in and feeling in safe, non-judgemental hands so you can focus entirely on the trip. I know some people feel idiotic tripping (i had a bad experience with a prankster tripsitter) and can't trust their friends to not fuck with them so I'm offering this service. Thanks.



Hello fellow Government Agent. Which branch do you work for, I'm CIA.





Obviously no one has the attention span to begin to understand the nature of the matrix along with it's transcendence in the coming century.

Tough luck, chums… Only the strong will survive.






Just tap into your heart and your ass will follow.

>how can he be so dominant and at the same time spiritual?


>tfw about to gold plate my nervous system with monatomic elements

Anu got nothing on me.



He goes from 100+ years into the future to 600+ years and in both instances they speak in english. One of the new technologies in the far future is called an "acceletron" (05:38). Plus, you're far into either point in the future and English is still spoken.

> ~ 14:12

Even more suspect is that he claims that 600 years ahead they're testing whether a computer can run civilization as if their knowledge about social behavior would be so primitive in contrast to their supposed anti-gravity technology, that they'd actually need to know. Unproven and it's turning out to be bunk, OP.

>the people who built the system, the computer linkups…

>they call themselves the wingmakers

>some of you have heard of the wingmakers group

>they had a stash in New Mexico…time capsule stuff totally out of context at the site, NSA sealed it off

Oh boy. You have to look this up OP, I just did. Look up the Wingmakers.



If you read the links within the article I've linked, you'll see how the "Wingmakers" legend came to be. According to one of the links therein, specifiying the history of this wingmaker thing, a man named Mark Hempel was contact via a mysterious email to claim the URL of, and to administrate, a website-to-be. Hempel would then receive the actual site's contents when hosting of it had been secured by him. He followed through, but didn't bother to look at the site when he'd finished his part. Then when he began to receive intimidating emails from what Hempel believed to be intelligence agencies (his hacker friend suggested that the emails were likely from agencies, if not class A hackers), Hempel started to examine what exactly he was hosting and administrating. Mind you, this was all happening in 1998, around November. So when Hempel looked at his own site's contents—his new wingmakers site—he discovered its philosophies, its purported time capsule involvement, and also he had read that the wingmakers came from the 28th century.




You could keep reading the article, but for now I'll step away from that and step back into Al Bielek's timetravel tapes.

This guy, Al Bielek, is referencing "the wingmakers" in his story, though he has no connection to Hempel—and Hempel himself reportedly has stated this in his response to the article author of the ' Al-Bielek-debunked ' website.

Bielek says it's all real and that it was an existing group in the future time (the wingmakers created society-running computer systems as his story goes) which he visited: the year 2,700 and something (does it even matter?).


He references the origins of "wingmakers" stash in New Mexico, saying it was found in approximately 1974. But even the new wingmakers site changes the date to 1996, and has made other changes to its original website and story.

Here, some info for the Novel that they're selling about the "Ancient Arrows" site (the place in New Mexico) project (which is basically the wingmakers stuff).


All of which they claim "may seem closer to science fiction than reality, [but] is based on real events and people."

But it's not. There are already discrepancies, more if you read the article on the bielek debunked website.

My conclusion should go without saying. I could keep listening to Bielek's interview. I'd been giving it the benefit of the doubt, but why should I even bother? Next I may look at the video in your OP, but I want to know what the hell this is all good for anyways.

>I've figured everything out and am going to offer you all glimpses into the future

Name two significant things we should know among all of the "everything" which you've figured out.

(part 2/2)


(I really need to grammar check and spell check my posts next time. I promise you I'm not too stupid.)




Ah, a close-minded skeptic. Not a seeker? Well, buddy, then you may be on your own in the chaotic world of WW3 and beyond… Heh… Heh… That's the only the beginning and countless psychics have cited major earth changes in this century. The future societal structure appears to be trending towards a convergence with this group of "Wingmakers" Human time travelers from the future who present a very high spiritual perspective that individuals like myself can personally vet.

The OP source goes into how this 3D incarnation paradigm, much like a computer program down to astonishing details, was set up by the Annunaki. With it, their agenda to control the inhabitants of the simulation through conflict and fear-based programming. That so much is turning out as expected, as the collective race has been caught into separation and duality. However, since the physical vehicle and not the spirit of individuals is programmed, there are certain 'behavoirs' that allow us to transcend it and tap into our more infinite creative abilities. True freedom and sovereignty being the goal here.

The Bielek tapes are no doubt entertaining but also give hope to a near future where the NWO has collapsed and we are more in alignment with a free humanity. Recently, this information was corroborated for me by Max Spiers (MK Ultra supersoldier) in his interviews, where he cites how the goal of the Annunaki control system is to rule through separation and perpetual conflict. Due to his programming, he goes off on many other tangents that can't be taken too seriously. The behaviors that the Wingmakers suggest to guide us towards our infinite power have more to do with a transcendental acceptance and gratitude, appreciation, and oneness of the Human spirit (that creative source which is outside this physicality and infinite). As we inhabit these emotional states we are able to draw more creative power into this realm and perform more to our original, pre-enslaved state. Max Spiers was a pretty powerful fellow and talked about our inherent creative potential in his interviews, but being caught up in the cabal's games he was recently killed.

Other characters who have tapped into this power and transcended the false 'God' matrix, soul recycling, physicality paradigm - whatever you want to call it - would be for example George Kavassilas who teaches this same heart-based spirituality without influence of this Wingmakers group. In his case it was enough to thwart a myriad of dark cabal technology. Thus, the battle is already won as Max Spiers said. It's now only a matter of it manifesting through myriad players in the environment.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Messing around with thoughtforms, spells, "loosh", rituals LOL, are all childs play compared to our source potential.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Max talks a lot of masonic bullshit and plays into little allegorical scenarios due to his involvement in MK Ultra but his underlying message reinforces the OP. Not necessary material, but useful if taken with discernment.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Bay Area (NYC)

>I'm not a slob or a pervert. I won't take advantage

Me too, plus, I'm a photographer. :/



Dude I'm literally running this show right now.



Sourcery is where it's at, my man.


Some people have girlfriends. I have goyfriends.

You goyfriends need to realize that shitposting is bad for your health.

“The virtues of the heart, when they are coherent within an individual or a group of individuals, can

produce results that are extraordinary and seemingly supernatural. This requires that both the tacit or

implicit level (the inner source) of heart virtues and their explicit equivalents (actions/behaviors) are

coherent. Coherent, in this case, means linked in authenticity and genuineness.”




not knowing meme magik is the most powerful of all magiks


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




You're replying to me, and I've been gone from this thread for weeks because I forgot to check back in to this site. I'm new here so I'm going to assume you're the OP despite the OP's posts not having the same flag thing attached.

>Ah, a close-minded skeptic. Not a seeker?

Close-minded is the wrong phrase to describe me when I had been entertaining, considering, weighing just about everything you had posted before my absence.

I'm a "careful seeker", if that makes sense.

I don't take in information and run with it when it looks like its a verified deception.

You either jumped the gun too quick on me, or never thought that I might be careful.

The best thing one could do for spiritual growth, while incarnate, is self-reflection. (You were wrong in the beginning of your post, you should think about how you think)


Examination of what you believe—-what information or beliefs you take in and act upon…that's just as important. Each human acts upon info/beliefs; the ones you share here are not proven.

If someone told me you were a ruthless serial killer who will use "every trick in the book" to deceive me, appear non-threatening, and feign friendship, should I believe them immediately and start a witch hunt against you?

No, end of discussion.

That's why it's important to examine, to scrutinize; so that one should not take in matters incorrectly and act upon wrong information or deceptive beliefs.

>Well, buddy, then you may be on your own in the chaotic world of WW3 and beyond… Heh… Heh…

You shouldn't try to persuade me—-with this mere possibility—-to do more than rethink my survival preparedness.

Everything else you wrote about, such as the Annunaki or a simulation…it's unproven. How could you persuade with that?

I'm sure we both know you're only trying to help.

Even with your talk about the Wingmakers' intent to guide humans, a simulation, a God matrix, it all sounds like introductory knowledge that you're sharing.

I was hoping you had something profound. What is the point of everything you said?

What's the most insightful thing to take from it?

(2nd attempt at posting this)



It is I, the thread creator. Call me the CrEaTOR. I got a religion, it's called Creativity. Check it out sometime at Church of the Creator.

Jk, not really.

I can't believe I read all that bullshit you wrote. Because 1, skeptics are different from seekers. Seekers have positive karma at least while skeptics are just ignorant little babies.

A seeker will begin to unlock and develop their intuition to find their way to the truth. Reality.

What I shared in this thread is the most profound realization one can have in this life, akin to Nirvana.

Of course, part of it is experiental knowledge which as a skeptic you don't have access to. The feeling, the confirmation, the experience.

So, thus… I have nothing more to say for it will fall on deaf ears.

Do you want or even deserve to be taken past the 4D control structure in this life? Because I know the alternative. I have some 4D friends in high places and even then, I wouldn't prefer to stick around.


Hey you said you figured everything out! Is this realization really so profound or is it the first of many?


Wingmakers are compromised.



>1, skeptics are different from seekers

Except I'm not some kind of awful skeptic that you keep thinking I am.

It's 1 thing to embrace skepticism to the level that you were attempting to explain and berate. That's not what I am. Will you believe me though?

Like I'm saying, it's one thing to be your idea of "skeptic".

It's a different thing when someone is simply skeptical about what they find or read, or hear.

Pay attention to what I'm trying to illustrate now, if you manage to turn yourself around and read this post.

It's almost like what I had written didn't register in your mind, when one of the few things I did was show concern that you may be wrong and that this idea of there being ' Wingmakers in the future ' is made up.

>Seekers have positive karma at least while skeptics are just ignorant little babies.

Personal opinions—one of which doesn't apply to me—that I didn't need to know.

Seekers seek, that's it.

You burden your mind with this opinion of skeptics, along the way you burden the mind of the reader who has to wade through it when you post it in public (especially when sharing "the most profound realization one can have in this life").

>experiental knowledge

I already had an understanding of the concept of experiential knowledge. If a person fails to pass on his/her knowledge successfully (through conventional means of communication), then guiding the learner to the means by which they will acquire the knowledge is the way.

This isn't where you've ended up though, because you still haven't responded to my request/questions for a brief version of your insight.

>So, thus… I have nothing more to say for it will fall on deaf ears.

Your making it appear as though I'm not paying attention, and that I've been inconsiderately discarding everything you (the OP) have posted.

Wrong. I became more careful after I looked up the origins of the claims of a person (Al Bielek) who you thought was useful to listen to.

"Nothing more to say".

It seems you're just not capable or desirous of answering either of the few questions in my previous post.

Rather you seem to kid around like a jokester, no one to be taken seriously. And personally, I haven't written you off completely.

>Do you want or even deserve to be taken past the 4D control structure in this life?

Make fun all you will, but this is—so far—the only thing I found in your thread that's worth thinking about.

To feel truly deserving…but of what? The "fourth density"?

On the same note, to feel deserving of a reward is a matter of achieving either worthiness or redemption.

If you have any evident depth in your realizations, we'll see this depth when you share your thoughts on why (or when) a human is ever worthy enough to have a greater life.



How are they compromised?

The only thought of mine is that they could be infiltrated by grey-alien hybrids somewhere down the line and that's the reason for their high technology time travel shenanigans and giant floating commie cities.



I got no patience to enter into a discourse with you further on this, buddy. My words on a screen can't trigger a consciousness shift because for that you need experiential knowledge and no I didn't read any of that.



Well I'm not talking to a wall. Say what you want, you're in a public forum.Other people will read my posts if they have the patience, and decide whatever they will on their own.

I've been watching the video in the OP and encourage people who might do the same to realize that there are other claims like those in that video, from elsewhere/other people.

As an example of one—and this one making more sense, yet clashing with the "history lesson" from your source—there is the Ra Material which can be read online for free.



good that there are 2 wingmakers…



One more thing.


This is the page where people can find the transcript of the interview. They'll have to click on the 'fifth interview' if they want the transcript of the video in your OP.

I see you really believe in this. I don't. But I'll give it consideration and take what seems to be useful, or what sounds right. Hopefully you reach the end of the journey that this thing started for you, I just didn't want you to start believing something made up and go crazy from it.

Wherever you go or are, may the faith that all will be well, be with you.



Egalitarian cuckolds. They claim we share an unconscious reality, then they insist niggers are the same or even capable of this dogshit. WingMakers made a mistake giving these lying retards their shit. They also completely ripped off Scientology but never mention it. I wonder why. Liars

It's always like this. Every fucking time somebody puts out some info that aligns with my experience, they turn out to be brainslugged and hellbent on my destruction. At least the scientologists put up a fight before they turned to shit. These retards didn't even get out the gate with their 'interview' and fingerpainting dogshit (just look how stupid and tasteless their fucking website is). The fucking stupidity and pomp and certainty sends me into a rage. Somebody that knows something planted these people here as disinfo. They knew somebody like me would come along and waste their time sifting through the lies. God that fucking shopping cart on their site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You got me. I wasted my time. I'm done with this shit.




Niggers are beasts and don't have the emotional or mental hardware white men do. Same with women. IDGAF about insectoid Asians.

Still, each of these creatures can access source within their being and that's the essence of this material which takes you beyond space/time/shitposting.

The world is a changing place. A new top species could be emerging with the Grey hubrid/hybrid phenomena which look mostly identical to white people but are psychic and 300 range IQ. This would be really shitty because Greys are a degenerate race, even if this faction claims to be benevolent and not in bed with the reptilians. Crimes against nature were committed here by the Annuanaki when they fused out chromosomes and gave us shitty feet and genetic defects plus locked Kundalinis so it's not like tampering with genetics is off limits for off world faction.

This material tells people they can escape the entire 3D/4D cosmic matrix, however. This is a fun little scenario playing out here on this blue ball with lots of soul prisons and deceptions but it's not the end all be all. You are infinite.

What these people with time travel tech have to do with anything will be interesting to see. Floating cities n sheeeeeit. Georgia Guidestones are about to become real.


There's plenty of different channeled material from beings in the 4D matrix like RA butow many have put messages inside cave ruins with time travel tech? Hmmm? I grew up near the Anasazi ruins… Those people just straight up disappeared.



They sound exactly like Jews/CIA. This shit is in no way beneficial and I have no doubt they and their useful idiots have no intention to reciprocate, as always. It's an ideological assault on civilization, likely made up by Jews. They love funding the clever retards, like libertarians and communists for example. They create a useless debate and 'movement' that completely misses the point if not commit suicide.

Dr. Neruda: “It’s a process—both for the individual and the human race. We work on it,

together. We resist behaviors of separation and insert behaviors of oneness and equality. We

disengage from the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, principles, people, organizations, currencies, food,

clothing, fashion, toys, and everything else within the Hierarchy whose roots are nourished by


Completely missing the Jews and physical reality:

Dr. Neruda: “Everyone wants to know the absolute truth. They want someone to point to

this phrase or that precept or that doctrine and explain to them that that is truth, believe it.

That’s been the game on this planet ever since humans began to contemplate their universe in

a philosophical manner. All the shared truth has gotten us where? Where we kill children to

punish leaders? Where leaders lock people up in death camps? Where religious leaders abuse

children? So I would ask you, what is the value of the information that has collectively brought

humanity here?

>muh six million

>muh pedo christians

Notice how they activate the very implants they told you about. Denying the beloved 'individual sovereignty' by emotional overwhelm. This subject is mechanical. It should be discussed in terms of mechanics. These people are corrupt and have no desire for anyone to know more they need to convince them of their scheme. Just feel good and die, goyim.

The entire article is like this. It's amateur brainwashing to destroy receptive plebs. These people ought to be destroyed.

Fuck, just ask yourself what power they've given you, and you'll find it is nothing. Less than nothing if you dissolve your society as they prescribe.



I have constant deja vu.

Not sure if mental illness, tumor or magic powers.



Is it normal for buddhists to be this racist? I figure it's something to do with their idea of reincarnation.



Oh… You are using the "it's the Jews" fallacy… No, materialist, not everything is the jews.

The only way to evolve is through what they present as the 6 Heart Virtues. Emotions unlock metaphysical powers. Then you can free yourself from the matrix since it also connects you to your own spirit. Part of that is also overcoming the energetic governors in our body, waking the kundalini, and achieving liberation in that fashion as well to become fully functional Human vessels for spirit.

So, yeah, they've led me to realizing my own power and connecting other synchronicity which speak to such.

I can't take everything they say seriously because plenty of it is social programming aka weakness and fallacies.

If you really want to solve the Jewish question it's done by ascending to higher states of consciousness which they can no longer impede, instigate, or manipulate. Like Alex Jones said with Joe Rogan, our best people are in the 5th/6th dimension. Kikes only resonate at extremely low vibrations, like scat. There will always be different levels of consciousness awareness on the planet and yeah the lower ones probably should kill themselves so might as well fire up that final solution if it keeps you busy and fulfills you in some way.


Time is a smear for the subconscious. At higher levels of awareness it's constant NOW moment.


Well, buddy, maybe I am a racist Buddhist in one of my alts here and maybe you don't know anything about ancient religion. Mohammed was white and Buddha was also an exceptionally beautiful Aryan man. What, you going to call them sexist next? Good. Go ahead. I hate cunts.



You're still convulsing and projecting nonsense. You haven't escaped. I don't know what else to do but recommend more reading. See their operations for the past few hundred years and consider the one being run on you:


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