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File: 00c3e7cb133f618⋯.png (7.69 KB, 864x490, 432:245, me1.png)


I think my house may be slightly haunted.

>be me

>sitting at computer

>Notice my cat keeps watching something over my shoulder, but nothings there

>he walks around our living room and stares at the ceiling, following something around

>suddenly feel a sharp pain in my neck, like someone stabbed or bit me

Rory has never done this in the 5 years I've had him. He started doing this in my room too, and after he left shit started rolling around my floor. Any advice? I'm not really sure what to do.


>OP probably accidentally summoned a demon of some sort.

You dun fucked up OP.



ive never done any summoning or rituals or anything. So im not really sure how I got this.




The demon is pissed at your poor taste in names


A common procedure for this type of thing is to salt the place, starting from the innermost area and working outward, then to perform the LBRP.

That should do the trick for the vast majority of unwelcome "guests".




You don't need any of that bullshit ritual and superstition. Just fucking apply Will to make it leave.



you go girl



That's fucked up. Have you seen it appear yet? Try not to give it too much attention in the meantime, it gives them power and delight.

If it won't go away, you need to banish it.

Good luck!



Hey fuck you man



The salt is bullshit but LBRP is best way to do it.



The salt isn't for an external effect.


>claims there might be a spirit in house

>resorts to cat's senses instead of own senses

>cucking yourself with the pussy



You literally only need to apply Will. Demonstrate the application of Will in a way that the demon could not. Clean your house, wash the windows, organize something, meditate for a while. It'll respect you.


>be me





Oh god, you're like those annoying faggots that started saying to me go back to reddit because of so called "reddit spacing" which I have been using for a decade on imageboards.

Now "be me", a phrase I've seen also being used to start greentext stories for many years, is somehow related to that shit site "reddit" that I've still never used because it requires accounts and is totally retarded?



>thinks "be me" is acceptable

>I've been using imageboards for years fellow goy




Not him but you are, in fact, the newfig here. "Be me" has been used to start greentexts for years, just because reddit stole it doesn't mean it didnt originate on chans.


File: 7cf8a2c7a3490e2⋯.jpg (108.7 KB, 894x894, 1:1, 1467838124401.jpg)


You are, in fact, the newfig here. "Be me" has been used to start greentexts for years, just because reddit stole it doesn't mean it didnt originate on chans way back when.



Be Me started on /4chon/

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