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Does anyone have and tips or starting points for those interested in shamanism? General Shamanism thread.


Shamanic journeying is pretty interesting. I find it strange that a drum beat can enhance visualizations so much.



any good books on the topic?


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The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner (which is in the library Mega folder, which you should have already looked at if you wanted resources). I haven't read much of it, so I don't know if it details the exact same thing I've been doing, but the book was also recommended to me by my friend who introduced me to journeying. He's been doing it for a couple decades. He has an actual drum, so I'm not doing it with some audio through headphones. You can do it like that, and there are plenty of recordings around the internet. It's a type of guided visual meditation. There's a basic drum beat for about 15 minutes or so. At the start of the drum beat, he slowly says all of the instructions for the guided part: visualize a large tree in front of you, look at what's around you, get up closer to the tree, notice a hole/tunnel in the tree or its roots, have a look inside, and then go into the hole/tunnel. That's over the course of maybe a minute or so. Then at the end of the 15 minutes (it can be as long as you want but that's what we all usually do), the drums slow down to silence, then there's four slower beats, then it's fast for a little while, then there's four beats again and it ends. That's the call to return. It's when you're meant to go back to the tree. All of the visualizations usually come to you, rather than you deciding each and every thing that happens. You can control it, though. For example, a couple of times I've been in a cave or a cabin or something like that (long story short) and I've consciously decided to materialize a piano out of the ground and try to make music. It's never any good, but it's kinda interesting, at least. I'm not sure that much of it is meant to be prophetic or anything massively profound like that. He tells me it definitely is occasionally, and he's apparently gone astral a few times with it, but I haven't had any of those experiences, he's far, far more experienced with this kind of thing than I am, and I definitely pay more attention to hermeticism than anything else.


Check out the Woven Energy podcast https://wovenenergy.com/

Don't let the website put you off too much, the guy being interviewed actually has some interesting things to say




>needing outside influence

>not having a horse

The shamanlet will always be inferiour to the taltos.


I would load of warcraft. Stop doing drugs for 5 fucking minutes you faggots. All of this shit is bullshit to distract you from the truth. The further you go into this nonsense the more painful the fall will be when you discover there was no magic. You just live a privledged lifestyle and stick to generic paths which means you will automatically have good things happen to you. If you want to know how real magic is, reduce yourself to nothing, then start trying to accomplish anything. You are going to look like a schizophrenic loser to everyone. Those people who follow gay debunked bullshit like astrology are only able to blend into society because people are like "aww imagination. That's cute. I remember when I was 6 years old." Also most people into astrology have pussies, and anyone who has actually looked the fuck around them will see that cavemen will do literally anything for a few pumps.



Load up*




Shamans need drugs to do anything. They need outside influence.

The taltos only needs himself and his own.


Read the teachings of don Juan by Carlos Castaneda, using powerplants is more of a form of summoning the hyperdimensional entities within those plants. Some people never need to take the medicine, they already see. Shamanism is, as explained by Don Jaun as "sorcery".



Are you talking about Toltecs?



but in the book >>89246 mentions the experiences while drugged were similar between shaman.



Taltos, precisely. The world will bow to the Magyar.


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>stop doing drugs

no - every tool has it's own use


>outside influence

some only need the veil lifted to explore

I will say that shamanistic beliefs are powerful - but they are not a substitute for other means of communication and or travel.

Back in the day, before I really knew what was going on I used to wander the woods at night on all manners of substances - the best and worst time put things into perspective for me.

Drugs are a tool to help you see things as they are - albeit warped through your perspective. and as a result of this perspective shift, are only useful when attempting to receive information in a limited environment limited sensory input.

Even with this, you open yourself up to a lot of other entities and energy that want to fuck with you, take part of your soul, steal your energy, or just fuck with you - lots of those that are trapped on this plane are old and are bored.

If you attempt to do these things or really anything related to magical shit, you must be protected and ensure that you do not invite anything to take harbor with you.




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I've had "Spirit Walking" by Rysdyk in my library now for a few years. I picked it up again just yesterday after a nice walk in the woods, perhaps I will start doing the meditations in these book now. It seems to be basically a bunch of meditations on your spirit animal, spirit guides etc to accompanying audio files you can get on her website.



Taltos is just another type of shaman.



The whole point of the occult for me is to discern the great truths of the universe. To me, that would mean far more than turning lead into gold or shapeshifting into a cat or telekinetically forcing mundanes to shit their pants or speaking with a Goetic demon or even attaining physical immortality. Since my infancy I have always wanted to know and to understand, so naturally the greatest gift I could ever give myself would be to understand everything. Doing magic will probably help on this path, but tools that require me to alter my state of mind will not. Everything you could possibly need is already within you, and the best external tool is acquiring knowledge so you may consider it deeply through your intuition. Maybe I'm biased because my only drug-induced revelation was that Doritos taste even better than I thought they did, but while it seems you can probably accomplish much with shamanism, I cannot imagine it being as conducive to spiritual development as pure learning.


Of the shamans I know, most seem to have fallen into it more because they were chosen by spirits rather than seeking them out on their own.

It's even kind of a hassle sometimes.



Yeah shamanism is basically forced spirit rape. Reading about it, most all cultures are this way. Otherwise one might become dysfunctional, as it is a power not well understood so not well fought against, and spirits are persistent.

Shamans are "broken" so they're sensitive to spirits.

The more trauma the more sensitive you are to it… if you keep a spiritual perspective (emotional, mental sensitivity) the entire time. Most randoms do it this way, becoming well acquainted with their "machine code".

It's the wild boogy man version of attaining occult power, and being very wounded themselves they are forced to learn how to heal and thus become healers as well.

Honestly though it's barbaric, I'd prefer the journey by other means, which there are. It has its purpose but it's an entirely sub-conscious process, and thus crude.


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It does enable a much, much younger start than most get. I would have died at the age of seven(or probably younger) if I didn't get picked up. They fucking molded me, though. Forged me into what they needed.

Never gonna stop shedding negative vibes but it can't be helped. At least I'm alive.



probably karma from past lives and sheei


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Yeah I guess. Spend five or six lives as a warrior and one as a goddamn custodian. For all the meaning I try to pour into it, I'm a saprovore custodian.




>not sacrificing the horse





Could you two better elaborate on this please? In a general, wholistic way. I also have a few specific questions.

Why do spirits choose some people at all, what is the purpose there?

Forced spirit rape of what?

What does it mean for a spirit to break someone?

Why do shamans become aquainted with their spirit code?

>It has its purposes

Like what, in the modern and old world?

What are the pros and cons to this?


What sort of Dharma would be a requisite for this sort of thing?

Sorry about the load of questions. Need some help on finding answers. Thanks


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Sure, I can try. I'll only be handing out my own experiences, but I hope it helps.

For me, I was chosen because my early life experiences(0-6 early) made me mentally suitable, and I would not have survived without their assistance. As far as I have been able to tell, they literally reached into me and cured me of a crippling, ordinarily incurable disease just to make use of me.

Forced spirit rape. AHaha. AHSAHGSHGS. Yes, the first times they reached out to me was in horrifying nightmares. Learned my first rituals that way. Forced spirit rape is a word for it.

For me, 'breaking' me was to mold me into what they needed. I can only assume that is how it is for most; they make you into what they need and create a front that is useful for them to wield.

I'm not sure what he means by 'code'… but I did get a keen understanding of myself, the way I'm programmed, and my internal functions physical, mental, and spiritual as a result of watching those functions be painfully torqued and mutated and rewritten for years. Constantly. I'm not traumatized, what makes you think I'm traumatized?

The pros and cons are 'someone has to do it' and 'wow, I'm perfect for this job because I am a tool forged for decades to perform this singular task'. It's… existential. I am not as intimately familiar with other ways of doing things, so I don't know what he means.

Whatever kind of Karma or Dharma or whatever can earn you this, avoid it. Apparently I was a soldier repeatedly in past lives, so maybe that's it.





>sacrificing anything other than your consciousness

Why the heck do you think they use herbs and drums to drug themselves.

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