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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: b78ef0aae0e1fdb⋯.jpg (330.1 KB, 800x600, 4:3, wj.jpg)


Let's talk a little about magical physical accomplishments you've made. Things mundanes can see, in other words.

Can you actually heat up a room with your mental concentration? If so, did you measure the change in temperate with a thermometer? How many degrees did you manage to make the room temperature rise? How big is your room?

Did you have another person in the room with you when you did it? What did he/she say about it?


Its seriously not that hard, you just gotta believe harder than the normies.

>friend jams his finger in car door and can't move it

>I focus white light on it through my hands

>pain leaves, full range of motion

>needless to say he's stunned

>draw shitty sigil formation on paper plate

>half ass the 4 elemental arrow signs

>draw a shitty spiral around the center

>leave it at a friends house who can see energy

>3 months later he said its still blasting out energy full force

>says he sits there and watches it in his living room

>Be in apartment I was moving into

>Pothead roomie invites 2 friends over(they was dating)

>Im talking about spirituallity n shit like a crazy guy

>Forming a ball of energy in my hand while I talk

>Put my hand holding said energy ball close to them

>"Go ahead and feel it"

>They argue over who's gonna try first

>Bf reluctantly reaches over

>I wait with a smirk on my face

>His hand gets sucked in towards my palm and he starts feeling the heat


>He gets his gf to feel it

>Same response

Thats about as far as I tested anything. That was all back in my normie phase though. I wouldn't dream of testing this on normies again


The best source of this type of information is in the actual Stargate and GATE documentation, too bad you have to be related to Rothschilds or an uber elite to access this documentation.




How long have you been practicing?



Honestly at the time I had been half assing my practice for about a year without actually doing any reading on anything except maybe the Kyballion. I skimmed the book on Psionics and just began using it as I saw fit.

At this point I've been interested in spirituallity for four years but only seriously reading for a month or two. I don't really "practice" anything to be completely honest. It makes me a little sick that I had that much potential and I haven't done anything with it since.



Was what you were doing something you'd read in a particular book? I've only been doing the kind of energy work Robert Bruce talks about so far (New Energy Ways and Mastering Astral Projection), and for the last 3 months. I'm just wondering if there are any specific books that cover the stuff you're talking about.



I can't find the pdf I used back in the day anymore. Just do some googling on the term "Psionics" and avoid all the DnD shit. There's forums for people who specifically practice Psionics instead of magick because its easier for their brains to understand psychic forces than the spiritual realms.

You'll find a surprising amount of people actually practicing, getting results, and discussing methods.

Most of what you can learn about psionics is basic though. I would flex my arms and release the tension and repeat as I tried to simulate the feeling with my mind inbetween. Once you're doing that you're controlling the basic flow of energy in your body. Then you just direct the flow and visualize it forming into a ball in your hands. Imagine how it feels anywhere from temperature to texture to magnetism.



Thanks anon



Can anyone achieve similar things in psionics or is it more for people who were gifted by the nature? Similar to how some people are born with more active third eye than the others and can see more.



Different anon, but pretty much anyone can succeed in psionics. Some people will have more natural talent than others, as with any other pursuit, but it's not a thing where some people just don't have it.



I just started trying psionics this last month and I agree, very easy to learn making a psi ball and spoon bending.



Do you happen to remember the name of the PDF / book?





Same question. Do you have the PDF you're using?


File: 54479ced65f7ef2⋯.pdf (201.86 KB, thepsionshandbook.pdf)



Holy shit you faggots owe me. I couldn't remember the name so I did some searching and I just stumbled upon the exact book I used but on a new site. It used to be on psipog before that stopped being a thing. Enjoy kiddos


File: a263f86700c0344⋯.jpg (75.67 KB, 1159x690, 1159:690, silent-hill-high-definitio….jpg)


Much appretiated.



Many thanks to you, friend!



This is short, I'm going to read it all.


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I picked it up watching youtube vids and sites I found on DuckDuckGo. Nothing in particular stood out, but I got the idea pic related, first attempts at bending spoons


This is fucking incredible. Thank you so much anon!!


File: 8ef598bf15dfb3a⋯.png (118.63 KB, 497x347, 497:347, 1445557891867.png)

>Can't stop visualizing the Psi Ball

>Its above my bellybutton as said and I can feel it but I can't dismiss it

The book says I should stop after a while but I can't, the fuck



You're a hero anon. I've been looking for a copy of this for fucking years!



I'm >>89510 and I absolutely have to say thank you again, I've been working it and I've already managed to warm my hands up using a psiball, this is amazing!




I can create a psiball between my hands very easily. It's so electric and feels like I'm being shocked in a good way.

But for the life of me I can't feel the psi above my belly button, only a little bit sometimes and it causes my heart to flutter when I send it up through my chest.



same, i can't stop feeling it. also couldn't really send it up through my chest despite being good at energy work



What site did you end up finding it on?


File: 5f581ad788cc9c7⋯.png (652.22 KB, 967x674, 967:674, 1440987116132.png)


Well great, my feeling is some sort of small "pain" or "pressure". I wish it was something else, but hey, I'll take what I can get.



mine was the same, trying a different position and making sure you're breathing correctly.

When I did it laying down it was particularly uncomfortable. It made me short of breathe and made my heart flutter going through my chest. Tried it standing up and it was better.



I focused and felt a tingling sensation. it became stronger and stronger. then I reached down and felt to ball shaped apparatus under my belly button. I could feel it with my hands. I played around with them and something creamy and milky liquid came out… I think we're onto something boys


What am I supposed to do when I'm supposed to visualize something in relation to my body?

Like the first exercise, they tell you to visualize a ball of electricity above your navel, but how am I supposed to visualize that?

Am I supposed to visualize it on a copy of my body in third person? Am I supposed to visualize it in a new scenario in first person? Am I supposed to try to "overlay" it on my current awareness?

I'm really not sure what I should be doing, I've had this problem with other visualization practices before as well.


Holy shit this really works fellow goyim. I visualised being a jew and suddenly I was jewish, called my parents and they said "of course you're jewish shlomo", my name didn't used to be shlomo but I just checked by driver's license and now it's "Schlomo". Magic really does work! Thank you goys!



You're going to be pleased with your self until you look down and see your mutilated kike pike.



Well I'm a Rothschild now so I think I'll be using it more than anyone else on this board. In fact I'm going on kibbutz soon and I've been promised a choice pick out of the kidnapped children they keep on the kibbutz. Being a jew is great.




>Gabriel Weinberg, the founder of DuckDuckGo



Stopped reading there, that's all I need to know. Into the oven DDG goes.



Use Startpage



fyi every single search engine is jewish to my knowledge, except maybe searx.me, although that one is probably jewish too



The entire internet as a whole is 100% controlled by jews and freemasons. The only way to be free is to stop using the interjew.


If someone hangs out with me long enough theyll start to notice the improbable synchronicities that tend to happen.

Things happen all the time, its kind of normal. Just today I woke up after falling asleep in the afternoon. Friend pops into my head, phones rings that next second. I was probably sensitive to the radio waves that were coming in, rather than the mental waves.


File: 3b61bc92eedb18f⋯.pdf (1.32 MB, Esoteric_Physics.pdf)

Here's a good read on occult physics. Enjoy!


File: e64365e785295dd⋯.png (2.03 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Screenshot from 2017-01-15….png)



yo that's fucking crazy.



Thank you


Nice fucking res

Is it an IPC screen?



Oops IPS*









Can someone give me a hand with the first excercise? I can't feel anything on my belly button, but when I'm relaxed like this I can sort of force myself to feel some "spasms" that really make my right arm and legs twitch, and even warm up my thighs. Not sure it's anything PSI related.

I can't make myself feel anything on my abdomen though, and my visual imagination is kinda shitty so it lacks clarity and I can't really "see" the ball.



Like the book says, psi experiences are different to each of us and it also changes as we practice. No right or wrong answers, just keep working on it, it's highly experimental. Don't force yourself to feel anything in particular, just relax and focus. For me, it all clicked when I started to visualize my body as an energy system, not a physical one; I start all my psi exercises with chakra meditation.



>On my belly button

While you can actually just focus anywhere, the text says it should be a bit above your belly button instead of right on it.

If that still doesn't work try it elsewhere.




Many thanks for the replies

I think I'll have to try some other method.



Yes it is.


From my experience it doesn't work like an instantaneous force, and if you have listened to enough Terence McKenna, he confirms what I'm about to say.

That form of magic does not hold up to disbelief, and it is never instantaneous, that being said I've been able to influence things in such an aberrant fashion that when I finally told somebody what I had been doing they were given to consider what I was telling them.

In fact, I feel kind of bad about what I did last year and I'm going to make up for it this year, I did it for my own personal gratification and vanity, and I was taught a lesson about the cost thereof to others which there was.

This year I plan to make up for it and help make things right, I'm now fairly convinced of the influence I hold, so I no longer need to prove it at the expense of others around me.



Take your meds pals



I can guarantee that you are going to die this year. Hopefully today. Everything you do is recorded you stupid fuck. I'm gonna torture you for eternity.

Im coNviNceD i hAVe InFluEnce Now

Hahahahha you are such a fucking tool


File: f2fb04c670174ed⋯.png (97.33 KB, 602x760, 301:380, ClipboardImage.png)


that's all bullshit

the stargate nonsense is a psyop



can't feel much but my body starts twitching, is it gonna change with time or do i just work with the twitching?



its a sign your energy body is starting to wake up and be used again. For me it shifted from twitchy to a slight creaky feeling in my bones. The more I practiced the more fluid the feeling became. Be glad you're getting results, and practice



Figured I'd check in here again, been practicing since this post and I'm now able to make psi-balls that other people, even skeptical mundanes, can feel. If anyone has any doubts about whether magic is real, work these exercises in earnest and you'll get results.



I'm stuck on the twitchiness as well. Do you have any beginner tips on how to make the ball move from my belly to my chest?

I can make it so I feel heat on my belly but I can't move that to my chest



Flex the muscles in that area while focusing on the sensation it creates till you can replicate it in your mind without flexing.


Oh look, it's a salty faggot goon.

You do realize that wishing ill upon others only manifests upon yourself right?



U r a poopy fart


I just casted NEW REPLY




thanks anon, this is encouraging, i'll keep going and hopefully the twitching will be manageable


I can heal minor sprains and muscle aches by directing healing energy into them. A friend picked up a moldavite rock I regularly use for energy work and commented on its intense energy field. I told her to put it on the crown of her head and it jolted her with tonnes of energy and made her light headed and loopy for the rest of the day.



The Holy grail flows within every white human, you just gotta spread it to find it



You are obviously black. That doesn't count.

Niggers are retarded and can't be expected to respond to situations like normal people can.



You do know this Sean character wrote this when he was like 15, right?

When he was 28 he closed the website because he felt he was throwing his life away. He thought psi was not real at all and wanted nothing more to do with it. He is a gamedev now.

You can look him up. I believe you can find an archive of psipog on reddit and read his message there.

This "book" is literally the product of a 15 year old roleplaying.



>Im white bitch

>them amazing German genetics


>hahahaha Im not fucking 28

>got me confused with someone else



ah shit this is why I shouldnt hop on fringe right when I wake up

now that Ive realized my mistake


It works, plain and simple, doesn't matter if its roleplaying. He just tapped into real potential but didn't understand the real system behind it. Learning some eastern energy systems while practicing the western ceremonial magicks and systems helps a fuckload.



>that shit happened

How's life in the mental assylum?



I'm a Mediterranean beach sand nigger myself. Still better than a full turbonigger who doesn't even know how to read.

Nobody said you were Sean the author of that book. Go back to school, Tyrone.


You're absolutely right. The problem is most people who try "psi" don't see it this way. They end up doing this kind of bullshit:




Any source of his position as game dev and him saying psionics was not real?



Link me to this shit you're talking about.

I'm not surprised he ended up going to that conclusion about this stuff because everything he writes if bullshit only a mundane would take seriously. He gets very little actually right about magick and all the techniques they share on the site are shit and based on false assumptions about reality.



His explanations for everything, his basic understanding of reality, his whole idea of "psi". It's all wrong, as wrong as a sorcerer who uses materialist explanations for his magick, such as Peter Hurkos who does extremely powerful magick without having any clue how.






Ok, do you have any better guide to psionics?



You can't win every argument by using race as a strawman.



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