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Time is up, Humans



How soon?

Everyone says this will only happen after the Earth goes through its ascension from 3rd density to 4th density. People are saying this will happen any time from 2017-2023, and some say it won't occur until 2050 -2100. I can barely stand this density any longer. HOW LONG? And how much of the population is coming with us?



How would people have to be qualified to "go with you"?



Youre moving through it right now. Some parts of the soul cant survive the transition. Its your own mindset pleb



They have to be of at least 51%-100% positive thought / Service To Others.


I know that the Fourth Density energies are present on Earth and can be accessed by many, including myself, however there comes a point where things kinda reach climax, right? The veil finally breaks and the energy absorbs the Earth, and the Harvest finally occurs. Only then will The Golden Age truly start and we will be fully integrated into the Fourth Density energy.



>how soon

No sooner than 500 years, no later than 10,000. So very soon.


What the fuck are you faggots doing in my thread.

Service to others? Heh. That's a good one. Did the greys tell you that? Hue hue hue hue. Slaves.

Grey alien hubrids are being trained as we speak to guide you onto our cattle cars when we come to harvest at the end of this cycle.



No. Ra told me.

Grey alien hybrids?

What are they called? Yahyel?

Spare us your lies, oh Draconian, I know that when the Harvest finally comes, I and many others like me will live out the Golden Age.


LARP general?



Not me.



>be me

>be 69% Service To Self

wat do?



how did you find out that number? i really want to know my progress :C

I hope you can find your way.


Quit larping you fucking losers. I'm about to delete this universe. You people are fucking disgusting.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm expecting it to happen around 2033, but it could be any day really.

The "hybrid" program is just crowd control, judas goats.

Jacobs thinks its about taking over the planet, but this planet is primarily for rapid cycling of souls.

It could be a "wheat and tares" kind of situation where you need an environment for souls to cycle and develop rapidly in order to separate what isn't acceptable from the desired product.

Artificial moon, times lining up, everything points to a conclusion.

Population reaches a crescendo where all souls on the planet are alive at the same time, then its time to load the cattle cars and start the sorting process.

Earth gets reset, then gets seeded again to start the process over.







Seems like a core hypocrisy. Being so good, you're bad. Ah, existence. Such a strange crapshoot.





Well, doing bad things to be good. The other was a paradox, I think?


Very creepy. What's your name, mate?


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FYI I think lil homie here works for the "hawk god", whoever the fudge that may be.



All Earth gods are just aliens larping.




Nah, I dunno, could be an easy-to-swallow moniker. Clearly nobody told the cunt Marvel already copped the name. But yeah, I dunno, keep an eye on bird-related shit, I could swear something wiggy is in the works (Then again, when isn't there?)



New souls enter into this reality.

Some have inherent problems that won't manifest for many lifetimes.

These inherent problems if left unchecked can lead to great devastation across the universe.

So, set up a soul farm where lives are cycled rapidly and the whole thing is quarantined. After ten thousand years or so the collective reaches a ripe age and the bad eggs are easily identified.

Then you harvest and sort.









>people go through 10,000 years of life in order to prove themselves good eggs who won't damage the extrinsic universe, and then they are 'harvested'.

Given that in the 21st century there are still eggs full of period blood being sorted as good eggs, I'm not instilled with faith in 'egg' sorting proceedure or this theory.




And why does such a supposedly benevolent system use such a method to effectively reap souls? What are we being fed here, exactly? Should we even WANT to scurry off with this unknown carrot-and-stick force, leaving all of its abandoned materials behind? It's as if we're being told ethics that comfort us, in order to make us comply with the process, while having virtually everything bar our instructions put behind an unknowable veil.



I guess, just keep in mind - we're working with forces that the greatest minds in our history can only begin to comprehend. No reason not to be cautious - I'm sure if the kindness of the universe and beyond genuinely rules supreme and cohesive, such forces will understand our cautioun.





Some of the pleiadians will be okay. They will live and access eternal life technologies.


Just because you murder someone for the government doesn't mean you aren't a piece of shit murderer. Nobody in the universe likes cops/cia/mossad/military. Faggot murderer thieves all get what's coming to them. Deal with it pussy.




So do I but I am a Reptilian.



access eternal life technologies?

but in the end…reptilians not human…and I would rather force one human lives then force a billion reptilians live.

Besides the Reptilians are just pets, slaves, workers, and cargo holds for the ancient humans and the breakaway civilizations.




Pleiadians and Repitlians please. You know us Greys be keeping it real across the multiverse. You only wish you could dip into some nice Grey puss.



I'm trying to be celibate.

Also…the Grays I am thinking of are just like the reptilians…pets, slaves, workers, and cargo holds for the ancient humans and the breakaway civilizations.




>able to reproduce or even have sex

Negative entities pls


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The Earth is likely flat, or at least something weird is going on, considering the South Pole is essentially walled off with ice, and off limits to civilians.

Background radiation "axis of evil" points to the Earth actually being the center of the Universe.

The Moon is clearly an artificial structure, sized and placed specifically for some unknown purpose.

Earth has clearly been inhabited by beings before us, with capabilities we can't comprehend, and who seem to have been wiped out in some kind of cataclysm.

None of that is speculation, its just the actual world we live in today.

Everything seems scripted. People literally start losing their shit when someone questions the official narrative, or pointing out obvious anomalies.

Enough credible people have looked into alien abduction experiences and come away convinced that something is going on.

Just consider the Ariel school sighting.

"Don't be so technologed" said some grey being with giant black almond eyes to a South African elementary school student.

Likely some inter-dimensional maintenance workers whose time-space machine malfunctioned briefly.

People who have near death experiences say time doesn't exist really. So its a construct. A soul farm, loosh farm, wind-up toy Universe meant to keep us occupied for unknown reasons.

But considering pedowood and all the other sick crap associated with it (Franklin cover up, the Finders, pizzagate), I'm still betting its a wheat and tares kind of deal happening.



We Greys have being trying to tell Humanity about this for many years, but those damn Pleiadians keeping messing things up.



relevant to clear up all the bullshit and leave only what's true.



>But considering pedowood and all the other sick crap associated with it

Might make sense if you consider that "elites" are rebelling against "the system" they're trapped in.


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