The Earth is likely flat, or at least something weird is going on, considering the South Pole is essentially walled off with ice, and off limits to civilians.
Background radiation "axis of evil" points to the Earth actually being the center of the Universe.
The Moon is clearly an artificial structure, sized and placed specifically for some unknown purpose.
Earth has clearly been inhabited by beings before us, with capabilities we can't comprehend, and who seem to have been wiped out in some kind of cataclysm.
None of that is speculation, its just the actual world we live in today.
Everything seems scripted. People literally start losing their shit when someone questions the official narrative, or pointing out obvious anomalies.
Enough credible people have looked into alien abduction experiences and come away convinced that something is going on.
Just consider the Ariel school sighting.
"Don't be so technologed" said some grey being with giant black almond eyes to a South African elementary school student.
Likely some inter-dimensional maintenance workers whose time-space machine malfunctioned briefly.
People who have near death experiences say time doesn't exist really. So its a construct. A soul farm, loosh farm, wind-up toy Universe meant to keep us occupied for unknown reasons.
But considering pedowood and all the other sick crap associated with it (Franklin cover up, the Finders, pizzagate), I'm still betting its a wheat and tares kind of deal happening.