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Esoteric Wizardry


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>ITT we discuss the numbers, their meanings, and where we can find those in context of that meaning

I make the start with some numbers I dug up, and be free to correct me, or add something.

1 means unitiy

2 stands for dualitiy

3 is symbolizing the wholy trinity, the masons use the 33 to symbolize with the 3 the pyramid (and thus the all seeing eye) and 2 times the 3 to symbolize the duality they believe we live in (black and white, good and evil, as above so below), while it also occurs often in the bible (jesus was crucified when he was 33, he was nailed to the cross with 3 nails and i heard it were 33 wonders he performed [that could be wrong though, have to check the last part]).

about the pyramid symbolism, the topstone is never placed, its always the all seeing eye hovering about it. the pyramid for once symbolises hierachy. but they are basically an homage to the zigguraths, like the tower of babel was. the idea behind the zigguraths was that gods are believed to live on mountain, so in an effort to become god you build your own mountain, the zyggurath where you throne over everyone else, like god viewing your realm with your allseeing eyes. you, or more (((they))) are the topstone standing above everyone else and totally unconnected to the ones below. 2nd pic related shows the pyramid in front of the IRS buidlin ind DC or washington (forgot which one) on the black part is written "we the people" and the american constitution. but the white stone is untouched from it. it doesnt is bound (((them))). they throne above the constitution other than the rest . also note about the picture the pillars are seperated in 13 parts, like the flag of the USA has 13 stripes, and the stars forming the seal of salomon in the US national seal consists of 13 stars. i come to the numer 13 further below though. but also again on top of the pillars they make the as above so below gesture symbolizing the duality again

4 is completeness, as the ogdoad representing the 4 primevil forces of createn, the primevil waters, darkness, air and eternety.

6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, his fears and i believe of this plane existence in general. 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.

The 7 is as far as i know the number of the whore of babylon, but also associated with god as his number is 777.

The next important number i know of is 13, always associated with bad luck. valley of Hinnom is mentioned 13 times in the bible, this is where the place was for important rituals to moloch. the dragon is mentioned in the revelation 13 times, with the dragon being a symbol for satan. nimrod, the great hunter, founder of what later became known of babylon, our first civilization where he ruled as king. nimrod was 13th in line of ham, son of noah who survived the flood. nimrod was said to stood before god, as in being on the same level of him or taking his place (hence why all governments are satanic, which especially the US likes to demonstrates with their symbology)


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File: 8d99049cf85c733⋯.jpg (53.92 KB, 434x220, 217:110, IRS building front.jpg)


didnt post the pictures for some reason, so here they are


Each number stands for whatever I want it to stand for you fucking loser. Kill yourself for being this obsessed with yourself.



32 spinal columns, 1 skull


File: 0147a985077d91b⋯.jpg (3.65 MB, 4049x5558, 4049:5558, Hidsa compact.jpg)


someone is butthurt that some stranger on the internet believes in something else than he does.


thats something new. pic related is about some symbology in general, but also gives some examples about the 6



In Buddhism, the peak of the world mountain Sumeru is known as the Heaven of the 33 (忉利天), and is a sort of liminal realm between that of gods and humans, the residents of it being able to interact with both.

I can't say if it's related or not but it's an interesting coincidence to say the least.



>the masons use the 33 to symbolize with the 3 the pyramid (and thus the all seeing eye)

Again, no, you fuckbucket. Why u always lyin?






Dude just cast a spell gandalf



not lying, if something i just got wrong infos. however the 33 is important to them, what else is the meaning then?



Slow down ghandi you're killing em.



Skulls are good.


Man the pyramids are bullshit.


Like for real fuck the pyramids.


yeah man fucking pyramids and shit.


Like how do they work?


For real


I mean


File: 462cecdb9ef7292⋯.jpg (219.29 KB, 712x1200, 89:150, do I pass.jpg)

76chan /sp/ GET. Oh oh its magic.


76 is nombr on



Do yu lik wew budy?



File: 0abf53ffd1f9470⋯.jpg (19.81 KB, 480x259, 480:259, 0abf53ffd1f947041a648ae63c….jpg)


>spamming to force a get

How sad.



;) sage negated.



and of course he choses this thread.



A triangle has 3 points, maybe the 33 is meant to signify two triangles, like the overlapping two triangles of Israel's star? Or would that be 3

3. I guess we won't know what it's for if that dude isn't going to say.

Maybe you can find something at http://www.home dot earthlink.net/~ktd_33/index.html that piques your interest.



seems interesting, will look deeper in it another tim though as its kinda late noww




God damn it, I wanted that GET.



Good idea, get some good sleep brah.



Then correct it in your copypasta for once.

>owever the 33 is important to them, what else is the meaning then?

It actually isn't that important in Freemasonry. It's used in the new A&AR because of the Christian messages of the Rite, and Christ spent 33 years on earth. So each degree is meant to be like a year of teachings.

Of course, America only has one degree in that rite, and other jurisdictions only have like four.


File: fe54dd4f8bc908a⋯.jpg (62.9 KB, 476x616, 17:22, BoA.jpg)

File: 3226e710ddc36de⋯.png (387.28 KB, 743x824, 743:824, fucking masons.png)


but it is. 33 ranks in masonry, orange being the only colour adding up to 33 in gematria and often used by them, in different events which most likely tie in to freemasons the number 33 is found as well. i heard its only the scottish rite being obsessed with the 33 though, so maybe thats where the misconception comes from, but the scottish rite are still freemasons



You know the only thing that really matters in that image? See that man near the burning bush? The one reading the book and ignoring the distractions around him?

Be that guy.



The burning bush is the third eye. I just figured it all out because I got that manna.

Check these digits, sinners and whores:

20But I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads My servants to be sexually immoral and to eat food sacrificed to idols. 21Even though I have given her time to repent of her immorality, she is unwilling.

22Behold, I will cast her onto a bed of sickness, and those who commit adultery with her will suffer great tribulation unless they repent of her deeds. 23Then I will strike her children dead, and all the churches will know that I am the One who searches minds and hearts, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.



This post made me laugh a bit for some reason



>the dragon is mentioned in the revelation 13 times

No, fourteen times, I looked up and counted it.

>nimrod was 13th in line of ham

Where are you getting that number from? Isn't he descended from Cush? What math did you use to reach the 13?

Hinnom is the only one you got right there.



Now I'll never see that painting the same just imagining it all takes place as shown. That reading guy is just "nope, nope, nope"



>Where are you getting that number from?

i formulated it wrong i guess, not really the 13th in line, but the 13th position if you count ham and his brothers too


as for the dragon i guess i have to check it aain then.


i like it. so simple, and yet so deep.



Give up asking about the ww. Don't pay attention to the burning bush or the only woman in the picture. Just read the book. The book tells the truth. Be book guy.

Good message. Pure, simple and kinda funny, hee-hee.



on the other hand doing nothing will just lead to the powers that are to tighten their grab and making stuff go downhill even faster.

pay attention but dont get distracted


>only looking at integers

>only looking at POSITIVE integers

>not even going past 13 except that one guy with a passing comment about 33

Truly your ignorance of deeper mathematics is well-expressed in the miniscule scope of your numerology.



instead of being a smartass you could just provide more infos and demonstrate your superior knowledge on the field.



Wow I would crush your skull if you said hee hee to me in person


This has been a really shit thread so far on numerology. We got anyone hear that actually knows what they're talking about?


File: 367ac469afdcc8d⋯.png (7.11 KB, 225x225, 1:1, seed of life.png)


7 is the number of circles needed to create the seed of life.

8 is the Genesis number the number where life begins.

9 is the number of months until a child is born.

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