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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Siddhis seem like really awesome! Let's discuss ways of obtaining them.

So far I know that all chakras opened=Kundalini activation=siddhis. I think semen retention and cold water, plus meditation, are enough to go activating chakras one by one.

Even medium siddhis are really cool

> Yathasamkalpa: The power to get anything one wishes for, whether as a whim or some special need, such as a rare hard-to-find object. A Yathasamkalpa Siddha becomes a little like a dragon sitting on a secret treasure of unusual and prized things, books, etc.

>Swacchand Mrityu: This is the ability to simulate death in a deep trance through cessation of breathing and heartbeat. It also gives the ability to die at the time of one’s own choosing. It also gives the ability to do “astral traveling”, “lucid dreaming”, going about in the subtle realm consciously, and then return to the entranced or sleeping body when one chooses. The realm of dreams and death is completely available to the Swacchand Mrityu Siddha.



Kamavasaita: This power can make anything the way one wants. The power of the Self-determination of a Kamavasaita Siddha is impossible by ordinary, undeveloped people to thwart. His righteous designs and plans cannot be changed or distorted by pompous, neurotic idiots.

>Apapajay: This is the personal power of always being as popular, magnetic, welcome and respected as one chooses to be.

Since undertaking this project, I have been struck by the pervasiveness of ultramasculine images in Indian Buddhist texts—texts that in some cases I had read many times without even noticing these tropes. Once I began looking, however, they seemed to leap from the pages and confront me with a completely new version of the Buddha, one who personified the ideals of the Indian warrior class (ksatriya), who caused women to faint because of his physical beauty, and who converted people to his teachings through the perceptual impact of his extraordinary physique. In the “Discourse to Canki,” for example, the Buddha is described as “handsome, good looking, graceful, possessing supreme beauty of complexion, with sublime beauty and sublime presence, remarkable to behold.”

In the “Discourse to Sonadanda,” a group of brahmans comes to visit him. One of them, a young man named Angaka, is described as “handsome, good-looking, pleasant to look at, of supremely fair complexion, in form and complexion like the god Brahma, of excellent appearance,” but the brahman who gives this description hastens to add that the Buddha is even more handsome. Similar passages abound in Indian Buddhist literature. The transcendent physical beauty of the Buddha is a core trope of every text I have seen that discusses his life and teaching career.


Lord Shiva to goddess parvati,

"O Parvati! What is there on this earth which cannot be accomplished if one has control over his sexual fluid?" That is, all powers reside at the divine feet of the Enlightened Urdhvareta (one who is able to sublimate his sexual energy through the practice of yoga). In fact, Siddhis (divine powers) become his facile servants. Such a Sadhaka can attain Self-Realisation within a short span of time. Even the gods (deities) have attained immortality through Brahmacharya"


Grandsire Bhishma and the great Abhimanyu

There were two great battles, which took place during the war of Mahabharat. One is of grandsire Bhisma and the other of Abhimanyu. Bhisma was a Naisthika Brahmachari, i.e. life long celibate. Therefore he was a man of boundless power. Lord Krishna had taken a vow that during the war he would not wield any weapon. However, he was compelled to break his vow in the face of the allconquering and irresistible attack that Bhisma mounted on the army of Pandavas. Even Arjuna armed with celestial weapons could not combat Bhisma's onslaught and Lord Krishna was forced to take up a wheel of a chariot to protect Arjuna from the arrows showered by Bhisma. It was through the power of Brahmacharya (alone), that Bhisma could conquer death.

When he was pierced by sharp arrows all over the body, his survival was impossible. Yet (god of) death could not snatch his life. Lying on the bed of arrows, he gave wonderful discourses on political, philosophical, religious, social and moral subjects to Yudhisthira. Bhisma waited for the beginning of auspicious Uttarayana. Then he willingly left his body.

The second battle was that of a charming and brilliant hero Abhimanyu. Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu fought single handed against the terrific strategy of Kauravas called Chakravyuha. Bhima, the chief of Pandava army, was left behind. Abhimanyu fought with commendable valour wielding a wheel of a chariot all alone amidst great warriors of Kauravas. But in the end he was killed because Abhimanyu sowed the seed of Pandava dynasty before proceeding to his last battle. He had passed the night before the great battle in the amorous company of his wife Uttara. Due to this act of infringement of Brahmacharya, he could not conquer death, unlike grandsire Bhisma.


siddha just means perfection, or attainment, or accomplishment. any kind of accomplishment is a kind of siddhi, though a mundane one. through concentration, desire and trust and will anything can be attained.

also its important to note that hyperbole was a very common literary trope back then, just classical text on ayurvedic remedies, they say it can cure just about anything, theyre not meant to be taken entirely literally


siddhis are baits for the mundane to enter the path of spirituality and should all be considered as a passing gift at best.



Indians are degenerate subhumans and their spirituality is just as twisted as their racial makeup. Don't believe for a second that these demonic looking creatures have special knowledge that is not incredibly distorted Aryan tradition.



lmao you know aryan is sanskrit for civilized right?



no it means noble and describes the pure primordial human and its offspring


You easilty could have just called it a "Superpowers and how to achieve them" thread but instead you post Indian garbage. Why?



Because aryans had a complete list.

where else can I know which superpowers exist and which do not??

reality warping for example is 100% un-attainable.


Uh huh… Maybe you should make a better list of siddhis. Is english your first language? Is anyone listening? HELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO?


Oh yeah and maybe you should stop representing ancient aryan sages as chubby dark monkeys. Yeah, I know there was a monkey sage but still.


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fuck off kike



He's right though.

But you got two doubles.

Which means he's right, And he's unknowingly Jewish.


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he's not correct

the only aryan is me

not you nor anyone else


Oh my fucking hell you faggots are so fucking obsessed with dead people. Move the fuck on. You are holding all of us back. THIS IS REALITY CALLING. YOU LOOK LIKE A FUCKING FAGGOT, EVERYONE IS SICK OF YOUR FAGGOTRY. QUIT BEING A FUCKING FAGGOT.

Seriously, how much longer do you have to play this shit game. This is fucking retarded. Nobody is going to help you when you need anything because you are preventing us from progressing. Let the ancient crumbling systems crumble and lets form new ones. Holy fucking shit kill yourself EGO.


I'm an extremely beautiful man. I'm so beautiful women always try to tempt me but I got no time for that. I'm also Nordic, btw. People think I'm a fat monkey but they are wrong. Dead wrong.


I have achieved syphilis. Does that count?



Then you've come quite a long way. The power of Syphilis is not to be taken lightly, since the abilities to dull the senses and magically alter you facial structure are powerful ones indeed.


>how to obtain siddhis

They're more like a side effect than something directly attainable…



that just means they ARE attainable



Oh, yea, I'm not saying they're not attainable.

I guess my argument is if you set out to just find them, you wont, but if you just go down your spiritual path, they'll show up sooner or later.



That's what a bullshit occultist loser would say.



Requesting books or at least pdf's.


>probably believes India has always been that way

>probably believes North Africa and Middle East weren't originally white, too




Almost check




Almost check, to some degree coupled with Apapajay





Hinduism was set up by Aryans, most notably ones from outer space.

Hinduism is the oldest, least diluted system of practice that venerates and nurtures the soul and spirit, in stead of prostrating yourself and begging, Hinduism builds you up.

Whatever remnant teachings of Atlantis can be found throughout the pacific on Islands that have lived secluded for millennia, can't measure up to the Vedas.

The deeper I got into the arts the more I was entranced by the Hindu deities and their stories, and the stories of the physical Hindu saints and what these stories revealed once I could read between the lines.

Even if you have zero intention of becoming a Hindu, y ou should study the religion, its the oldest we have, and the original teachings of those that came here to create us.



Yeah, but no matter what system you use, you are still in a kike prison world and will always need their useless pieces of paper, useless bytes on a server, and useless "precious" metals to do anything. I love how you A.A. faggots will be like "lol I do what I want I run the world" then you slave away at some shit job that you got because SOMEONE ELSES REGULATIONS prevent you from doing what you really want then some jew sitting on a throne in the desert takes a cut of your pay and has unlimited time to prevent you from surpassing him because he gets free money just because he was the first faggot to come up with being a kike faggot jew bitch.


AA CUCK: I do whatever I want! *gets married and gets a shitty house in suberbs then spends next 20 years paying it off then when the stress is gone they are fucking slobs and are still doing the same shit in their boring bubble while occasionally getting a glimpse of the good life through the telavivision*

When are you faggots gonna realize that if we ever want anything we are gonna have to do a fucking lot. This shitty slave world was conquered by faggots. Are you gonna sit back and watch Donald Clinton and Hilary Trump play Sim City while you sit on call waiting to repair all the problems they cause?

No, this is slavery and its gay. Fuck the jews. Time to get freedom. No matter what needs to be done it will be done. Either join operation BANISH BULLSHIT OCCULTIST or die with the kike parasites.


Donald Trump owns a hotel. Show me one path I can take where I can own a fucking hotel. There isn't one. The only people who are going to own a hotel are Trumps family or his friends, like the Clintons. You play no fucking role in the future. You are a slave Neo.





and what do you propose we do?



lol, unrelated, asshat.



>I don't understand how to use capitalism to my advantage so instead of trying I'm going to whine about it on the internet

Wew is it Antifa in here or is it just you? Keep complaining and giving your loosh goy, just don't actually do anything about your problems.



>>However, he was compelled to break his vow in the face of the allconquering and irresistible attack that Bhisma mounted on the army of Pandavas. Even Arjuna armed with celestial weapons could not combat Bhisma's onslaught and Lord Krishna was forced to take up a wheel of a chariot to protect Arjuna from the arrows showered by Bhisma. It was through the power of Brahmacharya (alone), that Bhisma could conquer death.

No. Krishna took up arms not to defend Arjuna, but because he got pissed at him. Arjuna throughout the war avoided facing Shri Bhishma because he truly loved him, and was to him like a father, Arjuna father, Pandu, died when he was just a child, and so Bhishma was central to Arjuna's childhood.



>>The second battle was that of a charming and brilliant hero Abhimanyu. Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu fought single handed against the terrific strategy of Kauravas called Chakravyuha. Bhima, the chief of Pandava army, was left behind. Abhimanyu fought with commendable valour wielding a wheel of a chariot all alone amidst great warriors of Kauravas. But in the end he was killed because Abhimanyu sowed the seed of Pandava dynasty before proceeding to his last battle. He had passed the night before the great battle in the amorous company of his wife Uttara. Due to this act of infringement of Brahmacharya, he could not conquer death, unlike grandsire Bhisma

What?! No… The Chakravyuha is a, now lost, strategic formation which only a few generals knew how to break completely, or create. On the Kuru's side you have Accharya Drona who formed the Chakurvyuha, but only Arjuna, and Krishna on the Pandu's side who knew how to break the formation. However in his haste Arjuna was lured away from this battle by being taunted by another Maharathhi.

Abhimanyu on the other hand only had half the knowledge. He only knew how to break the Chakurvyuha and enter the spiral, but didn't learn how to break out of the Chakurvyuha. The story goes that when Shri Krishna was explaining how to break the Chakurvyuha Abhimanyu's was still in the womb Subhadra but was listening nonetheless, however Subhadra fell asleep halfway through the lesson, and thus Abhimanyu could only listen to half the lesson.

The tragedy of the Chakurvyuha was deeper. As it marked the beginning of Adharma in war. As Abhimanyu reached the center of the Chakurvyuha, where all the Maharathhis of Kuru were, all the so called great warriors of the Kurus including all the so called "Accharayas", and noblemen betrayed their Dharma, and slaughter Abhimanyu by attacking him all at once, and even continuing to attack him after he was weaponless. That's why he ripped his Chariot wheel and wielded it as a weapon. All his other weapons were destroyed, and all he had left was that wheel, that wheel was Dharma .

It's beautiful because that wheel in the end also broke, and if you know hinduism than you also know that the wheel represents Dharma. The killing of Abhimanyu was the slaughter of Dharma.

And so from that day on the Pandus too relinquished Dharma, and disregard all rules of war. Now the war didn't stop after sunset, it continued during the night. Now warriors didn't stop if the opponent was unarmed, they slaughtered them. From this moment on it was an orgy of unmitigated violence, death, and bloodshed. Deceit, lies, and treachery became central, and the warrior's code forgotten.

That's why Abhimanyu's death was central to the Mahabharata War. I don't know what you're talking about.


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Fantastic thread lads. Just attained a shit ton of siddhis from reading all this shit posting.




How do?

Books or "just b urself"? I'm doing the latter/meditating/energy.

for me it's

Yatta!: desu.

Eh, haven't actually wanted much of anything, especially nothing rare.

Swacchand : not even that interesting. I've lucid dreamed though.

Kamavasaita: workin on it. Could use stronger desires I guess, and more organized mind/less ADD.

Apapajay: getting there. At least 50% there. Considering I had a hard time saying hello to strangers a couple years ago, I'm doing great on this one.



>how to obtain siddhis

>Because aryans had a complete list.

Actually, as other posters have pointed out, siddhi's are not like perks or power-ups you acquire like in a video game.. They are more descriptions of points that you find yourself at, during a journey. Having a list that you're attempting to acquire is silly, because it misses the whole point of the thing.

For example, the siddhi "ability" of attracting sexual partners easily, becoming very difficult to resist for the opposite sex… Is not a "skill/power" you gained, it is merely the situation you find yourself in after going to the gym religiously for a year and getting shredded and eating healthily.

And, like a true yogi, a true gymbro wouldnt find the minor siddhi I just described, that important, it would have become a small aspect of their overall life and experience.. They would have a far bigger reward - the full benefit of a healthy and fit body - and furthermore the strong mental disclipine which is actually far more beneficial, with which come many many more rewards than that one small siddhu.

>reality warping for example is 100% un-attainable.


Two things, Again, you are seeing it from the wrong perspective. Siddhu's are not powers or perks.

Secondly, it is possible. If you change the way you understand this, it is possible to alter your reality.. But it is not possible to gain the power to alter your reality.

In this plane we exist in, pretty much anything you can think of, is possible. There cannot ever be a siddhu list that is full and complete.

These people are right :





I think you scry a bunch of poetry onto your ears or something.



Sharing a Vaishnava story. Don't want to discourage any of you, as long as your not an asshole you'll reincarnate in better and better conditions life after life. I still recommend chanting the Maha-Mantra as much as possible though.

There are so many siddhis. But those who are after Krishna consciousness, they do not care for all these siddhis. In India some yogis convince people that they can manufacture gold and fly in the sky, and foolish people believe them. Even if a yogi can fly, what is his great achievement? There are many birds flying. What is the difference? An intelligent person can understand this. If a person says that he will walk on water, thousands of fools will come to see him. People will even pay ten rupees just to see a man bark like a dog, not thinking that there are many dogs barking anyway. In any case, people are always hankering and lamenting, but the devotee is fully satisfied in the service of the Lord. He doesn’t hanker for anything, nor does he lament. There is one story, interesting story, that one person, he was out of home for ten years, and he went to the Himalayas to find out some yogi to get some perfection. Now, after ten years, that particular man came back to his village. That is quite natural, that any person who achieves some success, he wants to show it before his friends and relatives and countrymen. That is quite natural. So he came back to his village, and all the villagers, they assembled, and they were very much anxious to know: “Oh, my dear friend, you have been ten years to learn yoga perfections. So what you have learned, please let us know.” So he said that “I have finished the laghima-siddhi perfection. That means I have learned how to become the lightest.” And what is the result? He said, “Oh, I can walk over the river.” So everyone was very anxious because people are very inquisitive and curious. So all of them requested him, “All right, let us have some demonstration. Please show that you’ll walk over the river.” So there were, all the villagers came and requested him. “All right, I shall show tomorrow morning.”

So there was an old man. He said, “My dear such-and-such, oh, after working for ten years, you have learned something which is two cents worth.” Oh, that man was very angry. “Oh, it is two cent worth, do you think?” “Yes, I think it is two cent worth.” “Why?” “Now because you’ll walk over the river. All right. But I shall pay to the boatman two cents and he will take me over the river.”

So these Yogis, they want to show some magic: “I can walk on the water. I can fly in the air without any airship. I can go this planet, that planet.” Yogis can do that. They have got this magical power. “I can create immediately gold.” And if you can show these magical feats, immediately you get so many followers. But that kind of yogi also very rare to be found, and now, in your country, yogi means who can show some gymnastics, that’s all. So they are also working hard. Because they have got desires/The yogi, he wants to be very popular by showing magic. Because general people, they cannot walk on the water. But if somebody can walk on the water, oh, millions of people immediately go to the Pacific Ocean to see. So therefore they want siddhi. Actually, there are yogis in Siddhaloka, without any flying machine, they can go from one planet to another. Durvasa Muni, a great yogi who returned within a year visitng Vaikuntha planet .So one need not be after this Siddhis-material perfection. Suppose a yogi can fly in the air. What is so great about that? A rich man can pay some dollars and travel in aeroplane. He can fly from any place to another without any siddhis. Modern science has made everything cheaply available . Any kind of material perfection will not solve our real problem of life. Our real problem is to know, how to get rid of this material entanglement, the threefold miseries, birth after birth. That is perfection of Bhakti Yoga.


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It is the bodily concept of life that is the source of all issues. Aryan simply means servant of god. If Aryans where as good as you claim because of genetic merit alone they would still own the world, but they where allured by the bodily conception of life, like the concept that fair skin and big brains equates wisdom when it is simply god given to allure and guide the lower. Forgetfulness of god and his teachings led to a fall from there position of spiritual purity which is the innate position of all souls. Of course you take birth in a high or a low position due to the karma of your past lives and the European situation is far more comfortable and suitable for cultivating the intellect than birth in some random tribe without Internet but comfort breeds complacency, so at the end of the day yes there is racial merit but there is allso the story of the turtle and the hare.

meritocracy meritocracy meritocracy meritocracy meritocracy meritocracy meritocracy meritocracy meritocracy meritocracy…



SB 1.5.6, Purport:

A person who is cent-percent engaged in the service of the Lord is the emblem of all knowledge. Such a devotee of the Lord in full perfection of devotional service is also perfect by the qualification of the Personality of Godhead. As such, the eightfold perfections of mystic power (aṣṭa-siddhi) constitute very little of his godly opulence. A devotee like Nārada can act wonderfully by his spiritual perfection, which every individual is trying to attain. Śrīla Nārada is a cent-percent perfect living being, although not equal to the Personality of Godhead.

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