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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: b7d2b2e44115db7⋯.jpg (186.28 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Atlantis.jpg)


Why do people obsess over Atlantis so much? Plato just made it up to make a point. All the information on it after is wildly conflicting with no evidence. The only evidence there could be that might be credible is a reputable practitioner in a good tradition getting information about it from a credible nonhuman entity (Edgar Cayce, Blavatsky don't count). I know Disney made a rad movie about it, but come on guys.


There may be separate legends that are labeled as Atlantis, which could explain the conflicting stories. I tried to find this short video I saw explaining how Atlantis was really just a coastal city on some delta in southwest Spain that made a lot of sense. I watched it embedded, so it's not in my history and I couldn't find it on youtube. It was on some /x/, likely half.

I think the stories of Atlantis being a whole continent are wrong, simply because because of the geography, it would have been pretty noticeable to find a continent under the water. I've read some ideas by others that Atlantis could be the Americas or Antarctica, but not enough evidence holds these up.

I wouldn't be surprised if all those people on youtube claiming to be reincarnated Atlanteans are complete bullshit and they just circlejerk one another.

I think people obsess over it because they hear others talk so highly of it. Then other tales get attached to Atlantis from people tying in other mythologies to it, such as Irish mythology.

I've never been into Atlantis, but I've seen a lot about it over the years. Maybe another anon can explain more.


I don't really remember anything about Atlantis in this whole board, what are you talking about.


All history is bullshit. Form your own story.

Let. It. Go. Faggots.

You aren't special. Move on.



You're full of it

>All history is bullshit

just means your history is bullshit.



Fuck. You. Goy.

You aren't special kid. Fuck off. Virgin.



Must have struck a nerve. Just ignore me, I'm sure you'll benefit from the wonders of Atlantis!


Read the Oera Linda Book faggot




Who's this little cuck?



>doesn't know Atlantis did exist

>doesn't know Atlantis was one of many Asgrad's

>doesn't know all Asgards were Aryan, Indo-European

>doesn't know all kings and founders of all empires in recorded history were survivors of Atlantis after the Great Flood

I heard a lot of inhabitants of Atlantis were humans from Mars.



Google "Younger Dryas" and get to reading.

a meteor hit the earth causing a massive glacial melt off raising sea levels exactly when Plato said Atlantis sank into the ocean


Atlanteans were pretty evil man. I hate when people try to pass it off as some sort of paradise. It wasn't by a fucking long shot.



this fellow goysche



shouldnt take long until you find out youre really a jew



these guys share a lot of good info



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Fuck this nigger.


The Occult by Collin Wilson literally lists all the different theories there are about Atlantis and explains which one is the best of them.



dubs of truth

>>atlantis dont real





Watch this for scientific evidence of Atlantis.



Fuck off, faggot.

I'm sick of your constant shill posting.

Even according to the esoteric lore Atlantis was a great civilization that eventually reached its downfall due to corrupt, black magicians. Doesn't mean it was inherently or originally evil and corrupt.

Now fuck off from my board, nigger.



The most recent, and most sane, attempt to solve the problem of At lantis is that o f Professor A. G. Galanopoulos. His theory is based upon a simple fact that was overlooked by earlier writers: that all the figures given in connection with Atlantis are too great. Plato himself expresses doubts whether the Atlanteans could have dug a tren ch 10,000 stades (1,135 miles) long around the Royal City. The ancients were admit - tedly capable of enormous works – the Great Wall of China is 1,500 miles long – but on the other hand, a trench of that length would stretch around modern London – Greater L ondon – twenty times! The Royal City of Atlantis would be 300 times the size of Greater London. This is obviously absurd. But if these figures are reduced by ten, they become altogether more reasonable. The plain on which the Royal City is built becomes 30 0 by 200 stades – that is, about 34 by 22 miles, an altogether more reasonable size for a city. Similarly, the date given by the Egyp tian priest – 9,000 years before Plato (and therefore about 11,500 years ago) – may have been acceptable to Donnelly, Spen ce and Hoerbiger, but archaeological evidence indicates that the culture of that period was still Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age). Modern man had not yet ap peared, and the occasional 173 mammoth, hairy rhinoceros and sabre - tooth tiger were still to be found. The earliest civilisation, that of Egypt, lay 6,000 years in the future. But if one knocks off a nought, making it 900 years before Plato, the date becomes altogether more reasonable. Athens existed as a fortified town in the Bronze Age (about 2000 B.C.), and there was a high level of civilisation in nearby Crete in 1600 B.C., which at that period was peopled by Minoans.



The sea between Greece and Crete is full of islands, which were once part of Greece itself. The most southerly of these islands is Santorin, which was once circular in shape and some five or six miles in diameter. Around 1500 B.C., there was a tremendous volcanic explo sion that ripped apart the island and turned it into little more than the remains of a gigantic crater. Modern Santorin consis ts of three islands: the largest, Thera, is shaped like a crescent moon; all three islands are covered to a considerable depth with pumice and volcanic rock. The tremendous explosion must have produced a tidal wave like that fol lowing the eruption of Krak atoa in August 1883. Greater, in fact, be cause the Santorin explosion was about three times as large. The eruption of Krakatoa is estimated to be the greatest explosion that has taken place on earth; Rupert Furneaux's book on it states that it was equival ent to a million H - bombs (although one cannot help wondering where on earth he got the figure). Hundred - foot waves swept over is lands, killing 36,000 people and washing away whole towns. If the explosion of Santorin was three times this size, then one can begin to understand the Atlantis legend. Crete must have been almost depopulated and its navy destroyed; the explosion seems to account for the mysterious destruction of the palaces at Cnossos and Phaestus at about this time. Greece must have been equally hard hit – and here, possibly, we have the origins of the Deucalion flood legend (although I am inclined to date it 2,500 years earlier, at the same time as the deluge that destroyed Ur). Professor Galanopoulos argues convincingly that Crete was actually the Royal City, while Santorin is the metropolis described by Plato. The empire of Atlantis extended over the many islands of the Aegean. Plato describes the island of the 174 metropolis as having cir cular canals and one deep channel connecting them. The pres ent - day remains of Santorin show traces of this channel.


But why did Plato multiply all his figures by ten? Professor Galano poulos has an equally ingenious hypothesis to explain this: a copyist - priest simply mistook the Egyptian symbol for 100 – a coiled rope – for that signifying 1,000 – a lotus flower. He points out that today it would be easy to mix up the English and American billion – one meaning a million million, the other only a thousand million.



The same reason why Herecles became Heracles. The same reason why tales of Heracles night(s) of sex range from one women per night for 50 days to 50 women in just one night.

Why would anyone care about some nice city that sounds like any other place or you can "add" some details to your writings. It makes it interesting.

Not saying that's what he did, but we're all humans.


It's not bullshit, and I have the co-ords.



You made no mention of the emerald tablets?

Why is that?



Montalk says Atlantis was real, that could be where some of this is coming from.



>Plato just made it up to make a point.

I have a picture of Atlantis on my computer. I don't exactly know myself but do you know why they call it the 'Atlantic' ocean?


Go read we wuz atlanteanz on /pol/


i didn'to make a whole thread about this but do you think watching movies like the beauty and the beast is a good way to get loosh you can watch low res free and gain this but only sum movies its gettin

hard watching , like john wick has 40 minute fight scenes




>but do you think watching movies is a good way to get loosh

yes, you can get loosh from literally anything. Things that invoke emotions are usually the most convenient like music and movies or people.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'll post here but the videos covered several topics other than just atlantis which you'd know if you watched but w/e.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Part 2


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Part 3


anti spam bump


File: 727cb4c2c2c54b1⋯.png (5.56 KB, 728x90, 364:45, 89023ac666434aad9504e9fb43….png)

It instructs as to the practical neccessity of maintaining contact with the ultimate signified, which in this case was divinity.

The gods personify important parts of anatomy and abbreviate complex ideas.

To lose the gods' favor would be to lose the ultimate significance of one's language, and to sink into the sea is to submerge into the medium from which the signs of the language are raised.



>doesn't think atlantis was real

>argues that new agers crapping on about bullshit is why

you're a fucking retarded cunt, kill thyself


File: 7f36e628e401059⋯.png (4.88 KB, 211x239, 211:239, 23423523425.png)


>something that existed before recorded history doesn't real because it's not in recorded history

There have been many civilizations that have risen and fallen before the past 5000 years, brainlet.


[ - ] Rule 3 & Rule 2.

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