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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: b1bc012fe16b5a9⋯.jpg (40.36 KB, 317x378, 317:378, AC.jpg)

82b669 No.90185

what is /fringe/'s consensus on this guy and his work? i'm somewhat of a newfig who started off reading Robert Anton Wilson who of course is rather found of pic related.

for some reason i don't really feel like looking into this guy's work for myself at this point for my beliefs/growth, i feel more drawn to looking into people like Gurdjieff, Bardon, Evola, etc. at this point in time.

but i've been seeing with regards to all this pizzagate/spirit cooking stuff people saying that Thelema/OTO is directly involved in all of this? is this true or is it fundamentalist christian-tier misunderstanding? if it's true, is this just corrupt groups doing it or is it really the "hidden" part of his teaching? and if it is a part of his teaching, is there still stuff in his books worth reading into or is it all bad? i saw someone on /pol/ say that he hated the jews and brought back a lot of ancient european gods, but i've also seen it said they're actually evil demons that are responsible for the mess we're in today [??]

basically i've been reading a bunch of conflicting info on the dude and am curious to see what the people here think of him.

a36579 No.90186


Edgy LARPer who liked to troll normalfags

eb6980 No.90201


5% interesting magic theory, 5% neat writing, 90% convoluted ritualistic wankery.

d5d889 No.90217


Illuminati tool used to to confuse, misinform, and harm amateur occult seekers.

Listening to Crowley-obsessed occultists / thelemites discuss his writings is hilarious and fucking sad at the same time.

Maybe if you're somewhat initiated you can get something from reading him, but at that point it is probably pointless anyway.

32f318 No.90222


This. People like RAW are spooks, as well.

18b466 No.90223

File: 25dc6254413a234⋯.jpg (170.5 KB, 472x538, 236:269, 1421618452493.jpg)



74c8e9 No.90224


This. It's hilarious when someone even says something as light as "maybe Crowley isn't the most important occultist ever" and people get so violently angry and protective. People who are obsessed with him are ridiculous. There are some real dumb shits out there.

c9d563 No.90226


If that's a meme from some other board on this shithole, then I'm unaware. I just find Miles W Mathis funny, and he calls everyone and their mother a jew or a spook. His site is a laugh riot, here's a link to his rant about Wilson being a "spook":


74c8e9 No.90227


A spook is also a concept some guy called Max Stirner came up with that /leftypol/ shits everywhere when someone disagrees with them.

c9d563 No.90228


I should be more forthright, I did peruse a few boards in recent days and saw that word thrown around, and you're right, it probably was the faggy commies I saw using it. I only went to that particular shithole to see if they were all committing mass suicide or planning a revolution for fatass genderqueers or whatever. Thanks for correcting me, I'll just use the word agent to describe subversive characters, heh.

de93df No.90232


Stirner was an important thinker and his concept of spooks/spectres is very useful.


He became a meme on /lit/, long before /leftypol/.

72b17f No.90264

Gay cult that people who get band names tattoed on them follow to justify their years of cocaine use and debauchery

6d250c No.90285


Also to note:

Stirner is highly influential on Anarchy, and if some /leftypol/ people agree with some ideas of anarchy, they might use his concept of spooks as an argument.

bc097b No.90286

Overrated faggot whose only 'power' was literally his willingness to be super edgy and degenerate.

If halfchan had a /fringe/ board, I'd imagine it would be filled with threads on this guy.

72b17f No.90290

This guy fucks sheep. And by sheep I mean retards. And by retards I mean fringeposters. *your blood starts to boil* holy fuck pussy get over it. This shit is all gay debunkes bullshit. Turn off the confirmation bias lense and stop being the drug addict versions of trumptards. Nobody gives a fuck about you. There is no divine meaning to your struggles. Welcome to life - it sucks - deal with it pussy - now shut the fuck up so we can stop carrying you mental patients.

You are raged hahahahahahaha I am in your head hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

You want this power bitchnugget? Go back and time and tell yourself Santa Claus isn't real.

;-) Peace out faggots <3

72b17f No.90295

If i ever saw someone say something like 93 do what thou wilt or AA AA in person I would probably smash them over the head with the nearest object. Only sociopath degenerate faggot pedos would support sociopath degenerate faggot pedos.

Holy fuck guys people like mike pence are still relevent and instead of rallying the troops and dping something about it you are worshiping frogs and pedos. Get your fucking shit together.

32f318 No.90306

File: d0d9a02600da794⋯.png (4.8 KB, 194x221, 194:221, 194px-Solid_unicursal_hexa….png)


Weirdly enough, in the past 20~ hours since posting this, I saw the Thelemic hexagram in two random places. Spooky :^)



Not one person here has defended this faggot, dunno what you autists are on about, though I agree with your sentiments, they aren't all that relevant here, where no one gives a shit about this guy. Maybe you're lost from /x/ or some other hellhole.

465047 No.90330

I'm interested in all the hate around this guy. I've been reading his book " 8 lectures on yoga" and he speaks very clearly and is redpilled.

It seems to me that he removed all the hebrew god names from golden dawn magic. Effectively keeping the jew from skimming off the top of our loosh.. his anti semtic rantings were removed by his editors and secretaries. He has given the most clear instructions as how to become an adeptus minor. Distilling it down to a science with ease and effectiveness.

he clearly explains the stages of asana and pranayama, the reason for pursuing them, and how to do so successfully.

I think he is receiving the hitler bad goy treatment. All these mainstream documentaries calling him the evilist man to live. When I started reading his work I had the same type of breakthrough I had when I read mein kampf and realized something was wrong about what I'd been told.

I just couldn't believe I had fallen for the blue pill of magic

that is

>hating aleister crowley

>he made bitchs fuck goats

>he made jew skin couches and lamps

oyyy veyyyyyy

81ccad No.90332


haha ur fuxin retarded schizo

aleister crowly was a retarded larping faggot and magic arent real

82b669 No.90338

OP here


> Effectively keeping the jew from skimming off the top of our loosh

this is probably the ultimate new question, but isn't Kabbalah literal jew magic?

>he made bitchs fuck goats

is this actually fake tho?

81ccad No.90340

Crowley was a satanist who raped children and gassed jews and had masturbation machines and 6 trillion blood sacrifices. Oy vey.

ae56a3 No.90358

File: 49c33236a1fd44e⋯.png (35.91 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1464201445919.png)

>all this judgement based on hearsay

If you read his works judge him by what he puts out as a magician, if not what place do you have to judge him at all.

32f318 No.90360


He's too incomprehensible for me to expend much energy with. If that's a tool to keep people like me away, so be it. But I have a few of his books, and they've meant jackshit to my understanding of reality, at least compared to my 10 dollar chemistry textbook or a 5 dollar anatomy textbook from goodwill. Seriously, perhaps my pragmatism is too much of a barrier to entry, but I'm not hermit. I learn in my spare time, but I'm not a fucking cipher. Perhaps that is where I differ from many other esotericists. But I'm not exactly swimming in shit like 99% of everyone, so I don't see what the fuck this faggot, with clear ties to the elite, has to offer me. But maybe I'm a shortsighted loser with a post too long-winded for his own good. If you read this in its entirety, congratulations, I wasted not only my time, but yours as well. Good day.

d181a1 No.90366

File: 17b7a3ad6009ec4⋯.png (235.04 KB, 624x464, 39:29, how aids was created by th….png)


Oy Vaids

81ccad No.90368

>wikipedia says Crowley was schizophrenic

>wikipedia says Hitler was schizophrenic

wtf im a #shill4hill now

465047 No.90371

File: 851a4777cf71bcb⋯.pdf (201.03 KB, Eight_Lectures_on_Yoga.pdf)

>Hey just start with attachment.

Get through the first two chapters and makes it at least to the ones on asana and pranayama. You'll find he scientifically explains the purpose of these practices in a way that may cause you to immediately add them to your practice. At least, this happened for me.

He also gives progressive signs of success as well as how you know when to move on to the next stage. Something none of the others authors I've been reading in 3 years have done.

You'll begin to understand he has a sense of humor and is joking a lot. He makes a lot of jokes with references to his time period in the early 1900's. The jokes don't hit because we don't get the references. However, it begins not to matter as you appreciate his personality.

This can easily be used against you when you're dead and nobody remembers you were always fucking around. And fuckers in the main stream are spreading lies about you. I sense a good heartedness from him. As if he truly met his hga and his mission was to help people awaken.

As a final note, you must take into consideration that he joined the golden dawn, took the oaths of silence learned all the secrets then quit. He broke the oaths of silence and started a magical school that removed the outer grades of golden dawn and immediately started training the beginner with inner school techniques. As well as published all of the inner school techniques. Clearly he made enemies that would demonize him.

8a2e9a No.90383


He just put jokes and symbolism in his work, I think it was suppose to be a barrier to the unworthy, his day didn't exactly have all the easy guides the magick we have now

bc097b No.90410

As a magician, at best he can be lauded as a Rasputin-type figure who wielded an impressive amount of influence towards powerful figures and societies while at worst he was nothing more than a glorified prankster.

As a writer, at best he can be credited for having introduced a unique type of disruptive creativity to unlock certain doors while at worst he was nothing more than a shock peddler.

As a person, at both best and worst, he was just an edgy faggot.

baca3a No.92839


>18.11 Questioner: Did this entity, then, even though he intellectually understood the Law of One, misuse it and therefore have to go through this healing process?

Ra: I am Ra. This entity became, may we use the vibration sound complex, overstimulated with the true nature of things. This over-stimulation resulted in behavior that was beyond the conscious control of the entity. The entity thus, in many attempts to go through the process of balancing, as we have described the various energy centers beginning with the red ray and moving upwards, became somewhat overly impressed or caught up in this process and became alienated from other-selves. This entity was positive. However, its journey was difficult due to the inability to use, synthesize, and harmonize the understandings of the desires of self so that it might have shared, in full compassion, with other-selves. This entity thus became very unhealthy, as you may call it, in a spiritual complex manner, and it is necessary for those with this type of distortion towards inner pain to be nurtured in the inner planes until such an entity is capable of viewing the experiences again with the lack of distortion towards pain.

Unstable LARPer basically, not evil.

I would not dabble into any of his material. There is better out there.

46d4db No.92883


He achieved hedonistic pleasure, fortune and fame. It's every little fat sperg edge lords dream to have a harem of girls and be able to snort coke everyday.

That's the pursuit of 80% of /fringe/ boards' enthusiast.

Why do you think there are so many shitposters here, they literally can't stand working for the universe through true altruism, as they cling to their fleshly desires regardless of what you tell them.

3c31ed No.92909

File: 46dab53950f436d⋯.jpg (33.73 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1481082755566.jpg)


Kill yourself Kike. You already got banned from otherfringe for your kikery.

Heh. Praise Kek!

4414dd No.92911


meme-worshipping bullshit occultist

65cf0c No.92913

Dice rollRolled 59, 60, 69, 2 = 190 (4d77)


>That's the pursuit of 80% of /fringe/ boards' enthusiast.

Those things WOULD be nice but not the end goal. Not for me anyways.

>they literally can't stand working for the universe through true altruism

>working for the universe through true altruism

>implying you can

>they cling to their fleshly desires regardless of what you tell them.

>no one listens to me

either start dropping pearls of wisdom

or shut it.


>meme-worshipping bullshit occultist

>no fun allowed

I dont think he was that serious but what eves.

aa0b9d No.92922


psychics can tell

cea4a8 No.92925


tell what…..exactly?

1a3c68 No.92942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



6d0b0d No.92993


Lol do you really believe that jesus was like

>Eyy ma man I can cure your disease all you gotta do is read this book my man

No, helping people requires knowing people and since everyone's just LARP-inflating their ego on these sites no actual help will be acquired.

I like how the chans are like

>Staceys and Chads are so superficial

And then you go be superficial on the chanz, like what.

b4d39d No.92995


censorship good?

56913b No.92999


fringechan is more deserted than this place, for good reasons

8fbe59 No.93001


Wasn't actually me, just some Alpam follower RPing as me because he tried to curse me and he just got banter back.

So he somehow had to infiltrate me, right?

>Being a JoS retard


bbfd13 No.93010

File: 183c55ecad9ba5a⋯.jpg (12.38 KB, 480x360, 4:3, stare.jpg)


>Eyy ma man I can cure your disease all you gotta do is read this book my man

no I think he cured people diseases first and then people started to write books about him or he's made up I dont know

>No, helping people requires knowing people

not true sometimes talking helps

>since everyone's just LARP-inflating their ego on these sites



>Staceys and Chads are so superficial

They are

>then you go be superficial on the chanz, like what.

You must be really bored, don't you have something better to do? Last I checked no one was asking for your "help"

623058 No.93013


>Wasn't actually me

nice save, I'm pretty sure your the only one that finds this your joke amusing

>because he tried to curse me

>I definitely know what a curse is because I don't believe in magic


>So he somehow had to infiltrate me, right?

Sure it was JOS making you look like a retard…whatever you say man

644a2c No.93021


This is the reason why this place is a fiery cumdumpster. People asking who Crowley is and then people saying he was a larper.

Really fringe? Are you that deluded and jaded? You wouldn't recognize a real magician even if it sucked your dick. But then again I bet you don't get your dick sucked at all.

ed312e No.93023


>People asking who Crowley is and then people saying he was a larper.

sometime they do both

Are you that deluded and jaded? deluded yes

I try not to be jaded

>You wouldn't recognize a real magician even if it sucked your dick.

to be fair if he was a good magician I shouldn't be able to recognize him.

>I bet you don't get your dick sucked at all.

true not yet but I'm working on it.

d988ae No.93025


>You wouldn't recognize a real magician even if it sucked your dick.


>to be fair if he was a good magician I shouldn't be able to recognize him.


sorry I was insensitive.

3e6444 No.93160


RAW and Leary are a waste of time?

bc7942 No.93161


of course…

7fae2f No.93162

Jewish satanic baby killing pedo.

f2bed8 No.93172


Pretty much this, fam.

Also a heroin addict. Only book of his worth reading is his autobiography "Diary of a Drug Fiend" to observe the corrosive nature of degenerative and decadent behavior.

d1952e No.93180


Literally none of that is true.

6971e9 No.93306

File: 508328e94bd7429⋯.webm (2.13 MB, 480x360, 4:3, DNC.webm)



Yeah, that's describing Hillary and her friends in the DNC.

afcb13 No.93394

Every pro response:

>he was helpful. he explains things in ways no one else does

>he was ok, but there are better authors

>he did q, y, and z but don't think he's x

Every con response:


Time to go read some Crowley :o)

e7d7a4 No.93412

File: d2b85dcaf85d8ac⋯.webm (1.83 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Evolution.webm)


Practiced kosher """""""""satanism""""""""", ritualistic magic aka placebo groid """""magic""""" and was and still is the most (((publicized))) occultist of all time. The perfect Obbullshittist.

He did a lot of damage (and still does) to the imagery and name of magic and esoteric disciplines.

The only good thing he had were his reports of Ayyy's contacts (Greys).


Indeed, go ahead and see how much of a try hard faggot he was.

06b229 No.93413

File: be14b7a780956f2⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, The real spook.png)


Want to know about the realest spook?

8857af No.93447


You should be thanking him. Because he was an opiate addict lusting after tight assholes he's become an effective modern smokescreen for turning people away who just wanted to LARP.

8519a2 No.94554

Oh shit OP sorry I just looked up who you were talking about in your other posts and realized you were referencing a famous chaos magician who just happens to have the exact same name as a certain someone accused of break and enter and raping a teenage girl in my area who is currently being sentenced (he is innocent until proven guilty).

Carry on I guess and ignore the previous bans I set on you… this was just a weird coincidence.

2c4933 No.96667


He lost control of himself towards the end, but hell maybe he wanted to. I view him as being slightly overrated. 6/10 overall.

bd12b2 No.96776

File: a65e61c8be7aa67⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 350x272, 175:136, 3gbPRx3.jpg)


> mike pence

a74d16 No.96778

Dudebangister Druguselessly

a74d16 No.96779


He was a bullshit occultist

a74d16 No.96857

Bullshit occultist who thought he could fly. Turns out all he could do was die! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

#ice #burn

58f936 No.96925

afther i call quarters, i like to blow my priest, it raises energy~ always spit into the fire.

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