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Since early 2016, I started a gradual conversion into Christianity, mostly in a time of need, and ever since, I've believed in the Christian God despite of the absurdities it implies. As of lately, I've been much convinced by nondualism and nondualistic philosophies and worldviews, without moral prescriptivism or any divine commandments, however I can't seem to shake off the belief in Jesus, his resurrection, and the Holy Trinity. I was always an agnostic since I was young, and ever since my conversion it's almost impossible to switch my stance, is af it's something is holding me directly to this belief, and I don't really want this.

Is there a deeper, /fringe/ explanation or psychological explanation for this? Is there truly a Christian entity out there that's giving me emotional comfort and preventing me from leaving?


This goes in the question thread.



>a thread died for this

Post your stupid shit in the question thread. Better still, spend some time on /cucktianity/ and free yourself.


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>implying any part of fringe is still alive

Fringe died a long time ago, get used to it. It's the /b/ of occult forums now, thank smiley for the change



>the /b/ of occult

we fell behind /x/?



/b/ still have gems every now and then but its just overrun by shitposters *cough*

but yes, I'd rather go on /x/ at this point than this shit forum



The thing about the games we play is the shitstains have no meta-awareness, so this sort of thinking is rare to find.

Consider this rambling off the top of my head:

You experience a universe. It may be a sub universe. It may have sub-universes. It may just be a movie.

You may be an immortal being that exists before, during, and after. There may be others. It's difficult to say.

Thoughts may come from within or without. They may be programmed or scripted in your soul or body. The nature of them is difficult to grasp, especially considering the possible layering of souls, biology, mind, and universes.

Some people suspect they're given ideas or conditioning before they're born. Others suspect they're being brain-slugged. Still others think their 'higher self' is whispering to them from outside this time-space construct universe.

I don't trust anything, tbh.

Seeing as people don't always seem to carry their mind from one life to the next if they're immortal, it's difficult to learn any rules or make any sort of progress in mind. Like a sand castle being swept away. This property could be malicious, self-imposed, or just the nature of the this universe.

I'm more on the malicious side because there are some people I'd like to trap forever myself. Be it on some planet someplace or a sub/alter-universe. Whatever keeps them away from anything I care about forever.

Some believe full recollection of all universes is possible. I'm quite doubtful. Prior existence would need to be pathetic to not drastically alter this world with even partial recollection. Or the only people remembering are niggers, cucks, and lizards.

I believe magic/religion comes in when people decide to focus on results based on assumed properties of souls/minds/universes that aren't directly related to the observed mechanics of matter and energy. I suppose you could say the mind itself is another observational tool, just not as easily shared as matter and energy and space.

I believe most everyone is lying about their magic/religion. They're invariably too pathetic to have obtained any true results. Just like the people that claim to be professional somethings, that never deliver anything worthwhile, and often resign themselves to teaching, or doing some stupid bullshit like sitting crosslegged all day, or masturbating to futanari.

I experience discontent nearly every waking moment, but nothing exists to satisfy me, so that may color my perspective a bit. Don't offer me any hippy bullshit. I'm not buying.





Y'all subversives talkin' a load of shit.


Which mental hospital am I in? People are still falling for this kike on a stick shit? How many fucking kids need raped before you face the fucking truth and move the fuck on? You are holding us all back.



I hate to break it to you guys but magic is not real. I spent 8 years doing nothing but researching religion/magic meditating and tripping balls. We are in a computer simulation. I use computer program now since I've deluded myself enough to think I'm controlling things, but the truth is everything was randomly generated so there is no reason to ever feel special about anything. Your life is a lie. Kill yourself.

*back to the dream*

All you can do at this point is maximize pain and minimize pleasure. Keep doing this until all Abrahamic religions are gone. They are a virus.


Magic isn't real schizos.

Accept Yeshua Christ as you lord and savior or go to HELL!!!!!


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Nice reading comprehension…

did you just get off the boat or what?



Dear friend please listen to me, as I have struggled with the same questions.

Let me give you something I've learned that may help.

Jesus of Nazareth was a pure man.

John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah the prophet (Matthew 11:13-14)..(Matthew 17:10-13)

When jesus was baptized by john the baptist, the holy spirit of Christ descended upon Jesus of Nazerath and became Jesus Christ.

The man jesus of nazerath was united with christ the spirit. This happened at 30 years old. Before this point he was only the chosen one.

Christ is your friend, he is solar in nature, he must rise and he must set and by doing so he gives you life and brings cycles. There is no need to deny him, listen to your heart.



You received the Holy Spirit of promise from God and are sealed until the day you are to be redeemed. You can speak to the Father directly regarding your situation and expect an answer.


there can be no absurd in the domain of a god because our logic system, which is not absolute but dependent on its predictive power in this one universe, is not defined there.

> nondualism and nondualistic philosophies

dualism is gnostic, not Xtian.



Convert to Orthodox Christianity.

Very good for initiating on full greenpilling.

Realize that the Christian god is the decad, ennead, and ogdoad at the same time, that the overwhelming majority of Christendom isn't really Christian, and that the three mainstream monotheistic religions don't believe in the same god.

The question "what would Jesus do?" necessitates the answer "beat up Jews in their temple(s) and have it/them destroyed by their enemy/enemies."


Christianity is, quite simply, a waste of time.

There are only some basic core concepts you need to fully think out, and you understand EVERYTHING.



>tripping balls

There's your problem. If you didn't do drugs, you might have developed a strong will, and become skilled in magick.


You fell for christianity as it exists as a meme, not as it truly exists. Christianity today survives on the meme of, "if you believe in jesus everything will be okay," and the masses accepted the pacification and virtue signalling that comes with it. Christianity as a meme makes it okay to be completely innocent and harmless as a sheep and only demands that you listen and believe the meme itself. It is very much a lie and only seeks to sedate your spirit and tranquilize your reason.

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