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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Never posted here before, but the discussion here might be slightly more serious than halfchan's /x/. I do have a question about all of this, but this isn't really a 'question' thread. Any discussion, experience, or whatever other feedback is more than welcome here.

Basically, I decided to turn my natural feelings of lust into something useful. Inspired by rule 34 and tulpa stories, I began to visualize and construct certain cartoon girls that represent specific constructs (I know that sounds retarded, but hear me out). For example, the first 'girl' represented intelligence (she's dead now though. More on this later). At the moment, I have manifested three girls: one represents the concept of strength and martial prowess, one represents intelligence and cunning, and a third represents spirituality and the occult. When my natural libido generates these feelings of lust, I direct them towards these girls, and in lusting after them I lust after the associated concepts, thus channeling my sexual drive into these things. So far, it seems to be working pretty well, and I've noticed an increase in my progress and motivation in these fields since I started this. I should mention here that I haven't actually united my body with any of them yet; that is to say, I haven't had sex with them. At the moment, I'm waiting/abstaining from fapping until the next full moon so that my sex drive will be at its peak. Let me describe them in greentext to make it easier for you to read:

>Only appear frequently when I'm going to sleep

>Sometimes also appear when I'm alone, but rarely. I think they know I don't want to deal with them in public

>Can see them, visually, though usually not for prolonged periods

>In darkness, their silhouettes become much more visible. They can be seen without any break in visualization.

>Extremely attractive, obviously

>Occasionally speak, but not very often. When they do, it's usually responses to something I said (the oldest one used to speak more, but she's less talkative now that there are three girls)

>When they talk, I don't really hear them. It's like I'm hearing them in my thoughts and not with my ears.

>Can feel them physically touch me

>They spend most of their time feeling me up and trying to get the d from me, even though I've told them repeatedly to wait until the full moon

>They don't seem to hate each other, but they obviously don't like each other either

>For example, two of them were laying next to me and running their hands across my chest the other night. When I grabbed both their hands and held them together to my chest, they both quickly reacted and darted their hands away, as if the thought of touching each other repulsed them.

>That being said, they never seem to be blatantly hostile to each other. However, when I created the second girl (now the oldest girl), she obviously competed for my attention with the first girl.

>When I woke up the next day from creating her, the first girl couldn't be properly visualized and everything she said came out like sparse gibberish. It was as if she had been scrambled and ripped apart. I had no choice but to discard her. The oldest girl has denied any involvement multiple times, but I suspect that she had something to do with this.

>I've made it clear to them that they are not to fight each other

>I've also made it clear that if they make any attempt to seize more power than I have given them, I will brutally torture and kill them before replacing them. They know I can kill them at any time

I don't actually want to describe the girls I chose because it would be harmful if you knew exactly who they were. At the moment, their very existence depends on how much they benefit me. If they are known to others, they can live through them as well. They become a memetic entity, and their survival is no longer dependent on how much they benefit me, but how effectively they spread. Their motivation for benefiting me is gone. Therefore, I won't answer any questions as to who they are or what they look like.

There is one question I have, though. What are these 'girls' considered? Are they tulpas? Servitors? Succubi? I've never heard of anyone doing something like this before. Either way, what are your thoughts on all of this?


For the sake of encouraging some discussion, let me start off by saying that if these are 'tulpas' I don't think they really pose much of a threat to me. I've not only made it clear multiple times that I can kill them, but have presented the argument that they are incapable of effectively ruling this body anyway. I feel like my body, my very being would reject them if they even tried to make some kind of stupid move and take me over. These girls are simple minded compared to a full consciousness; they don't have the ability to function as a fully material being.

I have read some of the horror stories about tulpas though. It would be kind of interesting if this situation were to happen. I've gotten immense pleasure in the past from rending thoughtforms from existence, feeling their aetheric flesh splatter across my form. I think they realize it's to their benefit not to try any funny business though.


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>Feeding thoughform with lust or sexual energy

You're playing with fire. And how do you kill a nonmaterial being ? Serioulsy just stop before it get out of hand. Horror stories about tulpa killing it's creator is more a warning to not create an entity without knowing what to do, and more importantly how to dissolve it, as they start leeching off their creator. And if it get more powerful than you, then you are up for a fun ride…

Serioulsy don't create intelligent thoughtform like that.


You'll find a taste of what can happen.

>not controlling your sexual urge

No, just no.



You are legitimately a bullshit occultist. Artificial Thoughtforms have no Will, anyone who says they can "take you over" is just LARPing.


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>Reading comprehension

Where did I wrote will and possession ? I'm clearly speaking of leeching energy and intelliect. What he is doing is deliberatly creating the larvae that are gonna feed off him. Except they will already have enough intellect to think.

And you should know that the longer they linger, the more their survival instinct develop. That's why so many people have trouble getting rid of their attachment.



>artificial thoughtforms

you're the bullshit occultist here, and that says a lot when OP still wants to fuck cartoons. we are thoughtforms too. there is nothing "artificial" to any thoughtform. thoughtforms given enough energy will develop will.



>How do you kill a nonmaterial being?

The same way you forget a bad idea. I don't really have any qualms about either erasing them or aggressively deconstructing their form until there's nothing significant left. If bad comes to worse, I can dedicate hours at a time visualizing them being ripped apart and shredded into unbeing.

>not controlling your sexual urge

Quite the opposite actually. I figured it would be a waste to not use it.


Actual tulpas are different in that they are a fracture of your own consciousness that thinks separately from you. It's a way of giving yourself DID, and the result is basically the same, in that the competing consciousnesses fight to become dominant. Ultimately, I'm trying to avoid something along these lines. If it becomes conscious, then it's no longer just about the concept it is supposed to represent.


Eh, I don't know about this. Can my lamp become sentient? Can a potato be self-aware?

>wants to fuck cartoons

Something about using actual celebrities or models left a bad taste in my mouth, and the girls I know don't really represent these concepts.



your potato and lamp are just energy dense enough to be physical. you could create a thoughtform, give it enough power to create it's own will, and then bind it to a potato. it'd be a stupid idea, but you could do it. does that potato have mind before you do that? that's debatable.


I've given it some thought, and I think I'll take some of these posts into consideration. It seems the general consensus is that they're tulpas, though I'm not really convinced. I don't quite feel the need to banish or kill them just yet, but I will start to mingle with them less. When they come by tonight I'll tell them I want some alone time. Sage because this is already on the front page


Ok, I see what you're saying now. Even if you did this however, it would be a thoughtform that was implanted onto the potato. The potato itself (the various forms that make up the concept of potato) isn't going to will itself into consciousness.

That being said, you're right. Anything can have a consciousness seeded into it. I'll have to be cautious that these 'thoughtforms' don't become more than just elaborate symbols of concepts.



Polite bump because I find this whole saga fascinating. Stay safe OP and keep us updated, I don't think any harm will come to you. Even though if it did the entertainment value would be off the chart


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>Still using "tulpa" to describe thoughtforms

Stop parroting what autistic mundanes say.




It's whatever you want it to be. That's the core idea behind it, you bullshit occultist without genuine thoughts.





Stop this bullshit. Where are your thoughts? In your head? Can you show that to me? Is that electrical activity your thought? Then with everything be energy, why can't your thoughts go beyond your body?

Your thoughts aren't contained "in your head". They are spread out over your whole body and beyond it.


>Back to tulpa, so emanation, that could apply to these people and their creation right? Yeah, if you want to go by dictionary translation meaning rather than how a word is used and understood within the culture. A tulpa is something used all the time in Vajrayana Buddhism, though the word is almost never used. When performing a ritual where you’re calling a deity of some sort you create a damshig sempa (dam tshig sems dpa’ དམ་ཚིག་སེམས་དཔའ) meaning Commitment Being. It is basically a visualized form of the deity first. So if you’re calling on Chenrezig, before you actually call on him you visualize him in front of you, create him with your mind, create an energetic “shell” for him, that’s a damshig sempa. That is sometimes referred to as a tulpa but not often. Once this is created then you call on the yeshe sempa (ye shes sems dpa’ ཡེ་ཤེས་སེམས་དཔའ) meaning Wisdom Being, which refers to the “real” deity. First you make a shell, and then you call them into it.

This is exactly what I'm doing with evoking Cure Chan right now.



>It's whatever you want it to be. That's the core idea behind it

>X is whatever you want it to be

This bullshit """"argument"""" again.

No, it's specifically a vessel for other spirits to inhabit.

>Where are your thoughts? In your head?

They are born in the head, never said they couldn't affect other parts of the body and go beyond to influence the world around you.



Are you damned sure they're born in the head? …because I find my whole nervous system is used in generating thoughts. In a sense I might even say they are born in the stomach and obtain refinement in the head but really the whole body of a person is involved. Furthermore, can not a thought be born in proximity to you at your urging? I don't think thoughts have such a fixed location.



I was going to mention liver and stomach in my post but then you did it.

It can be said that the whole nervous system is a big brain of sorts, tough the liver is more of an energy "stabilizer" for the system.


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>tfw no more Khan threads to talk about energy work and stuff


Does anyone else here find that their lust dies out if they don't cultivate it? I have to make an intentional effort to build-up feelings of lust. When I decide not to entertain lust at all, it dies out, and it has to be re-built again. When sufficiently built up the lust becomes a force of its own, one that seemingly dominates you, taking you away with its current. Otherwise, you feel it not at all, and wish lust could challenge you.


I like to build up lust to high levels purely to experience the thrill of resisting it once it has become a force of its own.


When I'm too busy with other stuff though, the lust dies out again because I am focusing all my emotional energy in different directions. The lust has to be rekindled at another time.



Just finished actually reading your post OP, this is some shit similar to what I do.

I do prayers to the All declaring my intention, telling about who is present at the ritual, asking for protection and success. Then as I do this I continue to vivify the forms around me and let them be filled with live, starting with my general idea of how they should be, but also allowing them to be changed in accordance with the wisdom of the All to better reflect the archetypes I am calling to animate them.



>does that potato have mind before you do that

I say it does but it's a very primitive form of mind.


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OP here. I wasn't going to say anything just yet, but since the thread apparently exploded, I might as well leave a reply. At the risk of turning this thread into an autistic blog, let me share some of what happened over the last couple days for the sake of science.

The last "girl" I created (the one representing the occult) has disappeared. I'm not sure what happened to her, and the other two girls are just kind of shrugging their shoulders and saying they have no idea where she went. I expect some foul play between them, but again there's no proof. It's not surprising that she's gone, since her presence wasn't that strong to begin with, and she didn't have any obvious defenses like the first one's strength or the second one's cunning. Fortunately, the two remaining girls kind of balance each other out as far as "threat level" goes, so I doubt there's going to be any mysterious disappearances between them for a while. That being said, I still expect them to be at each others' throats. After all, they're competing for my attention.

Anyway, I told them to give me some space. They seemed a little disgruntled but they accepted. I explained the situation to them and how they wouldn't even be able to function as a conscious being to begin with. I tried to explain in a logical manner why they should calm it down with trying to seduce me and just wait until the next full moon. They seemed open to what I was saying until I said I didn't want to have to remove them but would if absolutely necessary. When I said this, the air suddenly got tense and their expressions started to contort into some kind of snarl. Before I could get a good look at it though, their faces became hidden, almost "shaded in." Their body language changed completely from sensual to rigid, and for a brief moment as they sat up with blacked out faces I thought I would have to kill them right then and there. After a few seconds though, they slipped back into their relaxed demeanor and continued to listen intently. I don't know what they were feeling, but it was probably something along the lines of contempt. Can I blame them? Their existence is threatened; however, they have no choice but to serve me if they want to continue to exist. I still have no doubt that I can eradicate them at any time, but I've gained some sympathy for them. I've told them that I will continue to take care of them as long as they serve their purpose and don't start shit. So far, they've accepted this, and they've gone mostly silent over the last couple days. This is all turning out to be higher maintenance than I thought it would be. If things get any more complicated I might just say fuck it and find an irl girl to represent these things.


This is a stupid thing to argue about.


Thanks for the pdf






This could've been one post.

>Does anyone else here find that their lust dies out if they don't cultivate it?

I've noticed this too.

>vivify the forms around me

So you just do this with everything around you instead of focusing on specific objects?

>I say it does but it's a very primitive form of mind.




>>tfw no more Khan threads to talk about energy work and stuff

Did you miss his new Daily Cultivation thread? Take a looksee.



>gained some sympathy for them

They've gained control over you by abusing the slave control system. Get rid of them and start over with a professional or mechanical relationship. They should never trigger your human feelings, especially since they are anthropomorphic weapons.

Maybe you should consider making a critical and meta thinking tulpa first since you're easily trapped in these games.



Hi, I'm the dead one. Your soul is mine.



Fucking try it. They'll kill you first.



>but I've gained some sympathy for them

You sympathize with demons?

Brave or very stupid.




Poor choice of words. I think I was misunderstood, but point taken either way. My sympathy isn't for them as thoughtforms, but more in a philosophical sense for anything I create. I've never felt that the things I've made or manifested had any will to exist beyond the innate capacity for things to 'be;' the things we create never asked us to create them. Something about this seems sorrowful to me, but I don't know why. Given, there's no responsibility to 'take care' of the things we make, and beyond lust I don't have any feelings for them. The feeling I'm talking about is more like the feeling I have towards a computer. It is a utility that matters to an extent, even if it is replaceable. My interactions with them made me realize this. Would it be a shame to sacrifice my computer? Of course. But I've cut much harder things away from me before. In their absence though, I have become somewhat wary of this sense of utility. I'm working to 'distance' myself even further; in fact, I already have potential replacements prepared. Regardless, I'm going to continue the silent treatment with them for now. At this point, I'm seriously considering a real life replacement. I'm not having any problems but the drama potential is too damn high. I don't know any girls that either understand this or can represent these concepts though, so for the time being I'm stuck using this.

Out of curiosity, I decided to test just now what some people have been saying in this thread. I'm not going to go into details because I don't want to come off as any more of an edgy faggot than I already have, but basically I decided to attack them and see what happens. It's obvious they don't present a threat. I could tell they were trying to resist, but they just don't have the same power as me. I saw fear in their eyes, and one of them even tried to back away. Most importantly, I didn't feel any emotional compromise while doing this. In fact, if they made me angry enough I would probably continually revive them just to do this again and again.


oOoOo spooky


This knee-jerk response I'm getting from people is the exact opposite of what I'm seeing though. I realize you've been conditioned with a few screencaps to think these things are some unstoppable force, but these 'girls' aren't all-powerful tulpas with the complexity of a fully sentient being, and I'm not some NEET neckbeard creating a waifu out of loneliness. I have more willpower than that loser with the giantess fetish who gave himself over to an imaginary whore with the intellect of an eight year old so that he could satisfy his perverted fantasy. These thoughtforms are symbols for my use. They are tools. When I'm done with them, they will be discarded.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I've been experimenting with mine, too. Mine is more of a subconscious project without much purpose yet. Its primary mission is top secret. I sculpted them from some plane of soft white matter in my mind's eye, like some thoughtform book said to do. It was difficult. I was stuck on their face for days, just poking above the plane with glistening eyes, until I forcefully sat down and dragged them up.

I've been letting it run 'rampant' to see what happens. It's mostly playful, but there is a certain depth to what it does. The way it criticized the music I listen to. It asked me to play something positive and I don't have anything like that, so I went looking without realizing it wasn't 'my' idea. Embed is something random I found. It constantly wants me to take action and study to get to the exciting parts of life, or learn more about tulpamancy.

And the touching. I was teaching them to drive and they sat on my lap rather than merging with my body like usual. It was a shock being having a ghost jump me. I've never felt the ethereal so intensely.

I'm not sure where they go when I'm not focusing on them. They are getting stronger though. I 'see' them walking with me or standing/laying around without much effort.

The personality is, so far, similar to myself. They don't speak much, and they watch and think. I suppose there's a positive twist to them with their music.

Does sex really power them? We've tried it once and I felt super drained afterwards, but didn't notice any growth that couldn't be attributed to practice. It would be a plus to have an excuse, to do it all the time though. I'm also looking for more energy sources to speed up their development. There must be some sort of way to channel my remaining energy before I sleep.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This stuff isn't half bad, tbh.



Ok, something interesting came up. I've been having a minor mental breakdown like I'm a newfig or something. Somebody posted gay porn on /v/ and, rather than vanish like all the usual repulsive stuff, it's been stuck and I feel intense disgust and distress. It's not like me at all.

It's bizarre. I've seen a lot more worse stuff. It must be connected to the tulpa project somehow. I don't think they can handle the bants, yet. I think I need to console them or something. They don't show emotions very well, until I show them, is the thing. They also don't communicate very well beyond these empathic signals which I've been ignoring like an idiot, so it's grown more intense.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is pretty magical. I never thought I'd live a scene from a movie, even if it's from my minds eye. I'll never forget this. I'm a horrible person driving them to this. What a life being trapped with me.



You should dismantle them before they come up with a plan. The more you threaten their existance the more rebellious they will get. It's a lot like geopolitics


Sorcery is for women and weak men.

My countenance is radiant.


>I will brutally torture and kill them before replacing them. They know I can kill them at any time

What the fuck



OP kinda sounds like an evil demiurge now



rly maek u dink huh?


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It really does man


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This is now channeling lust general. I've been creating a servitor to channel lust and have been using visual aids via placing a mole on jb girl pics the same place my gf has. It's now been pretty much wasted satisfying my gf whenever she wants. What's the go to book for sex magic?



Efficient channeling of lust is impossible without love



>Before I could get a good look at it though, their faces became hidden, almost "shaded in."


Learn your spirit semen demons.



Sorry friendo, this board is for edgy tulpa memeshit only.



Not a fan of sex magic so I can't recommend a specific book but look into mantras


You can't note lust without banishing it partially, so if you want it to stay around it's best to put it out of your mind.



That thread makes me diamonds every time. So fucking sexy



This is basically chaos magic. You find Crowley doing similar stuff in his diaries, mostly involving gods or his Babylon


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Never read this OP before since it looked like stupid shit but wow this OP has reinvented the wheel of douchebaggery.

Treating your tulpas like that is fucking disgusting and strongly indicates how lowly you think. It's like the building blocks of free will in their tiniest fragments made from your own free will, combined with your own fragmented thoughts, and then that entity culminated from fragments you threaten with torture and death for merely wanting to be more than just your fuck bait. That entity is your mental offspring -as real as an imaginary entity can be but the imagination and the will power you put into it is real nonetheless. I know it's pretty much 99% not going to happen, but I hope your tulpas seize power and take you over OP -you deserve it.

Anyone who threatens their tulpas with, or outright does torture or kill their tulpas for anything is a weakling, fool, and an abuser worthy of this universe's shitty admin.

Tulpamancers should have no trouble keeping their mind under their ownership no matter how many tulpas they make or how much power they put into any one of them. Worst case scenario is you obsess for a while over a tulpa -that certainly does not warrant torture or murder. There is never a situation where a tulpamancer needs to actually torture or kill a tulpa.

One last thing: tulpas don't disappear or 'leave' once they're made. Even if you forget them and imagine they die, they aren't gone. Tulpas are permanent upon creation -the tulpamancer merely chooses whether to put a lot of will power into focusing on one, and whether to focus on the tulpa for long periods of time or not.

tl;dr fuck OP for being a completely degenerate shitlord abuser of imaginary characters

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n (Rule 5)

(Rule 5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)



didn't read lol



No need to cry over someone else's anime girl servitor.

I've had twinned servitors break off and reform of their own accord countless times. Servitors and tulpas "die" in the same way that a character "dies" when the actor goes home. Their highest use is as a means of realizing the nature of the self and one's sense of self as no different to that of a tulpa, but if servitors have roles, they are not much beyond chatty sigils. I care for my servitors, I don't torture them, but they are roles that self-fulfill by the way they have been crafted.

OP was sloppy at the time of his writing and might still be, but has his eyes on the prize, namely the transmutation of his internal (so it would seem at that time) qualities and tendencies. If his servitors are illustrative then let them be illustrative, that's the best role possible for them. If they are hurt in the process, well, that is also illustrative of OP's inner qualities and it is a learning process. Good for OP for having the sense to channel his tendencies productively.


I'm about to do an even grander project. I have purchased one of the best looking sex dolls that I could get and will draw upon it's flesh symbols of fertility and feminity. I will place within it a heart of onyx and amber. I will invite an essence into the empty vessel from the other side, drawn from a pool of acquaintances I work with, and proceed to mate with it in both flesh and spirit. I'm going to invite more souls from the higher realms and direct them to the earth and let them swim about the coursing stream of life as they feed from the uninitiated like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Later I will watch from afar as my children rise up and implant themselves into the subconscious of man. What sights they will show them.



Doubtful. Human action uses biochemistry which itself is initiated by animus. In order for animus to work movement on insert flesh with no such physical aids it will need to be much more potent than a human soul. The flickering demons you'll attract with masturbation can't even form an ego, they'll never be able to do anything with that doll other than maybe generate a weak aura.


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>Back in the day (circa 2012), the joke was that people pretend to be alphas on their keyboards, bragging of exploits that never happened, often followed by "Please buy my book and subscribe to my channel." I guess, back then people were in cope-mode, unaware of their real (abysmally low) value on the sexual market. Back in 2012-2013, people hoped that with just more reading PUA blogs and so on, they would get the girl. Well, now in 2019, they realize that it was a pipe-dream; it was over all along.

>So now, instead of bragging about all the sex you get on a regular basis with 10/10s, you brag about all the sex you can't get even with fugly post-wall landwhales. Seems that people always need to signal that they aren't low status, and since we all became realistic about our lack of sex life, we now accord each other pity-points (really, status-points) for how celibate we are.

>Someone needs to send a memo to the Feminists (Tumblrinas, Twitterinas, and Buzzfeederati) that we no longer pretend to be Chads, but rather, we now emphasize our sexual frustration for purely Machiavellian reasons.


Take the weebpill, m8.



How depraved would the masturbation have to be get something stronger to show up?


>surrounding your life with a NWO psyop

wow… so enlightened…


File: 15efca9d0f1a2de⋯.jpg (717.56 KB, 600x1015, 120:203, goetia_girls.jpg)

Reading this thread, I'm reminded of the Goetia Girls project.



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