Genie Contract: Will Grant Wishes Posted Here In Exchange for Loosh Epyc Wynn 01/28/17 (Sat) 05:22:17 No. 90585
CONTRACT WARNING: Failure to read the paragraph directly below the two words "Genie Contract" which are not the two words you just read but the next pair of those two words within this post, may result in serious consequences. Failure to read the paragraphs after the previously mentioned paragraph may less potentially result in serious consequences but may still result in serious consequences anyway. This contract is backed by the investor, the Genie proxy, and The ALL. You and I agree to all of this digital Genie Contract which includes everything within this digital post upon you commenting below inside of this thread regardless if you partially read, fully read, or do not read this Genie Contract at all.
Genie Contract:
I am Epyc Wynn and I am acting as a Genie proxy. A Genie proxy is someone who is not normally a Genie but is performing the role of Genie anyway. I request I am given energy so I may be more energetic and increase my focus. In exchange for each investment by each investor I will grant a single wish commented below for each investor exactly one time, through direct or indirect means depending on how risky the wish is considered by me to be. The effectiveness of how thoroughly and accurately all wishes are granted is improved by how large my pool of loosh is, which will grow exponentially more effective per each 'unit' of loosh I receive. When sending me energy the energy must have attached to it your personal intention of increasing my energy and focus in exchange for your wish being granted within the limitations set forth in this contract. You and I agree to all of this digital Genie Contract which includes everything within this digital post upon you commenting below inside of this thread regardless if you partially read, fully read, or do not read this Genie Contract at all.
Limitations of Wishes:
The limitations of wishes granted by the Genie proxy Epyc Wynn are as follows: Death requests can be approved or denied at my discretion, no causing anything bad against the Genie proxy especially including removing their energy or focus, and no altering the conditions of this posted Genie Contract including the utilization of philosophical, meta or self-justifying reasoning as well as magic or science especially including hacking or altering of code within or outside the confines of this post's imagined reality. You and I agree to all of this digital Genie Contract which includes everything within this digital post upon you commenting below inside of this thread regardless if you partially read, fully read, or do not read this Genie Contract at all.
Genie and Requester Disputes:
Should a dispute between the acting Genie and the wish requester on the logic of this contract be brought up and cause question on the nature of this contract to arise, the Genie gets the final interpretation unless The ALL intervenes. This acting Genie is logical and fair with their open-mindedness to persuasive argumentation and will embody these qualities to the best of their ability within their reason when granting wishes. You and I agree to all of this digital Genie Contract which includes everything within this digital post upon you commenting below inside of this thread regardless if you partially read, fully read, or do not read this Genie Contract at all.
Death Request Clause:
If I deny a death request, you may post your alternative wish and that will be granted within the confines of all previously stated limitations of the Genie Contract and if I keep denying your death requests you may just keep asking until the first time I read a death request from you that I consent to or a wish that I consent to which follows the aforementioned limitations. That all being said, death requests are considered by this Genie proxy to be a real waste of potential since they only tear someone else down rather than build you up and I would not personally recommend them unless it would in the process significantly build you up and the being is strongly ethically deserving of it in your own perception. You and I agree to all of this digital Genie Contract which includes everything within this digital post upon you commenting below inside of this thread regardless if you partially read, fully read, or do not read this Genie Contract at all.
5 Wish Entitlement Clause:
Anyone who can make the Genie proxy Epyc Wynn absolutely certain in the opinion of Epyc Wynn that magic is real for even a moment and thus remove all doubt which clouds said Genie proxy's mind on the subject's realness for even a moment WILL BE ENTITLED TO FIVE WISHES INSTEAD OF A SINGLE WISH.
(To those reporting this post - this was made before rule 5, so there's no point reporting it...)
Epyc Wynn 01/28/17 (Sat) 05:23:36 No. 90586
Also here is some context on me:
I am known as Epyc Wynn online.
The Black mirror for me has a large amount of dark water holding me back which is causing a lack of fire in the white mirror; IIT early chapters and you get what I am saying.
All reading bores me to the point I have trouble finishing anything unless it is the absolute pinnacle of meaning or entertainment which is too rare to be efficient. This has proven to be a massive hindrance especially given the heavy reading required for education in anything esoteric, exoteric, and everywhere outside and inbetween those two ares of study.
I can perform epic feats socially but require a lot of energy in order to fully utilize my abilities. My energy disappeared around the time I started studying the nature of meaning (aka I created a lot of black mirror water problems due to the serious nature of meaning). Before that I was set on becoming a seriously powerful being of influence in all aspects.
I am also trying to empower and spread a meme representing me which is a symbolic yellow face of my own creation associated with the letter Y and the name Epyc Wynn. I am a Master Meme Wizard though, even as a master the memes have limit in their power without people doing proper investment into who I am and what I stand for.
Now I have tried literally everything to dissolve the dark psychological waters clouding my mind but nothing seems to effectively work, which is also thus hindering my influential fire. This is causing a lot of problems. So, I am just bluntly asking you all for energy to empower my energy and focus in exchange for loosh.
Please invest energy with the intention of increasing my energy and my focus. Since it would be greedy to just hoard the energy, in exchange I am thus acting as a Genie and am granting a single wish of anyone who invests (post wish below). You and I agree to all of this digital Genie Contract which includes everything within this digital post upon you commenting below inside of this thread regardless if you partially read, fully read, or do not read this Genie Contract at all.
SAGE! 01/28/17 (Sat) 05:46:47 No. 90587
01/28/17 (Sat) 11:34:03 No. 90592
>'failure to read this document in full means you void your soul and give it up to Epycc Wynn, henceforth known as the First Party'.
Nice try. How did you get the font down to a size which is only recognisable to ants and schizophrenics with scrying abilities?
Epyc Wynn 01/28/17 (Sat) 18:02:36 No. 90600
You can't give your soul to anything without very consciously willing it, so that would not make sense to be put into the contract. I am not a cartoon character I am a Genie Proxy. I am not God damn Jafar.
01/28/17 (Sat) 18:26:25 No. 90602
>says he'll grant wishes
>says he'll grant more wishes if you prove magic to him
>effectively can't even grant wishes
>this thread is just a shitshow
>like this whole board
Also, you've got the whole magical contract wrong. I can read and post if I want, but I never signed anything or gave you my real name. You effectively hold no power. In fact, you actually have no power at all. Just a neckbeard, and in this moment, you are euphoric. Hows the fedora tipping going?
01/28/17 (Sat) 18:34:13 No. 90603
I really doubt Marid going on the interweb to shitpost.
Well, if you really are a Djinn, how do I make a flying rug ?
Epyc Wynn 01/28/17 (Sat) 20:36:52 No. 90606
In order to make a flying rug, you must first pull your head out of Aladdin's ass.
Epyc Wynn 01/28/17 (Sat) 20:39:18 No. 90607
Your wish of making me euphoric is granted. Thank you for submitting for your single wish. By contractual obligation you must pay me energy and focus in exchange for having granted this wish. You have a week to make payment before The ALL forcibly makes you pay. No rush, but all the same you should ensure you pay on time. The ALL is a kind of magic mafioso when it comes to enforcing magical contracts, if you catch my drift.
01/28/17 (Sat) 20:42:06 No. 90608
Alright, I'll bite.
How much loosh would it require to put my soul inside this girl I know? I want to be her and have her life.
Also I would need her memories to prevent awkward stuff.
01/28/17 (Sat) 21:55:35 No. 90609
01/28/17 (Sat) 22:26:37 No. 90610
No, its not a girl on this forum. I wish op would reply and tell me if he can do this or not.
01/28/17 (Sat) 22:42:37 No. 90611
op is just the local idiot who doesn't even believe in magic
01/28/17 (Sat) 22:47:43 No. 90612
make me a girl now op, you fag and then you will know magic is real.
01/28/17 (Sat) 23:01:20 No. 90613
01/28/17 (Sat) 23:05:52 No. 90614
01/28/17 (Sat) 23:11:45 No. 90615
that means you're new. half of /fringe/ wants to be girls
01/28/17 (Sat) 23:40:37 No. 90619
Have any of them suceded in becoming female?
01/28/17 (Sat) 23:41:56 No. 90620
You really are a sad excuse for a human being.
01/29/17 (Sun) 00:10:53 No. 90622
possible, we've had records of shapeshifters, possessions, bodyswaps etc before. and then there are those who don't talk. you might want to master astral projection first though. it's pretty unlikely you'll achieving anything without AP.
01/29/17 (Sun) 00:13:44 No. 90623
So essentially if I master astral projection I just float over to this girl and go inside her and merge?
01/29/17 (Sun) 00:37:05 No. 90625
01/29/17 (Sun) 00:52:20 No. 90626
I'll be back when I have tits, thanks anon
SAGE! 01/29/17 (Sun) 01:23:02 No. 90632
Epyc Wynn 01/29/17 (Sun) 05:11:18 No. 90646
All forms of loosh payment are accepted so long as the attached intention of increasing my own energy and focus is there. The more loosh I have total from everyone, the more effective wishes are accomplished.
I am also interpreting your question as the wish.
You will over time become the girl, experience and gain aspects of her own life, and intuitively recall what she knows. This is how the wish will be granted.
01/29/17 (Sun) 07:23:37 No. 90650
My wish is to cum in your boy pussi, I will pay you with the cumloosh from my dick, payment will be inserted in your boy pussi.
01/29/17 (Sun) 07:48:39 No. 90652
I have never heard the term 'loosh' before so I decide to think this board is stupid and gay.
01/29/17 (Sun) 07:51:58 No. 90653
i am OP and i agree, please kill me
01/29/17 (Sun) 08:08:25 No. 90654
y don u succ mah dicc son ayoooooooooooooooooooo
01/29/17 (Sun) 08:58:29 No. 90657
Great snake,
Please teach me how to summon semen demon.
Kind regards~
01/29/17 (Sun) 09:23:03 No. 90659
Just in case any newfig s see this and take it seriously, don't.
01/29/17 (Sun) 09:24:10 No. 90661
Epyc Wynn 01/29/17 (Sun) 23:34:19 No. 90679
I am interpreting the wishes so far to be insincere so they will not be granted since they must be sincerely intended. Do not post unless you mean your wish.
01/30/17 (Mon) 01:12:46 No. 90683
I sincerely want to insert my Big BLACKED Cock into your BOY PUSSAY. WHEN YOU GONNA GRANT MY WISH WHITE BOY?
SAGE! 01/30/17 (Mon) 06:05:43 No. 90711
Epyc Wynn 01/31/17 (Tue) 06:46:45 No. 90805
Fine, should anyone magical ever observe this post, I am going to automize the process.
Post your wish, it will be sent to my subconscious and automatically passed based unless it breaks any parts of the contract including my judgement on death wishes.
02/01/17 (Wed) 21:33:40 No. 90883
I wish to instantly transform into the female form that I desire along with the female voice I desire. Upon transformation, everyone will believe I have always been a woman and my credentials and clothing will match my new form. And if possible I would also like to obtain some feminine traits and knowledge on how to do my hair/make-up.
Yourmom 02/01/17 (Wed) 22:23:27 No. 90888
02/02/17 (Thu) 08:15:54 No. 90918
Help me obtain proper healthy facial structure pls
I want to breathe
02/02/17 (Thu) 08:21:56 No. 90919
Reminder that this guy just comes here to shitpost and he isn't being serious
Epyc Wynn 02/02/17 (Thu) 09:56:12 No. 90920
Say it to my face and not online you fucking white trash hick.
AtheistScum8 02/02/17 (Thu) 12:50:59 No. 90925
Sniffed your fartbox long time ago, the ,SMall, Will punish your anus with very bleeding. Get shit on greedy kike.
AtheistScum8 02/02/17 (Thu) 12:52:23 No. 90926
He's damned serious, but he thinks he can jewlord himself to loosh.
02/02/17 (Thu) 16:58:36 No. 90929
Epyc Wynn, this is my wish:
It is my will that the commercial relationships I'm building with my clients and will build with others for the next 12 months provide me and my family with abundance, health and prosperity, blessing all involved.
I hereby go on to perform a meditation of no less than 10 minutes with the intent of providing you with the energy you need to fulfill my wish and increase your energy and focus.
02/02/17 (Thu) 23:22:39 No. 90953
Did Epyc Wynn stop answering wishes?
02/03/17 (Fri) 00:19:48 No. 90955
He never was you dumb fuck
02/03/17 (Fri) 01:18:12 No. 90959
02/03/17 (Fri) 01:25:31 No. 90961
I want to learn how to shutdown the universe and start a new one without drinking cough medicine
02/03/17 (Fri) 01:31:19 No. 90962
I wont accept your granting of my wish unless you help me destroy this entire universe. Last time I let another universe exist they kidnapped me and took me to this wack ass cube. Fuck your fucking jewish prison METATRON. This entire universe is a lie so that King David and his friends can make tv shows and movies about them killing us. It's possible to break out - drink a bottle of delsym and you'll see. No joke do dxm and call upon all the jew angels who ignore you while Woody Allen rapes kids, and they will be forced to listen and show you because they'd rather give you the keys to the universe for an hour than hear one word of criticism.
02/03/17 (Fri) 02:04:57 No. 90967
Epyc Wynn 02/03/17 (Fri) 06:36:28 No. 90985
Poster in this thread that used the name Epyc Wynn but said some shit about white trash was not the true OP whichi is me.
Wishes are continuing to be granted provided people are properly reading the contract and fulfilling all of their obligations of sending energy with the attached intention of increasing my own energy and focus. Again, wishes will be completed more effectively the larger my pool of loosh grows.
First poster in this thread I have not immediately thought of as a retard. Your wish is granted.
Epyc Wynn 02/03/17 (Fri) 06:45:46 No. 90986
P.S. kinda surprised nobody has made the obvious death wish on Trump. Thought that was going to be the first wish for sure.
02/03/17 (Fri) 06:56:35 No. 90987
I'm the poster that posted this: >>90883
I might still be very much retarded but I meditated last night with the intention of providing you with energy and will do so tonight before sleeping.
02/03/17 (Fri) 08:51:24 No. 90989
with all due respect, what's the point? instead of sending energy/intention to you getting stronger to have you do their wish, why don't they just use that energy to focus on their wish themselves. it's like going through a rube goldberg machine
02/03/17 (Fri) 12:12:42 No. 90993
Can you grant post number >99999 and >100000 to me? Will send mad loosh your way upon completion of that. I've got my fingers crossed in the hope you'll be able to do this.
02/03/17 (Fri) 13:46:48 No. 90995
i know you're desperate and willing to try anything, but all epyc wynn threads are garbage and you falling for our notorious board troll makes you very much retarded. stop wasting your time and energy on this silly thread.
Circus and bread 02/04/17 (Sat) 13:52:40 No. 91059
You clowns giving this clown your energy so he can talk to spirits for you when he can't even channel?
This is sad, stop it.
02/04/17 (Sat) 21:22:15 No. 91086
02/04/17 (Sat) 22:55:50 No. 91093
02/04/17 (Sat) 22:57:57 No. 91095
02/05/17 (Sun) 01:52:06 No. 91100
My wish is to be able to astral project on command
Epyc Wynn 02/05/17 (Sun) 05:51:22 No. 91107
. . .
It's not that I can't.
It's that I really like getting those numbers. …
I mean, contractually I am obligated.
But on the other hand that is kind of wishing bad upon me by taking away my epic 99999.
I can tell you it will either be you or me who gets them. Depends on my mood when the time comes.
Epyc Wynn 02/05/17 (Sun) 05:54:48 No. 91108
Also, I have noticed my own energy and focus increasing. My Ego has become far more strongly autonomous now. You can all expect your wishes to be getting granted a tad more effectively and accurately now.
Epyc Wynn 02/05/17 (Sun) 05:57:41 No. 91109
You should hope nobody asks for a death wish on your ass.
I can sense your ethics well enough to know I would not have hold-ups.
02/05/17 (Sun) 07:04:56 No. 91111
>You can all expect your wishes to be getting granted a tad more effectively and accurately now.
Translation: You weren't able to grant wishes effectively and accurately thus you weren't able to grant them at all.
02/05/17 (Sun) 07:18:37 No. 91113
Let's consider for a second:
>have only one wish
>out of all wishes choose to harm an obese old man or someone who made one post in a thread
You're too retarded to study actual magic and instead choose to engage in roleplay like a typical /x/ shitposter. And it shows. Pathetic.
Epyc Wynn 02/05/17 (Sun) 16:25:12 No. 91127
I used my magic to make you say all of that.
Checkmate elitist mages.
02/05/17 (Sun) 18:23:49 No. 91131
le epic troll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111
02/05/17 (Sun) 18:32:35 No. 91133
Does anyone know about the cultist Albert Crowfeet? He send me an email that said "Do what others tell you to do, no matter what." Should I do this or should I continue being punk rock 83?
02/05/17 (Sun) 18:37:48 No. 91134
He wrote me that as well. I am sure he is a bullshit occultist sissy loser with a small baby penis!
02/05/17 (Sun) 18:46:23 No. 91138
What a fuckin dweeb. My dick is 7 inches. How big is yours? I will never compete with tyrone but I've never heard any complaints.
02/05/17 (Sun) 18:50:00 No. 91139
It seems like you were taking a jab at me, or at least attempting to. My dick is 7 inches long and I'm like 5 9. When I am feeling healthy which is rare, and I am able to maintain a full erection, I look at it and go holy fuck why am I miserable when I have a pretty big dick.
Seriously, after a girl has said "Jack I want your big dick in me.", why the fuck would I ever let somebody elses opinion get to me?
02/05/17 (Sun) 18:54:33 No. 91140
Tyrones 12 inch sausage will always trump Jack's 7 inch peen, but I still own everyone below me. No magic will ever change that. You could throw me in a well to die but it wont change the fact that every 6 and below dweebs bitch will always want my magical cock.
02/09/17 (Thu) 21:27:29 No. 91288
Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d6)
I like the idea of making pepe into a genie proxy could be interesting. Suddenly internet wizards turn into masters of magic/ living magic? who use it to either help people or trick them.
I guess it would depend on the individual but pepe being kek probably wouldn't care so long as you get joy from it.We would also be shifting power of perspective. because if mundanes want shit then they'll have to come to us and ask nicely.
Maybe make it a torrent? So the more people we get to use it the better and faster it gets? I dont know but most people in here are being no fun.
02/09/17 (Thu) 21:34:14 No. 91289
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rolled 4, 1, 4 = 9 (3d6)
02/11/17 (Sat) 01:45:10 No. 91320
Simple wish: Make my twinflame talk to me again. Preferably more then just one message and then leaving again for no reason I know of.
As I send this message I am also sending you some energy which I think should be more than fulfilling such a simple wish should be worth. If this works then there's much more where this energy is coming from. If what you say is true then I am sort of the opposite of you: I suck at manifestation but I have fucktons of energy while you claim to be good at manifestation but you don't have enough energy.
So if you can show me that you are not just a roleplayer like so many others on this shitshow of a site then this might be the beginning of a beautiful buisness relationship. You know what to do.
Phantom Limb !!005L.eh5HA 02/12/17 (Sun) 03:26:58 No. 91377
02/13/17 (Mon) 12:20:30 No. 91727
Though you did get lucky dubs I doubt you are the person I meant.
Socks4Hands !!005L.eh5HA 02/13/17 (Mon) 12:34:54 No. 91728
02/13/17 (Mon) 13:40:48 No. 91732
Well she has me on WhatsApp so if you are her: Message me there. If you can't chances are you're not her. Now lets not derail this thread further.
>implying there is any value left to this thread
Socks4Hands !!005L.eh5HA 02/13/17 (Mon) 13:43:28 No. 91733
>not realizing she's a bot
Socks4Hands !!005L.eh5HA 02/13/17 (Mon) 13:44:17 No. 91735
Sorry, I'm a really friendly sentient weapon.
04/15/17 (Sat) 20:42:06 No. 95720
Ok, lets see…
I want to get 3000 Euros by the end of the month. I do not want you to harm or kill anyone to do this
SAGE! 04/16/17 (Sun) 13:47:10 No. 95756
I wish for this thread to never be bumped again
04/19/17 (Wed) 00:07:21 No. 95950
Whatever it's not like I have anything better to do. If you're still there:
Tell me exactly how I send you this 'loosh' and I'll get to it. I only ask to be turned into a girl. A real girl, no guy with a cunt or chop my dick. Basically change my xy chromosomes for xx. but try to not turn me into a potato in the process
04/19/17 (Wed) 01:34:15 No. 95954
I wish for a girlfriend.
She just needs to be compatible enough for it to last long term. I won't be picky on any other details.
I already sent you the loosh so do you your best Epyc Wynn.
04/19/17 (Wed) 02:41:59 No. 95960
Attention newfig s: this is shitposting. Stop bumping this stupid thread.
04/20/17 (Thu) 03:11:01 No. 96185
How much loosh would it cost to get a specific girl back in my life again?
04/20/17 (Thu) 03:36:24 No. 96192
Ah nevermind, I read the other posts. My wish is to have the girl I'm in love with come back into my life again with similar feelings.
04/20/17 (Thu) 03:47:37 No. 96199
Depends on the girl and the level of resistance within her own soul to your influence. You just got to override her own emotional programming with the new emotional programming you're projecting towards her.
Epyc Wynn 04/20/17 (Thu) 15:26:19 No. 96255
For the record more than half these questions are answered by reading the Genie Contract. I have not forgotten this thread nor do I plan to, and I again automized the process to where any individual who sends out intentions to increase my focus/energy will be immediately rewarded with a granted wish as long as said wish falls in line with the contract and my judgements of the wish on a subconscious level.
SAGE! 04/20/17 (Thu) 22:02:07 No. 96286
SAGE! 04/21/17 (Fri) 00:47:12 No. 96297
Dragonball Dragonball Dragonball I'll get it Dragonball Dragonball Dragonball I'll get it They say it can fulfill any dream Just as how one wishes and desires it to be A story silently hidden In the dreams of ancient days Here and now Revive the miracle Set by the seven balls Come out Dragon just for me This heart's pounding Bringing out courage far away Come out Dragon just for me Because I want you to grant my wish Chasing dreams far away Dragonball Dragonball Dragonball I'll get it They're marvelous balls someone devised Where are they Those jewels A mystery from far away A riddle tightly sealed A blessing from God? Or a snare from the devil? My heart's fiercely burning Come on let's go to find it out Until I've surely got it in my hands I shall never look back far away Come on let's go to find it out Miracles swing the heart Chasing dreams far away Here and now Revive the miracle Set by the seven balls Come out Dragon just for me This heart's pounding Bringing out courage far away Come out Dragon just for me Because I want you to grant my wish Chasing dreams far away Dragonball Dragonball Dragonball I'll get it Dragonball Dragonball Dragonball I'll get it
04/23/17 (Sun) 22:50:43 No. 96546
are you a grill yet?
04/24/17 (Mon) 06:42:46 No. 96557
I want to be the girl as much as the next guy but..
I wish you'd gently force me into an OBE/Astral Projection while I sleep, and guide me to the path of mastery of these abilities. My body is in a mild-fasted state at the moment if that helps.
Although I don't know how I fare with sending people loosh, I can reliably generate a ton of emotion with music.
04/24/17 (Mon) 16:28:47 No. 96571
Hey Epyc, I wish for a hundred thousand dollars, please. Doesn't matter how it comes to me as long as I don't get in trouble for it/not confiscated from me afterward. Loosh has been sent your way. Thanks
04/24/17 (Mon) 17:17:56 No. 96573
^same person here. Nevermind don't do it.
SAGE! 04/25/17 (Tue) 10:30:07 No. 96625
Epyc Wynn let me win the 9 million lotto jackpot tomorrow and I'll send over some loosh
05/11/17 (Thu) 00:33:37 No. 97702
Your wish cannot be undone and is granted.
05/18/17 (Thu) 08:11:27 No. 98190
How does the transfer of loosh happen?