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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


It seems that Wicca is a popular school of magical practice in the current day, maybe the most popular in terms of sheer numbers. What I want to know is, does it work or are they just roleplaying? Their purported history of the witch-cult in Europe as propagated by Gardner is probably BS. but from the perspective of Chaos magic their practice should work in either case, but what about from a Hermetic perspective?

TL;DR - Does Wicca work or are they full of shit?

(Rule 2)


It seems that Meme Magic is a popular school of magical practice in the current day, maybe the most popular in terms of sheer numbers. What I want to know is, does it work or are they just roleplaying? Their purported history of being a cult of an Egyptian diety as propagated by /pol/ is probably BS. but from the perspective of Chaos magic their practice should work in either case, but what about from a Hermetic perspective?

TL;DR - Does Meme Magic work or are they full of shit?


It seems that Spiritual Satanism is a popular school of magical practice in the current day, maybe the most popular in terms of sheer numbers. What I want to know is, does it work or are they just roleplaying? Their purported history of Satan being an ancient astronaut as propagated by Maxine Dietrich is probably BS. but from the perspective of Chaos magic their practice should work in either case, but what about from a Hermetic perspective?

TL;DR - Does Spiritual Satanism work or are they full of shit?


It seems that Bullshit Occultism is a popular school of magical practice in the current day, maybe the most popular in terms of sheer numbers. What I want to know is, does it work or are they just roleplaying? Their purported history of traditional practices as propagated by every dead author is probably BS. but from the perspective of Chaos magic their practice should work in either case, but what about from a Hermetic perspective?

TL;DR - Does Bullshit Occultism work or are they full of shit?






The answer is that all of these are just different flavors of Obullshitism®.

Remember, 99.9% of "occultists" are bullshitters, cult members, or LARPers. The other 0.1% are known as semi-divine heroes, messiahs and prophets.

So how do you tell if someone is a bullshit occultist? Well the answer is simple. The true pursuer of higher knowledge will be no different from the common man, he will never reveal himself for trivial reasons.

There will not be any public messiah figures for another decade or so anyway.


It seems that not posting your question in the question thread is a popular school of being annoying in the current day, maybe the most popular in terms of sheer numbers. What I want to know is, does breaking the rules and annoying everyone on /fringe/ who isn't new work or are they just going to ban me? Their purported history of causing all of the valuable threads to be deleted is probably BS. but from the perspective of shitposting their practice should work in either case, but what about when they actually want to get their question answered?

TL;DR - Does not posting your question in the question thread work or am I going to get banned for my faggotry?



Do they bother to ban people? Proxies are usable on 8chan so there'd be no point



Take it to the questions thread next time.

Your question was answered in the previous questions thread


Ctr+F wicca



>Remember, 99.9% of "occultists" are bullshitters, cult members, or LARPers

This for sure!

>The other 0.1% are known as semi-divine heroes, messiahs and prophets.

That 0.1% is actually the number of people that truly practice, and only 10% of that 0.1% are actual holy men.


Wicca has no knowledge, it just has style and a muh law of three, and tons of NOISE

Any actual knowledge a Wiccan ever has isn't from Wiccan books but other occult traditions they took information from.

Wicca lacks substance. It lacks real knowledge. Wicca is shit because it's LARP-tier NOISE.

Wiccans just get their knowledge from Hermeticism, from Chaos Magick, from all over the place. The central texts of Wicca will leave you clueless. SOMETIMES a Wiccan does some rituals and by sorcery succeeds and SOMETIMES a self-described Wiccan is guided by god to knowledge. They aren't getting it from the central texts of Wicca though. Wicca has nothing to offer to anyone who wants to actually attain magickal knowledge by way of study.

Does Wicca work? That's not the proper question. Wicca doesn't supply you with any real magickal knowledge, it supplies you with "light candles and wear a witchey dress and chant some words while the moon is full" kind of shit that usually doesn't work for anyone.

Meanwhile other traditions, instead of telling you noise, tell you what you need to know to actually understand magick.

It's like the difference between someone who learns physics vs someone who doesn't know physics but copies some script to use do the physics for them. One could write anything for any physics problem he needs to solve, the other one is limited to just one script for one problem, and begging the more learned actual physicist to write other scripts for him.

Except the scripts Wiccans offer don't even tell you anything at all you need to know to make the shit work for you. It's all a "try it" and if you happen to "have the power" it works for you. They don't know or tell you about the laws magick operates by.



>implying it's not actually 5% of people that practice and 5% of that 5% that are holy men

t. Wilson




You are probably right in your estimate when I think of the wider occult/religious scene. For instance, if we take the monks of Christianity both Catholic and Orthodox, the monks of Buddhism, and the yogis of Hinduism, we could say they may represent those who truly "practice." I would assume that would represent a very small percentage of their overall religious communities. Now if we look at how many of those monks and yogis are actually holy men in the sense of "saints", then the numbers are even smaller probably along your estimate.



Saying "Jesus is lord" or something like that ruins their whole magick setup.

Bullshit of the highest degree, even more than Masonry.

You have to kill people carying Bibles because the belief in the book is enough to collapse their retarded, constructed spook.

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