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Esoteric Wizardry


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So, random dilemma guys.

So basically, I've been seeing a girl for just over a month now, and while it's been nice, she's only staying in my town for a few more weeks, so I've always known that our paths would soon diverge.

Anyway, her name has - to me especially - quite significant spiritual power, so I know that our time together has meant more than just a youthful fling. Yet, despite her name and it's association with my being, she comes across as still very naive and "stuck in the world" and all that modern crap. But, I've also dropped hints at my powerlevel, and she seems to be very receptive to it, even if she's not fully aware.

While this has also been going on, however, I've also re-found a pendant of particular importance to me that I felt much sadness when I lost, and as such have been wearing it for the protective power it provides. Without going into much detail, this pendant is also connected to this girl I've been seeing.

So my question is - when she has to leave in a couple of weeks, should I give her this pendant as a tool to improve her own magical potential, or hold onto it due to how much I realise it means to me? I think I already know the answer, but I'd like your guys' input too.


stick your poonus in her vagoo



Already have, that's not the point


This goes in the question thread you double nigger



Aye mate it is the point. Seeing as that's all women are good for.



Not at all. Women are the physical manifestation of the feminine energies of the cosmoses. To deny their value is to deny a good chunk of yourself.



Not when you can just subsume them if you know how to cast "Problematic Hug" without arousing suspicions.



Then you just name your hat after them and ride off into the sunset.

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