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Esoteric Wizardry


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Backstory: S4HActual

All true.

Grew up in desert, only child, far from civilization. Spent free time wandering the desert solo, learning to avoid cactus, snakes, etc. At 7, was given a full size Bowie knife for use against cougars. Never had to use it, which is good, because I would have lost. Spent free time being driven to and from school, wandering the desert with a backpack (field guides, binocs, canteen, water), and reading. Read obsessively, to the point that I didn't sleep much. Intensive traditional education with a focus on classics, literature, and history. Wanted to do biology, quit high school and got a job doing genetics work full time. Suddenly, had too much money. Learned to street race and drift. Got incredibly comfortable with instant death. Probably died a few (10-12) times. Went to college. English major. Worked at a drilling camp in Alaska one summer to unbitch myself. Came back to college expecting it to be nothing compared to the brutal labor. Researched Zersetzung. Got poached by the Diamond Dogs. Went insane. Now, I've used the sum of my experiences to construct something I cannot comprehend.


File: 6fca2d8ccd2e522⋯.png (98.37 KB, 500x500, 1:1, A8227.001.png)


You would not believe how many religions have offered me titles.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There's so much love charged up in my soul that if you reach for my heartstrings without my permission you're gonna get fried.


Dice rollRolled 1, 3, 2 = 6 (3d6)

neat, certainly had a more exciting life then most here.

>Researched Zersetzung

>Got poached by the Diamond Dogs. >Went insane.

or were you declared insane?


You want the title of ass face for my religion?


>if you reach for my heartstrings without my permission

Is that even possible? I don't really see how you can take love by force.



You know nothing, child.


I'm legally sane. That's the craziest part!



I prefer the term undiagnosed, heh.



Do those who possess knowledge tend to look at others as children? I was under the impression that it went the other way around.

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