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Hello, /fringe/.

I have been dealing with audio-hallucinations for a while now. It's been interfering with my ability to work and I was wondering if anyone here has any similar problems and succeeded in getting rid of them or coping with them.

Are there any books or communities any of you can point me to or whatnot that would be helpful? Otherwise, just a general hallucination discussion thread.

(Rule 2 - No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.)


Well, step one is accepting that they're not hallucinations at all but entities talking to you. Step two is learning to make them shut the fuck up.



How do I make them shut the fuck up?


This goes in the fucking question thread. Why don't these newfigs read the board before posting? Jesus Christ.


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Kidneys handle hearing. What you got is a lack of control, EARTH, over the WATER. Earth is about muscle and balance and grounding.

Take a pencil and activate the stomach and spleen points on the face by hovering over it and "feeling" it. It should tingle. Do the same with the pencil over the actual stomach. Then do a max contraction, full out tomato head it, and don't have a stroke.

Exercise twice daily, light to mid exhaustion.

Jog daily, build up distance and speed over time.

Eat grounding foods, healthy stuff.

Read a non-fiction book.

Juggle or do some other hand eye activity, including video games funny enough.

Start a project.

Be more social.

Learn a new skill.

Have an intellectual pursuit.

Develop some new good habits.

Look up EARTH element and related activities, foods, states of mind, etc. and that shit.

I am in a similar spot, I had it way worse, now it's better, being more physical, material and mentally grounded (intellectual pursuits, the manipulation of information or physical things, help a shit ton. Think, programming, math, coordination, reading, fighting, debate, communication, art, crafts, reading, research, scientific method, etc) will help a lot. Being less spiritual and faith oriented, going from unity gnostic shit to tao/yin yang/tai chi stuff works much better. I'm not even into the yin yang stuff, but approaching it as an intellectual pursuit, to help self-diagnose, has been a learning experience. Just working within ONE SINGLE KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM helps a shit ton. Going by psychic shit is suicide.

I was originally agnostic, then gnostic shit ruined my life, now I'm agnostic again. Gnosticism: not even once.

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