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Hey guys.

I know making question threads is against the rules so I'll do this in greentext format and ask anyone that has been on a similar situation to post ITT.

Sorry for the blogposting, but I'm a bit desperate.

>Had sleep paralysis since I was a child

>First time it happened it wasn't just not being able to move, I heard things

>I heard people whispering

>Thought that if I pretended to be asleep it'd go away

>Then I heard a dog growling

>Felt that something bit me in the hands, no actual pain, but I did feel my hands being pulled

>Move around a lot until I wake up

That was my first experience, normal sleep paralysis would happen ocassionally after that, but nothing worth noting.

But when I hit puberty this things got a lot more aggressive.

>Sleep paralysis again

>Either I have my eyes open or I'm imagining my room, can't remember

>I hear my own voice saying my name

>Clothes hanging from my door transform into a noose

Can't remember if it was a nightmare or if my eyes saw things that weren't there, but it creeped me out.

>some months after that

>Body asleep mind awake

>Eyes closed

>Prepare myself because I know some unpleasant shit is about to take place

>Hear pups barking

>Feel something biting me on the neck

>Again, no pain but I feel the force

>I'm the kind of person that hates being touched, and my neck is specially of limits

>Immediatly grab the thing and twist its head

>Surprised that I broke out of the sleep paralysis so easily, usually it takes an hallucination and several minutes of shaking my head to wake up

>Check where I threw the corpse of the puppy just in case it wasn't a hallucination

>Obviously, there's nothing

This was just a bit of context, the usual weird shit I experience while sleeping.

What worries me is the next one.

>Some months ago

>In vacation house

>Semi-rural area with small population

>Go to sleep

>The vibrations on the floor of something running towards me wake me up

>Sit on bed and open eyes

>On the corner of my eye I see that a Chest-burster looking fuck is behind me

>Didn't notice when he did, but it was grabbing onto me from behind

>Feel like the little nigger is about to run off

At this point I didn't know if it was real or not, and the logical solution was to let it go, but I was excited about something happening in my boring life.

>Grab onto it with my right hand

>Try to reach out to him with my left hand

>Can't wait to twist its faggot head off like I did with his canine-hallucination friends

>feel something on my back

>There's something that I can only describe as umbilical-cord like on sticking out my nape

>Lock the dream invader under my arm and grab the umbilical cord thingy

>About to bite it off

>Then I thing something along the lines of "What if this harms me too?", and pussy out

>Suddenly feel really tired

>Wake up?

Don't know what happened, but suddenly I was sitting on my bed, no Alien in sight

>I turn on the lights, go get my camping knife and debate on whether I should or not go to sleep again.

>Convince myself that it was a dream and go back to sleep

Usually that would be the end of it, juat another weird ass dream, but lately I feel really tired, my health is shit and my hair is falling off.

Whenever I'm sick I remember that dream and wonder If that little fuck is real and feeding on me while I sleep.

I can't shake off the feeling that I'm gonna die soon, but if I do, I want to see that cunt one last time.

I'd stick a straw on its ugly head and drink its brain, see how he feels when the tables turn.

Wouldn't care about the repercussions of drinking an unknown liquid, I'd have the satisfaction of a lifetime.

Were my dreams real?

I mean is there any mythogical creature that looks like a wrinkled beige baby that saps your strenght?

Could this be psychological?

Has something like this happened to you before?


What's your diet like buddy?



Kinda shit, but not too bad.

Mostly meat, fish and chicken.

Riceand potatoes.

The ocassional fruit and vegetable.

More junk food that I'd like to admit.



Improving diet could be a good way of healing not only physically but psychologically. The act of changing and improvising your diet can be very symbollic of you purging your body of impurity and inadequacy.

You might have some deep seated psychological issues but i'm no therapist. These entities may be feeding like you said but they can't kill you (except by driving to suicide). So I think the best thing to help in these circumstances is mundane diet and exercise with the idea that doing these things are strengthening not only your body but your spirit (which they are). Also i'm pretty sure there are books in the sticky that are specifically about dealing with astral parasites

*And you're more likely to have paralysis if you really force yourself to sleep when not tired or sleep on your back.



(Fitness thread(s))


Posting questions isn't against the rules. Posting them outside the question thread is. Is everyone that comes to /fringe/ blind or something?



Is everyone that comes to /fringe/ blind or something?

What do you think ;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




But in all seriousness OP make an astral sword and cut that fucking bitch open next time you see him. It thinks it can fuck with you? Nahhhhh bro it better think again.

To make an astral sword just whenever your lying down going to sleep imagine and feel that your holding on to a powerful sword, sharp quick and deadly. Hold on to this visualization into your slumber. Then whenever you need your sword in your dreams you should be able to manifest it by just remembering what it felt like to hold the sword and it will pop into your hand. I'm really glad that you already tried to kill the fucker with your bare hands but you've gotta upgrade your method to something more effective.

>were my dreams real?

Real enough to have physical reactions. Remember that the astral always trickles down to the physical one way or another. So if your astral body gets severely wounded in the astral you will have effects happen to your physical body too.

>mythological creatures?

Astral entities can show up as anything, your mind picks up the vibrations and your imagination displays the visual accordingly.



>Thought that if I pretended to be asleep it'd go away



You guys would have been better off hiding underneath your blankie

>Move around a lot until I wake up

there you go much better

>Clothes hanging from my door transform into a noose

thats never good

>Prepare myself because I know some unpleasant shit is about to take place

bad state of mind to be in….especially when sleeping

>Feel something biting me on the neck

>Again, no pain but I feel the force

interesting you would think biting would hurt but I guess that wasn't it's intention

>I'm the kind of person that hates being touched, and my neck is specially of limits

fair enough

>Immediatly grab the thing and twist its head

rude…but I don't like it either when things catch me off guard

>Can't wait to twist its faggot head off like I did with his canine-hallucination friends

you probably don't have alot of friends do you guy?

>Then I thing something along the lines of "What if this harms me too?", and pussy out


>I can't shake off the feeling that I'm gonna die soon,

you cant let it fuck with your head like that. If you die most likely it wont last long without you.

>but if I do, I want to see that cunt one last time.

>I'd stick a straw on its ugly head and drink its brain,

Honestly man you can only get so mad at it because you kind of let it happen

"What if this harms me too?", and pussy out

>Were my dreams real?

cant answer that

>I mean is there any mythogical creature that looks like a wrinkled beige baby that saps your strenght?

probably exists in some point and time

Could this be psychological?

Definitely but you don't want to think it's all in your head cause that's how they get you.

Has something like this happened to you before?

>Had sleep paralysis since I was a child


>First time it happened it wasn't just not being able to move, I heard things

Felt like my body was being shaken and something was screeching

>I hear my own voice saying my name

I heard my voice reciting a bunch of girls names that I have never meet, then woke up


Would you like the truth?


Diamond Dogs have gotten access to HAARP. All of the everything infosec wise is hacked.


Technomancy, bitches!



>access to HAARP. All of the everything infosec wise is hacked.

So you guys have a deadly weather machine nice.



I had sleep paralysis every night for 6 months along with a whole host of other health issues. Finally found the cause: oxalates. I went on a low oxalate diet and relief instantly, 3 months later no sleep paralysis anymore. Has seriously changed my life. Hope this helps someone - I know how brutal it can be. Bless you all.


http://oxvox.com/ - low oxalate info




I'll try both of these first since they are the most straight-forward


I feel like you're subtly mocking me, but since this is an esoteric board I'll try it anyways.


I meant making threads to ask just one question.

My bad.


I don't lurk /fringe/ frequently, so I don't know what you're on about.

How is that spooky possibly fake weather machine related to my post?


>You don't have a lot of friends, right guy



How so?


Did you ever learn to control it?

Are your experiences real or hallucinations?

Thanks for the replys guys, I feel better now.




>How so?


>Immediatly grab the thing and twist its head

>Can't wait to twist its faggot head off like I did with his canine-hallucination friends

>I'd stick a straw on its ugly head and drink its brain,

Defiantly not lacking on aggression so why pussy out.>Then I thing something along the lines of "What if this harms me too?". Doesn't make much sense for you to puss out last minute based on your post

>Did you ever learn to control it?

nope and honesty I don't know if sleep paralyze can be controlled or if it's the side effects of entities trying to fuck with you.

>Are your experiences real or hallucinations?

Hard to say but I don't think they were JUST hallucinations.


>Thanks for the replys guys, I feel better now.

no prob



>Improving diet could be a good way of healing not only physically but psychologically.

because changing your diet is gonna stop (((me))) them from fucking with you….rrrrriiiigggghhhtttt.;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

>These entities may be feeding like you said but they can't kill you (except by driving to suicide). wew loldy!

whatever helps you sleep at night bubala xoxo

you might want to follow SOME of this >>92829 and upgrade your method to something more effective.



This sounds like nonsense. What reason should I be afraid of calcium oxalate moreso than phosphorus?


OP take this test and please post the results.


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Sorry for being late.

Hope you're still here.



Hey man, I've been through a lot of dreams and those sound bad.

Like the other guy said, improve your waking diet and exercise.

Plenty of green vegetables, some fruit every day, a small handful of mixed nuts - walnuts, almonds, brasil nuts for minerals and good fats.

Make sure you spend some time in the sun each day, it makes a big difference mentally and physically, from the vitamin D.

Move your bed to another spot and lined up in a different way.

Avoid food near bedtime for several hours, same goes for electronics/screens.

Sleep in a completely dark room, no noises, not even an LED light or alarm clock light - not too warm or cool.

If you still feel weak after a week or two and have no signs of cold or flu, go to the doctor and ask for a blood test.

Maybe ask about having your testosterone, prolactin and estordiol checked along with other hormones.

Prolactin in particular can cause fatigue if there is too much of it.

Avoid fapping for a week or so too, let your energy build up.

As for possible psychological causes, it could be to do with still living at home and feeling frustrated by that, at a guess.

Umbilical cord etc.

Think positively during the day, don't dwell on the dreams. Write a list of your probems on paper, and then write solutions for each one, step by step.

Start working on them.

You will begin to feel unburdened and more positive as you work through them.

Good luck.



Also, the actively thinking positively during the day, in all circumstances, helped me a lot to overcome years and years of similar dreams - and worse.

I don't even like to talk about them, I rather talk about positive things.

You'll be alright Op.



As for the visualising and mentally creating the powerful sword of vanquishing ethereal light - it is a good idea.

It is also a form of positive thinking that can assist you in the dream world.

Problems you encounter there will be removed from existence at a touch and by your will.

Remember too that physical strength in the waking world can enhance and support strength in the dream world.





Alright, I'm gonna do this.

Thanks for the advice man.



You're welcome.



Just now I realized that I didn't directly reply to your post.




symbolically protecting yourself can help but it is a treatment not a cure. You can make a sword even though that is incredibly gay but best to read psychic self defense (see the sticky) and use methods such as imagining a vivid forcefield enveloping your body when lying down.

However the more spiritual/symbolic/psychological practices will always be weak if not accompanied by the physical disciplines i.e meditation, abstinence, diet, exercise.

Such is life.

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