Hey guys.
I know making question threads is against the rules so I'll do this in greentext format and ask anyone that has been on a similar situation to post ITT.
Sorry for the blogposting, but I'm a bit desperate.
>Had sleep paralysis since I was a child
>First time it happened it wasn't just not being able to move, I heard things
>I heard people whispering
>Thought that if I pretended to be asleep it'd go away
>Then I heard a dog growling
>Felt that something bit me in the hands, no actual pain, but I did feel my hands being pulled
>Move around a lot until I wake up
That was my first experience, normal sleep paralysis would happen ocassionally after that, but nothing worth noting.
But when I hit puberty this things got a lot more aggressive.
>Sleep paralysis again
>Either I have my eyes open or I'm imagining my room, can't remember
>I hear my own voice saying my name
>Clothes hanging from my door transform into a noose
Can't remember if it was a nightmare or if my eyes saw things that weren't there, but it creeped me out.
>some months after that
>Body asleep mind awake
>Eyes closed
>Prepare myself because I know some unpleasant shit is about to take place
>Hear pups barking
>Feel something biting me on the neck
>Again, no pain but I feel the force
>I'm the kind of person that hates being touched, and my neck is specially of limits
>Immediatly grab the thing and twist its head
>Surprised that I broke out of the sleep paralysis so easily, usually it takes an hallucination and several minutes of shaking my head to wake up
>Check where I threw the corpse of the puppy just in case it wasn't a hallucination
>Obviously, there's nothing
This was just a bit of context, the usual weird shit I experience while sleeping.
What worries me is the next one.
>Some months ago
>In vacation house
>Semi-rural area with small population
>Go to sleep
>The vibrations on the floor of something running towards me wake me up
>Sit on bed and open eyes
>On the corner of my eye I see that a Chest-burster looking fuck is behind me
>Didn't notice when he did, but it was grabbing onto me from behind
>Feel like the little nigger is about to run off
At this point I didn't know if it was real or not, and the logical solution was to let it go, but I was excited about something happening in my boring life.
>Grab onto it with my right hand
>Try to reach out to him with my left hand
>Can't wait to twist its faggot head off like I did with his canine-hallucination friends
>feel something on my back
>There's something that I can only describe as umbilical-cord like on sticking out my nape
>Lock the dream invader under my arm and grab the umbilical cord thingy
>About to bite it off
>Then I thing something along the lines of "What if this harms me too?", and pussy out
>Suddenly feel really tired
>Wake up?
Don't know what happened, but suddenly I was sitting on my bed, no Alien in sight
>I turn on the lights, go get my camping knife and debate on whether I should or not go to sleep again.
>Convince myself that it was a dream and go back to sleep
Usually that would be the end of it, juat another weird ass dream, but lately I feel really tired, my health is shit and my hair is falling off.
Whenever I'm sick I remember that dream and wonder If that little fuck is real and feeding on me while I sleep.
I can't shake off the feeling that I'm gonna die soon, but if I do, I want to see that cunt one last time.
I'd stick a straw on its ugly head and drink its brain, see how he feels when the tables turn.
Wouldn't care about the repercussions of drinking an unknown liquid, I'd have the satisfaction of a lifetime.
Were my dreams real?
I mean is there any mythogical creature that looks like a wrinkled beige baby that saps your strenght?
Could this be psychological?
Has something like this happened to you before?