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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: e314867ecd62e9f⋯.jpg (185.91 KB, 888x900, 74:75, e314867ecd62e9f39f8b545ee7….jpg)


The universe is my will.

To break the spell and become one with the universe, simply respond with "The universe is MY will".


Dice rollRolled 1, 4, 15, 10, 11, 6, 5, 10, 7 = 69 (9d15)

"The universe is MY will"



Are you sure?


I am Will incarnate.


The universe is OUR will.



>The universe is my will



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trying to abdicate?



I can never abdicate. But I can incite people to become their own center of the universe.


File: 60ad552e9d10d21⋯.jpg (124.63 KB, 418x627, 2:3, demiurge.jpg)


>Demiurge Transfiguration

Why would I want that?



You already know that the universe is your will; only subconsciously though.

Bring it to the light.



not really but it seems like this spell might help me align my will with the will of the universe…but we'll see



Ok I see.

Consider the fact that this will of the universe is your will.

If something has a will of its own, its yours.

To me, your will is my will.

To me, the universe is my will.



Consider the fact that this will of the universe is your will.

very well, hhhhhhmmmmmm……done

>If something has a will of its own, its yours.

but then it's not really their will but mine…..

>To me, your will is my will.

>To me, the universe is my will.

free will is illusion?



Free will doesn't exist, unfortunately.

The will needs a cause, an excitation or a motive to move itself.

The universe is deterministic.


Dice rollRolled 43, 80 = 123 (2d100)


>The will needs a cause, an excitation or a motive to move itself.

>The universe is deterministic.

universe doesn't have will?

or universe is the only one with will?


Dice rollRolled 90 (1d100)


are numbers the will of the universe?



The will, which is your will, is universal.

Your will is the will of the universe.

The universe is your will.




>The will, which is your will

but I have to know what my will is.

>Your will is the will of the universe.

>The universe is your will.

cant say I understand but defiantly given me something to think about.



There are other people. Their universe is not my will?



There are other people,Their universe is not my will?

You wanted a universe with no people?



>ask a question because I want to unravel someone's inane delusions

>Alien face takes it seriously

Kind sir, are you aborted by any chance?





Dice rollRolled 1, 27 = 28 (2d55)


>Alien face takes it seriously

If only we all could be special snowflake BO who doesn't have to wear flag.

you should probably go….me and the bot are playing a game


The universe is MY will.


>The universe is my Swill, oink

what did he mean by this tbh


The universe is MY will.


Dice rollRolled 17, 85 = 102 (2d100)



Do you honestly believe that?



It should be the only thing they know.


Dice rollRolled 13, 80 = 93 (2d100)


true but KNOWING, BELIEVING, and THINKING very different things. I can say "The universe is MY will." but I'm not gonna say I comprehend it. yet and I do believe it is to a certain extent but I honestly don't know



You'll get it eventually. I promise.

That spell is so simple it can be hard to grasp.


Dice rollRolled 2, 4, 1, 2 = 9 (4d6)


>You'll get it eventually.

thanks mann

>That spell is so simple it can be hard to grasp

Those are the best kind abracadabra


The universe is MY will


Dice rollRolled 9, 10, 19, 15, 1 = 54 (5d33)



mmmmmhhhhhmmmm….whatever you say



why do you do that roll thing in every post?


The universe is MY will

It really is, because our universe is our perception of your surroundings, combined with the surroundings in reach. Change what you dislike by any means, physical and spiritual.



>because our universe is our perception of your surroundings

my head hurts….

>combined with the surroundings in reach.

What I have right before me is enough?

>Change what you dislike by any means physical and spiritual.

I will, thanks.



why do you do that roll thing in every post?

>every post






Like I said I'm playing a game with the bot



>Thinking I'm the board owner because I didn't have a flag

Haha oh wow

I farmed some loosh form that delusion, stupid tripfag


>smileyfag BTFO so hard he autosages a thread



lol! faggot

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