| Rolled 55, 30, 9, 13, 2, 21 = 130 (6d100) |
>I would compare myself to others on this path and whenever I became stagnate in progression I became stagnate in progression I used to get so mad at the idea that the 'others' were going further than me.
>whether they like to admit it and are aware of it or not.
When I become aware of it I admit…Usually
>We can often compare ourselves to the 'gurus' of the esoteric movement.
Never got into the guru thing. I look at them more like role models and TRY to apply there wisdom in my life. If it works cool,but if it doesn't no big deal.
>who fully embodies every practice they preach.
That's why I try to keep my magical practices simple.
>Not even those super duper "kundalini" "heart chakra" "breath mastery"
>"breath mastery" It's harder than I thought
When will a truly master breathing?…I honestly don't know.
>But even if they seem to follow 95% of what they preach there's always at least 5% of embodiment that is missing from the teaching.
>true, cant know it all
>Most prevalent being diet.
….(hides chips)
>That and maybe others added but if nothing else it is the DIET.
I don't like "magical diets" because depending on your situation you might not be able to afford it or it's just too much work. I need energy for my body, not a lifestyle If I want to loose weight then I'll stop eating so much WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT
I always wanted to follow one of those guys around and see where they keep their stash of food
>And yet they will still preach these visions they harbour.
>in my honest opinion, take away the validity of these notions, of these teachings
>fair enough
>I like to think that this could be some relief to some that may feel like they failing to achieve the standards that they set themselves and feel envious of those who seem to have got everything down or at least most.
I think you did, I feel a little better
>I don't believe they reside on internet, EVER.
>And for good reason
>They would have detached themselves from the concept of preaching.
I'll help when I think I can
>They would be DOING/BEING.
>I just think that in essence the teacher is the student and visa versa and that you reach a equilibrium and true embodiment when you no longer require teaching to or learning from,
>you just are,They would be DOING/BEING
>this is nothing new, y'all likely heard this before
>technically true
ssshhh I'm playing a game with the bot
>probably agitates some just reading
hopefully it didn't
>We're all in the same boat/net (the internet)
not all of us