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So I've been around the esoteric scene for a few years now. I've in the past and to a lesser degree continue to struggle with meeting standards that I have set myself for this lifetime.

One of the ways that I used to slander myself was that I would compare myself to others on this path and whenever I became stagnate in progression I used to get so mad at the idea that the 'others' were going further than me. I would not be surprised if all of the esoteric community does this to at least some degree, whether they like to admit it and are aware of it or not.

We can often compare ourselves to the 'gurus' of the esoteric movement. The 'pioneers' right? There are many in the community that would often put these individual elements of the collective on a pedestal and to some degree look up to them and praise them right? Even if they are aware of the detriments of idolising. There are many who appear to follow all the philosophies without falter. I won't mention names, but there are many or a few depending on who you may ask.

Well I'd like to put 2 cents into this, what appears to be, general consensus.

In all honesty, from what I have seen and learnt from gathering a plethora of perspective within the esoteric community. I don't think I could name a single individual, 'guru', YouTube or Scriptural/Ancient alike who fully embodies every practice they preach. Not a single one that I have caught wind of. NOBODY! Not even those super duper "kundalini" "heart chakra" "breath mastery" preachers that you may or may not be aware of.

Now I don't know about anybody else residing within the community I can only speak for myself. But even if they seem to follow 95% of what they preach there's always at least 5% of embodiment that is missing from the teaching. Most prevalent being diet. It seems to ALWAYS be diet. That and maybe others added but if nothing else it is the DIET. What environments that are subjected to the body/vehicle.

(*Cough* Especially *Cough* Self-proclaimed *Cough* *Cough* Breatharians *Cough*)

And yet they will still preach these visions they harbour.

Now that doesn't, in my honest opinion, take away the validity of these notions, of these teachings. However, I like to think that this could be some relief to some that may feel like they failing to achieve the standards that they set themselves and feel envious of those who seem to have got everything down or at least most.

You won't hear about the ones who have and do, not because there isn't any. If you ask me, I don't believe they reside on internet, EVER. And for good reason. They would have detached themselves from the concept of preaching. They would be DOING/BEING. That doesn't mean that I harbour the opinion that teaching is not important I just think that in essence the teacher is the student and visa versa and that you reach a equilibrium and true embodiment when you no longer require teaching to or learning from, you just are. But hey, this is nothing new, y'all likely heard this before and probably agitates some just reading "it just is" for the 1000th time. I feel ya. We're all in the same boat/net (the internet)

May this message bring clarity and relief. Sending my blessings to this space.



>detached themselves

That is. by design, to cripple everyone. It's usually debilitating like you're on about, but it can flip to good feelings to fool people who've made it over that hurdle. Then they'll sit down and die like retards because they feel good. It constantly adapts.


Dice rollRolled 55, 30, 9, 13, 2, 21 = 130 (6d100)

>I would compare myself to others on this path and whenever I became stagnate in progression I became stagnate in progression I used to get so mad at the idea that the 'others' were going further than me.


>whether they like to admit it and are aware of it or not.

When I become aware of it I admit…Usually

>We can often compare ourselves to the 'gurus' of the esoteric movement.

Never got into the guru thing. I look at them more like role models and TRY to apply there wisdom in my life. If it works cool,but if it doesn't no big deal.

>who fully embodies every practice they preach.


That's why I try to keep my magical practices simple.

>Not even those super duper "kundalini" "heart chakra" "breath mastery"

>"breath mastery" It's harder than I thought

When will a truly master breathing?…I honestly don't know.

>But even if they seem to follow 95% of what they preach there's always at least 5% of embodiment that is missing from the teaching.

>true, cant know it all

>Most prevalent being diet.

….(hides chips)

>That and maybe others added but if nothing else it is the DIET.

I don't like "magical diets" because depending on your situation you might not be able to afford it or it's just too much work. I need energy for my body, not a lifestyle If I want to loose weight then I'll stop eating so much WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT


I always wanted to follow one of those guys around and see where they keep their stash of food

>And yet they will still preach these visions they harbour.


>in my honest opinion, take away the validity of these notions, of these teachings

>fair enough

>I like to think that this could be some relief to some that may feel like they failing to achieve the standards that they set themselves and feel envious of those who seem to have got everything down or at least most.

I think you did, I feel a little better

>I don't believe they reside on internet, EVER.


>And for good reason


>They would have detached themselves from the concept of preaching.

I'll help when I think I can

>They would be DOING/BEING.


>I just think that in essence the teacher is the student and visa versa and that you reach a equilibrium and true embodiment when you no longer require teaching to or learning from,


>you just are,They would be DOING/BEING


>this is nothing new, y'all likely heard this before

>technically true

ssshhh I'm playing a game with the bot

>probably agitates some just reading

hopefully it didn't

>We're all in the same boat/net (the internet)

not all of us


Dice rollRolled 5, 4, 4, 7, 4, 2, 4 + 7 = 37 (7d7)


You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.



It's like a post I could have written myself. Most peculiar.



hi me


More like a post you read before


The reason for hypocrisy in any topic can be because of a probable social phenomena that happens when a person seeks answers and truths.

1. The Dunning Kruger effect, when the user peaks on "interest" and "perceived knowledge" enters a state of euphoria where the individual wants to share it's findings with others.

2. Has not fully developed the methods the individual promotes in the content it shares.

3. When mastery of the topic does occur, there's no interest to share anymore, since the euphoria has gone down.

4. Sharing or not sharing has no difference in the reality of things. So the master chooses silence.

5. The cycle repeats.

It's easy to look at methods an individual shares and then immediately say that they are hypocrites for not being able to follow it themselves. There's multiple examples of it in the spiritual community and I will briefly mention it below:

Infinite Water Diving Deep (Ralph), started his career on YouTube with hip hop and rap songs. Today his channel is clickbait titles with long unscripted rants of how to live life better without giving actual advice.

Teal Swan started her career as a photo modeler for bikinis. Her videos are at the same level as Ralph's and in one of her latest interviews she complained that she can't have sex with a carnivore since the vibrational energy is so foreign.

Jasmuheen stopped calling herself a Breatharian and is now a pranic nourisher. Her 21 day process book teaches a solid entry method to the Breatharian lifestyle, but leaves many stones unturned for the uninitiated.

Spirit Science Jordan Pearce sucked in millions of people in the SS New Age doctrine with videos about the ancient that have unconfirmed evidence for the documentaries he's made. Failing to mention that any of his videos are probable theories of ancient human history, makes it out to be fact.

Ray Maor teaches the 10 day Breatharian process for a hefty sum, yet has not converted completely to not eating yet. According to Jericho Sunfire, it can take 10 years for a dedicated seeker to achieve a full Breatharian state.

Bashar. Thanks for doing the demon's work for them. What he says has no attachment to reality and existence. Way to be part of the MEMEME generation.

You have to reach a point where you are the teacher and master of your own body and mind. These external sources is just a walking cane for the entry level esoteric sciences.

Money can be a very desirable power that can corrupt anyone on the path. Inherently not evil but can make the individual loose track of what it was supposed to be doing versus what it is doing.



Fuck that dumb African nigger Ralph. I'm put a gun in his mouth, pussy bloodclot.

Just LOL at you fags trying to measure up to false prophets.



Less is more.


>I look at them more like role models

Idolising removes self value. Self being all that is.

>When will I truly master breathing?…I honestly don't know.


>true, cant know it all

We all know everything already. We have created the blockages already through fragmentation (Past and future lives), vamping and shallow breath

>I don't like "magical diets", it's just too much work

You get out what you put in. Your health is your wealth. You put death 'Starch and Blood' in to your body and that's what you'll get out. Muscle mass is swelling and doesn't give you strength. Just density.

> not all of us

All of the 2D


We can only speak to and for ourselves


>sex with a carnivore since the vibrational energy is so foreign.

They are depending on whether she's eating high levels of starch or not.

>Her 21 day process book teaches a solid entry method to the Breatharian lifestyle

The 21 and 10 day processes aren't the best methods. Fasting with the herbs is preferable. In the future and already we will find that some bodies will reject these processes and in turn will decease. Leading to mis-information and rejection on a global scale.



Am I the only one who primarily focuses on political leaders, great scientists, philosophers, extraordinary soldiers and hunters, great craftsmen and artists, and savants of all sorts, as my sources of esoteric information and inspiration?

Guruus are people who read up stuff and want to share it and who sometimes are spot-on and other times have no idea what they're talking about.

…but the world itself is full of extraordinary people who I learn my magick from, even if they never call it magick.

I have my metaphysics downpat and can explain absolutely everything that happens. I don't as such ever bother to listen to anyone who rants on youtube about occultism.

I should say too, I made most of my posts on here as a neophyte and as an initiate, but as an adept I go multiple days or even weeks at a time not posting here and when I do come back I just tend to pop into a random thread that catches my attention and maybe make a post or two and then leave again. My practices are very productive and satisfying and I like to stick with them, I don't talk very much.



>Idolising removes self value. Self being all that is.

>We all know everything already. We have created the blockages already through fragmentation

I'll mediate on this

>You get out what you put in. Your health is your wealth.

True but I treat food as a ends to a mean. I eat because I have too. cant live off breath only yet

You put death 'Starch and Blood' in to your body and that's what you'll get out.


>Muscle mass is swelling and doesn't give you strength. Just density.

your gonna have to explain that one man. what does give you strength then?

video was helpful thanks



>Am I the only one who primarily focuses on political leaders, great scientists, philosophers, extraordinary soldiers and hunters, great craftsmen and artists

probably…see the problem is if you focus on all those at once you wont be great in any of them.


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