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Reposting this from >>>/pol/9354186

Conspiracy folks on Reddit and Voat have been organizing a mass synchronized meditation for the purpose of bringing down the pedos.The event is scheduled to take place tomorrow (Saturday the 25th) from 11:11 AM EST to 11:33 AM EST (8:11 to 8:33 AM PST). It's too early for the average nocturnal NEET and it's reddit, but it's a good effort for a good cause, they have a lot of people on board, and they could surely use the help of the internet's premiere memetic wizard battalion.

They may not see the whole picture, they may still be bluepilled on various social and political issues but the conspiracy-normie is not dead in their soul and this kind of effort is proof of that. Let us come together in aid and protection of those not yet so far down the path of awakening, that we may flush out and crush the evil that confuses the minds of the masses and preys upon us all. May all eyes be opened and hearts awakened by our efforts.

Reddit/Voat post:

>I am organizing a synchronized mass meditation/prayer for the mass arrests of the DC pedophiles (see pizagate). This will happen on Saturday February 25th 11:11am - 11:33am (22 minutes) EST (16:11 UTC). Visualize the criminals being arrested leading to fair and public trials. The intention should not be for revenge but for saving the children and the healing of humanity.

>If you are unsure about what effect this can have please read about the science that proves the power of the mind:


>and especially the effect of mass meditations (also known as Maharishi effect):





What the fuck did you just say to me, you little bitch?

I shall not participate because you are using a buzzword term, pedo. Oh, you mean pedophilia. That's the love of children, right? So you are against the love of children and seek to stigmatize it? OK, then. Why are you against love for children? Maybe because you are a dumb faggot with no inner guidance and like to spout combative anti-life memes created by Tavistock and other epicenters of degeneracy. Oh, you think you are battling degeneracy with your little "prayer" group LOL. Here's something, little bitch, that I would like to tell you. Those prayer meditations are successfully used for positive causes such as widespread peace or bringing rain. Instead, you are bidding ill will on a group, also known as cursing, and condemning them to a corrupt system called "prison". Oh, is that what you do with people who frighten you and upset your little mommy-molded world view? Send them to prison? That's very despicable. Let me tell you about the prison industrial complex… Nah, nevermind. You don't even know if p-gate is real or the extent of it. You don't have a fucking clue what goes on behind the scenes out of view from the public sphere. Trying to force your flawed morality on others is a very poor plan, indeed.




''Judge not, lest you be judged

For with what judgment you judge, you shall then be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall then be measured again.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?''

Would that you judged your own self with the metre you so judge others. Your delusion of control is alas, as dust in the wind.



>meditation can compete with blood sacrifice

Not only do the things controlling the pedos have mastery over the psychic shit, but the pedos are willing to do more for their cause. In fact, if you killed a pedo, the cucks would lock you up, while pedos wouldn't care if you just killed randomly and would help in exchange for something, making the pedos more useful in the end.

Cucks ruined everything. You should meditate on getting rid of them.

See this nigger cuckold here, >>93185 , he doesn't even know why he does the shit he does. There's no objective. He's just a stupid cuckold feeling good about doing nothing.



>Mass Meditation to Bring Down Pedos

Fucking REALLY?

Out of all the things they could be focusing their energy on, THIS is what they fucking do with their meditation?




Oh boy you showed me kiddle. I'm literally crying, I'm shaking right now I can't even.

heh, ruledud, this isn't your safespace anymore

t. goonsaloon



Saw this on /r/conspiracy earlier.

Sure I'll gladly participate if I can wake up early enough.

The pushback from this harmless, well meaning, and provably effective practice has been astounding, to say the least. Even here, you guys are triggered over it. Pedos must be scared.

This was the original message(intent) of the organizers meditation.

"I am organizing a synchronized mass meditation/prayer for the mass arrests of the DC pedophiles (see pizagate)

Visualize the criminals being arrested leading to fair and public trials. The intention should not be for revenge but for saving the children and the healing of humanity."


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The bantz are on point with this post


Large player will be joinging you. accept the Light you will feel. its going come from the higher ups


Who were the assholes fucking with people and why was there a bunch of people from the Asian areas meditating on the same thing



How can you tell that kind of thing?



I'll have you know I'm a thoughtform which works for Tavistock and these fuckers are all going to hang.



Blood sacrifice means nothing.


Allow me to rephrase: Blood sacrifice is only meaningful because those who are performing the sacrifice believe it to be. Other sacrifices are far, far more valuable. This world is sick of blood.



>organizing a mass synchronized meditation for the purpose of bringing down the pedos.

So their trying to cast some black magic? or are they gonna sit there and hope pedos stop diddling little kids.

What makes this any different than when go people go to church and pray for world peace or whatever. Seems point less tbh


he actually shut ups, I'm impressed


>Not only do the things controlling the pedos have mastery over the psychic shit, but the pedos are willing to do more for their cause.

>while pedos wouldn't care if you just killed randomly

Depends on the pedo

>would help in exchange for something, making the pedos more useful in the end.

I heard that when the police catch some they keep a few of the pedos they catch so they can catch more pedos




Other sacrifices are far, far more valuable.

such as?



Souls. A blood sacrifice, even murder, does not entrap a soul. It just pisses it off.


How was the meditation? Sadly I didn't wake up early enough. I had interesting dreams during that time so maybe I attended it in spirit. How was it? Did you feel anything?



Just speaking for myself here, but I had an easier time visualizing than I usually do.



i felt a few people doing it. Much more than i had thought would "attend".


was mediatting on the anti pedo thing and was also giving others a boost when i felt "approached". I then proceded to talk with them and they were displeased but harmless.


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you're a pedokike who should be killed


Any plans to do another mass meditation in the future?

I'd be down to get in on some group magic.



I'm doing this same meditation this Saturday at 11:11 PM because I missed the first one. Anyone is free to join me.


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the fact that i can't tell if these posts are ironic makes them even more funny



I'll join you for that. 11:11pm in what timezone? EST?



EST, yes.

I'd like to add that although the intent of the original meditation is part of it, I will also be including the visualization of arrests of many elites / bloodlines who will be charged with treason + crimes against humanity. The point is to speed up the date of "liberation" and really get Aquarius started.



Wouldn't it be better to visualize the children gaining freedom rather than visualizing something negative happening to someone?



it would indeed. That's actually what I used.



I should have been more specific. I wasn't actually referring to the pedophiles there. My main focus of the meditation is actually to bring out the apocalypse. Apocalypse, by it's original definition, literally means "disclosure of knowledge or revelation." I want to bring the truth of what has been kept hidden from humanity brought to light. So, this includes the high-level child sex trafficking, war crimes, financial corruption, governmental corruption, suppressed technology, etc.


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no-one in their right mind would write that: i don't even want to see jokes



And why should anyone give a shit what you want ciddie?


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because i control reality, fuckface

it doesn't matter what you want

you have no power

you're just a dirty kike

you don't know who i am

you're a newfig

you don't belong here






you can't stop me ciddie

im jew


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>you can't stop me ciddie

you can't even speak let alone accomplish anything

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