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I've had this for all of my life. It hasn't really had any impact on life as far as I know, I just see "static" as an overlay on top of everything else - especially noticeable on walls or other unicolored surfaces, or in the dark. Can't really enjoy the stars in the sky to their full potential, which is a bummer.

Enlighten me on Visual Snow, /fringe/. Some claim the "static" is actually energy. There is a link to HPPD and psychadelics in general. Research point at it visual snow being caused by "brain hypermetabolism", and some people have mentioned the pineal gland being connected in all this.

Does anyone else have Visual Snow?



Somewhat, it doesnt get in the way of anything so i assume its just hypochondria


This seems like it should have gone in the question thread, since you're asking what it is and the subject matter is pretty limited, but whatever. I have it quite faintly if I focus on empty space or if it's really dark. When I first noticed it, neither of the occultists I know in real life said they had it, so I remember looking it up and finding a scientific/medical reason. I can't remember what it was or where I found it, so I can't really answer your question. I wish it was some way of seeing energy of some sort, but I'm skeptical.


I've had it pretty bad since I was 14 or 15, I can't really see solid colors clearly because they all look like TV static. It's worse in the dark and drug use had also made it noticeably worse

I try not to worry about it though because it doesn't really prevent me from doing anything



have you ever noticed a buzzing sound, like a *bzzzzt* inside your head?



Yes, and yes to OP. WTF is with that? I've wondered if it's from work related noise/light exposure, but it's eery. I noticed the snow only in the past few weeks but the ear tones have been going on for about a year.


I've always had this for as long as I can remember but it hasn't hindered my ability to see anything as far as I know.

Until now I thought it was normal for everybody.

Does anyone else sometimes hear a moderately loud draining noise in the center of their skull? The closest comparison I can think of is when liquid slowly goes down a drain and it has that distinct sound. This sounds like a more organic and high-pitched variant of that sound.



We're all saturated in wireless signals, maybe it's having weird effects.



Yeah, not too often but once or twice a day probably I'll get this weird feeling of emptiness in my head and a buzzing/ringing sound that basically blocks out all other sounds. Only lasts a few seconds but it always sort of freaks me out


File: bea4fafd7cb4d42⋯.gif (542.28 KB, 250x178, 125:89, rabbit-hole4.gif)

I don't think I'd have noticed this if you hadn't said. Thanks so much.


i have it too.


I'm pretty certain this happens to everyone



It's actually how I tell apart the physical world from the astral. Everything I see that is physical, that I see with my physical eyes, has static in it. It is most obvious the darker something is. I can't see black with my physical eyes at all, I just see a whole bunch of static where black should be. I can however see black clairvoyantly and while astral traveling. When I see black in this way it is VERY BLACK, as black as black can get. All color in fact is far more vibrant for me when I see it via mind's eye instead of physical eyes. It also has this slightly different quality to it that is hard to describe but which I believe has to do with direct perception vs seeing only photons reflected back at you.

Your pic of that girl for me, I wouldn't really see much static in the white parts, but it would be obvious over her eyes and over the other dark spots. Also I see a lot of static in the monitor which is black.



Maybe static is something that exists in the vision of all people but normally people's brains filter it out and correct the image and we're somehow fucking up that process by bringing attention to this phenomena and causing people to notice what was always there.

Maybe we're causing an awareness epidemic… people are losing their corrective filters.

It's like that part in the holographic universe book about the blind spot in your vision that you never notice.


File: 360dad9574add2b⋯.jpg (108.12 KB, 367x490, 367:490, TheFaintSmile_darkroom2_sm….jpg)

This is the best picture I've found yet depicting how shit actually looks to me.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You're welcome.

The thing we're talking about here is talked about around half way through the video.

Though admitably I am not 100% that this is what it is, you seeing your blood flow through your eye seems like the best explaination.

Of course that's not what you'd WANT to believe, after all, we're discussing this on /fringe/…



I have floaters too but those I see best looking up at a blue sky and they are a completely separate thing from the static in my vision that fills in any dark areas.



Oh wow, that's a very accurate pic. Mine's much more faint than that personally.


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I don't have it as thick as that and the static usually sticks to objects I don't pay attention to as a unique thing.

like it coats the walls but objects don't when I pay attention to them.



I have those too but they are distinct from the golden ones that swarm just outside of my direct vision at random times, the golden swarm of them might be triggered by stress or perhaps are independent.

Can any of you guys see colors in the air? not distinct but rather they are translucent yet solid. they are formless but shaped.

hard to describe but it'd be nice to know what they are


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As much as I'd like to link the visual static to the astral: I just can't.

Here's the thing: I have astral projected before, even though only for short times but it definetly happens. As you enter the astral plane you definetly hear static - kinda like in this vid - but if you open your eyes you just don't see it. You see other differences as you enter the astral like colors getting more brighter or the classic shadow standing next to your bed but no static.

Even IF this has some paranormal / spiritual reason: This ain't it.



Try putting up shields, after trying to shield a couple of times you'll get it right and it won't ever bother you again.

I don't know what it is.

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