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File: 77ed6eccf550654⋯.gif (46.72 KB, 300x400, 3:4, genetical manipulation.gif)


What are your thoughts on changing your DNA makeup.mainly trough binaural beats??

I did it with success for clearing the skin, but if it is indeed true, it would be great for health and civilization-building.

There are but few resources on the topic; anyone know experiments or any lab team considering researching this?


bullshit occultist larping jerrycuck thb



Binaural beats work, but you have to find the real shit. Which is usually very difficult.

What did you use to clear your skin?

Don't mind the cunt trolls btw.





>DNA makeup

I know some of the most powerful subliminals available for public consumption.

Sexual attraction, healing, etc…

What bothers me the most is that niggers and indians have access to them.



why do you even care? most wont stick around long enough for results.






They abuse their mental faculties instead of use them.


Follow the indigo.



>What bothers me the most is that niggers and indians have access to them.

Make a harmful one and disguise it as horny binaural for the negroes to fall for it =D




epik fellow polturd


braise geg!


OK hombres this shit works, hear me out __>>>

Biokinesis = qi/chi energy + directed concentration + tulpa

You have to be able to control your chi (making psi balls is a good start) and direct the chi into a specific part of your body.

Eye color changes is a good one to start with if you are interested in BIOKINESIS.

Change eye color = qi flow to irises + concentration at picture of colored eye + tulpa telling your eyes to change

There is unlimited potential as long as you can concnetrate and make it work.



How long does it take to transform from a caucasian to gorious Nordic type?


File: e7d4a6967d02017⋯.jpg (14.87 KB, 226x353, 226:353, idealtype.jpg)

File: d9acc642daa64b3⋯.png (172 KB, 256x356, 64:89, idealtyè1.png)



nailed it, fellow noflag initiate.



Thanks bro, idk bout flagging wtf it is haha. I have a tulpa for activating my pineal gland, extwending heat through palms, and the eye change (in progress and with promising results)



Chi control, check.

Meditative state of mind, check.

Tulpa +concentration? Try to find the image or draw out what you want to change, hair, eyes, brow, chin, nose, idk what u wnat to change sepcifically to nordic mang, u just have to concentrate.

I should have mentioned that you will have to stare and repeat the tulpa at this picture for 30m-1hr every day qith chi flowing to these areas of prospected change.


Ive been attempting to use biokenesis with binurals for some time but i guess im messing by not using a tulpa as well?

Can someone give me some advice for making/using a tulpa for this?

Here is some of the binural channels i use, not sure how good they are but i dont know how to quality check binurals

Sapien Med : https://www.youtube.com/user/projectvampireTV

Quadible Integrity :




when forming your tulpa, think about how you best retain new information. For example, i learn taught matterial through visuals and hearing, as well as repetitions. Therefore, i can create a stronger visualization (tulpa) by saying the command out loud and listening to it, or drawing out the visual of what it is.

The things you want to put into the tulpa is: intent/action, feeling to it and those around, and visualization of the end result.

you must feel it within your soul, hence qi flow. your inent must be forced. concentrate on the tulpa with your visual infront of you.


bullshit sissy lizards



thank you for your insight.

is it safe to try and create a tulpa for minor things such as physical changes for a neophyte?

I still have a lot to learn and creating a tulpa seems like it could go wrong if i fuck up.


File: 2da91c9f640380d⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1600x5000, 8:25, 1483747337734.png)


Not safe if you don't know what you're doing. Just don't fuck up like pic related.

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