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Esoteric Wizardry


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Right So I'm gonna try some stuff and see if it works but first things first…. HEY YOU! FUCK OFF! ALL SUCCUBUS IN THIS THREAD ARE MINE!!!!! >:^( (diarrhea noises)


File: a2d599c2dee924d⋯.webm (4.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, warming up.webm)

Does any one know if not masturbating will help or not?


File: 42f8d288892633d⋯.webm (9.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I'm going....in.webm)

Dice rollRolled 38, 80, 30, 16 = 164 (4d80)


not masturbating only helps if you have +5 or better item invested with Chastity

really you should just buy some +2 or better Gloves of Summoning


File: d6c2057271dcd15⋯.webm (7.77 MB, 480x360, 4:3, lum.webm)

Dice rollRolled 48, 61, 49, 41 = 199 (4d65)


File: 3c836e4cc266280⋯.webm (7.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, dance if you want to.webm)

Dice rollRolled 48, 30, 12, 25 = 115 (4d65)


>not masturbating only helps if you have +5 or better item invested with Chastity

welp their goes that

>buy some +2 or better Gloves of Summoning

Can I summon the summon gloves?


File: ac16d8ba462bf11⋯.webm (9.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I like the song.webm)

Dice rollRolled 31, 14, 42, 7 = 94 (4d43)



now now, give it a chance.


Dice rollRolled 1, 24, 22, 25 = 72 (4d38)


Also if I catch you twerking like that on my beach you WILL get raped.


File: 7201f1c802543bd⋯.webm (3.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, What you gonna do You wan….webm)

Dice rollRolled 10, 24, 2, 14 = 50 (4d24)

"If you really want it You gotta feel it"

Thanks kool and the gang


File: 7fb9c2e1e0c7d61⋯.webm (5.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MORE BOOBIES.webm)

Dice rollRolled 7, 1, 8, 4 = 20 (4d14)



File: 7977426f6b13b00⋯.gif (826.32 KB, 500x375, 4:3, wNMt1Hm.gif)

Dice rollRolled 27, 4, 21, 63 = 115 (4d97)

I have found out that music helps alot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psnAOfd58m4



>Can I summon the summon gloves?

yes but the summoning ritual requires the fresh hearts of 7 virgin girls, and 6 gallons of fresh (within the hour) semen




sauce of both animu



I demand sauce of ALL animus posted!


I was attacked by one on a dream; She scratched my chest and told me: "You'll be back" just when I was getting away from her.




you know these would've made better EDs than the originals

really makes u think



>the fresh hearts of 7 virgin girls

If I knew 7 virgin girls I wouldn't be doing this

>6 gallons of fresh (within the hour) semen

I think I'll save my semen for something else.



finding virgins is easy



especially around here, but GIRL virgins that's a different story.



most girls under 15 are virgins

there are plenty of people under 15 in every country except maybe japan



age of consent is18 here and even then they rarely travel alone. unless you have a wing man, you probably wont get very far.



i'm pretty sure cutting hearts out of people involves killing them and that murder is murder no matter the age of person tho


Dice rollRolled 30, 51, 34, 44 = 159 (4d57)


true but you gotta remember where my heads at. I could kill 7 virgin girls for my ritual but then that would answer my question as to why no girls like me.


Could I summon a Succubi for help with my weight loss?


File: 8de36959355a9c0⋯.gif (999.7 KB, 500x250, 2:1, mikasa.gif)


don't see why not. problem being that she probably kick your ass if you start slaking.

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