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Hello, /fringe/. I've been struggling with a very terrible case of possession for over a year now, and will an hero shortly. This thing can control my body almost as well as I can, and now is deeply rooted. This all really hit the fan when I felt a strong energy piercing through my left ear and into my brain, making it feels as though my brain was splitting apart–I take this at the time where it penetrated my etheric body's natural defenses. I wanted to discuss the various things I tried that did not avail so that it might help you if you ever encounter what I did:

1.) Seeking banishment from material sources (crystal, orgonite, etc.)

This did not work at all for me. I spent well over a thousand dollars on orgonite, some of which being the highly effective black sun orgonite, and even making a huge half-dome myself. Don't waste your money on this. Crystals were equally ineffective. Maybe programming them for long periods might work, but I am skeptical.

2.) Typical banishing rituals used at the novice level: I hear this is the go-to, but I couldn't get this to work. Over the year I have learned some nuances, but I don't think charging wards will remove anything so deeply rooted into your astral body as some parasites. Maybe this could work if you did this religiously three times a day at an expert level.

3.) Trying to summon spirits: For me, trying to summon spirits was very hard. I was never sure when a foreign spirit might truly have been around, because the thing possessing me could easily imitate it.

4.) Asking tulpa(s) for help: I strongly believe I have tulpas, as I get random bursts of powerful emotion. This could just be the negative entity having control over the waterworks–so take it was you will. However, I don't believe my tulpas were once ever able to help me–as I'm still in this mess. Maybe for lighter cases–but after a certain point it's deeply enmeshed into your etheric body, or perhaps your physical one.

What might work:

The only thing I haven't tried yet is fasting. Seeing as this thing can make me feel terrible pain and discomfort at a whim, I've all but given up. What anons might try first of all when something like this happens is to fast (perhaps gently transitioning into it using a ketogenic diet). I don't know why for sure this would work, but it's been said to help cure cancer and remove other pathogens, so, being as above, so below, one might expect this to work on astral parasites too. Maybe your etheric body starts to eat it? Who knows. There was one Russian study showing that 70% of schizophrenics who fasted were basically cured. I'm not sure whether I trust that study, but, please, anons, let this be your primary strategy if all else fails you. I hope I was of some help and spared someone the misery I went through.


There is no such thing as unending torture. Conciousness requires energy, and a mind/spirit is destructible–else how would spirits be slain all the time on the astral plane? The primary strategy of these entities is to try to get you to believe that the most HORRIFIC and brutal unending tortures are possible in the universe. Please work this through beforehand how this would be possible. No god would permit this, and people have undergone ego-death when put under too much duress. Be very careful with the souls are indestructible business.



Obviously don't kill yourself. That's what it wants. Get thee to a monastary or something.


urine fasting may help……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


How sure are you that it isn't physical and not an entity? I obviously don't know your situation, so I'm just throwing a question out there.



As far as point 2 goes, a very important part of performing an act of magic is belief. The doubt expressed in the statement "maybe it can work if" easily defeats any attempt at magic. An easy method to realize your own power over spirits is to recognize the reason why they want possession in the first place. Simply put, they want power, the level of power that comes with a body. The easiest comparison is like stepping into a plane and flying at speeds above the sound barrier versus a housecat trying to run after you. The vehicle that is the fleshly body offers so much power it is easy to control spirits, as long as you have the mind to do it.

The reason people use rituals is to focus willpower by the method of using a tool. Creative magic follows a simple pattern: First, the blueprint or objective of the spell; Second, the energy that the spell will use in order to obtain that objective; Third, the willpower you posses to manifest the spell; Fourth, the tools that you will use, such as a wand, an incantation, etc. Anything to focus that willpower into becoming reality; Finally and fifthly the prototype of the spell is released. An important aspect of this is that you need to let the spell do its work. It's like writing a paper but never turning it into the teacher if you don't release it. Yes you did the work, but the world around you isn't affected yet. The reason I say a prototype is because every spell you cast is based on a previous version that you then improve. No two spells are every exactly the same. Each spell is constantly improving as you get better at manifesting reality as the way it should be, according to you.

Finally, if you don't have the power to use spell casting (magic) yourself, absolutely feel free to use petition. There is no shame in asking God, or Higher Power, for assistance in becoming greater or healing yourself. The reason for existence is to obtain joy, and by extension, improve the self. Any petition made in earnest need will be granted.

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