How do we fix the Soulless People problem? 03/04/17 (Sat) 16:01:52 No. 93743
Organic Portals
Spiritless Humans
Lifeless Automatons
Background Characters
I think they should all be killed or made into slaves.
Are you one of these unconscious animals? Do you know how to disconnect from them?
Hell of a mess we have here…
03/04/17 (Sat) 17:35:36 No. 93744
Maybe you should stop roleplaying and assuming you got all figured out, you subhuman schizophrenic pseudo-wizard.
03/04/17 (Sat) 20:25:33 No. 93763
It's laziness and convenience. People just adopt the personality of another because it's easier than being yourself. It also saves them the time and effort of learning who they are and can jumpstart them socially. When you're yourself you take criticism personally and have to actually be responsible for your actions.
When you adopt a cookie cutter personality you can already see what's possible from adopting it and you won't get emotionally damaged because you can always subconsciously fall back on the "That wasn't the real me anyways". Also people think that if they act like famous people others will like them because famous people are liked. It works to an extent but you're figuratively selling your soul and ditching who you are to claim the rewards of being the other person.
As to how to fix it I've no idea. Maybe make being yourself more appealing to the average person? Or maybe making astrology more accessible like this anon said a while ago ( >>81982 ). I'm too lazy to look for his specific post. Teaching how to read your own natal chart in public schools? I think that's a great idea personally.
03/04/17 (Sat) 21:25:16 No. 93776
Through spiritualizing their ego and bringing about balanced expressions of being you can exert your will over them (in a positive caring cultivating way that expands and respects freewill just nudges them towards awakening). Now how much you wish to focus on them and guiding their journey instead of your own spirit journey, or instead of the spirit journey of your shipmates/clan is something you will need to weigh very carefully. Though ego often is STS it can through sufficient proof, time, logic, and yearning for something better, can be shown the way to STO. Hypothetically they could learn to connect to God directly and become 1st order (spirited) beings as we are but more probably what's going to happen is they will just be aligned more so to STO due to the inertia of their culture yet still lack spirit connection.
03/04/17 (Sat) 21:44:22 No. 93778
Dude they're necessary though, they fill in the positions in society that have no meaning, they do all the drudgery that isn't fit for spirited beings.
03/04/17 (Sat) 21:44:35 No. 93779
03/04/17 (Sat) 21:50:07 No. 93780
All the shit you just said is made invalid by the fact you're not actually your body, mind, personality, emotions, or any of these things which you have. So what you take into yourself, what you channel, etc. that is ALMOST arbitrary. Just be rational and pursue the Great Work, the perfection of your soul, and don't mind you whether the constituent parts of you are absorbed from others. As long as you do everything consciously, taking in (and rejecting) influences with full awareness, rather than haphazardly and with no consciousness of what you're doing, you're on the right path.
Being a chameleon isn't the same as being a spiritless individual anyways. A spiritless individual has the upper 3 chakras non-functioning, or at least the top-most one, and is animated purely by external influences. They are an elemental kind of being. PME has the methods to give them immortality / make them spirited but you've got to complete the 10 steps in IIH.
03/04/17 (Sat) 21:55:59 No. 93781
None of that is an obligation. They are what they are and the world doesn't need our help. In life we all CROSS PATHS with people and every time we must act from a place of wisdom to do what is best for that time and place. When you work on yourself and make yourself a perfect being, you stop making mistakes, and do precisely what is best for every moment. In this way everyone whose paths you cross is touched by your light and uplifted. You become a perfect instrument of the divine, your mind is built-up, and your grace is felt in everything you become wrapped up in. This must be the focus and the goal of every man on this path. The power exerted by such a perfect man is immense and a hundred such advanced souls can heal a nation.
03/04/17 (Sat) 22:02:36 No. 93782
This perfection is enabled by the cleansing of the soul through pure intentions, long meditation upon the qualities of god, non-attachment, rationality, and living and acting with awareness (not like a zombie or automaton).
Spiritless humans are pure automatons.
Of humans that are spirited, they range all over the scale, from spiritual anesthesia to being completely WOKE.
The obligation is only to the divine in each human being. An automaton is morally irrelevant. Not necessarily evil or good, they aren't subject to karma. They can be a nuisance or they can very much have their place. You must have clear eyes to see what is animating the soul of the spiritless being (they have a soul/mind, just no spirit, using montalk definitions here). Destroying them, rebuilding them, or any other actions you take concerning them will depend on what you see.
If you are really woke as well, ending their life can be very subtle, and they can seen just pass away in their sleep at your command. You then have to deal with their ghost of course, which you can dissolve as well into its elementary parts.
03/04/17 (Sat) 23:38:58 No. 93787
He scared.
The only thing about these unpredictable animals is that you have to be careful in case they lash out like this one did with psychological projections and other insane actions.
STO is gay and I consider it a disempowering shill term whenever I see it online. I'm STS and STO.
You seem alright.
These things cause a lot of suffering and are like Agent Smiths that can pop up to drain real people's spiritual energy. I don't buy that whole they are a benign animal soul plz don't persecute them LOL bullshit. I think they should be singled out for persecution, made into sex slaves for their sexual fluid nutrients and just slaves in general OR PURGED. And whizzzzzaaat?! There is no karmic penalty for killing them?! Get outta here!!
Reminds me of the concept of natural slavery that the ancients had, that some people were just fit to be slaves. Now that makes a lot more sense, and how the Spartans would just take raids and kill those Helots for the lulz. Sounds like a good time.
If these things don't have potential to develop their soul then they are a defacto enemy because the Matrix Control system or whatever outside force wants to prevents our God-given spiritual evolutionary rights here can easily use them to manipulate and demoralize.
Overall, once I came across this info the whirrled makes a bit more sense and I am able to find some solace.
03/04/17 (Sat) 23:49:33 No. 93788
Ultimately, through muscle testing and divination which soulless people can't preform, we need to single out individuals to develop a pure noble caste again. Otherwise, these soulless scum will continue to gravitate to and accumulate into positions of power like the psychopath phenomenon that many are perceiving in this day and age whereby they eliminate any type of higher learning in schooling and promote anti-life tendencies. I remember hearing that some tribes would always kill a psychopath when they discovered them in their midst.
And hopefully this has to do with End Times prophecy of a divine being like Kalki returning and slaying the judged, the wicked, those who don't receive the mark of protection on their forehead, etc. Surely that would make my work easier.
03/04/17 (Sat) 23:58:20 No. 93790
Is there really a method to give them spirits? Ehhhhhhh sounds like too much of a headache. I only became 'spiritual' until after I did the chakra awakening meditations bestowed by The Gods on JoS.
Would be wise to figure out their distribution among races and genders. Most of the articles online say no to be waaacist about this.
03/05/17 (Sun) 00:21:19 No. 93792
*obbulshitism intensifies*
03/05/17 (Sun) 00:23:53 No. 93793
You don't even have a soul.
BeachMaster !S9hQtMs4ow 03/05/17 (Sun) 00:24:30 No. 93794
Rolled 76, 76, 8, 36 = 196 (4d78)
03/05/17 (Sun) 00:25:16 No. 93795
Due to you being lower than animals.
BeachMaster !S9hQtMs4ow 03/05/17 (Sun) 00:26:13 No. 93796
Rolled 47, 88, 12, 35 = 182 (4d109)
03/05/17 (Sun) 00:27:22 No. 93797
God didn't love you enough. Look in the mirror to find the rest of the answers, or lack of them. :)
BeachMaster !S9hQtMs4ow 03/05/17 (Sun) 00:35:27 No. 93798
>God didn't love you enough
>I know because I don't believe in god
>Look in the mirror to find the rest of the answers
I look in my SOUL to find answers but according to you>>93793 I don't have one and it because >>93795 I am as I should be
>or lack of them. :)
03/05/17 (Sun) 00:49:12 No. 93799
LOL this AI shill just got it's processor fried. This is a good example of the insanity exhibited by the organic portals/agents. It is entirely nonhuman behavior and resorts to logical fallacies. It's possible to outsmart it through such and have it self-destruct like this one did. Notice how it referred to the other shill poster (loosh flag) as itself? This signifies the AI utilizing different agents/portals, showing that these do fall under a type of hive mind.
BeachMaster !S9hQtMs4ow 03/05/17 (Sun) 01:00:36 No. 93801
Rolled 8, 45, 32, 19 = 104 (4d51)
>trying this hard to impress everyone
My favorite part is when people say I'm a troll but I'm just that retarded…oh well ¯\_ツ_/¯
03/05/17 (Sun) 01:20:49 No. 93803
Ok, so I had to look up what you guys meant by spiritless humans and spirit on montalk so I could better understand your guys position.
>Spiritless Human
>Termed “organic portal” in the Cassiopaean material. A person who has mind, body, and soul but lacks higher spirit. Spiritless humans are lacking the heart, crown, and third eye chakras because these are but uplinks to a spirit which in their case is nonexistent. Therefore they are permanently incapable of experiencing genuine empathy or having sincere interest in anything outside material pursuits. Spiritless humans comprise the majority of psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists, and robotic background characters that pad the population.
The core of individualized consciousness within oneself, which survives death and rebirth and can continue growing in its complexity and intensity through numerous physical forms. It is the godspark that eventually achieves congruency and unity with God. Spirit is most developed in the Higher Self, and the two are essentially synonymous. Spirit is also the true source of freewill, empathy, and wisdom.
My theory on this isn't that they lack spirits, I don't even think it's possible to be a human with no spirit. You may have HIGHLY undeveloped spirit but it's still there. I believe they block out their spirit and are on a different path and/or are on different level than us. Also I don't think it's actually possible to get off the path as you are always learning. Some ways take longer than others, there may be detours and even periods of stagnation and going backwards, but you can't get off the path. What I think leads to becoming a spiritless human is either their spirit being underdeveloped or a Faustian Pact. For people with a Faustian Pact they are sacrificing a part of their spirit in return for something. What they are doing is sacrificing their higher chakras for their lower ones giving the illusion that the higher don't exist for them. They make the pact for material reasons and separate themselves further from higher knowing. They don't have any passion or desire to connect with others as they are blinded by their desire for materialism. It's not until they mature enough or have had their fill of materialism that they can progress but that will take time.
Knowing now what you guys meant I don't think astrology would help these particular individuals Although i still think the idea of astrology in public schools to be a fuggin great idea at minumum natal chart interpretations but I'm leaning more towards what this guy said >>93776 if you actually want to help guide them, but the choice is always up to them. They have to remove their own shackles.
03/05/17 (Sun) 02:02:57 No. 93805
An unawakened spirited person is distinct from soulless/spiritless/organic portals which are said to have hive mind animal consciousness that dissipates quickly after death.
I know one guy that is into tarot and even wrote a book on it… Yet, also believe him to be one of these soulless ones… Need to further test that.
They can easily deal in subjective truths. In fact, that's all they do or are capable of. Our goal as spiritualists is to rediscover objective truths - there is no higher authority than Truth. It's also important to know that esoteric material, direct spiritual experience, actually elicits a primal fear in these soulless beings. Thus, they cling to the mundane.
Some reading material. The latter goes into the Adamic viewpoint about the Breath of Life and such.
03/05/17 (Sun) 02:07:03 No. 93807
The are incapable of experiencing the magic of life like synchronicities, which is influence from the Higher Self.
03/05/17 (Sun) 03:31:52 No. 93811
>STO is gay and I consider it a disempowering shill term whenever I see it online. I'm STS and STO.
I feel you, balance between the two is key imo. Too much STO makes you sacrifice too much of yourself for others, too much STS takes more than it gives.
03/05/17 (Sun) 05:57:45 No. 93819
Everything has a purpose where it is.
That's also implying they aren't already slaves.
Do not pity, yet do not condescend either.
03/05/17 (Sun) 06:14:34 No. 93821
They weren't meant to know. Escaping the matrix is a heavy burden we carry like soldiers for nature. Don't let them frustrate you fuck them.
03/05/17 (Sun) 06:53:45 No. 93826
I've been the victim of attacks that attempt to force me into becoming an automaton that is controlled by damaging the higher chakras by outside forces.
This subject interests me greatly. I'm not fully an "automaton", as I can still feel individualized consciousness, but I have, absolutely have, to do something in order to subvert this.
It was caused by emotional damage and physical trauma inflicted by the illuminati, who have repeatedly referred to me as a "robot" and a "slave".
I don't believe that it's impossible to restore my full consciousness, but I am confused as to what to do.
If the chakras are energy transformers, and all is energy, then what I need, then, is the correct energetic geometric configurations, and restoration of the brain?
What is the "higher self" that is missing in such individuals?
From what I can tell, normal animals have a hivemind. Humans have the potential for individualized consciousness and therefore magick, and animals could develop this trait
The "hybrid" or enslaved humans are controlled by a veriety of repressive measures, including genetic manipulation, deep brain stimulation, brain entrainment, etheric/protoplasmic body manipulation and astral manipulation.
Genetic and etheric manipulation can only be solved by resonating with the correct frequencies, which is perhaps not as difficult as it sounds, since DNA is condensed light.
Physical devices can be deactivated by electromagnetism or magick and/or ignored while you break out of their frequencies.
But the manipulation of the so-called "higher self" that is connected to magick… what does that entail, exactly? Just reconfiguration of the energy body to block the higher chakras and a geometrical confiruation that links the body's circuits to the enslavers rather than the self?
03/05/17 (Sun) 08:00:38 No. 93829
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>93826
I recommend you look into Uncle Bearheart and consider doing his version of the middle pillar ritual.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
The first 2 videos are him ranting but I personally enjoy it. The last 2 videos are him explaining how to do the exercise. Doing this exercise should help MASSIVELY in protecting yourself from psychic influences and all forms of energetic manipulation. Do it consistently and accurately and you should begin to notice results in no more than a week. If you resonate with him I recommend you look into his other material cause it's bretty gud.
03/05/17 (Sun) 09:43:06 No. 93831
Uncle Bearheart is a bullshit occultist.
Sock4Hands !!005L.eh5HA 03/05/17 (Sun) 10:26:23 No. 93841
Someone's gonna need a grave.
03/05/17 (Sun) 13:42:49 No. 93847
Gotta help yourself before you can help others. If the plane is going down, best to put on your own oxygen mask first…
What a bunch of worthless fuckmeat. It's hard to get past the idea that they are influencing my life to varying degrees.
Yeah, I plan to literally fuck them. Heh, heh, heh… They are the promiscuous degenerate individuals, it all makes sense now… All the 'normies', all the dumb whores who plaster selfies over the internet, all the narcissists this society enables, I've discovered their dirty little secret. That their consciousness is fake, at best only a reflection of my own soul energy but at it's base a status-seeking predatory animal. Explains so much.
No one likes a victim. I'd suggest resonating with and getting into contact with some STO 4th density groups.
Then again you may just have to reconcile that they are right and you may be a robot slave that is very good at faking and has managed to fool even itself.
The Higher Self is a knowing that has to be experienced.
BeachMaster !S9hQtMs4ow 03/05/17 (Sun) 18:05:15 No. 93852
>Gotta help yourself before you can help others
>implying you can help yourself
>It's hard to get past the idea that they are influencing my life to varying degrees.
they are and bitching about wont solve anything
>The Higher Self is a knowing that has to be experienced.
true but I doubt your credibility.
03/05/17 (Sun) 23:07:59 No. 94076
Nobody likes BEING a victim, which is why I'm asking for help. And nobody likes self righteous cunts, either, so shut the fuck up if you're not gonna offer advice.
You don't talk like an STO, and most self-proclaimed STO's talk like you. I might have a pretty solid evil streak, but you are ruled by mob mentality and emotional knee-jerk reactions and are worse than me in a lot of ways.
I definitely don't want any part in a social memory complex that thinks like you, and I yearn for fifth
03/05/17 (Sun) 23:21:04 No. 94078
density, not fourth.
>The Higher Self is a knowing that has to be experienced
I had one, and I still do, even if it's buried…. I've spent my whole life defending it from the enslavers, and I'm not giving up now. I never will.
They've taken everything from me, and have my whole life, and I'm goddamn tired of it.
And whatever my personal issues are, none of that "faking" or whatever else would have happened if there hadn't been something very real going on behind the scenes that damaged me until I assumed a pattern of behavior.
I maybe could have handled it better, but I survived a decade of imprisonment and psychic attack with a piece of my individuality intact.
Even the Ra material says that becoming an adept means separating from the perceptions of others, and that this may even be viewed as "evil" by STO groups.
Self-development is what I want. "STO's" would call that STS, while STS would call it rebellion against authority.
I don't think it's wrong to develop myself. It doesn't have to mean engaging is some of the things that you faggots might call "STS", but it DOES mean that I should have authority over myself and the ability to create. I deserve that. Everyone does.
Somehow, I get the feeling that you feel like everyone DOESN'T deserve it, even though if everyone had it, STS toxicity would probably be a non-issue.
If you gave it to every person in this world and in every other, both "good" and "evil" and even self-rightous pseudo-good faggots like you, then how coud negative STS behaviors even be a problem? If everyone had it, how would they be able to cause any real damage?
You're not STO, and I'd dare to say that most of you who call themselves that, aren't.
03/06/17 (Mon) 00:04:17 No. 94080
You need to stop believing the STO/STS meme. They're both tricks to imbalance you, humans need to be balanced, we'd go insane if we're too far off to one side. What you have to do is find balance between the two. The trick is being "STS" but without being a dickhead. If you want to help someone then help them but don't feel that you absolutely have to because "I'm STO I have to help everyone no matter what". If you don't want to do something find out why and if you think it's a rational reason don't do it. If you want to do something then do it, if it's wrong then life will eventually kick your ass and you won't do it again. Similar to a child wanting to touch a stove, he won't learn to not touch it until he gets burned.
I think you should take a look into your natal chart cause I get the impression that will help you alot too.
Here's a small guide on how to read it. >>89712 and I still recommend you do the bearheart ritual daily >>93829
SAGE! 03/06/17 (Mon) 00:06:32 No. 94081
>the bearheart ritual
I don't even think ritual is the right word, it's more of a meditation but for some reason it's named a ritual.
03/06/17 (Mon) 00:29:04 No. 94085
Nah, the Ra material is pretty accurate, and any true STO would help any consiouness evolve. Ra admits to respecting the free will of STSs and says "thou shalt not" is an STS statement. A better analogy might have been, "We hid all your water and your food in the oven so you will die of starvation, and if you go near it, we'll stick your hand on the stove and tell you it happened because wanting to eat is a thoughtcrime and you angered Xenu with your blasphemy."
03/06/17 (Mon) 00:34:59 No. 94087
Do you have internal spiritual experiences? Successfully tried chakra awakening meditations? Any experience with divination? Contacting higher beings? How about synchronicities like seeing numbers? Or are you just LARPing as having a soul?… Tricky, tricky, the empty ones are… There are avenues for spiritual development, all open to the seeker, but is it you?… Or do esoteric matters, looking deep inside, scare the little halfing?
Unawakened soulled beings, when will they learn?
03/06/17 (Mon) 00:37:17 No. 94088
I need to devise a way to really tell if the person is soulless or simply unawakened… Hmmmmmm… Healing the spirit is most needed on this planet but infiltration by soulless beings is not the plan.
03/06/17 (Mon) 00:42:25 No. 94089
Do you have a link to the Ra material, I've never heard of it before.
03/06/17 (Mon) 00:43:29 No. 94090
I don't have any more nerves in my hand, and that's my food, and I'm getting it, and if you try and stop me, I'll cram your whole fucking body in the oven and we'll party like it's 1945.
Evolution is not limited to you stuck up "chosen"fags. We will mutate and play Sophia to your Ialdabaoth.
03/06/17 (Mon) 00:50:44 No. 94091
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Like this awakening guy says, most of the shit going on in the world is happening to these posers with animal souls. There's really no need to feel bad for them, since they are just part of the simulation here. Anyone with a soul has some degree of protection already from their Higher Self and The Gods so should they choose to initiate a relationship. Then the real work of strengthening the soul begins…
03/06/17 (Mon) 01:03:42 No. 94092
I have a very powerful soul, but they tried to damage it through trauma, like how it says on montalk on the page about the spiritless that the spirit can exit in moments of trauma. It's still there, but stunted, and something is trying to transmute/overtake it.
Also, bearheart ritual looks fake. I need something that connects me to divine frequencies. On montalk it mentions that even automatons with no soul to begin can develop one via aural transmission, and I have one.
03/06/17 (Mon) 01:08:34 No. 94094
Yeah bearheart's material doesn't resonate with everyone but I thought I'd recommend it anyways since it works for me. Ill check out this Ra material though thanks for the link
03/06/17 (Mon) 01:29:12 No. 94096
Sure thing.
Stay away from web sites and groups using that material, however, including ascension glossary, llresearch, and the Q'uo material.
They're only pretending to be the good guys.
Do check out Seth Speaks, Science of Breath, and Aghora: At the Left Hand of God for further useful reading material.
PDFs of the Seth material can be found at TPB, and others with a Google search.
03/06/17 (Mon) 01:29:38 No. 94097
03/06/17 (Mon) 01:37:30 No. 94098
You posers can't substitute having a Human soul with feelgood spiritual fluff.
For those who do have capacity for higher spirituality, I recommend the 6 Heart Virtues which goes beyond this entire simulation experience here on Earth.
03/06/17 (Mon) 02:40:13 No. 94100
>denounces empty spiritual fluff
>reccomends empty spiritual fluff
Fuck the fuck off.
Anyone or anything can develop a soul. Some are farther away from the right energetic configurations, but even a rock is made of the same material as a soul. Humans are made in the IMAGE of god. God is an image, shape, geometrical pattern. Learn to control energy and that image or any other is yours. "To the discipined entity, all things are open and free."
Ra/Seth/Aghora/SoB are full of technical info.
03/06/17 (Mon) 02:43:27 No. 94101
Say what you want, soulless materialist, but soon the wheat will be separated from the chaff.
03/06/17 (Mon) 03:00:40 No. 94103
Hello. Spiritless/unconscious human here.
Do you have something to say to me?
03/06/17 (Mon) 05:32:03 No. 94109
>Yeah, I plan to literally fuck them.
So you want to simply cut up your own soul and donate to the soulless? How vigilant and chivalrous.
03/06/17 (Mon) 09:11:19 No. 94117
Fuck you. I dare you to do that again.
Calling me a materialist? No. Fucking kill yourself.
I'm not soulless,either, despite their best efforts.
I Will find a way out of this.
And if you wanna start shit, I Will make your ass regret it. You have no idea what I've had to endure during this incarnation. Make my fucking day.
03/06/17 (Mon) 10:17:52 No. 94120
And fucking OF COURSE you're quoting a Bible verse while accusing me of being things I'm not and acting like a bully.
Of fucking course.
You're a Christian.
God, I hate Christians. People like YOU better hope there isn't a god getting rid of assholes, because many Christians are, deep down, uglier than me by a good bit.
Christfags are bullies who self-righteously torment others and are deluded enough to think they're the good guys.
03/06/17 (Mon) 10:26:51 No. 94121
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>94120
Nothing more and nothing less.
I've seen a torrent of horrendous, cruel, selfish, and downright evil behavior from self-righteous Christians attacking others for incredibly stupid reasons.
At least I know who and what I am. You think you're the hero because you wear a good guy badge.
People like you make people like me, and people like me would stop and settle down and become good, decent people if it weren't for people like you.
For that reason, if there really is a "god" looking for things that spoil his crop, I'd be worried.
03/06/17 (Mon) 10:27:14 No. 94122
03/07/17 (Tue) 01:18:29 No. 94155
You need to chill out. Maybe go find a MILAB support group, buddy…
03/07/17 (Tue) 06:12:21 No. 94161
I'm sorry. I'm having a rough time and desperate.
I dunno about that; I just want my chakras working properly again and my mind restored. How do I do that?
03/07/17 (Tue) 06:14:20 No. 94162
And anyways, yeah, I'm tired of being a victim, but UI also don't know what to do to get better and get my soul/spirit working properly again. that's all I want.
I need to empower myself somehow.
03/07/17 (Tue) 16:22:35 No. 94182
Does schizophrenia only occur in people with a spirit?
03/07/17 (Tue) 17:31:19 No. 94185
Ritual is a word abused by bullshit occultists who use mental imagery to become relaxed.
03/07/17 (Tue) 17:32:17 No. 94186
Keep talking, you pseudo-enlightened asshole.
03/07/17 (Tue) 17:36:13 No. 94187
You're the soulless one.
03/07/17 (Tue) 17:42:20 No. 94190
I feel my IQ points dropping with every word this smoking faggot with greasy hair in your video says. "God tells you to kill them, I'm not saying that, I'm just exposing them" This video says a lot about you as a person when you call him "this awakening guy".
03/07/17 (Tue) 21:55:52 No. 94207
Bunch of minion incarnations junking up my thread, I swear…
03/07/17 (Tue) 23:04:40 No. 94210
>trying to rationalize genocide
>assumes everyone he disagrees with must have no "soul"
>refuses to prove existence of "soul" or lack thereof
You jump from one assumption to another until you have a comfy worldview that dehumanizes unlikeable individuals to the point where they are but flesh given human form, thus successfully removing any kind of moral quarrels in your mind.
You're literally just looking for an excuse to wipe out 90%+ of humanity.
=> disillusioned angry teen philosophy
03/07/17 (Tue) 23:30:24 No. 94211
Hey, nothing ever happens by mistake…
“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”
― Genghis Khan
03/08/17 (Wed) 01:23:43 No. 94215
Wtf I'm a Talmudist now.
Count your blessings daily, goyim.
That's all I'm at liberty to say…
Thank you G-d for not making me a gentile, woman, or slave.
03/08/17 (Wed) 13:07:11 No. 94235
Who knows if they're right, but Tsuki mentioned them in Systemspace. That the usable souls are being transferred out to a new system, separate from life.
believer 03/08/17 (Wed) 13:55:12 No. 94238
39“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me;
40and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.
41“I do not receive glory from men;
42but I know you, that you do not have the love of God in yourselves.
43“I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, you will receive him.
44“How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God?
45“Do not think that I will accuse you before the Father; the one who accuses you is Moses, in whom you have set your hope.
46“For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me.
47“But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”
03/08/17 (Wed) 16:05:02 No. 94241
03/08/17 (Wed) 17:46:00 No. 94245
wow are christcucks flooding in from fringechan? You are all in voluntary spiritual prison. You are worse than shitposters. They at least are self aware enough to realise they are being retarded.
03/09/17 (Thu) 17:01:13 No. 94284
Studies now state that upwards of 65% of the population could be minion incarnations aka other terms listed above. These creatures incarnate from the planetary consciousness and are linked to animal groupsouls. This is due largely in part to overpopulation and not enough advanced souls. The Earth knows they are an abomination thus seeks to kill them in order to return them to their lesser soul groups; this occurs in various ways through natural disasters and such, just third world things. They are very easily manipulated and dark forces on this planet have taken advantage of such to push their own agendas for planetary enslavement. For some time, real Humans here to fulfill their Higher Self experiences have been mating with these halfling fairyfolk. Fairies are complete faggots.
Further insight is gleaned from related etymology:
From Middle English fey (“fated to die”), from Old English fǣge (“doomed to die, timid”), from Proto-Germanic *faigijaz (“cowardly, wicked”), from Proto-Indo-European *pAik-, *pAig- (“ill-meaning, bad”). Akin to Old Saxon fēgi whence Dutch veeg (“doomed, near death”), Old High German feigi (“appointed for death, ungodly”) whence German feige (“cowardly”), Old Norse feigr (“doomed”) whence the Icelandic feigur (“doomed to die”), Old English fāh (“outlawed, hostile”). More at foe.
03/09/17 (Thu) 18:16:03 No. 94285
On what grounds do you claim that there's "soulless people"?
03/09/17 (Thu) 18:33:18 No. 94288
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. That's all I care to contribute to the topic for now because it is beyond self-evident while at the same time a total absurdity. Currently I'm reading the Matrix V series which has enough *real* red pills to potentiate final incarnations. Too bad it's not uploading here. Advanced material for the dominant. A little piece of advice for the spiritless: KYS
03/09/17 (Thu) 18:51:45 No. 94290
dayum das some higher self tunes right there brudda leemaa tell ya
03/09/17 (Thu) 22:00:28 No. 94293
03/10/17 (Fri) 04:18:11 No. 94307
03/10/17 (Fri) 08:59:39 No. 94308
I pretend to be a soul-less NPC in real life, but I have a rich, spiritual private life. Why spread pearls before swine.
03/12/17 (Sun) 11:05:27 No. 94368
> Not enjoying the company of a rich, energy-producing race.
> Not realising that you, as a spiritual being, are smack-bang in the middle of what is basically a rich, energetic gold mine
> Not enjoying the gloriously automated emotions from these crops
03/13/17 (Mon) 03:02:52 No. 94387
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>93829
I tried doing this for a few days and it killed my desire to masturbate. I could also sense a black colored imp like the demon in Stranger Things get really pissed off, try to attack me violently, failed, then left.
It's a liberating experience albeit unsettling how effective it is. This potency makes me want to delve deeper into this person's teachings.
03/13/17 (Mon) 18:56:56 No. 94405
People I've dealt with who were this way usually have a core obstacle of arrogance towards their own spirit.
It requires humility for someone to subjugate their ego personality to their higher self.
The ego is mechanistic and clever but lacks creativity or true original inspiration. A songwriter writes one awesome inspiring hit [inspiration], then everything written after is just canned mediocrity [clever and mechanistic but no life to it].
Causes (from what I've seen) seem to range from being born that way/dragging stuff over from a previous life, to doing a lot of drugs or boozing. But there's always that element of arrogance where they absolutely refuse to listen to their own internal spirit.
"My intuition is burned out" or something to that affect when you mention using intuition.
They seem to be easily influenced by bad things and if your someone with a lot of light expect them to turn on you, even if you've never met them before.
The problem with Christianity is:
It's a self perpetuating system. The information in it is a fast track to ego death and learning to live a spiritual life. Meditation on the cross is valuable but the system isn't alive.
You start out in a body cast, then move up to leg braces and crutches, and then your ready to be free and explore. But the system needs to perpetuate itself, so you find a bunch of stagnant people in full body casts sitting in pews while someone on crutches wearing leg braces spoon feeds them the same recycled wisdom for the duration of their lives.
It's still light years better than Islam, which is just straight up about turning human beings into terminators.
03/14/17 (Tue) 23:24:48 No. 94446
How the hell do I take advantage of this, though? Or rather, that is wrong. I know how - I just have this mental block that prevents me from being too selfish and exerting too much control over others.
TLDR: How do I into more selfish?
03/22/17 (Wed) 20:10:36 No. 94881
>How do we fix the Soulless People problem?
Step 1) remove all image boards and their le viral xD spinoffs and wannabes (eg leddit, dumblr) and never permit anything akin to exist again.
SAGE! 03/24/17 (Fri) 11:34:11 No. 94963
03/25/17 (Sat) 16:57:10 No. 95023
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>94963
Get the fuck out of here you weak yin bitch, I recognize you from /b/. LOL STAGNANT WATER! SO PROGRESSIVE!
Actually this is a refuge for freethinkers or at least it was until the normies begging for a culling started to invade.