Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide To Out-of-body Experience 11/12/14 (Wed) 15:47:12 No. 9462
Robert Bruce is an accomplished researcher in the field of out of body experiences. Among his many works is a 90-day program that is aimed at achieving astral projection. While lurking the q/a thread I realize, there are at least some /fringe/ board members, who follow this course, myself included.
I would like to open a separate discussion, in which course participants could share experiences, encourage each other to continue the exercises and perhaps get some advice from senior /fringe/ board members.
For those who have not heard of this program yet, the book is available in /fringe/ essentials folder, under Robert Bruce. Please note, that the Mastering Astral Projection pdf is missing few pages and you likely want the copy named RB-MAP.pdf. The pdf has also been shared by anon here: . The book also comes with a CD, which has been also shared by the same anon here: . Anons in q&a thread however reported, that you can complete the course successfully without the CD however.
11/12/14 (Wed) 15:47:56 No. 9463
I am currently only during the second week of the program. I was already surprised however, by the effect of the energy work exercises. As soon as day two or three I started feeling something, which hopefully is the energy flow. Obviously at this point I could be fully deluded, but I sort of expected to feel nothing. While I believe I am relatively successful in the energy work exercises, I find breathwork exercises to be quite challenging. My thoughts simply start to wander off while I try to ‘observe’ my breath. Note I do not have this problem when I concentrate on something, count or do the energy work. During –only- breathing however it gets quite tough to keep other thoughts away.
11/12/14 (Wed) 18:48:40 No. 9470
>>9462 Been meaning to start doing the 90 day guide after I finally finish my sporadic reading of The Master Key.
After a short glancing over I get the feeling I could partially incorporate it's exercises into my daily practice. Starting tomorrow I'll start posting some results or thoughts every other day.
On a similar note, I've become aware of how necessary daily energy breathing is (at least some good pranayama exercise) especially this time of year. A combination of sodarshan chakra kriya and rhythmic breathing during walks is a great help to counter sluggishness. drowsiness and seasonal depression (the last I'd attribute to shit breathing habits during the fall/winter months).
11/12/14 (Wed) 19:47:13 No. 9472
Im just gonna go ahead and skip to advanced techniques. I'm better at overcoming fear and gut reaction than most things to do with wizardry.
11/12/14 (Wed) 22:07:27 No. 9485
>>9462 Are his books worth to read?
11/12/14 (Wed) 22:26:13 No. 9486
>>9485 (OP here). I am following his day by day routine, but am a mundane otherwise. Hopefully I will be able to answer this question in 90 days…
11/12/14 (Wed) 23:45:10 No. 9492
What a synchronicity, I was just talking about Bruce and Astral Dynamics. I was thinking, if this stuff works, couldn't we use it to augment all of scientific progress? I mean we could literally remote view anything, anywhere.
11/13/14 (Thu) 00:00:31 No. 9493
>>9492 This thread was synchronistic for me too - yesterday I watched some Robert Bruce videos and started reading New Energy Ways and Astral Dynamics, because I kind of want to get the whole picture, not just the watered down "90 days tutorial for AP" (though I'm sure it's very valid material by itself. I'm just very interested in the Energy stuff, so I figured I'd read it all).
I've been keeping a "dream journal" for a couple of weeks now, and I must say, it feels pretty good, does wonders for dream recall, and you start learning and noticing "how dreams work", intuitively. It's great.
11/13/14 (Thu) 00:44:40 No. 9497
>>9493 and I thought I had seen all the miru photos, thanks, do you have a full collection? I lost mine a few weeks ago I had stopped my dream journal, didn't have an idea that affected the projection, now that I think about it makes sense, the whole shadow memory concept that he talks about in Astral Dynamics (currently reading this one before the one from the thread) is about recollecting the experiences from the OBE, the whole practice is useless if you don't know what you did.
Guess I'm starting tomorrow.
11/13/14 (Thu) 03:12:51 No. 9509
>>9462 I'm probably going to start with this tomorrow, now that I have a complete coppy of the book (thanks for that btw)
I've been trying his NEW system for the past couple weeks, so i have a pretty good handle on the kind of energy manipulation he does. It's been working pretty well too, 20 mins spent raising energy noticably increases my energy for the entire day.
Also if there's anyone else here more experienced, how long do i have to keep practicing the extensive preparatory exercises? He doesn't give a time frame and they take FOREVER to do properly.
11/13/14 (Thu) 08:05:28 No. 9523
>>9462 The energy flow is a real thing. I don't fully comprehend it. When you fully feel it you will know. It is incredible, if you get really good you will feel it all day long. For some reason there is a place in my room where there is a constant stream. Every time i go through that place I can feel the electric stream flowing through my body. The area seems to slowly move towards wherever i am slowly, very slowly. i can also feel things that have come to either feed on my spirit or just symbiotically dance around. Not sure yet what precisely these energies are doing.
11/13/14 (Thu) 11:38:05 No. 9531
>>9492 TBH I would be even more interested in verifiable and repeatable remote viewing than actual investigation of higher dimensions.
Robert Bruce describes a 'Real time Zone' - a buffer zone which you visit between physical world and astral planes. That zone is supposed to reflect the physical reality quite well… but unfortunately there are 'distortions of reality' which make it differ from reality. I don't yet know how useless those distortions make the real time zone, but intend to experiment on it extensively, once I am able to reach it.
11/13/14 (Thu) 11:43:23 No. 9532
>>9497 Robert Bruce's Astral Projections differ significantly from 'canonical' approach.
Usually AP is presented as your spirit (or insert different applicable name) leaves your body, leaving it 'empty'. In this approach I never knew that remembering is troublesome.
Robert Bruce approach suggests, that during AP you make a copy of yourself, while your original mind, soul and spirit never actually leave the body. You than need the shadow memory to assist in merging the memories of your astral double with your original one.
I would love to hear some input from people who are already accomplished in AP. Is remembering your projection actually difficult to you?
11/13/14 (Thu) 11:57:40 No. 9533
>>9531 Didn't go far yet in Astral Dynamics, but where I am he says that those distortions are caused by the subconscious, so theoretically a very trained mind would see everything clear, at least at a fair distance around his body.
>>9532 Yes, I found this deeply mindfucking, does he mentions the Astral Feedback in this book? For a quick summary, is basically having your physical mind and real-time body mind awake at the same time
like literally being aware of two minds and bodies at the same time and looking each other, basically gazing at the infinite, he says that doing this can bring some permanent damage to your brain or psyche in general, because, as a human, you can't bear with that limitlessness.
But two interesting things that arise from that concept (that he calls Mind Split in Dynamics):
1. Theoretically that would render possession impossible, I would like to hear input of some more advanced wizards, mainly Smiley himself, to hear what they have to say about this.
2. It's quite intriguing that the way you can reach further dimensions is projecting your projection and awakening yet another mind, Bruce implies that you could do that infinitely, but human brain wouldn't cope with so many memories to record, that's why Spiritual realms are so hard to reach.
Also, already started my diary, two inputs already
11/13/14 (Thu) 21:19:18 No. 9560
Today I have attempted energy work in a sauna and it was a blast! Guess lesson here is that I have still much to learn with relaxation techniques…
11/17/14 (Mon) 11:00:56 No. 9996
>>9560 To add to this I am now learning the energy 'bounce' on my spine. I find it much harder, than legs and hands. Perhaps because I have a sitting job and ma back and neck muscle are always strained. Or perhaps it is just harder to 'feel' the flow on the spine, due to no muscle?
11/18/14 (Tue) 08:15:12 No. 10093
i find the copy thing rather stupid, mainly due to the fact that if the infinite effect happened it would be instant and it would fry your brain instantly.
11/18/14 (Tue) 09:37:52 No. 10108
>>10093 So, what's your explanation then?
11/18/14 (Tue) 11:49:47 No. 10123
>>10093 I don't think the 'infinite effect', which I find dubious as well, necessarily invalidates the copy theory. Even if the infinite effect does not happen, the copy could still hold.
I don't see why infinite effect would occur at all. You see your copy, your copy sees you, but there is no infinite feedback here. It works for mirrors, as in a reflection of a mirror you see everything that is reflected in it. But when you look at a person (or astral projection, I assume) you don't automatically see everything that person sees…
11/18/14 (Tue) 12:33:58 No. 10128
I personally managed to split my consciousness once such that I perceived two bodies at once and looked at myself from two sets of eyes at once. What you see from all 4 of your eyes get stitched together into one image.
11/18/14 (Tue) 23:27:05 No. 10181
>>9509 you're just supposed to do the energy exercises until you feel something that sticks with you, you'll know what its supposed to feel like when it happens, for me it feels like a spinning heaviness.
the amount of time in days he has you doing the prepwork goes to about day 30 or so, once you've completed the secondary and primary systems to a level that you can them all with a bounce then its on to learning trance and exit techniques.
by this time you may have already had a couple accidental projections as I have.
11/19/14 (Wed) 15:42:17 No. 10260
I had most peculiar dream. I "woke up" and kept lying on my bed. Then I started to spasm violently, as if strong vibrations had struck me, and I could see through my blanket. I remember I heard sounds, too. I'd say that this was what Bruce mentioned when he said that you could have a dream, return to your body (while asleep) and then exit the body. I wasn't lucid, though.
11/19/14 (Wed) 15:49:58 No. 10261
>>10260 I've had a few non-lucid OBEs. Some of them might have been dreams as I "woke up" from the OBE but was still in a dream.
>have three shorts OBEs in a row>get out of bed to record the experience on my computer >wake up irl
11/19/14 (Wed) 17:36:19 No. 10269
>>10261 Hahah, I experience that as well.
I keep a sheet of paper and a pen next to my bed, and often I dream of writing down the dream I just had. Then i wake up and I'm like: "shit, i've got to write it all again"
11/19/14 (Wed) 17:59:38 No. 10271
>>10269 >>10261 You guys record as well. I also record. lately i have been inducing NDE's deliberately via self induced heart attacks. It gets the highest quality OOBE I can achieve. I am archiving them for later some day i may put them up here because i have traveled to the future a few times and made detailed observations. I believe these observations will come true so I might like to post them some time so they can be verified and archived.
However due to the controversial method i am using i fear being arrested detained / sent to a mental ward to stop me so i will not post them until I am finished.
11/20/14 (Thu) 23:29:15 No. 10439
>>10271 >i have been inducing NDE's deliberately via self induced heart attacks Dude…
You're playing with fire. How do you survive them?
11/21/14 (Fri) 02:47:25 No. 10449
>>10271 >i have been inducing NDE's deliberately via self induced heart attacks How the hell do you self-induce a heart attack to begin with?
11/21/14 (Fri) 03:00:50 No. 10450
>>10449 high doses of pure nicotine and caffeine
11/21/14 (Fri) 03:07:52 No. 10452
>>10439 It's ok I plan to leave in the next 6 months anyway.
How do I survive? That is silly I have mastered control of my body. I only need the heart attack to start off the OOBE, after it's begun I restart my heart. I even have a camera in my room recording it. And everything is being logged and recorded.
11/21/14 (Fri) 10:04:12 No. 10490
>>10452 Do you have an ECG setup during this? Having a camera set up to watch the ECG would be useful to verify that an actual heart attack is occurring.
11/21/14 (Fri) 12:44:49 No. 10502
>>10452 Why are you leaving? Are you finished and know how to cope without body?
11/27/14 (Thu) 04:35:34 No. 11046
>>10450 have fun not realising deep sleep is NDE
11/27/14 (Thu) 09:08:36 No. 11119
>>10452 We live in interesting times, try to make an impact with what you know instead.
12/15/14 (Mon) 16:37:04 No. 13119
It seems, that in his recent FaQ Montalk claims that astral projection is quite dangerous. While he operates on different model than Robert Bruce, Montalk is apparently widely accepted as an authority on /fringe/.
12/15/14 (Mon) 19:17:22 No. 13136
>>10271 >i have been inducing NDE's deliberately via self induced heart attacks you can't just say this without giving more details
12/15/14 (Mon) 22:12:59 No. 13153
>>13119 montalk is shit, hes a gnostic
12/16/14 (Tue) 02:40:30 No. 13187
Just woke up (middle of the night here) from a dream. It was rather intense and this was the first thread I stumbled upon which I thought stuitable to inquiry about it in. In the dream-segment (which was very clear and lifelike) was I with a few irl friends in a house and one of them suggested I'd do a yogic breathretaining excercise (one which i do everyday). I did it and BAM i started hearing a bunch of whispering voices inside my head, accompanied with a few constant non-verbal sounds/tones. What they said was a bit unclear to me (if you've played as a malkavian in Vampire: Bloodlines The Masquerade then that was the kind of whispers I heard). In the beginning it was just loads of different voices that created a sort of white-noise, but after a moment the voices became clearer. There were both male and female voices, all with different personalities (as I recall) and they spoke with neither maelevolence or benevolence, just sort of rambling, schizofrenic nonsense, but as it went on I started to pick out the different voices and listen to each of them invidivually (one male voice in particular) and their sayings made more sense (but not a whole lot of it). Right now i don't recall precisely what they said though, but I remember thinking/asking if the voices were my subconscious or if I'd tapped into some new frequency outside of myself. What the voices answered is a bit unclear but I think they said they were my subconscious. This, I think, made me a bit uneasy and the intensity of the voices increased. I prayed out to God to give me strength to endure (yes, i know) and for some reason cryed out something like "brother, where are you?!" And tried to search out God's/my brother's voice among the dozens of scrambled voices. I don't think I got an answer but it was interesting to focus on the voices and sort of navigating through them in search for the "true voice". It was sort of like travelling in a landscape of sound. Then two of the non-verbal tones/sound (which was as I heard them then, but I thought in the dream that perhaps these as well were voices which I did not understand) gained in volume, draining out the other voices, and I grasped my head between my hands from the sheer intensity of it. Then the dream shifted and became mundane again. That was it. Just felt the want to share/write it down. It was quite fascinating to realize just how much life there is in our subconscious (if that indeed was what those voices were) and how pretty much all of it goes unheard (at least in my waking state). If this is what a schizofrenic person can experiences day to day then holy shit it must be challenging. I understand a bit more now just how shattered my personality is, how these voices (who seemed to have distinct personalities) all are a part of me and that I have responsibility towards them. But perhaps it wasn't inside my head but instead something else, who knows.
12/16/14 (Tue) 04:39:25 No. 13198
>>13153 Slave of the demiurge detected!
12/16/14 (Tue) 10:07:45 No. 13260
>>13198 Care to elaborate so as that a slave such as myself could comprehend what you mean?
12/16/14 (Tue) 12:28:30 No. 13275
>>13260 Ignore that 'holier-than-thou' guy, he wants your loosh.
12/16/14 (Tue) 14:43:48 No. 13282
>>13275 I would rather hear some actual arguments about why Montalk should be ignored/listened to (even if those are triggered by a troll).
12/16/14 (Tue) 19:50:48 No. 13296
astral projection is just the hippie's way of trying to cheat their way out of jail time, just remember faggots, no matter how many times you fuck off to lala land, you've always gotta come back here :3
12/16/14 (Tue) 22:02:00 No. 13305
Don't accept any spiritual/astral travel advice from someone who profits from teaching it, such as Bobby Bruce. Belsebuub's free books are all you need.
12/17/14 (Wed) 03:27:47 No. 13331
>>10181 I think my problem was just spending more time than i needed to on prepping everything before going into the bounces, so I've scaled that back a bit and use that time on bounces and energy raising instead. Also working on splitting my awareness for the hand and foot work so I can cut my time in half.
As far as accidental projections go.. i'm not sure. I have had a couple of "false starts" where I'll get out of bed and do some of my morning routine (usually) and then wake up. Could be projections, but could also still be dreams. I have more work to do before i'd be able to say for sure.
12/17/14 (Wed) 03:31:32 No. 13332
>>13187 There is always the chance that they lied about being your subconscious and were merely entities that were near you when you decided to go into a trance within your dream.
12/17/14 (Wed) 14:36:57 No. 13373
>>13331 I've had a similar experience a number of times, but I think those are not actual projections.
In majority of sources the claim is that once you project you are able to see your body behind. In my case at least, this has never happened.
12/20/14 (Sat) 05:25:38 No. 13795
So, With Montalk suggesting that AP is potentially dangerous, I figure it might be a good idea to get interested in Lucid dreaming too. Right now I'm on day 5 (Yeah, just started.) and I was wondering if the tech we learn during this program would be useful for lucid dreaming too?
12/20/14 (Sat) 06:15:26 No. 13821
>>13795 keep reading, after recording enough dreams you'll start noticing recurring aspects of your dreams which leads to lucidity.
The program also states that filling yourself with energy prior to going to sleep increases the chances of lucid dreaming.
02/06/15 (Fri) 21:07:55 No. 21264
Is anyone continuing/finished with this? How were your results?
02/07/15 (Sat) 18:25:14 No. 21330
On like day 22, hopefully the exercises won't keep stacking up because it's quite annoying as it is. But good energy work indeed and my mind is getting closer to being able to be emptied.
02/08/15 (Sun) 08:32:07 No. 21401
>>21264 On 60th day, here's some results;
>high-average skill in energy control, can heat my entire body by stimulating hands >3 spontaneous OOBEs >increased percent-chance to have lucid dreams, can restrict some of my actions even if not lucid I would probably be finished with this program already but there's been some days when I haven't had any chance to practice plus I can't enter trance, so I'm taking extra days to work on it.
02/08/15 (Sun) 16:16:03 No. 21421
Hey, can anyone post the link to the cds again? The other thread 404'd
monday mars 23 03/23/15 (Mon) 22:23:17 No. 29104
>>9462 request dump books, please. other thread 404
03/27/15 (Fri) 17:50:05 No. 29645
>>29104 2nd anon bumping for book uploads
03/28/15 (Sat) 01:39:55 No. 29735
>>29645 triple bump from another desiring mind
04/30/15 (Thu) 16:07:56 No. 35863
Another mind desires to know.
04/30/15 (Thu) 16:44:52 No. 35867
bumpin in hopes of Book and CD materialization
SAGE! 05/01/15 (Fri) 16:13:40 No. 35980
07/06/15 (Mon) 04:05:10 No. 45824
07/06/15 (Mon) 10:31:50 No. 45847
90 days to astral travel seems like a painful experience to me….
Tons of other ressources suggest that you only need 2-3 weeks to experience one and be able to replicate it (NAP says that you only need a couple of days)
I've been experiencing with it now and my MM told me I'd be able to have a lucid one in 4 days (this book seems lik a whole bunch of unnecessary drills/practices)