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tl;dr How do I manage to maintain a focused, calm and content state of being without outside influence?

I feel like my mind is highly susceptible to my environment. May be even more so than other people. I was an introvert my entire life and was fine not talking to anyone for long periods of time, but that started to change in recent years and now I need constant social validation and positive messages in order to have a good day. I don't necessarily have to hear "you're smart", etc, but just having a fun or spontaneous conversation is necessary to keep my mind calm and relaxed. Is there any way to cut this dependency? I realize the human being is a social animal but this feels like a very strict dependency. If I can't cut the dependency, then at least a method to diminish it would be nice. If I'm not in a good mood I can't work, be creative or feel good at all during the day. Before anyone says it, sure, exercise helps, but it's not enough.


Awareness, having thought, having lack of thought.

I find my mind tuning out while people are talking nowadays, because it's just so predictable, especially if it's politics.


This goes in the question thread. Read the rules.



talk to the astral beings

also awareness and realize everyone is you. so if you look within you'll find everything.

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