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Esoteric Wizardry


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/fringe/ users need to become aware of the military abduction phenomena - MILABS.






and choose the format you prefer

Montalk's main book "Fringe Knowledge For Beginners", read from page 92 to 96.

Basically, shadow government/military has insanely advanced tech, and insanely overblown resources, even Montalk doesn't mention the most unbelievable parts (like dimensional tech which allows them to shift operatives out of the physical range, and perform direct surveilance, operation and even abductions on people while being invisible and untouchable themselves, or view possible future based on people's choices and events, and even by that build algorithms to predict person's, and that of groups of people future behaviour). They abduct people using that tech during the night/sleep, and do shit to them, including post-hypnotic mind programming, often more direct by needle-to-the-eye tech (this is very visible in yourself and other people once you know of it, it's like getting redpilled second time, you'll notice those eyes in people you see irl, in the news, or anywhere else. Take a look at his eyes in first pic, it's funny how they actually managed to capture that look/feel in a game). The highest mistake people make by believing that they "aren't important enough" to abduct, while from what I gathered, they value every person and his interactions and influence much more than that person himself. Every person, literally EVERY single one that has any interactions with other people, any influence, even if completely miniscule on others, and or just simply researches and thinks of things by himself, is worth doing this to. What to even say people who lurk and post in /pol/, /polk/, /x/, /fringe/, and any other deeper boards or imageboards (not talking anime here).

It's a hard worldview to form, but anyone who researches and lurks long enough will reach the same conclusions.

Abductions happen on regular enough intervals, could be just once a month, like for normalfags, just to "corregate" behavior, or could be every night if you're a /pol/ or /fringe/ user.

The easiest way to protect yourself is to film yourself everytime you sleep, with a good enough camera for view to be clear and detailed and non-foggy. Fast scroll-review it in the morning, and if everything's good you can delete it. Also be aware of yourself when falling asleep, try to never just "black out".

If you don't do this, be ready to subconsciously sabotage yourself everywhere, including in daily life and especially interactions with others, and feel shitty and numbed most of the time. Not the fate I wish for my fellow kameraden anons ofcourse. It sounds silly that underground shadow military faction would use dimensional tech to kidnap users of an esoteric board (actually any board that influences people's lives and beliefs) in a taiwanese piss bottle forum, and program their subconscious to shit their life up and the board itself, but if you think in butterfly effect's terms, in which they operate, all becomes less insane.

(I made the original post in /polk/ - x/pol/ thread, and /fringe/ was among my listed boards from the start. Obviously not everyone at /fringe/ is aware of what I'm talking about, or considers it as a serious thing that fucks them up at this moment.)


Hahaha how about no, you paranoid faget.

Some people may need that experience but others simply block it from entering their reality.



How do you block it, if you can't even access or control your subconscious?

You are deluded.


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Also truth (or mostly) of ancient Aryan races and the present. If you can put these two pictures together, and see the symbolic meaning in the second, you will understand. Also by knowing that the second one is not just some made up by some anon, but from a Cosmopolitan article as a single and first source, try reverse image searching it.

If you understood, not needing to say, this is one of the "hellish worlds" mentioned.


>you all need to read 5 pages of this book that most of you are already aware of/have read



Stop projecting your insecurities, fag.



>can't even access or control your subconscious

Are you sure you into magic from the sounds of that statement it seems like you don't even know how to do stuff that isn't cool magic.

You might want to look into stuff like NLP.



NLP? Link?



I mean a decent resource link, not wikipedia obviously.


I've seen a pattern of posts like these and they always promote the same idea. Fear. Hey goy, the guvment has all these secret technologies, they are watching you at all times, there is nothing you can do! All this serves to do is to cause weak-willed subjects to become fearful and paranoid. Look, you moron. If they can actually do all that crap, what good is filming yourself going to do? Can't they simply disable the camera or overwrite the footage? Laughable ideas. Examine the possible motive of these kinds of posts. They serve to cause people to be paralyzed with fear, always looking over their shoulder, always freaking out over government interference whenever they spot a black car drive by their house or when they spill a glass of fucking milk. This keeps people occupied, chained to this paradigm of thinking, instead of making real effort and change in themselves, namely self-empowerment of themselves spiritually, and working towards reform in the real world.


I had a dream once. I was somewhat lucid in the dream and I vividly rememebered whilst I was there in that moment that something was about to take me somewhere. The last time I went there, I pussied out. I think last time, after gazing at the moon, I said something like "show me the truth" and I was taken into some strange room but I ran away because I got scared.

Anyway, yeah, I followed the feeling and I remember moving through some kind of space. I couldn't see anything during the motion but I remember the feeling that I was moving, that I was being transported. When I could see again, I was strapped into some kind of chair I think? I don't know if I was strapped necessarily but I was definitely seated in some kind of chair. Then, my vision faded to black and I don't remember anything.

Guys, is someone modifying my brain? If so, for what purpose?


You could be raped by a million niggers in your sleep, but if you never knew about it and thought you had a very good life, you'd probably come out close to even rather than in a dark downward spiral of despair.

In other words don't get your cortisol and adrenaline pumping over something that isn't likely true. We're intelligent and inventive creatures so it's easy to piece together things that COULD be true but is most likely NOT true. We always think about how things COULD go right for our opposition without considering what could so easily go wrong. Confirmation bias.


I'm with this guy.

You might as well be screaming "Jihad!" instead of "Truth!"

The worst you can imagine is not the truth. The worst that reality can support without being full blown delusional is not truth. Luckily shit isn't that way. Don't take that million niggers thing seriously either, you'd be major fucked up.

That's another point, if anything serious was happening to you you'd be MAJOR fucked up. Being paranoid and addicted to cortisol and adrenaline or whatever the fuck more than explains all your "symptoms".

Take one from someone who knows, as soon as you go a straight month without thinking about shit like this, getting suspicious, getting all "The Truth!", or "Something Must Be Done!", or whatever else, the longer you just straight up try to be as relaxed as possible, with intermittent physical activity (daily run, strength training (bw or weights)), with some nice immersive books or shows/movies, the less you'll worry about this shit and get some perspective.

You're too reactive.

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